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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6326495 No.6326495 [Reply] [Original]

How many stay at home moms fellow anons

>> No.6326498


>> No.6326499 [DELETED] 
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Why do moms pretend to like 4chan?

>> No.6326531
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>> No.6326727

Homemaker here. No kids yet, but we're working on it!

>> No.6326730

i'm a girl, btw

>> No.6326739


>> No.6326750

You mean unemployed and lazy?

>> No.6326752

no wai
it's like the hardest job in the world an stuff

>> No.6326754

I know a stay at home mom that's always touting about how hard of a job it is, yet she's ALWAYS on facebook, commenting every few minutes on some dumb topic. Where are your kids?? They're 3 and 5, did you drug them to sleep all day?

>> No.6326757

Bill stop shitposting and do more shows

>> No.6326759

What do you do all day? Watch anime and masturbate like the NEET that you are?

>> No.6326761

Watching TV lol
I know a bitch exactly like this, her house is a dump.

>> No.6326763

I started doing the Thursday afternoon Monday morning podcast. That's something

>> No.6326772

>but we're working on it
Like what are you doing?

>> No.6326775

Clean the house, cook, laundry, yard work, gardening, canning, take care of the animals.

>> No.6326780

P in the V

>> No.6326782

i wouldnt mind being a stay at home dad, if it meant i get to do my hobbies and theyre ok with participating in it.

and i find a wife with a fair amount of money and parents who understand a mans pride.

>> No.6326785

Dump that asshole and move in with me. I don't even care how ugly you are.

>> No.6326794

That's it?? Positions and shit....

>> No.6326797

Husband isn't an asshold and I'm not ugly. Besides, my life is amazing; I'm doing exactly what I want. What do you have to offer?

>> No.6326803

his and her gay fawkes masks and alone time in mom's basement from 8pm to 10:30

>> No.6326811
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>Husband isn't an asshold
>my life is amazing; I'm doing exactly what I want.
>What do you have to offer?

well, well, well

so typical, is it not? you have a nice husband, an amazing life doing what you want, and yet you still want to know what that anon has to offer. why would you care what he has if your life is perfect? perhaps if he said he was rich, and what he has to offer is material wealth you would uproot yourself without a second thought

>> No.6326812

Sorry, I'm not going to give up my self sustaining rural mountain homestead to hang out in your moms basement.

>> No.6326813

It was meant as an empowering compliment, but you don't even know how to accept flattery. Good job.

You're probably a guy anyway.

>> No.6326814

your loss, babe

>> No.6326816

Oh come on anon, it's a friendly discussion, that's all. Don't get your panties in a wad.

>> No.6327039

Please, you're posting anonymously on 4chan. You're life is obviously not as good as you think it is.

>> No.6327064 [DELETED] 

Just shut the fuck up you neckbeard fucking NEET loser who probably didn't graduate high school.

My life is 100x better than you could ever HOPE to achieve. Actually not hope to achieve, it's better than you could even think about.

I live with my husband and we are planning to have kids, our life is getting better DAY by DAY and what are you doing HUH? Spending your day judging me, I pity you.

Can't wait till my husband gets home, gonna show him these posts and we will laugh at how much of a dork you are.

>> No.6327070

There's no reason to bring up my level of education here.

>> No.6327077

1/10 troll harder.

>> No.6327082

Don't answer for me.
Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.6327089

Based mods are on top of things today!

>> No.6327094

yet this thread is still here

>> No.6327109

Sorry, no mods.

I just deleted my post out of shame.

>> No.6327112

Cooking was at least mentioned tho

>> No.6327114

How common is it for girls that want to be hometakers/stay at home moms?

I want to have a nuclear family, where I go out and worry about keeping a roof over our head. I'll still help out in the daily chores and shit but all you have to worry about is cooking and being a good mother.

Seriously, is it hard to find women out there that want this?

>> No.6327118

get a mail order one. one of the gook models.

>> No.6327130

Please leave this board and go try to troll >>>/b/

>> No.6327135

>How common is it for girls that want to be hometakers/stay at home moms?
Non-existent. They all want to be models, actresses, kindergarten teachers or pediatricians. In reality, they end up being stay at home moms.

