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6315857 No.6315857 [Reply] [Original]

Rye, malt, or bourbon?

>> No.6315865


>> No.6315873


>> No.6315875


I don't like any of the brown races only pure crystal clear aryan spirits will do or white Russians .

>> No.6315877

rye, but i wont say no to bourbon

>> No.6315879

Clear spirits are for women.

>> No.6315882

>making it sound like those are the only 3 options
You've got a long way to go

>> No.6315888

How does rye Wild Turkey compare to the standard version(my go-to bourbon) ? It's so expensive here that it's not really worth it to try if I don't think I'll like it. Also never see it in bars.

>> No.6315892

Your mom's a woman, fag.

>> No.6315893 [DELETED] 


>> No.6315899

If you've never tried a rye, go for Bulleit. It will be around the same price as Wild Turkey, but quite a bit better. Never seen anyone really dislike the stuff

>> No.6315902 [DELETED] 

if wild turkey is your go-to bourbon (and it's fine if it is, I'm not impugning you for not being a whiskey snob) then don't bother with the rye.

>> No.6315912

Because of the shitdick-tier country I live in , Bulleit is $40 for a 750ml and WT is $30.

>> No.6315972

Theyre all fucking good, I drink all three fairly consistently without predjudice.

I dont have much time for people that vehemently drink only one type of whiskey, narrominded cunts *generally*

>drinks Rittenhouse - basically bourbon

>drinks Bullit, pretty close to rye

>drinks blended scotch and fruity highland malts

>> No.6315977 [DELETED] 


>> No.6315982 [DELETED] 

Your mum was sure sweet and had plenty of depth if you know what I mean.

>> No.6315993

Whoa. Canada?

>> No.6316051

Single Malts. Of course I like bourbon, and it is most of what I drink, but when it comes to pure enjoyment of the flavor I like scotch. Not just peat bomb/islay stuff, I just like the malted barley over corn or wheat.Though the only rye I have had was Rittenhouse Rye, which was like an overly sweet bolder tasting bourbon to me.

Those are the same prices as NY. At least we aren't in Canada.

>> No.6316058

Really been loving Bourbon since Damon from the Vampire Diaries got me into it. He drinks it all the time, so I started to too. Trying to figure out specifically his favourite bourbons so I can stick with those.

>> No.6316075

have you tried searching stuff on wine-searcher.com?

>> No.6316101

Hey guys. I've been wanting to get into whisky for a while, so last night at the bar I had some bourbon. I drank Bulleit, because that's what a friend of mine ordered also. I wasn't a big fan. It didn't really have much taste to it. Can anyone recommend me something better?

>> No.6316124

makers mark is a tasty and inexpensive bourbon

>> No.6317421

what part of NY is that? in Hudson County NJ Bulleit is $25, and my gf who lives in NYC said she found it somewhere in midtown even cheaper than that.

>> No.6317432

I got six such whiskey glasses for Christmas.
Is there a real legit point to them or are they just memevessels for tryhards? (more like ryehards, amirite?)

>> No.6317468

>When placed on a flat surface and given a gentle tap the Sagaform Rocking Whisky Glass will spin on its central cone, simulating the rotational movement you would make with your hand while holding an ordinary whiskey glass, stirring up and stimulating the flavour & aroma of the whiskey.

I just use a glencairn, but that seems neat to use, no loss either because it was a gift.

>> No.6317477

Too close to a dreidel for me to be comfortable using one. good luck with your indoctrination

>> No.6317486

Single malt scotch, pls. Toss in a single icecube to open up the flavor.

>> No.6317489

You're not gonna like learning that bourbon is the only liquor that's always kosher due to corn being new world, and therefore beloved by rabbis, then.

>> No.6317497

And when placed on a flat surface and poured into it spins and you get whiskey everywhere.
I do use them since they're useable glasses, but I mostly rest them on my stomach anyway.

>> No.6317499

Single Malt, neat.

Anybody that adds water or ice deserves to be shot for being a massive pussy.

