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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6336681 No.6336681 [Reply] [Original]

are mios plus seltzer water a healthy substitute for soda?

>> No.6336685


No, but water is.

>> No.6336686

>I can't drink plain water! I need something with flavor!

This is why you're fat.

>> No.6336701

Some people use it to flavor their vodka

>> No.6336703


I think regular Canada Dry Seltzer water is zero calories. Its basically carbonated water.
I used to be addicted to coke, pepsi, Dr pepper and stuff. But I've been drinking seltzer water in place of those sugary flavoured soda drinks for about 8 months.
Its worked great because it still satisfies that craving for carbonated bubbly fizzy drink but its zero calorie and no sugars. I think its a healthy alternative. Its helping me transition to just drinking water. Now if I try to drink a coke its like trying to drink a glass of pancake syrup. Gross !!

>> No.6336708

>/ck/ has this massive problem with perfectly good cordials
I'll never understand it
But get some damn taste, OP

>> No.6336710

You are a seriously stupid asshole. Go fuck off to whatever world thinks you are clever and smart.

>> No.6336711

I wouldn't call it either healthy or unhealthy; it's not that good either way. Just drink less soda instead of trying to replace it.

I could see that working; I'd prefer to just make my own syrup since it tastes too much like artificial sweeteners though

>> No.6336712

it's better than soda, sure. I guess it could be a good way to ween yourself off of sodas in general. Due to where I lived the past decade I was basically forced to get used to not having dr. pepper or soda in general available...glad it happened. i can enjoy it now every few weeks as it should be: a treat.

this can be expensive depending on your budget but you can always just get some pellegrino sparking water and add in some fruit, makes a nice carbonated drink w/o the sugars.

>> No.6336719

>>add in some fruit, makes a nice carbonated drink w/o the sugars.
>>no sugar

>> No.6336726

>and add in some fruit, makes a nice carbonated drink w/o the sugars.

Fruit's loaded with sugar to the point of it being unhealthy, in addition fruit wouldn't flavor it on its own. this board be stupid

>> No.6336733

no added sugars dumbass, i didn't know i had to split hairs and be so goddamn specific for you to follow the logic.

eat some fruit retard, it is not unhealthy. try not to eat 200lbs of watermelon and you will be just fine.

>fruits have sugar to the point of being unhealthy

what is this world coming to.....

>> No.6336744


I don't want to ween myself off fizzy drinks though. How does this have any unhealthy factors at all? Seltzer is basically carbonated water, and mios are basically food coloring with flavor, there shouldn't be anything wrong with it.

>> No.6336762

>>adding fruit to carbonated water
>>no added sugars

>> No.6336765

it uses sucralose, aka splenda. reports vary on how safe or unsafe it is; i would rather go with mixing a lil fruit in with water than use mio, but that is just me.

>> No.6336768

>try not to eat 200lbs of watermelon
I'll try

>> No.6336770


The main point being, I want to guzzle it down with out turning into a blimp. Will that happen?

>> No.6336775

newp. enjoy.

>> No.6336907


it will turn you into a blimp. go with seltzer water. just, step away form the sugar and no one will get hurt.

>> No.6336925

Guy quoted is just fucking with you op.

but just look at the nutritional listing, it is not magic...there is no way it will fatten you up unless you're unloading a few whole containers in to every 8oz glass of water like a moron.

squirt a hit of flavor in, and enjoy. relax, you will not turn in to a gigantic fatass over some mio.

>> No.6336963

>There's no added sugar except all of this added sugar
>Lol just practice moderation

And now we're back to square 1. Drink soda in moderation, don't try to replace it by shoveling gallons of shitty replacements down the chasm your fat ass calls a mouth.

>> No.6336976

Fatty detected.

>> No.6336987

are you seriously still bitching about the natural sugars in fruit? jesus christ man...let it go already and enjoy your raw cabbage medley.

hell, treat yourself to a guilty pleasure and have a shot of wheat grass, i won't tell.

>> No.6337030

>being this blubber berserked
It's true fatty fatty 2x4 couldn't fit through the bathroom door.

>> No.6337067

but he said he wants to "guzzle it down"
that sounds like he intends to drink 8 litres a day of that stuff. not gonna be good for the body

>> No.6337077

8 liters is quite a stretch, not sure if you are being silly or just don't know how much that actually is...but even if he was that thirsty it wouldn't be too terrible, and a definite improvement versus regular sodas.

>> No.6337125

Diet soda is literally no better or worse than this, unless if you want the caffeine for the metabolic boost.

Though you would be spending more, since seltzer water costs as much as Diet ____ but you also are incorporating those overpriced Mio things into the mix.

>> No.6337133

Not him, but sugar is sugar is sugar. Doesn't matter if it comes from an apple or extracted from some other plant then refined into pure sugar. Every gram of sugar is 4 kcal. Those are just facts.

Note that I didn't make an assumption that you shouldn't eat sugar.

But for those who don't want sugar for one reason or another, YES there are artificial sweeteners which add zero calories to your food or drink while achieving equivalent sweetness and yes, these sweeteners are safe to ingest.