>> No.6327145
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Hey anon, homemaker from /adv/ here. This is a question I here often. Look for chicks that have a nurturing nature; those interested in the culinary arts, elementary education, or nursing. Be upfront about what you want from a wife and how you want your family to work.

>> No.6327155

You're going to have to make a lot more money than your average person, or have a cheaper lifestyle if you want to support this.

Your choice.

>> No.6327158

Then bend over and spread your cheeks when she tells you that you get to watch the kids by yourself while she works weird-ass shifts at the hospital and flirts with doctors who make 10-20x what you make.

Bad /adv/

>> No.6327176

I said to look for chicks with a nurturing nature, someone INTERESTED in nursing.
I also suggested being open and up front about what you want in a marriage.
Anon should marry someone who also wants to be a homemaker, not have a career.

>> No.6327184

>INTERESTED in nursing
But WILLING to wash the shit stains out of my underwear? I see the distinction, now, sorry, my mistake.

>> No.6327192

You don't deserve a partner if you can't even wipe your ass properly.

>> No.6327194

Nobody is going to agree to basically be a manchild-babysitter

>> No.6327195

>for better of worse
now get to scrubbing

>> No.6327200

Or look for girls with no direction in life, no education and basically stuck with you because they have no skills to support themselves. As as you're working full time to support her and the kids, she's banging every guy in the neighborhood.

>> No.6327202

Like you never had a mishap

>> No.6327207

I'm a man who works 60 hours a week and I still have time to wipe my ass properly. Why would I want my girlfriend to know how lazy and disgusting I am? Grow up.

>> No.6327211

>I'm a man who works 60 hours a week
Too busy to shart I guess

>> No.6327213
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Not since I was in my tweens.
Captcha semi related.

>> No.6327220
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>> No.6327222

Why don't you try eating right thus ensuring that you don't feel like you're leek shit out of your ass everyday?

>> No.6327229


>> No.6327245

damn dude, you'd better not let your wife find out you're trying to get even more ladies.

>playa detected

>> No.6327250

>muh secret club!

>> No.6327251

Tbh, I wouldn't mind. I actually like cooking and cleaning. It's when I have to balance it with school and a part time job that it becomes a burden.

I'd like a career, sure, but I picked a degree that won't get me hired anywhere without upgrades. At this point I'm ready to say, fuck it, I enjoyed my time at school so it wasn't a 100% waste, and just be at home and look after my kid and the house. There's a lot of things I want to try and do, like gardening, or improve on, like sewing and crafts (and you can always sell shit on the side if you get good enough, so why not). I think being a homemaker and then having this tiny business on the side would make me very happy.

>> No.6327255

>tfw male
>tfw being a male homemaker is looked down on
>tfw i like cooking, cleaning, gardening
>tfw the doublestandard just makes me look lazy

>> No.6327257

As if I would even mention my real motherboards.

>> No.6327258

Why are you so horrified at the prospect of having people know that you get skidmarks once in a while? Everybody does, it doesn't mean you don't work hard enough or eat properly.

Jesus, what a character!

>> No.6327260

>tfw work as a software dev with ~60 hr weeks
>go on medical disability for two months, essentially be a stay at home dad
>spend the entire day going to the farmers market, making stock and homecooking every meal

C-can I go back?

>> No.6327264

I don't get skidmarks as I've previously stated. If I did I wouldn't pass them off to my girlfriend to clean, I'd do it myself. Other peoples shit is disgusting, sorry.

>> No.6327267

>work as a software dev with ~60 hr weeks
Do you ever get skidmarks in your underwear or are you also too busy?

>> No.6327271

>If I did I wouldn't pass them off to my girlfriend to clean
It just goes in the hamper.

>> No.6327274

Original post was about being so busy and still being able to wipe your ass properly. Gets switched to being too busy to get shit stains... ok.

>> No.6327276

>Everybody does
I don't get skidmarks. Do you not know how to wipe properly? Do you eat such garbage that your body leaks it out involuntarily? Do you change your underwear every day? Do you know how to do laundry?

>> No.6327279

>software dev
>caring about cleanliness

>> No.6327299

Sorry. I wouldn't want human feces stagnanting in my house. It would go in the wash right away.