>> No.6317500

I love my glencairns, so do my guests

>> No.6317501

Nice fedora tipping there, mister Real Man.
Some whiskeys release a shitload of flavour if you give them a little water.
Are you just downing shots and going "ahhhh!" after each one?

>> No.6317505
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mah nigga

The tiny bit of melting ice water to a cooling glass of scotch makes the flavor amazing, there is no pussy about it. Tt's about refined taste.

Go drink your Irishnigger whiskey, tryhard.

>> No.6317508

>Shots of expensive single malt?
Fuck that.
No, if the distiller wanted the extra water in their recipe, they would've added it.

>> No.6317510

Calm your tits bro, some people like the flavor that it gives the whiskey to dilute it a tiny bit. I for one sometimes enjoy the way the flavor changes over time with an ice cube thrown in, as it melts the flavor changes. Let people like what they like, it doesn't make your whiskey experience any different.

>> No.6317512

>not drinking gin

>> No.6317514


>> No.6317515

That would just be dillution, as a single icesube melts as you sip on it the water doesn't dissolve fully and it opens up the flavor. My great grandfather taught me this trick when I was a shitheel like you.

>> No.6317524

Being an alcohol in canada is suffering

>> No.6317527

Not worth it unless you can find the 101.


>> No.6317528
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>> No.6317529

I've been drinking scotch for years, I don't know if it's a regional thing, but nobody I know likes adding anything to it, ice water, fruit oil, nothing.
I know how it works, and if I had to add a little water to anything it would be an Islay as the water can help break up that creaminess, but I still don't like it. It's just inauthentic.

>> No.6317530
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>> No.6317535

The only thing I don't like about em is that with the really aromatic whiskeys, it feels like i'm burning a hole in my sinuses when I take a sip.

>> No.6317538

A single icecube is traditional. you must know a bunch of uncultured hipsters.

It's not a hip thing, it has been that way for hundreds of years, and for good reason, scotch at room temp is worse than Irish whiskey.

>> No.6317540
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>not just picking whatever you feel like

>> No.6317543

How about you try it, if you still prefer your way. Great for you.

But if you look down on people for enjoying it the way that it was meant to be drank, you are just a cunt.

>> No.6317548 [DELETED] 

I got home from work at 10:30 PM tonight. I cracked open a liter of vodka around 11:00 PM and have been drinking enough to sustain a comfortable buzz so I can fall asleep. Its 2:00 AM now and about 75 percent of the bottle is gone. The scary thing is I have been doing this every night for the last few years without reprieve. I don't get sloppy or sick anymore. After a shot I will feel intoxicated for about 20 minutes and come back down to a baseline. I will probably finish the bottle before I can pass out.

Anyways, my 2:00 AM drunk munchies will include a shot of bourbon, hummus, olives, pita chips, and olives. My CAPTCHA included some guinea pigs, good thing were not in Peru.

>> No.6317551
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This is my scotch. Glenmorangie is decent, considering I was raised on J&B.

>> No.6317552

Different anon than the uppity cunt you're replying to, but I have never tried scotch on ice myself and I really enjoy it even at room temperature. Does it really make that big of a difference?

Could you possibly get the same result by (excuse me if this sounds horribly offensive) refrigerating it?

>> No.6317555

I got home from work at 10:30 PM tonight. I cracked open a liter of vodka around 11:00 PM and have been drinking enough to sustain a comfortable buzz so I can fall asleep. Its 2:00 AM now and about 75 percent of the bottle is gone. The scary thing is I have been doing this every night for the last few years without reprieve. I don't get sloppy or sick anymore. After a shot I will feel intoxicated for about 20 minutes and come back down to a baseline. I will probably finish the bottle before I can pass out.

Anyways, my 2:00 AM drunk munchies will include a shot of bourbon, hummus, olives, pita chips, and some nice deli cheese. My CAPTCHA required me to select the guinea pigs, good thing we're not in Peru.

