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File: 45 KB, 360x450, angry old guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6333907 No.6333907 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the absolute worst people to get stuck near in a grocery store, and why is it old people? What is it about age that made them forget the simplest rules of navigating space filled by other people?

>> No.6333912


People stuck on their phones are far worse than old people in my experience.

>> No.6333915

Kids are the worst.

>> No.6333934

Suburban moms. They hog the Isle and gey offended that you want to get something. They are blocking you from getting

>> No.6333939
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Try getting stuck behind them in the self check out line.

>> No.6333943

People with carts which happens to be old people, women, and niggers when they get their EBT money.

I shop with a basket so I can have mobility and move around those people. I wouldn't even want to buy a cart full of groceries because I'm not sure I'd be interested in what I bought in a week. It also eases unloading groceries into my house. If I can fit it into a basket, I can carry it into the house in one trip. You never, ever make more than one trip. It's a rule all men must follow.

>> No.6333944


This. Walking through aisles saying heads up so you're not walked into.
Plus, that faggot talking louder than absolutely necessary.

>> No.6333947

fat nigger momamas.
I say this out of experience, they'll try to cut in line while babbling incoherently, it's all a ruse to say aren't those little nigger babbies so cute... no... they want to cut in line.

Don't be sucker and let them do it.

Again, this is from experience, stand your ground and don't let them or their babbies cut the line.

The funny thing is when they realize that they can't do it, they give that poor nigger face... oooohhh that white man he be owin' meh nows!

Watch, I'll get banned for relating truth from experience in NYC.

>> No.6333951

That would be me, but I'm leaning on my cart, slowly moving forward and looking at my grocery list intently.

>> No.6333952

When you age your organs start to fail and simple tasks need more time to process.

>> No.6333959
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>not using the half cart

Absolute pleb-tier shopper. Have fun carrying your shit, nigger.

>> No.6333960

Old people are fine in the aisles typically assuming they're not apparently deaf and they don't hear you coming, they're usually polite and respect your space, but fat middle aged white women (in my experience) are by far the most likely to have ABSOLUTELY NO spacial awareness. Oh and fat middle aged Mexican women too who always have no less than 2 kids and usually at least 3.

If I get stuck behind an old person at the register though I'm always sad because they almost exclusively use checks, and they take their time to write everything as neatly as possible.

>> No.6333961

piss off nigger, my organs go to white people, you can assign them ya know... they're yours not the governments.

>> No.6333966

The mexicunt or africant woman with four kids who she's given up in attempting to raise and instead lets run around getting in everyone's way.

>> No.6333975

>You never, ever make more than one trip

That means a week, dumbass.

You can't fit a week of nutrition into your feminine basket.

Why not just weave your own fucking basket and prance around all the old people like susan b anthony you son of bitch

>> No.6333976


Women in general. They'll just leave their cart in the middle of an aisle, totally blocking it while they grab something.

Move that shit to the side, goddamn.

>> No.6333979

What people don't realize is that a person is a person that means that there's no default organ donation BS... and if you want to specify where they go if you agree to that ghoulish crap then you can.

Mine will, and I choose to not agree, will go to white people. Niggers can fuck off.

>> No.6333984

Ever notice the demographic of the ones that do that. It's either blacks with lots of kids or some fat white chick married to a black guy with lots of kids and she doesn't know who all the babby daddies are.

>> No.6333990


topedges m80 topedge

>> No.6334401

Fucking this. Constantly having to push abandoned carts to the sides.

The number of times I've seen some woman walking along, absentmindedly staring sideways at the shelves with one hand on her cart as it careers off into the middle of the aisle. Then it just gets left there when the item they're looking for rears into view and they wander over to get it.

>> No.6334416
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>Why not just weave your own fucking basket and prance around all the old people like susan b anthony you son of bitch

Holy shit my sides

>> No.6334427

this mesmerized me longer than it should have

>> No.6334449

They don't give a shit anymore, and not only were there FAR less people in their own day, they were less pushy as a rule.

People today half the time are shitheads who don't deserve any courtesy. Pragmatism is lost on old people, they care not for your notion of social laws relative to efficiency in one's day, their mindset is often entirely different.

I live in a relatively rural area, north eastern rural, not kansas rural. And old people never behave that way until you start getting in higher population pressure areas.

Have fun with the madness in whatever shit city you call home.

>> No.6334452

>thinks old folks are bad
>has obviously never had the joy of shopping in the vicinity of a fat black lady and her small children

>> No.6334453

Work produce part-time, elderly and mature eastern-europeans are the worst, sorry.

>> No.6334461
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Grocery store cashier here

Old people forget how debit cards work on a regular basis but I attribute that to not knowing how Jetson's technology works - fuck this land

Real truth. I throw mad shade on middle aged moms who throw a full cart of groceries in a half cart but seriously - fuck baskets, use a damn half cart if you know how to shop for groceries

>mfw full cart of groceries in a half cart and they ask for paper

>> No.6334485

I grew up poor and uncivilized and I used to be really oblivious in grocery stores until I started dating someone who would get onto my case every time I was in someone's way. I'm better now.

>> No.6334492

Worst is behind some poor Fuck piece of shit with a hundred WIC papers.. they need there own lane for that slow shit. Posses me right off.. and all ways happens when your in a hurry with only like three things.

>> No.6334511
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>tfw they reach for their checkbook

>> No.6334517

There are no half carts at the stores I go to.
I use a cart, but fuck the people who use them improperly. Especially when two of them decide to stop and talk in the middle of the aisle and clog up the entire thing. It's always the middle aged ladies too.

>> No.6334519

>Not using a checkbook
>Not tracking all of your purchases by hand and having a constant rough understanding of your finances and what goes where.
>Relying on electronic transactions.
>Not being broke, writing a check, and later making sure money gets in the bank to cover it.

You're hamstringin' yourself, dawg. Checks are certainly no outdated old world relic.

>> No.6334520
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>at grocery store
>old guy in front of me
>checker is a teenager
>oh god
>he starts lecturing her about what a rutabaga is
>mfw I have one fucking item and I just want to get out

>> No.6334524

Ever get any blacks that put their kids on the converbelt? "Lookie here darlin' I just want to see my babby's but in that laser machine?" Aint it cute?