>> No.6327325 [DELETED] 
File: 339 KB, 849x565, a_mom_on_computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do moms pretend to like 4chan?

>> No.6327335

I don't get this

Maybe cause I'm not a grill, but I would fucking love if society and my spouse expected me to sit around at home and do nothing

Like seriously...chores? Listen to podcasts and stuff. Nothing is a big deal...all your responsibilities are self imposed

>> No.6327354
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Why do virgins from >>>/r9k/ love to shitpost here?

>> No.6327385

>take care of the animals
i don't think it's polite to refer to your children like that.

>> No.6327390

We're all homo sapiens. Or at least I am.

>> No.6327392

Then you have a stay-at-home slut. Not a homemaker.

>> No.6327411

>feminist movement
>women everywhere start working
>with twice the work force, wages can be effectively cut in half
>women now have to work and are expected to work
>traditional homemaking roles now cripple a family's income and are looked down on

Fuck life

>> No.6327423
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>listening to podcasts

>> No.6327458
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>picked a degree she KNEW wasn't a safe bet
>"mehhh...i kind of liked school, so its k. except i was a little busy with a job and chores :/"
>is content with her achievements after earning a useless degree and is prepared to settle down and become a parasite
>"i wish to live frivolously."
this is why i will never be able to take all those disney princesses seriously.

>> No.6327474

We have livestock and several pets.

>> No.6327571

Did you not see the part about upgrades? My major is psychology. As a bachelor, it's fucking useless. I wanted to do counselling, which has pretty good employment prospects, but my grades won't cut it for grad school. So I can go back after graduation and redo courses for better grades, or do a post grad diploma of some kind. Either way, more money, and I'll still be in school while my husband will have finished his degree.

You don't know me, or my situation. My husband doesn't see me as a parasite. He literally has to worry about nothing because I do everything. If I do end up staying at home, it certainly won't be so I browse 4chins for eight hours a day. I don't see growing my own food or running a small business as frivolous at all so we'll just have to agree to disagree, sorry.

>> No.6327577

So are you going to give us details about the breeding attempts or what?

>> No.6327581 [DELETED] 
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People are arguing with you because your life is a meme.

>> No.6327583

I just went back to work 3 months ago, so ex-stay at home mom.

>> No.6327587

Ignore those faggots youre fine

>> No.6327589

pls respond female

>> No.6327593
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>> No.6327597
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>> No.6327599

Fuck you guy

you guys are the reason women dont come here.
You guys may not mind it but im tired of seeing the non attention fag women getting barraged
its just annoying

>> No.6327601

Just started my maternity leave from working in a bakery. Sucks I hate it and I am bored as fuck. Baby still has 6 weeks till he is here.

Boss told me to start it after I got dizzy and passed out last week, so mad at myself for it too. The husband and I need the money so fucking badly right now. Thankfully my job will still be there when I am ready to come back they said.

NEET life is amazing but the lack of money and not qualifying for any government assistance when it come to fucking ANYTHING baby related sucks balls.

>> No.6327602

I think "she" likes you

>> No.6327604

neet son that does all the cooking.

does that count?

>> No.6327608

Kick him out

>> No.6327609


>> No.6327611

>there are still white knights who treat women on an anonymous image board like princesses

thats some newfag /b/ tier shit.

>> No.6327616

I don't know why this guy shot up in popularity. He sucks.

>> No.6327626

Naw bruh /ck/ didnt used to care about any of that tho. This was a question asked of women how can you get so bitchy when a woman gives a legit answer

Its only within the past year or so that all of this /b/ mentality has invaded and ruined muh /ck/

>> No.6327627

Good thing your opinion doesn't mean shit

>> No.6327629


It's fairly common from what I've heard from friends.

Personally I'm sure I could do it but that lifestyle doesn't sound desirable to me at all; I think I'd feel empty. I like kids when they're not screaming or pooping and when they're not mine.

I'm a sous chef so I prefer a completely different lifestyle, hell I can't even justify getting a dog because I don't have the free time to crate train it.

>> No.6327630

back to reddit with you

>> No.6327640

I second this. Faggots derail an entire thread if there's any whiff of a vagina behind a post. It's fucking retarded.

