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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6323384 No.6323384 [Reply] [Original]

Please help me /ck/
Could I do this recipe (http://www.thecandidappetite.com/2012/04/30/strawberry-shortcake/)) without a mixer? Just by hand?
Have never baked in my life... Want to do this recipe, but a smaller version, can you help with that also? I mean, to fix the recipe, to a smaller cake
I'm talking maybe even cupcake size...

>> No.6323528

>strawberry shortcake
>by hand
>never baked

Dude, just no. This is probably the LAST recipe on earth I would recommend to do without a mixer. Even if your wrists survive creaming the butter and sugar until its smooth and light, you still would have to create substantially whipped egg whites which take even more force to get right, not to mention the whipped cream topping and filling.

This kind of cake is not at all forgiving, if this were something like cookies I would say do your best on creaming and it will be fine, but you mess up on this and you are looking at dry cardboard.

Can a skilled baker do this by hand? Yeah probably, especially if they are from an era without mixers. Buy a fucking mixer dude.

>> No.6323539

I will eventually, but can't right now and wanted to do something myself for my gf, we have a special day this week.
Any other recipes /ck/ Could recommend then? Anything I could make without a mixer.

>> No.6323545


i just made bread by hand fpr the first time like a a week ago or so, was pretty fun. i dont have a stand mixer and i wqs too lazy to use the hand mixer

not op btw

>> No.6323553

make cupcakes? pie dough is easy to make without a mixer.

>> No.6323555


How about walnut tassies?

>> No.6323558
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>Be in cooking class
>Supposed to make french buttercream for our cakes
>Partner goes to find electric mixer
>MFW they're all being used

>> No.6323567

Brownies are incredibly forgiving and simple and taste good. If you want to keep the sweetheart/red and white theme going try this recipe for red velvet brownies;


Her technique and flavors check out, the melted butter is easy to cream with the sugar by hand and you basically can't overmix since brownies are supposed to be chewy. The whole thing is a one bowl affair with common, cheap ingredient (you can buy a half pint of buttermilk and food coloring for less than $5). Drizzling with melted white chocolate and nuts is easy but looks impressive.

Just make sure your cooking tray is the right size and you line with parchment paper.

>> No.6323570

I love you, thanks, I'll do this

>> No.6323578

>french buttercream

I swear the french invent hard as fuck cooking techniques on purpose to keep themselves in demand. any recipe that involves heating sugar to any specific temp can fuck right off. Swiss buttercream tastes better anyway.

GL, maybe watch the video if you want to make sure its all good.

>> No.6323582
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>any recipe that involves heating sugar to a specific temp can fuck right off
>suddenly remember the disaster that was the caramel sauce i tried to make the other day

kill me

>> No.6323586

Sugar really is something you need the right tools for. If you don't have the proper pan and candy thermometer setup, as well as that silicon cooling mat thing candy and caramel shit is off the table.

>> No.6323590


Who makes the best candy thermometer? I thought I'd be safe if I was just making a sauce. I was wrong. It was all perfect until I tried to add the cream.

>> No.6323595

I don't have one right now, my last one broke.

Just make sure the one you get is long enough for your pan, and clips on to the side and ideally has an electric display so you can get and exact read. Make sure the sensor isn't against the bottom of the pan or else your reading will be off.