>> No.6334529
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>Not being broke, writing a check, and later making sure money gets in the bank to cover it

Try not being poor.

>> No.6334531


>> No.6334532


I believe he's commenting on the fact that it takes old people 5 whole years to write out a check, not that checks are useless as a whole.

>> No.6334538

most check systems are quick. You hand a blank check to the cashier, she puts it in a scanner that prints the information onto the check.you sign the debit/credit/ebt card machine screen and the cashier hands you back a voided check. it takes roughly the same amount of time to run a debit card purchase. I use checks at the grocery store because the account I have is only for groceries, rent, and household bills. IT doesn't have a debit card attached to it. I do this for budget purposes, and I have a separate account for other purchases that does have a debit/atm card.

>> No.6334540

This is what I meant, middle aged women writing checks annoy me, old shits etching a check like it is made of stone drives me mad.

Those are fine, unless the old fucker still insists on filling everything out anyway, just to piss everyone off.

>> No.6334544


There's nothing wrong with checks, it's slow nignogs that take up a lot of time or someone who's cards keeps failing. Usually in those instances another line get's opened.

Remember that these old folks that you hate so much were the ones who fought in WW II and afterwards and if it means waiting a bit, I'm OK with that. They're smart folk, it's the nignogs that really fuck up everything.

>> No.6334546

So, what did you learn about rutabagas, young man?

>> No.6334548
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Not the worst, but certainly annoying:

>always either a middle-aged Basket-ball American woman
>on the phone


>A very Asian family
>Husband, wife, mother in law, both kids

>at the self checkout
>with a fullsize cart
>completely full
>when the regular registers aren't even busy

Fucking hell.

>> No.6334549

>Get in shorter line, this should be quick
>Old lady
>Hold on let me get my coupons
>Starts diggin into purse
>Why didnt you do that while she was ringing everything up arrrhh
>Then she pulls out a checkbook
>Who do I make these out to?
>I'd assume the name of the store
>Can I get cashback?
>Other line finished years earlier
Can't imagine how long it'd take if something went wrong.

>> No.6334550

>doesn't have a smart phone and a credit union with online banking
Stop living in the stone age grandpa. My credit unions online service updates within seconds of a purchase.

Giving a cold check in hopes of having the money later means poor money managment.

>> No.6334551

Oldies aren't as bad as:

>coupon hoarders (admittedly likely to be old)
>black people

But the ultimate factor in the speed of the line is the competency of the person operating the register. Some of the cashiers are borderline retarded or chat with the customer instead of ringing up the items.

>> No.6334559

>Remember that these old folks that you hate so much were the ones who fought in WW II and afterwards

I work for a Veterans organization, I'm aware and admire their sacrifices, but they also fought for the banks, so the least they can do is use a debit card.

>> No.6334563

The stench!

>> No.6334580
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What are you goofy? Most of them fought because the either the USA was being attacked or they were conscripted. They weren't fighting for the 'banks.'

You've been listening to too much alex jones and the trials and tribulations of the lizard people.

>> No.6334590

I'll never have a smart phone and have never wanted one.

I have a credit union. The idea of giving an unbacked check only works because of an overdraft buffer that only accumulates interest if you don't pay it in a month or so.

>> No.6334592
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>What are you goofy?
No, Donald Duck motherfucker!

>> No.6334635

Uggggh oh my god.

>be a cashier
>tfw it's a three way tie between old fucks with nothing else to do, single mothers, and niggers all day.

I can't have fun without alchohol/drugs because these faggots suck the life out of me.

>> No.6334638
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>Old people forget how debit cards work on a regular basis
Only had this happen once but it was incredibly frustrating
>I don't understand why this is asking for numbers, do I need to type in my card
>Sir if you're using a debit card you have a pin unless it also has a credit option
>This is my only bank card, it's not for credit and I use it everywhere
>Alright but you have to have a PIN number with it for a transaction to go through, like the one you use at an ATM
>I don't know what you're talking about, it doesn't have that. I'm going to type my card's numbers in

He only cashed out after my co-worker asked what his secret card number was

>check goes through scanner
>gets rejected because they haven't withdrawn from their account using a check for a certain period of time
>have to spend thirty minutes explaining the situation as they start raging/crying or exchange their personal information over the phone in order to get approval for the transaction

>> No.6334648

I've met some really awesome couponers (like ones who donate all the items they buy or the quiet immigrant couple that will secretly leave extra coupons out for other customers) but the worst are definitely the ones who just buy stuff to resell it after or want to brag because they were able to buy thirty renuzits for $5.

>> No.6334656

>Distracted middle aged woman in checkout on phone. Pays her bill, picks up her two bags and walks out leaving the cart in the checkout lane. I literally kicked it down the aisle towards her, but it missed. Checker said nothing.

>> No.6334659

no no no junkies trying to buy single beers out of a six pack and arguing with the guy at the register is more embarrassing.

>> No.6334662
File: 134 KB, 964x569, article-2138407-12E2A5D6000005DC-4_964x569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo man, lemmie get a loosie!

>> No.6334667

>not just knocking them on their ass

>> No.6334684

Well and I live in a hood where its a weird mix of up and coming yuppie whites in 2000-3000 dollar a month apts and is historically poorer and predominantly hispanic.

>> No.6334694

You live in San Antonio?

>> No.6334712

no dc actually. its a fun neighborhood mostly and close to public transit but its a weird mix of poor latinos and oblivious generic wonk/yuppie types who want to live within easy access to downtown dc without needing a car.

>> No.6334713

Maybe Chelsea NYC, that's one weird place and I'm glad that I only lived there for two years.

I put in my time around those weirdos!

>> No.6334717

hahaha dc, condolences!

>> No.6334744

Thankfully I don't have to deal with mexicans or super ghetto african americans, but I do get to deal with

yuppie white girls covered from head to toe in lorna jane on their iphones

honestly the asians and indians aren't bad at all. they sometimes are hard to understand but are always very kind and move out of the way if you are trying to grab something.

the aboriginals are just cunts all around, the white girls are incredibly full of themselves and don't move the fuck out of the way or know how to operate a simple eftpos machine

>> No.6334747

was born here, meh, used to it.