>> No.6327641
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>> No.6327645

good one dude

fucking stop posting the same shit you see all over here. This is the real shitposting, not the alcohol or weeb threads.
Its the monotony that you are helping create

>> No.6327649

what was this thread gonna be about? 5 different anons saying "btw im a girl"? its not even /ck/ related.

>> No.6327652


they aren't entirely wrong, /ck/ has been way more fucking awful in the last couple years

I guess the /r9k/ foreveralone autists all hit 18 at the same time and started flocking out of their containment board to look for new ramen recipes or ask how to lose weight on a college budget

>> No.6327653

This thread is a magnet obviously, but I'm speaking in general.

>> No.6327655

It's what I do. Cry more.

>> No.6327658

r9k pls go

>> No.6327659

thats targeted to the attention whores

answers to the questions like this thread arent really the same

what are you 18

>> No.6327660

hahaha as long as you know it

>> No.6327667

Shitpost in a shit thread? All day.
This thread is a direct result of Oprah not being on TV anymore.

>> No.6327670

whatever helps you sleep at night /b/ro

>> No.6327671

You're the guy who likes Bill Burr.

>> No.6327675

>"thats targeted to the attention whores"

What is OP? Is this thread even /ck/ related? Cuz it sounds like a blog post from a bored, stay-at-home attention whore.

>> No.6327683

man more than half of the threads arent /ck/ related

this at least can be indirectly related and not in an attention whore way

>> No.6327694

blatantly wrong. check the catalog right now and try to prove that statement.

>> No.6327715
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>> No.6327722

yah youre right ill admit this is much less /ck/ related

>> No.6327725

What does that have to do with anything?

People love saying that phrase.

>> No.6327745

Are you a mom?

>> No.6327809


>wanting to marry a woman who doesn't actually work


>> No.6327815

> Alpha stay at home dad here. Get a job you lazy broads.

>> No.6327819


Fucking agreed. I'm a chef and when I see my retarded friends from highschool posting all these stupid "~~~being a mom means~~~ you're a hairdresser, a chef, a therapist, blablabla" I want to fucking go back in time and strangle them. Yeah you got fucking knocked up 3 times and you don't work and my taxes go to paying your irresponsible ass, you're a fucking hero.

>> No.6327823

fucking this

>> No.6327831


i know several people i used to go to school with who are like this too, and of course if you were to actually ever bring up that they have kids because they were too stupid to use protection they would just completely go off on you about what a fucking hero they are for not getting an abortion for a child they couldn't pay for

jee if only there were another option about what to do with a child you cant pay for that doesnt involve you being selfish

maybe we could have it be another word that starts with an a so that retarded people could remember it more easily

oh wait, theyre all just fucking narcissists that want a medal for crapping out kids

>> No.6327838

Does it rhyme with smasmortion?

>> No.6327843

Can one of you post some milf porn or something

any stay at home moms pls post lewd pics

also if you aren't ensuring your kids eat what you tell hem to eat and are allowing them to become picky eaters you have failed at parenting

>> No.6327845


it rhymes with... uhh.. smadoption

>> No.6327848

That's like a bear catching a salmon and you asking it to put it back.

>> No.6327851

Completely agreed. I would love to be a housewife/stay-at-home mom but those cunts acting like
>muh full-time job
>muh no days off ever
>I am gardener, chef, counselor, nanny and taxi cab all in one
>being SAHM is hard give me trophies
Nobody is buying that shit. Being a housewife is awesome because you just do chores and, if you've procreated, make sure your kid keeps living. It's much easier than having an actual full-time job. Which is exactly why I want to do it, lel. But I'm not gonna pretend it's something it's not.

>> No.6327854


All the more reason those people shouldn't have kids. But yes, point taken.

>> No.6327861

I say kill it before it's considered a person.

>> No.6327866
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lol, What a racket. you know, the grass is always greener on the other side, but my sister has never held a job and is a stay at home mom, and as far as I can tell she cooks and cleans around the house and does laundry and such.

Well, it doesn't seem too bad to me, but one day she was venting to me how HARD it is to be a stay at home mom and get everything done in one day. I had to hold my tongue

Look, some people just don't fucking understand, and never will and don't even want to, and I guess I can't blame them or us for laughing at them.