>> No.6317560

It makes a great difference. But you don't want to water it down, that it why you use a single icecube (or piece of ice). The Icecube cools the drink down fast enough that it doesn't melt completely, and you should be able to drink it before the icesube is even halfway melted. As a poster said above, it opens up the flavor. straight shots are woody.

>> No.6317561

Damn dude, you deleted your post for two minor edits. You should hit the hay soon.

Hummus and pita is great drunk food though.

>> No.6317568

If I could I would. Insomnia is a bitch and I know alcohol isn't the answer but such is life at the moment.

>> No.6317573

If you drink it neat already you'll probably find that ice kills the experience.

>> No.6317575


have you considered switching to GHB? a more pleasant drunkenness than alcohol, zero hangover, and if you dose it properly it will knock you. at a sleeping dose, you will wake up more refreshed than you have ever been

>> No.6317581

People that drink it neat are fucking retarded pussies.

>> No.6317583

I get what you're saying. I'm pretty open to trying new things with my boozing, which is why I tried scotch in the first place. None of my friends or family like it, I come from a clan of cajun bourbonites. I have a particular love for gin as well.

>> No.6317586

Gin is my love.

>> No.6317592

The only thing I want to switch to is sobriety or some form of moderation because this lifestyle is beating the hell out of my body. Watching Bourdain slug Guinness and slurp oysters for breakfast in Ireland on TV doesn't help.

>> No.6317605


Dickel? I love the stuff.

>> No.6317611


Moonshine. The real thing at 130 proof, not some 80-proof corporate crap from an ethanol factory.

>> No.6317618

I drink scotch because I come from a long line of scotch drinkers, I used to raid their cabinets. When I became old enough they would give me shit. I never gave into peer pressure, I'm a self-righteous asshole. But I tried it there way and found out that it unlocked something about it that I never enjoyed about it before. I have been chasing that dragon ever since. I can't drink straight scotch without disappointment now.

From a psychological point I'm just trying to impress my family, but even if that is the case, I enjoy it a lot more. Now I am leaving as I have had a few too many and this doesnt even make sense to me now.

>> No.6317631

Low proof bait.

>> No.6317635


W.L. Weller from 1994. I found a bottle recently, and it's amazing. It's basically the original Pappy.

>> No.6317647

bourbon unless you're a faggot

>> No.6317692


It's gone up at least $20 in my area in the last 5 years.

>> No.6317896

Nah, there's no need to swirl spirits constantly as you would with wine, if anything it's detrimental to analytical tasting. It should only me swirled once, then left to rest for a time, that's it

>> No.6318103

KY fag here.

Bourbon and bourbon only.

>> No.6318147

Right there with you, fellow KY bro.

>> No.6318440

You are a tremendous faggot

>> No.6318453

Total noob here, is it wrong to store your scotch in the fridge? And if so, would it harm the scotch if I take it out of the fridge now that it's been there for a while?

>> No.6318463

Bowmore or Laphroaig for Islay? Do you guys think they're comparable? I'm taking baby steps with Whisky right now. Enjoying my Johnny Walker Gold now, it's smooth and relatively simple.

>> No.6318468

Whisky doesn't need to be stored in the fridge, unless you really like it cold. If it's in the fridge because of space constraints, I suggest leaving it out overnight to warm back up. It shouldn't be harmful to the whisky.

In general whisky tastes better with a cube of ice than just cooled.

>> No.6318510

KY is actually a nice place. derby and all... Mint juleps. Hard place to live, if not rich.Geologic wonder. Lexington is nice. I am not a fan of rye or bourbon, but I like Henrey mckinna. dryer than most. op's pic look's like some juice glasses I have. Skirting the issue, eh? ok, rye.thank god for dollar general.,coal and rail roads. Half of my little community wold be dead, without. Every heard of Wilmore, KY?

>> No.6318519

>KY is actually a nice place.

I've driven through it a few times and I'm always amazing how pretty it is. Too bad about the people that live there.

>> No.6318720

Not him, but come the fuck on.

I don't know any women who drink gin, and even the "hardest" of whiskey drinking guys I know can't even smell the shit I drink daily.