>> No.6334771

there are still states with that? i thought it all went on debit cards like... a decade ago

>> No.6334781

>uses a credit union

>> No.6334783

never thought Id see another DCbro on here.

I never really realized how much shit people cause, until I started shopping for my families groceries on my own in my neighborhood it was always the suburban moms who ran into their friends after church and would bumblefuck around and block the whole aisle

>> No.6334798

Do the abbos get their panties in a tuff when you walk up Ayer's Rock playing a derigidoo and yelling "DINGO GOT MAH BAYBAY!"

>> No.6334815

Run databases for CSR for companies, you'll see shit that you didn't believe existed. Most of it is downright stupid but funny, but some shit is out of whackjob land.

The worst is dealing with h1b idiots. The bobbing of the head and trying to not crack up laughing.

>> No.6334834

whole foods in friendship heights makes me visibly upset. parents insist on that shit. well, at least wee is legal here now so food tastes better.

>> No.6334860

did you mean to post that in this thread?

>> No.6334959

The worst people to be stuck near in a grocery store, especially in line, are the EBT and WIC people who don't understand basic math or budgeting and can't get it in their fucking head that loading 2 shopping carts full of shit and then going up to the register and telling the cashier to "put back" 3/4ths of what they pulled from the shelves until they can afford what's left, which is always steaks, chicken wings, pork ribs, soda, and tv dinners, isn't how normal people go shopping. Jesus Christ there are labels with prices all over for a reason.

>> No.6334987


blacks. they always have more than one transaction. buy 5 things on 4 different receipts and then the booze, lottery tickets, and menthol cigarettes with cash.

>> No.6335031
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WIC is something different, and >>6334492 is a fag - WIC totally helps babies and moms feed themselves.

>> No.6335046

I'm on ebt and i maybe bought a steak once in the past year with ebt, you are just flat wrong. Hell, I mostly spend it on the farmer's market.

>> No.6335057

Yes. I know exactly what i was doing.

>> No.6335153

Are you one of the assholes who loads up a cart and then decides what to buy with his government handout at the register? If not then shut the fuck up, and if you are, kill yourself.

>> No.6335167

make me

>> No.6335378

As someone who has worked at two grocery stores for entirely too long, younger white children scream the most, while black kids are the most mischevious. White kids do really stupid shit, though, like hide in paper towels and constantly get lost so we have to find them.

Never had a problem with latino children.

>> No.6335405

Haha, I used to work produce and they are definitely the worst. They always want to compare your produce with their homeland shit. I had a random white dude with long hair who was even worse about it and would complain about pepper prices like anyone but him gave a fuck. Buy it, grow it, or leave me the fuck alone.
Man, when I used to run a register Wic was a nightmare at first, but eventually I got quick enough at it and just brushed off any mistakes because I knew they wouldn't fire me, but yeah, wic can be a nightmare. I don't really know what it's like to behind a wic customer though, because I avoid it like the plague.
Where the hell do you people live, seeing this?

My absolute worst guy was a north african guy (I'm assuming) who always tried to get everything marked down and constantly complained about everything along with the guy up above who thought people wanted to have conversation with him.

>> No.6335408

>Remember that these old folks that you hate so much were the ones who fought in WW II and afterwards and if it means waiting a bit, I'm OK with that.
Meh, most old folks around nowadays are the Vietnam and Korean war vets, and even if they were from WW2, I don't care.

>> No.6335912

he should make you stop being a burden on society. Nigger.

>> No.6335923

>Never had a problem with latino children.

People talk shit about beaners, but they do discipline their children. I've seen plenty of them whip off a chankla and go to town on their kids little brown ass in stores. I've got to respect that level of public beating at a time when most people complain about child abuse.

>> No.6335942

>Relying on electronic transactions.

You think check transactions are all processed by hand or something? The clerk writes in a big ledger and then carefully counts out silver dollars to be carried to the other bank by pony express?

>> No.6335965

They can't see or hear, and moving is painful. It's going to happen to you, too, no matter what you do, eventually.

>> No.6335971

saw a black woman at walmart grab a belt off the rack and whoop the hell out her male spawn.

>> No.6335974
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>implying pleasant elders aren't the best to talk to

>> No.6335975

>Who are the absolute worst people to get stuck near in a grocery store

A rapist

>> No.6335977
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>> No.6335980
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>fucking need pasta sauce fucking cart in the way
>move said cart
>as I'm moving it "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" From behind me
>soccer mom left her cart in middle of isle to go to another
>ma'm you left your cart in the isle and I needed to get by
>Well I don't see how I could steal things you haven't paid for...
>Try to turn and walk away
>Pushes me
>Fucking cunt grabs my arm
>Pull away, by this time store manager is involved
>I explain what happened come & collected and she just goes bat shit trying to get at me and throwing shit saying I pushed her
>police called
>surveillance tape reviewed
>one person left in handcuffs that day (fucking right I pressed charges just because I'm young doesn't mean I deserve to be treated like a child)
>Her face while they were cuffing her and she realized she was fucked even though she maintained she din do nuffin
>pic related

>> No.6335992

>think you have niggers

only people in the south experience real niggers

>> No.6335998 [DELETED] 

Clearly you've never spend over a day in NYC

>> No.6336016
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You know when you're standing in a long line and there is a baby/toddler in front of you. Do you ignore the kid or do you make silly faces and wave? Does that annoy parents?

>> No.6336017

good job anon
that's probably not what happened though, the thought counts

>> No.6336018

Please tell me this happened in Alberta.

>> No.6336019

ignore the kid
always ignore the kid
if it gets up in your space scream at it
people will applaud you
works everytime

>> No.6336020

I stopped at a few fast food restaurants while traveling through Alabama and Mississippi, I honestly could not understand what these women were saying to me.

>> No.6336021

I do whatever I can to make them laugh. Mostly they just look away and I continue standing and staring at the tabloids near the check out

>> No.6336023

>in the south
>goes for fast food
>not one of the hundreds of hole in the wall take away restaurants with based soul food

>> No.6336026

Would it have made a difference?