>mfw I do all that shit by myself and hold a full time job.
>mfw I found out my sister stole $15,000 from my mom and pissed it all away and is now begging for more money.

>> No.6327924

Who here was raised by stay at home moms?

>> No.6327936

I'm afraid to scan this.

>> No.6327959


>> No.6328157

You want to live the life we're supposed to be living, but don't want to because idiot cunts do what idiot cunts do? You don't have to become one of those types, you know that.

I did it for 3 years and it was fine (sans facebook), but I was going crazy, so I just recently went back to work. I don't see a need in mothers staying home once te children are in school anyway; be there for the really crucial years, but after that you're just milking it. I don't know how anyone, neet or stay at home mothers, enjoys a life staying home when there's not much to do. If I lived where I want, awaym off the grid, then I really would have a ful time job. For now though, we're stuck in the burbs with a HoA, so I can't much build upon other skills beyond refining green thumb and making some cat trees.

>> No.6330300
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Actual homemaker here.
If anyone would like to ask me about my job, please feel free to ask.

>> No.6330307

How/where do you come up with ideas of what to cook for your husband or family everyday? Snacks/ breakfasts/ dinners especially.

>> No.6330324
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Well, first I start with a list of the food that my family will eat. Then I break it down into categories- starch, veggies, meat, grain. Each meal is one part meat, one part starch, two parts veggies. Meat is the easiest category, since we do not typically eat much red meat; so chicken, rabbit, pork. Good meat is available year round, so I just switch it up however I feel. The same with starches; I go with rice, beans, or potatoes. With veggies I try to go with what is in season right now; so that currently means carrots, parsnips, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and canned green beans (I know, but husband will eat them 5 times a week if I let him). During the winter I cook a lot of soup/ stews, and roasts. In the summer we have salads, raw veggies, and usually grill the meat.
Oh, I forgot breakfast! Husband doesn't usually eat breakfast, but when he does it's from scratch biscuits, bacon, and eggs.

>> No.6330345

Shittt. People like you still exist?
Any tips for someone hoping to become a stay at home dad?

>> No.6330350

Post your vagina please

>> No.6330362
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I would love to give you some tips, but in need to know more about your particular situation.
Are you already married?
Do you have children?
Do you cook for yourself?

>> No.6330365

This isn't /b/, I'm not a camwhore.

>> No.6330376


Are you like, 100 years old?

>> No.6330391
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No, I'm in my mid 30s.

>> No.6330393

Are you fat?

>> No.6330438

What's your fav meal to cook?

>> No.6330461
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I like to roast whole chickens, but the meal I make most often is broiled chicken thighs.

>> No.6330501

I wouldn't mind being a housewife. I've been a NEET my whole life so there's really nothing else I'm good at. I would love to have children so I can help direct them and have them grow in a manner that will lead to them growing into mature, healthy adults that aren't fuckups like me.

No one would wanna marry a bitchy mentally ill landwhale such as myself though.

>> No.6330521


>stay at home dad

So basically you want to be a NEET with a wife and kids.

>> No.6330524

>No one would wanna marry a bitchy mentally ill landwhale such as myself though.
I hear joey is looking for a partner

>> No.6330540
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>No one would wanna marry a bitchy mentally ill landwhale such as myself though.
Well, that is probably true anon.
I always suggest that anyone who wants to become a homemaker should first live on their own and be self supporting for a while. I suggest this for two reasons.
One; it's important to know how to take care of yourself as a fully functioning adult.
Two; no one should feel trapped into staying a homemaker because they don't have other options.

So work on yourself anon, make some progress, it's not too late.

>> No.6330547

>No one would wanna marry a bitchy mentally ill landwhale such as myself though.

So change yourself.

>> No.6330554

Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top ;3

>> No.6330563

Thanks anon do you have a gf? ^_^

>> No.6330571

Well if you want to be a housewife, you'll need to learn how to cook healthy, tasty meals anyway. Might as well start right now, you'll lose weight in the process and hone your cooking skills.

>> No.6330573

I don't assign my partner to gender rolls. Only dinner rolls.