>> No.6337156

It's better than soda, that's for sure. I'd still try to transition to just water, since its so much cheaper, but if it keeps you from shoveling down cupcakes, I'd say it's a win.

Try the powerade zero mountain berry blast drops, it's pretty good. Stay away from anything artificially sweetened and orange flavor, your taste buds will thank you.

>> No.6337189
File: 166 KB, 827x1517, dr-pepper-diet-can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aspartame is one of the most thoroughly-tested food ingredients in the world. It is not unsafe. For every study that asserts that it's bad for you, there's either a) a qualifying statement about "more study is needed to reach any real conclusions" or b) at least as many studies that say the exact opposite.

Diet soda is fine in every way except dental health. It won't make you fat. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6337208

>not even once

>> No.6337210

No, unless you think tooth decay is healthy.

>> No.6337241

Welp, changed my mind.

>> No.6337249

Cigarettes are one of the most thoroughly-tested products in the world. They are not unsafe. For every study that asserts that they're bad for you, there's either a) a qualifying statement about "more study is needed to reach any real conclusions" or b) at least as many studies that say the exact opposite.

Tobacco is fine in every way except finger staining. It won't give you cancer. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6337260

Except no scientist has ever made that assertion. The last time anyone believed anything remotely like that was over half a century ago when cigarettes were anything but thoroughly tested. After they'd been subjected to half as much testing as aspartame, everyone knew they were death.

>> No.6337265

Metabolized to formaldehyde.

He probably drinks acesulfame K

>> No.6337308

Why not drink tea?

>> No.6337322

>Except no scientist has ever made that assertion.


>> No.6337324

It's expensive and bland. Water is best.

>> No.6337326

>tea is bland
>water isn't

>> No.6337332

Ok fine, a few un-credible scientists asserted that and everyone else didn't believe it. You win, great job, aspartame is poison, it's settled.

>> No.6337337
File: 28 KB, 310x439, daijoubu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's correct.

>> No.6337345

The phosphoric acid in diet sodas can also weaken your bones, but I'll qualify that by saying only by drinking well in excess of what people would drink of any fluid on any given day.

>> No.6337353

>everyone else didn't believe it


>By the mid-1950s, individuals in the United States began to sue the companies responsible for manufacturing and marketing cigarettes for damages related to the effects of smoking. In the forty years through 1994, over 800 private claims were brought against tobacco companies in state courts across the country...The tobacco companies enjoyed great success in these lawsuits. Only two plaintiffs ever prevailed, and both of those decisions were reversed on appeal.

>> No.6337363

>The scientists who said tobacco is fine are not credible
>The scientists who say aspartame is fine are credible

What do you base this assertion on?

>> No.6337378

>Sugar isn't sugar if I say it isn't

No, you're a retard, stop trying to give people advice. Fatty.

>> No.6337380

Current scientific consensus says that aspartame is safe to consume in levels far above what any sane person would consume.

Current scientific consensus says that regularly smoking tobacco is very, very bad for your health.

You can look for any individual study that helps your argument.


>> No.6337387

>sugar is sugar is sugar
this isn't true tho.

>> No.6337395

And in the 1910's, scientific consensus said Radium was a cure-all wonder of modern science.

You have a weak argument. I'm not saying your wrong, but you might want to work on it a bit more.

>> No.6337397

THANK you.

>> No.6337399

But a few decades ago, 'current' science said that tobacco was healthy. How can you be sure about aspartame? Science only reports what they know at the time, and they tend to report things really quickly to satisfy public need. It was recently that butter was bad for you and margarine wasn't but it changed. Science isn't an absolute.

>> No.6337404

That's a great point. So why say that aspartame is bad for you if you don't actually know and at present, the experts seem to have something at least close to consensus saying it isn't? I mean, we also have a consensus that spinach isn't bad for you; are you gonna stop eating spinach because maybe that will change?

>> No.6337405

We go by the best resources we have available to us at any given time. Sure, what we believe to be true can change.

But by focusing on one study and proclaiming it unsafe while ignoring the body of evidence that concludes it is safe is wrong.

>> No.6337412

>How can you be sure about aspartame?

When did I say I'm sure? Nobody's sure about anything. We can only make educated guesses. The key word here is "educated". I do research for a living, though it doesn't have anything to do with food, but I hardly ever work under any premises as well-tested as "aspartame is generally safe for human consumption". This is why I consume aspartame without worrying too much thought about it.

>> No.6337843

These fucking things gave me a kidney stone.

Woke up pissing blood this morning

>> No.6337969

imma go out on a limb and say you have other issues than mio in your water....

>> No.6337975


just drink water you fat nigger

>> No.6338044

If you can't handle drinking plain water, you are probably a fat piece of shit. I have a friend who doesn't like chicken wings because "It's too much work for just a little meat" so he prefers to stuff "boneless wings" down his fat fucking gullet.

That being said, water "enhancers" (kek) probably won't kill you.