>> No.6336031

>come and collected

>> No.6336051

when I had purple hair a kid started pulling it

>> No.6336121

brony detected

>> No.6336249

Kid's gonna be a winner. Recognizes degeneracy at an early age.

>> No.6336275


>> No.6336287

I use envelopes :^)

>> No.6336293

That's good for you but where I live nobody spends their EBT bucks at a farmer's market, because they don't have the transportation to drive to one. For every person that actually buys something decent with their card we get three more that just use them on candy, energy drinks and the cash side to buy cigarettes. There's nothing quite like seeing a cart completely filled with Marie Callender's pies or Tyson frozen chicken nuggets but yes these people exist.

At least with WIC they can only buy items that are qualified for it.

>> No.6336295

I never try to buy singles at a grocery store, but packies that don't sell singles piss me off... sometimes I want to try it, because I've never had it, but don't want to buy the $15 six pack of "le crafty beer" I may or may not like

>> No.6336397 [DELETED] 

>calling them "people"

>> No.6336410


>> No.6336470

ur lucky it didnt hit, lawsuit liability is on you friend

>> No.6336508

go to an alcoholic beverage store, idiot

>> No.6336517


>> No.6336527

>Who are the absolute worst people to get stuck near in a grocery store, and why is it old people?
Not even close. I say it's tourists.
They are on vacation, already distracted, and they don't know where shit is in the store. They park their carts in the middle of the aisle, holler and cluck at other tourons (tourist morons), and wander aimlessly down the middle of the store at a snails pace.

>> No.6336617
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Had to get off my cell phone and on to my computer to post my story...

So I was working as a part-time manager for a small little hole in the wall french restaurant a few summers ago. I would hit up the ethnic farmer's market every other day to grab shit. I quickly befriended the staff. I knew everyone... So the staff would just let me check out at the customer service counter all the time. I would be in and out so fast that it was crazy.

So I would pick up fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, sodas, drinks, and a few candies. In rare cases if the butcher or fish market would be out of something we would get it from the farmer's market. So that's the backstory.

So I'm on my routine run. I fill up my cart with oranges, potatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, drinks, etc., and I get a call from my boss saying to pick up some plastic gloves. I leave my cart by the leafy greens area, placed so people can get by easily and head to look for those gloves really quick which I figure is in houseware. Takes me like almost 2 minutes to cross the store and grab the gloves and head back. So I get back and on one side of my cart is an unmanned cart with a purse and some items sitting on the child seat area. On the other side is this lady blocking me picking up and inspecting vegetables. So I move the unmanned cart and this lady behind me starts chimping out on me saying I'm a thief trying to steal that purse. At this point I see this fat gorilla holding a miniature gorilla coming at me at mach 1 from the aisles and check out area. I finish moving the unmanned cart and try to move my shit and suddenly the gorilla stands in my way and starts going on me. I don't even open my mouth because I know what's going on. I just back up against the lettuce and let them vent for a bit. I then sneak in "I needed to move your cart to get my cart by" while they remember their snouts aren't meant for breathing and they need to use their mouths to collect air. con't

>> No.6336623

So am not waiting around for these monkeys to evolve and I aggressively start for a quick cut between the onion stand and the gorilla queen when suddenly I feel something tugging at my collar. I force myself forward and turn back to see the gorilla queen wants me to 1vs1. I mean I'm 5'11 and back then I was around 180lbs, but these gorillas were about my height, but easily 350lbs. I then calmy tell the gorilla queen that I'm sorry I moved her cart and that I went to pick up the gloves from housewares. At this point logic went out the window and the gorilla starts flailing her available arm at me getting in quick consecutive hits. I obviously had to keep my eyes shut so they don't get gauged by the super long finger nails, but I squinted to see the second gorilla closing in on me. I peeled out of there to the customer service counter laughing like a mad man. These lunatics chased me while I quickly explained to the manager what's going on. I expected these maniacs would settle down by the time they see other people around me. Nope. They started flailing at me. I moved my way behind the customer service counter and these bitches start knocking shit over. They wanted to kill me. I don't remember who they were, but people started to restrain them. They quickly started telling everyone I tried to steal a purse and I should be arrested. Well, the manager starts playing along with them [I thought] and gets on the phone to call the cops.

>> No.6336627

Few minutes later I'm in the back of a cruiser explaining my life to some fat ass cop. I'm taking to the police station and booked. The cops let me get three numbers off my cellphone before taking all my shit. I definitely cared about my job so I got the restaurant's landline, boss' cell, and my little brother's cell. I called my boss to let him know what happened and he was fucking furious, but he said he would come bail me once his wife gets in to cover.

So my boss bailed me. I explained everything, got my court date set, thanked my boss who dropped me off at home from the county jail sometime around midnight. I couldn't sleep. The next day I went into the farmer's market and the manager was nowhere in sight. He called in sick. Anyways. It took a year of court and I beat the charges. I never went back to that farmer's market. Found out from one of the cashier's on facebook the manager committed suicide and in his suicide note he gives me a shout out. Moral of the story; when you see a gorilla in a grocery store- Don't make eye contact and steer clear.

>> No.6336640

Should have shot the animals.

>> No.6336654
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>old people
>fat people
>fat old people
>fat old people who block entire aisles off

>> No.6336675

Fat women with McDonalds babies top my list
>be me
>shopping for dinner
>have hand basket
>standing across the aisle looking at rice
>keep my back to the opposite aisle so that others can go by
>suddenly landwhales
>fat mother, 3 fat kids with clothes that don't even contain their fatness
>all of them walk in front of me in a herd instead of walking single file
>"I guess I'll move then since you people need to take up the entire aisle! "
>mother looks like she's going to say something then thinks better off it and scurries her and her brood out of the aisle
>didn't even get rice, went startchless that night

>> No.6336704

I hate packies so goddamn much

>> No.6336808

People who leave their carts in the middle of the fucking isle are the worst. Especially those who see you coming and still do it.

