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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6328494 No.6328494 [Reply] [Original]

>deleting a Joey thread

Mods must be in cahoots with Ken

Latest Review:


>> No.6328498

his reviews arent good anymore. the nacho cheese challenge was a disappointment.

>> No.6328504

Are you sure it didn't just sage off board?

Anyway, I want Joey to do more cooking vidya, he is a super fun to watch in the kitchen, he is total relax

Joey make a roast chicken or a lasagna please!!!!!!

>> No.6328507

where does Joey live? He has so many fast options

>> No.6328517

I wouldn't be surprised if he actually drives really long distances to get to different fast food places for his videos.

>> No.6328562

He lives in silicon valley. Lots of options because lots of people.

>> No.6328570

I'm giving up on joey

it was a good ride, but watching his videos is just boring now

cya broeys

>> No.6328579

>Are you sure it didn't just sage off board?
It didn't, the last post was made like 3 hours ago, and there are threads where the last posts was made like 20 hours old still up

Ken is bribing the mods and writing it off on his taxes

>> No.6328591
File: 377 KB, 691x457, why joey why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to defend Joey for shit like this, but I can't. His reviews really are shit. It's been said before that the quality of /joey/ flows down from Joey himself and that's true, but /joey/ is still plenty entertaining despite Joey having castrated himself.

>> No.6328731

We're getting him back anon. We have already exposed the poison that is Ladytrayce to him and she gets BTFO any time she opens her cock trap in the comments now. We need to try our hardest to bring down Daym, and Ken "Make sure to get receipt, Then I eat." Domik.

>> No.6328847

what is this joey meme shit?

>> No.6328873

Its the fat fuck spamming his channel

>> No.6328909

No, it's not. We here at /broey/ try to help our beloved Joey become all that he can be. Despite the haters and such. We can make him be himself and become the go to fast food reviewer on YouTube. We love Joey here, and try to protect him from major shills like Ken and Daym. Joey is love, Joey is life.

>> No.6328933

Was Joey kicked out of Team Daym?

>> No.6329083

No. Team Daym needs him. Joey gets views.

>> No.6329498
File: 2.99 MB, 600x336, HOT PIZZA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6329593

I don't think we're getting him back, anon

Operation BOTR was supposed to get him back and it hasn't happened. I think LadyTrayce has actually convinced him if he does boring reviews for the masses he'll get a job as a corporate spokesman or a show on the Travel Channel.
It ain't gonna happen Joey, come back.

>> No.6329635

I honestly believe his hyperactivity to due to medication. You can tell when he's on and off it.

>> No.6330236

We should start a petition to get Joey to up his ritalin doses

>> No.6330260
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>> No.6330412

That's pretty great.

>> No.6330423
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Why the fuck is the Joey thread not bumping? Mods?

>> No.6330509

Has joey lost it?

>> No.6330998

Any updates on the Joey animation? :3

>> No.6331154

>Just for you and just for you
I don't understand this Jews/autistic/foureyed/baldcunts/sonisinthecloset/taxdodgings intro

>> No.6331257
File: 420 KB, 966x342, 1426285581634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a big guy

>> No.6331305
File: 396 KB, 577x465, joey self harms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a good chance a cooking video is coming tonight Broeys

get hype

>> No.6331491
File: 57 KB, 400x400, Ken AVATAR St. Patricks Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken just uploaded a challenge yesterday, he's still stealing Joey's thunder.

>there are still people who believe that LadyTrayce isn't Ken wearing a wig

Also I wonder when Ken's avatar is going to be of him wearing a yarmulke