>> No.6330608

See now that sounds awesome.
What family wouldn't benefit from having 3 healthy, balanced meals every day with real fresh vegetables? No canned corn, no frozen broccoli, no instant mashed potatoes...
Instead of a couple coming home stressed out, popping frozen pasta in the microwave and yelling at the kid (who is being raised by a stranger you pay) to go to bed so they can watch bad procedurally-generated cop shows... one parent comes home to a warm meal, a happy wife, a child that isn't starved for attention, and instantly de-stresses.

As long as you can afford to have only one working parent that sounds fantastic.

>> No.6330625

I do everything you do minus animals (and hubby does half of the cleaning) and I'm a full time chem engineer. Exhausted almost every day, but I somehow manage it. Every time some stay-at-home mommy/housewife complains how her job is hard makes me want to punch her in theface.

>> No.6330626

As an inverse statistic, my girlfriend is an ace accountant mid-MBA, and I just hang round her apartment and clean and cook shit. I figure if we want a house I'll have to find some sort of income, but right now this is pretty nice, we both feel. Fuck cleaning the tub though that's a tag team job.

>> No.6330633

With what? Just salt oil and pepper, or some sorta wen save? Mushrooms and peppers?

>> No.6330636

Wine sauce, fuck you mobile.

>> No.6330641

I wanna sex all your fat housewife asses

>> No.6330650

>not using actual wen save
you must be an awful cook

>> No.6330651

>tfw mom is a doctor and a workaholic
>tfw dad's a housedad
Love it. He's a chill guy, cooks great abd healthy (killer ass barbecue too), has a lot of patience and is a nurturing character by nature. I'd really like to have a husband like that

>> No.6330653

>I seriously hope you guys don't scan this.

>> No.6330660

This shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did

>> No.6330666

Kek you want to fuck your dad

>> No.6330672
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I believe you mean 'gender roles'.

That pretty accurately describes our life (but first child is on the way). Husband and I are both much happier this way.

>I do everything you do
>minus animals (and hubby does half of the cleaning)
>I'm a full time chem engineer.
>Exhausted almost every day, but I somehow manage it.
>Every time some stay-at-home mommy/housewife complains how her job is hard makes me want to punch her in theface.
Are you simply making a statement? Because no where have I complained about my job. I feel very lucky to be a homemaker.

Are you asking about the roast chicken, or the broiled chicken thighs?

>> No.6330699

You don't have a job. Jobs are things people do to earn money. Hobbies are things we do when we have free time. What you do are called chores.

>> No.6330706

the thighs. They're always really cheap and I've had delicious meals with them other places but never made anything I was happy with when I try myself.

>> No.6330710

Yeah I just made a statement. I'm sorry if you took it too personally, I also nowhere mentioned you complained about your job or tried to attack you personally, you seem good in what you do and I'm glad you and hubby both enjoy it. I was talking about the housewifes I know IRL, of which 95% are lazy ranting fat bitches whose houses are half dirty and who cook junk food.

>> No.6330735

that's the joke

>> No.6330743

who doesn't?

>> No.6330748

Calm down Sigmund, not everyone who loves their parent of opposite gender wants to fuck them

>> No.6330760
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-Broiled Chicken Thighs-

Turn broiler on high
Place oven rack in the middle of your oven, or one spot lower
Pat chicken thighs dry on both sides, then season with salt, onion powder and garlic powder
Broil thighs for 5 minutes, then flip
Broil thighs for 5 minutes, then flip
Dust with paprika, broil for 5 minutes, then flip
Dust with paprika, broil for 5 minutes, then flip

Super simple. I wait to put the paprika on because it will burn if exposed to the broiler for longer than 5 minutes.

Ok, thanks for clarifying. And no, I didn't take it personally, I just didn't know if you were just making a statement or what.

>> No.6330773

Excuse my elevated sodium levels, real life makes me bitter and I hate parasites.
Good luck with the child

>> No.6330839
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No problem, thanks for the reply.

>> No.6330852

Wow. I cannot fathom someone in my moms demographic browsing this site.

>> No.6330861

There are moms as young as 13 now a days.

>> No.6330866

I didn't say there weren't but obviously op was not typing like a 13 year old and a 13 year old would rather be on facebook anyway.

>> No.6330876

So you're disregarding the 18 - 30 somethings entirely?