>> No.6336817

wow, i thought you didnt like "pakis" who didnt sell their beers by the bottle in their grocery stores

>> No.6336845
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slow moving obese people... mainly because they smell

>> No.6336848

Sorry. Packie=Package Store. In most parts of New England, liquor stores put your drinks in thick paper bags that look like packages, hence the euphemism. No one calls them liquor stores, because it sounds dirty.

>> No.6336849

The worst people in the history of stores are the cocksucking motherfuckers who remember that one last thing they meant to buy just as the cashier is ringing up their last item, and they disappear into the bowels of the store with their shit scattered all over the fucking place.

>> No.6336870

wtf is a shitpig handjob?

>> No.6336888

I was also wondering this, but not enough to ask.

>> No.6336903
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It's from this guy's cousin/wife. Pic related

>> No.6337013

Is that mitch hedberg's sister?

>> No.6337082

what's wrong with credit unions?

>> No.6337092

They are for poor people.

>> No.6337099

Whereas high rollers such as yourself keep all of your money in the Canary Islands while your shitposting on /ck/ from your mom's basement?

>> No.6337124

You mean the cayman islands?

>> No.6337291

We also call them spirit shops

>> No.6337327

Who is "we"?

>> No.6337369

The population of northeastern Connecticut

>> No.6337408

I don't give a fuck what Hartford has to say. Literally everywhere from Pawtucket to the Northeast Kingdom calls them packies, and you wannabe Yankees fans can suck it.

>> No.6337617
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I can't read this shit

>> No.6337713

You're good people

>> No.6337735

p.s. you're all yankees, you all talk weird, and we all hate you.

>> No.6337746


Who is "we"?

>> No.6337883

i don't think it is a good idea

>> No.6338017

>porch monkeys chimped out at fag
>cops were called
>fag was arrested
>tried and acquitted
>manager of store an heroed and shouted out to fag in note

>> No.6338045

Not OP but the rest of the world

>> No.6338985

>Northeast Kingdom
"Licker stores". The word "packie" migrated into Vermont with the Massholes.

>> No.6339204

Don't you mean "y'all", you inbred hick?

>> No.6339230

A while ago I was in the grocery store and this really short guy was squinting and looking up at the top shelf in the cookie isle, I pulled up nearby with my trolley and started browsing the selection.
I saw him jump up and reach out at the same time for some low stocked item on the top shelf, like a little jumping jack the poor fellow had about 3 goes trying to dislodge his favorite cookie from the top shelf. I grabbed a packet of my usual from the bottom shelf and began to roll past, the little guy tugged on my shirt and asked me to get the cookie he desired down for him, the last pack on the shelf, I'd never tried them before. I got the cookies down alright but not for him. I have a new favorite cookie thanks to that little guy.

>> No.6339318

That's interesting, because I've only seen one midget in the grocery store, I guess because I live in an area that doesn't have many, and he just casually came up and said "excuse me, can you get that whatever-it-is for me? Thanks." Not a care in the world, the little guy.

Not talking about a regular short guy, I mean an actual midget.

>> No.6339916

Fatties on mobility scooters. BEEP BEEP BEEP.

They always try to run people over. Thank god they don't go to the produce section and stay in meats and soda/cookies/chips aisles.

Now, let's talk about the worst cashiers. Old females, especially niggers. Take forever, and you don't know if they washed their hands recently. Finger all your food looking for the barcode. Blacks never know what different kinds of produce are, so they take especially long. Old bitches always have rancid breath, too.

Best are teenage boys. They check you out at lightning speed so you don't have the time to look at their zits.

>> No.6339921

I agree with everything you have stated. I think the shuffling negroes are the worst though.

>> No.6339940
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When men go to a store they have a fucking purpose
A dude has his money in hand as soon as he enters the check out line

A woman realizes she needs to get her money out of her stupid 20 gallon purse only after the last item is rung.
And then she remembers some stupid fucking coupons.
And pulls out exact change.
And then stands there with resting bitch face on full blast as if the 17 year old cashier would be genuinely affected by her shit attitude /face combo.

Meanwhile I have a smile plastered on my face while I'm imagining giving this hag a People's Elbow into the People Magazine rack.

Women need a license to shop. They can't figure it out on their own.

>> No.6339965


I have all my shit together in advance, card/cash in hand. Maybe if you weren't a misogynist, you could get laid.

>> No.6339968
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>> No.6339970

Blacks. They smell bad, have awful manners and are always in danger of randomly chimping out and stabbing someone.

>> No.6339984

People generally do not annoy me in the grocery store. Bullshit products annoy me. Aisles full of breakfast cereal, snack foods, soda and convenience foods annoy the piss out of me.

But generally I find most people OK. Maybe I just live in a place where the people are pretty friendly.

>> No.6339986
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i fucking guarantee you the worse of the fucking worse OF THE WORSE OF THE FUCKING WORSE IS RESTAURANT DEPOT. HOLY FUCK IT'S TERRIBLE. I fucking dread going there.

They have amazing parking and you can tip the cart pushers like $2 and they'll load your vehicle up with your purchases, but man. Getting around is a fucking hassle.

The constant forklift drivers everywhere moving shit around. You got tiny aisles where you have some asshole always wandering off and then the forklift guys need to get through and then they get jammed up by some asshole who abandons his cart behind him. HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE AMOUNT OF STRESS CAUSED BY SHOPPING THERE IS RIDICULOUS. And to top it all off the check out lanes is horrendous. They don't update their shit. And you got cashiers yelling out shit like WHATS THE UPC FOR X ITEM that lacks a barcode or isn't in set up properly in the database. And then you got people who stack shit on their cart like Jenga blocks and the cashier has to sort through everything and do a count of everything to make sure they aren't forgetting and ITEM. HOLY SHIT MY BLOOD IS BOILING.

I remember going in to get like 5 things (massive box of eggs, bulk cheese, box of tomatoes, etc) at 11AM today and I got out of there at 1pm.

>> No.6339992

Chimp outs are unpredictable, best be preemptive, cop style.

>> No.6340000

This is the reason I never shop in giant stores. The scale is unpleasant. I can't do WalMart, Ikea or any gigantic store. I just want to get some groceries and go home. I do not want to walk all over a huge store full of shit I have absolutely no interest in buying.

>> No.6340008

And that's why I moved to the hispanic neighborhood. I can't afford the white hood (2000 for a studio) here but I'll be damned if I live with violence.

>> No.6340010

I work for my parents who own a few shitty restaurants around town.. So I have to go no matter what bro. :(. Did I mention I got in there at 11am and left at 1pm... The only nice thing about restaurant depot is the free coffee and tea I never get. THAT REMINDS ME. THEY PLACE THE FREE COFFEE AND TEA AT THE ENTRANCE WHICH ALSO KING OF DOUBLES AS AN EXIT AND YOU GOT ALL THE NON-MEXICAN IMMIGRANTS HOVERING AROUND THE SHITTY COFFEE STAND BLOCKING EXITING TRAFFIC WHEN THEY SHOULD OF GOTTEN IT WHEN ENTERING. MAN IM PISSED.

>> No.6340023

>I work for my parents who own a few shitty restaurants around town.. So I have to go no matter what bro. :(.
No other restaurant supply places in your area? Sorry to hear it. Whenever I need kitchen stuff I just go to the restaurant supply places in Chinatown.

>> No.6340030

I'm not in USA so not sure but do the spics keep the negroes in check?

>> No.6340042

It's either Restaurant Depot or ordering from US Foods or Sysco. Which my parent's don't like to do. I think those two companies are merging though... I go to Sam's Club of course to pick up cleaning supplies and random shit.

>> No.6340136

Be you a female nurse? Cause this sounds like a story from one I knew.

>> No.6340148

>didn't even get rice, went startchless that night
Your gains thank you.

>> No.6340175


>> No.6340203

They have rival gangs with different territories and I speak better Spanish than Ebonics (sorry AAVE)

>> No.6340303

nah I'm still studying

>> No.6340339


I think it's
>businessmen who are oh so busy and yell at the cashier to hurry up
>women with baby scooties
>groups of youths
>Danish people
>parents with their out-of-control kids

>> No.6340347

>Why not just weave your own fucking basket and prance around all the old people like susan b anthony you son of bitch

Oh my god I can't stop laughing

>> No.6340351


>at the self checkout
>with a fullsize cart
>completely full
>when the regular registers aren't even busy

Well, then go and use the regular register if you don't want to be stuck behind them

>> No.6340368

fucking faggots with binders of coupons to save 10 cents on a bottle of gatorade

>> No.6340402

>A woman realizes she needs to get her money out of her stupid 20 gallon purse only after the last item is rung.

THIS FUCKING SHIT. And it really is always women from my experience, I've never seen a dude needing to rummage around for a minute to find his wallet.
It's like, come ON, is the concept of a register so alien to you that you don't know you have to pay at the end of this whole ordeal? No, you're just standing there, staring at the cashier/slowly putting away the scanned items and then get all stressed out on your search for money.

>> No.6340455


Spit in the purse or on the shopping cart handle.

>> No.6340813

The worst people are middle aged white soccer moms.

>Comes to checkout aisle with kids in soccer uniforms, but starts bitching about the mexicans
>Bitches about minorities on food stamps buying junk food while she is piling doritos on the conveyor belt
>Uses small change or checks

>> No.6341329

The old fuck who didn't realise they actually have to pay for services and waits for the cashier to actually ask for the money before they wade through their giant fucking bag to pull out a card that they forget how to work

>> No.6341344
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>What is it about age that made them forget the simplest rules of navigating space filled by other people?

If I see an old person down the isle, I lift the back of my cart a little bit and bang/clatter the rear wheels some, which usually causes them to look up and get out of the way before I get to them.

>> No.6341392

They act like it's so hard to use self checkout. I hope boomers and the elderly die in droves right fucking now.

>> No.6341395

Housewives in general are filth. They do it in every store. They'll stand in the doorway of a store and chat with their whore friends so nobody can shop and get out.

>> No.6341400
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>old people

Years back I was in line at one of the registers waiting my turn, as this was little old man in the line for the neighboring register.

As he moved up, he had to turn his shopping cart a bit to straighten it out before getting up to the conveyor belt and one of the wheels of his cart got snagged on those cardboard display stands they keep right by the register isle, full of plastic Bic disposable razors;

> gets snagged
> "grumble grumble"
> still snagged
> "Grumble Grumble!"
> still snagged
> blasts the entire display stand ass over tea kettle like a fucking linebacker, scattering a bazillion Bic razors all over the store.
> utter silence reigns throughout the grocery store
> cashier looks on, stone faced
> "clean up, register #3...."

The old man just started laying out his groceries on the conveyor belt like nothing had happened, paid for shit and rolled on out like a Boss.

>> No.6341414

>yuppy white cunts
>wearing gym clothes to the mall

Fuck I hate people.

>> No.6341422


Standing behind them in line is agonizing for two reasons
>They try to barter
>They smell like fucking shit

>> No.6341433

Middle aged white women are the absolute worst, by a comfortable margin.

Teenagers are easily the best.

>working in a grocery store a couple years ago
>Hear glass break a few aisles over
>With a resigned sigh I start heading for where we kept the mops
>Suddenly some ~16 year old comes over
>Says he knocked over a jar of spaghetti sauce and asks where he can find paper towels to clean up his own mess

That kid was the real mvp

>> No.6341437

Worked for an electronics retailer and they always used to haggle for prices over phone cases and charging cables. They'd smell like body odour mixed with dog shit and would have brown slime on their teeth that would move as they talked. They'd always bring their entire bobblehead family in too, and they'd all talk to you at once because they don't have any concept of manners or how a conversation works. I hope to never deal with one face to face again.

>> No.6341441


>> No.6341459

Hopefully you don't live in a big city. More and more are coming

>> No.6341486


>wearing gym clothes to the mall

I do this all the time because I'm planning on going to the gym later and there's no point in changing. It's not inherently egregious

>> No.6341500

epic win /b/ro

>> No.6341522

They always seem to hang out at the mall even when everything is closed. They're the biggest mallrats ever.

>> No.6341524

Sysco is garbage and hold a massive fucking monopoly up north. Your parents are right not to order from them.