>> No.6330878

It's nice to hear femanons talk about something other than how they look.

Do you ever browse /b/?

>> No.6330896

I am a stay at home mom of 3 boys whiley husband works building radiators in Ford SUVs, Max is 5, Sam is 3 and Ben is 1. My life is very full. I always thought being a mom would be a piece if cake, but between mealtimes, cleaning, diapers at the most inopportune times, dr/dentist appts, bathing kids (I bathe them separately, throwing all 3 of them in the tub together seems unclean) groceries, family gatherings...I am running and working more than I ever did at a regular job. I would not trade my life with my sons for all the riches in the world. Though it can test your patience, it is the most rewarding and responsible thing I have ever done. Good luck to those who want children, I hope you reach that goal.

>> No.6330907
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Thanks anon. Good to here from a fellow happy homemaker.

>> No.6330941

Sorry but I think your post just validated the anon your replying to's point

>> No.6330985

Nope. /fit/ and /ck/ only. Not much free time lately and I hate the whole /b/ mentality and the population that browses it. I never hang around that kind of people IRL, so I don't want to hang around them on the internet too.

>> No.6330991

Are there any moms in the Dmv area who want to fuck me?

Please respond.

>> No.6331002

back to /b/, faggot

>> No.6331009

Ask me how I know you're new.

If you want to insult someone you don't refer them to /b/ anymore. You refer them to /v/ or /r9k/ or something.

Or /pol/ if I said something that upset you.

Now back to reddit with you, friend.

Also, we call people cucks now, not faggots.

>> No.6331013

back to /r9k/, cuck

>> No.6331031 [DELETED] 

Lies. I'd love to trade work and school for a domestic life, even if it meant answering to somebody about matters outside of the home. Sorry feminists.

>> No.6331035

Much better!

>> No.6331060

Kinda on the fence about it.
On one hand, I really value a well-run household. I think I'd be good at homemaking.
On the other hand, I'd end up feeling unfulfilled without a career of my own, especially after my kids left.

>> No.6331112


I've always tried to do them in a skillet on stovetop, maybe I'll give oven a go. I just hate my fucking oven it heats unevenly.

>> No.6331120
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Rotate the skillet 180 degrees each time you flip the thighs, that should eliminate uneven cooking.

>> No.6331235
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Fukkin 9 month old baby nobody wants to babysit.
Husband has own business that he is immersed in.
/ck/ /tv/ and /pol/ amuse me

>> No.6331370

Homemakers, what did you make for dinner tonight?

>> No.6331441

You can take up an artistic side hobby

>> No.6331449

We can fix you
we have the technology
admitting you are your own problem is the first step
Be better than the other fat bitches
do something about it

>> No.6331457

I wish I had a qtp2t MILF to come home to. I'm so lonely guise. ;_;

It feels like being a house-husbando would be perfect. Cook, clean, fuck, repeat. All the things I love to do.

>> No.6331461

Do you keep quiet if you see your fellow homemaker friends making poor choices or are they generally open to suggestions?

>> No.6331475
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I don't know any other homemakers personally.

>> No.6331482



>> No.6331484
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I am a stay at home mom.

>> No.6332564

Yeah I stay at my mums. Just yesterday she tought me how to make a quesadilla. DOn't think I quite remember all the constructions but I should e able to fugure it out. PUt the pop and wait for the puff, then cheese with another pop and puff nuke till creamy done

>> No.6332705

I was raised by a stay at home dad and it was fucking horrible. I would literally get lectured for several hours if I rolled my eyes at something my parents said, or responded in a "snotty tone".

Almost every time I see them I find some way to tell them how insane they are and what horrible parents they were. Whenever I hear people talk about having good relationships with their parents it's fucking baffling to me because I can't relate at all.


This. There's a girl I was friends with in high school with 3 kids who doesn't work and complains about money on Facebook all the time. She's also complained about shit like raising the minimum wage in California which I don't even fucking understand because she doesn't even pay taxes. Bitch I pay for your fucking welfare.

>> No.6332878


>> No.6332920

You mean how anon baited me by rewording everything I wrote to make me seem like a massive vapid cunt?

Yeah, I swallowed that shit hook line and sinker.