>> No.6341706

Kids always stare at me for some reason so I just angrily glare back

>> No.6341712

make faces, try to smile. they're cute and making them laugh is great!

>> No.6341721

Reported. Enjoy your time in the pokey, faggot.

>> No.6342362


well you can't really blame Abbos for being annoying, after all they were forced to function in a society they don't belong into by leftists.

They were classified as fauna until the 70's and it should have stayed that way.

>> No.6342388


Well if you have to ask random people to get something from a top shelf about 10x per day you kind of stop caring.

Same deal with short old women.

>> No.6342390


Can vouch for teen boys / younger men.

They usually have more important shit to do other than aquire cellulite.

>> No.6343211
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In Maine we just buy all of alcohol at the grocery store. They also sell liquor at gas stations.

>> No.6343225

It's not old people. It's Arabs. Motherfucking Arabs carting all their shitty children and trying to negotiate over everything, and not having checked their coupons to see if they actually apply to what they're trying to purchase.

Well, and maybe old Jewish women. They pretty much do the same thing only they make up for not having little children by being 100% more of an asshole about every little thing. They also have the coupon problem.

>> No.6343714

2/10 made me reply

>> No.6343752

>leaves his cart to walk halfway across the store for one thing

You are the worst annoyance at a grocery store.

>> No.6343764

Is this 20 years old, or are motherfuckers really selling a mag of Baliey's for $25.99?

>> No.6343771

That's because niglets are natural born thieves and even young are just practicing for later in life. American niglets give gypsy kids a run for their money.

>> No.6344075
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That's from twoish years ago when I work at a gas station. Prices haven't change much sense.

>> No.6344110

I don't know what it's like in the rest of the country but around here there's a gym in almost every mall. They've been buying out the flagship spots and old theaters that Wal-Mart/Target don 't want.

>> No.6344157


It involves both kinds of mayonnaise

>> No.6344253

Oh lord were you the guy who made threads about feeding the birds?

>> No.6344259

aisle, it's spelled aisle

>> No.6344343

Old people suck, but the worst: Taco-American women.

>blabber on her fucking iPhone on and on while her cart is SIDEWAYS IN THE FUCKING AISLE blocking the whole goddamn place, and blows up if you so much as "Ma'am, can you please move your cart?"- and God forbid you tap the side of the cart because she's blatantly ignoring the fact she's blocking up five people.

Mexican guys are great, though- they just get their shit and go. I don't know what causes the fucking discrepancy.

>> No.6344374
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>at grocery store, in line waiting
>teenager cashier, doing his job quickly
>basketball-American is lecturing him about how white people are so bad about everything
>her cart is filled to the brim with Diet Coke and various things that make a pancreas scream in agony, as if the aspartame is liquid forgiveness
>"Okay, that'll be $115.68" or something in triple digits
>"Yeaw, shure, lemme get mah credit card."
>"Take your time, ma'am."
>"Y'know it bugs me how so many white folks-"
>"how they're all so against us poorer folk gettin' proper health care, I think eet's be-"

>> No.6344390

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.6344434

>let old person in first
>grumpy ass bag of shit and wrinkles
>stops at entrance
>cant get around
>bitch has no idea of her surroundings
old people are either really nice or really shit. ive never seen an old person that was just ok (unless you count alzheimers patients)

>> No.6344448


Why did you even waste your time posting this? A 5 year old with down's syndrome wouldn't believe this diarrhea-tier story.

>> No.6344462

>I quickly befriended the staff. I knew everyone...
Yet they called the cops on you

>> No.6344486
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this is the best post i've read here in a while
lulzy and plenty of truth
like the uncle ruckus of mysogyny

>> No.6344496

I'm going to go with suicide bombers.

>> No.6344620

>be in line with a basket of 8-10 things
>see guy behind me with just two items
>let him go before me
>he has all these coupons, cards get declined, ends up not even being able to take the two items
>doesn't even say thank you or sorry at any point


>> No.6344635

So did you cream your big boy panties before or after writing this shit out?

>> No.6344711
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>> No.6344717
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is this you?

>> No.6344726
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>be in register line with two items
>woman in front has a cart completely filled with stuff
>notices me, glares and tells me to go to the other line (also completely filled) because she has multiple transactions to do

>> No.6344824


There is nothing in here specific to being female.

At the very least a useless chick has a nice warm pussy and will be nice to you if you take care of her.

Can't say the same about useless men.

>> No.6344921

>Danish people

Elaborate plz

>> No.6345831

You seem angry.

>> No.6345859

>being so insecure and dull you invent a set of autistic rules about carrying groceries
lel and all that

>> No.6345863

That perfectly describes your average 4channer, except instead of tweeting and looking at hats they just shitpost, doesn't really describe most women though.

>> No.6346012
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People still remember that? it's been two years sense I stopped.

>> No.6346950

Cute birds :3

>> No.6347753
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It fucking happened again today
>go to buy a dessert for a concert reception
>approach cashier that's idling in front of his lane
>he notices me and asks if I'm ready to cash out
>as I nod and move in a housewife with a filled cart brushes past me
>"haha I hope you're ready to work now" she says as she starts unloading her shit before either of us can say anything
>cashier looks dispirited and annoyed, awkwardly points me over to the next lane

>> No.6348102

Haha I'm the fken teenage with acne except I look like 4-5 years younger than I am.

>> No.6348278

EBT recipients. They have a dozen vouchers that the cashier needs to process one at a time. It also goes through the electronic system and has a lag time of nearly 20 seconds of waiting for the station to clear and print the validation number on the voucher.

There has got to be a better way to do this, since you are stuck behind the same surly welfare queen for over 5 minutes for them to check out

>> No.6348291

People with children. Mothers and fathers, any race, doesn't matter. None of them keep their kids in check, and all of their kids are grubby, squealing, thieving plagues.

>> No.6349007

Y'all niggas don't gots you the EBT debit card?

>> No.6349020

>at grocery store
>old person cashier
>trying to use last like $8 on gift card and pay the rest in cash
>have paid with separate cards and cash before
>there was never a problem
>this lady just can't figure out how to do it
>says she's getting the manager
>comes back with a middle aged lady from the returns desk/lottery counter
>tell her what I'm trying to do here
>she doesn't know how to ring it up either
>this guy younger than me stocking shelves comes up
>presses a couple buttons
>tells me to swipe my card
>do so
>tells me the rest of what I owe
>finishes transaction
>goes back to putting things on shelves

fucking a, what a hero, I hope they recognize he knows what he's doing and give him money.

>> No.6349028

My solution is to just to do most of my shopping after midnight but before 7 AM. Walmart Grocery/Super Walmart is 24/7 and has self check out lanes. Old fucking people should just go shopping during the weekdays when most regular people are working, but no, they wait for the fucking weekend when active people who do things during the week have time. Fuck you

>> No.6349042

Well, I'm a guy, so I can't be near a child without everybodys pedo alarm going off. Have to find the impulse items terribly interesting or something to not acknowledge the kid. Seen a kid fall down and I knew I wouldn't be able to help him up without going to prison.
>it's not your job to help the kid you faggot pedo
I know, but I felt sorry for it.

>> No.6349047

They don't care about anything other than themselves. "hurr you live in a society of people so you gotta deal with shit sometimes", well maybe other people should try to not be in others ways so often. I don't want to be "that guy" so I've always got my money or keys ready.
Also, never let your girlfriend drive. Not because they are worse drivers (which they are) but because they don't know how to just get in and go, they have to sit there in the seat without starting the car, looking through their purse, putting on makeup which should have been done in the house, anything they can do to avoid being on time.

>> No.6349048

Groups of teenagers that are bored and locked out from home so they fucking walk around a supermarket gossiping and playing games and whatever other annoying shit teenagers do these days.

Old people can be annoying, leaving the trolley in the way and shit like that is slightly annoying but does not get to me much.

If i had to pick the worst type, it is people who are in a rush.
>Speed walking everywhere ignoring where they go
>Pushing by you and consonantly making comments to move
>Expecting you to evacuate the whole fucking store so they can freely run down the isle's they need to go through
>Rushing on to the self-check out and making a million mistakes wasting more time
>acting like their shopping is more important than anyone else shopping
>jumping to the front of the line with a quick "IM IN RUSH" completely ignoring everyone, not even a fucking sorry
>Approaching a 10 people long line and asking the guy at the front if he can just push in, ignoring that there are 9 other people he never asked

God i can go on and on, fuck people who rush through this shit, i don't care that you have to be somewhere, fucking organize your life a bit more and you won't have to push and barge through everyone like the world revolves around you.

>> No.6349159
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"old" myself, but get in, get out. Slow moving wide ladies, who congregate near the doors,Hey dipshits, not family reunion time. or "congregate" in aisles. or Old guys, that test every grape or potatoe, hey you 'wad, its pretty much the same as last week, unless at the meat counter, even then, the price is not reduced by glowering at it.. Truth be told,sometimes employees can be irritating. Ask a simple question, and they follow you around or people that must feel or touch every onion, potatoe or fruit, I know you want to get the the best value, bot really?. I'd rather not buy something after you have "pawed" over every single one, or loaf of bread, bottle of mayo, or pack of whatever..or pick up lines... contrary to tv, I am not looking for a hook up. the worst is people with a bunch of coupons, not a few, many, like 300 bucks worth. Mostly i dislike slow moving, heavy set people in front of me, that won't move. Also, stores that ask (would you help us help ... by donating a dollar for xxx cause? I'm already helping by shopping here. but mostly people that are slow moving, and are glued to the doors, exit or entrance,.

>> No.6349164

Old people, at least, know how to handle rude people without care.

A disabled Florida man got a beat down from an elderly wacko Walmart customer who freaked out after the wheelchair-bound man used the express checkout lane to purchase more than 20 items.

>> No.6349166

Didn't an old man slap a toddler for crying in a grocery store? And an airplane?

>> No.6349170

>Old fucking people should just go shopping during the weekdays when most regular people are working, but no, they wait for the fucking weekend when active people who do things during the week have time. Fuck you

Goddamn, preach it! Fucking hate that shit.

>> No.6349174

Damn, I guess I'm just lucky. Where I'm at, old folks are just plain old people who are perfectly polite, but can go full-blown awesome at the drop of a hat. It's the "newly self-sufficient" that annoy the shit out of me. You know the ones: They just moved out of mommy and daddy's and never paid attention growing up, so they don't know anything about anything.

>> No.6349176

>Well, I'm a guy, so I can't be near a child without everybodys pedo alarm going off.
Really, or is that just in your head? I've always been just as friendly to children as I am to adults. I interact with them pretty much the same way, you know, saying hi, asking how's it going and so on when I cross paths with them. All the kids in my neighborhood know me by name, just like their parents do. Never once have I even thought about setting off anybody's "pedo alarm". Because it's not really possible to get close enough to a kid for things to look improper. They're not that interesting, nor are they capable of holding a conversation for more than about thirty seconds. Not to mention kids have really shitty taste. When I get together with neighbors for dinner the kids invariably do not want to eat anything good. They wolf down a few chicken nuggets, then disappear from the table to go do kid shit.

They're pretty fucking useless to anyone other than their parents and other kids.

>> No.6349195

>is that just in your head?
Not going to risk it. There's some fucked up situations out there that have scared me away from kids. Even dads with their own sons or daughters have gotten into shit because of the pedo paranoia.

>> No.6349218


It's like they don't realise that there are other people in the store, too. They just manage to block your way, always. And if they move, they move oh so very slow. I don't mind that at all and think it's pretty cool that they are so calm and relaxed. But only when I'm not in a hurry.

>> No.6349229

Where the fuck do you live where people are so paranoid?

>> No.6349312

I like to find poor-looking mothers with hyperactive kids and load up my cart with useless junk food right next to them so the kids bitch and moan about wanting dunkaroos and gushers and the mom says no.

I'm also the guy who leaves his cart in a key bottleneck position while I'm off grabbing something manually from another aisle.

>> No.6349357

>Danish people
Swede detected

>> No.6349371

Fat people. Also, the fuckers with a bunch of coupons in the speed checkout lane.

>> No.6349552

America. Also, I'm in FL, which I think is the child molestation capital of the planet.