Want to taste pure alcoholism? Buy a fifth of shitty gin and chug.

>> No.6318723

I hate anime.

Hate it.

When I'm drunk, I enjoy a little fullmetal... except... except only in japanese.

The fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.6318727

How do you have so much in your house? If that was in my home, it'd be gone within 5 days.

>> No.6318752

Some people have this mysterious thing called self control. Unbelievable I know.

>> No.6318780

>posting in an alcohol thread on /ck/ about self control
Yeah, okay, buddy. Whatever you say.

>> No.6318816
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>mfw I cant tell the difference and I only notice if it goes down smoothly

>> No.6318842

Fuck I hate people like you. This isn't one of those pathetic cesspools people call al/ck/ threads, this is a thread about alcohol. Not alcoholics. Noy getting as drunk as you can for as cheap. The discussion in this thread has been about things people actually enjoy.

>Lolololololol nobody drinks alcohol for the taste, nobody has self control!

Fuck you, please go back to the pathetic circlejerk blogging threads. Not everybody is a pathetic excuse of a human being.

>> No.6318853

You forgot grain and blend.

>> No.6318863


So what? I have no self control when it comes to alcohol. I choose not to eat cake, pizza, candy, or excessive amounts of bread. I get all my wasted calories from booze, because I enjoy it. All I said was that I can't imagine having that much in my house, because I enjoy it too much. Do you hate fun? Do you have a stick so far up your ass that if you had a trampoline in your back yard, you'd just sit out there with a hose and spray anyone who came near?

>> No.6318881

This. Every woman I know says it tastes "like a pine tree".

>> No.6318883

Canadian blended, thanks.

>> No.6318886

And yet I say
>No, it tastes like Chrismas you hag

>> No.6318901
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>> No.6318907
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This nigga knows whats up. Get them balls out, show 'em to me /ck/

>> No.6318916

That's cause its juniper berries and they taste very similar

>> No.6318930

If I remember right juniper shrubs are an evergreen.

Coincidentally, I'm going to grab a leg of lamb today and when it thaws I'm going to rub it with juniper, salt, and caraway.

>> No.6318939

You are correct the shrubs are an evergreen, but I was talking about the berries specifically and their unique flavor

>> No.6318947

What are you, a woman or some fucking thing?

>> No.6318952

And why would you make such an accusation

>> No.6318957

But they aren't unique, they taste like how a pine tree smells. Which is why a lot of women complain apparently.

Since I'm not rubbing my food on a pine tree for that flavor, I thought it would be worth noting.

>> No.6318968

I said unique FLAVOR not scent,flavor learn to read you illiterate fuck,a scent and a flavor are different and gin doesn't taste like pine trees women are just stupid and shouldn't drink anything but fruity sweet drinks

>> No.6318969

>some fucking thing
Ayy lmaos like their gin m8

>> No.6318980

If I might interject?

*Flavor* as in "taste" is salty, sweet, bitter, sour, (umami). All other flavors are scents. Try this: plug your nose and taste some cinnamon water. If you say you can taste the cinnamon, you're a fucking liar.

>> No.6318992
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my favorite rye

>> No.6319008
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Yeah your right you really can't taste it

>> No.6319012


>> No.6319029

Try that shit.

Seriously. Fucking try it.

Can you "taste" cinnamon? Or are you just experiencing the sensation of something exceedingly dry?

Fucking samefag

>> No.6319031

You're a fag to get this riled.

>> No.6319035

This. That will taste dry and maybe quite bitter, but not anything like cinnamon if your nose is shut.

>> No.6319042

I did try it and I didn't taste anything,that's fucking neat

>> No.6319046

And you enjoy getting your fudge packed if you think you can taste that without your sense of smell.

>> No.6319054
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>Fucking samefag

>> No.6319055

Oh yeah. I actually know a guy who got stoned back in the '70s, slipped on the ice, fell of a cliff, landed on his head, was helevaced to the hospital and recovered, but totally lost his sense of smell. I asked him if he could still taste food and he looked at me like I was crazy and said "of course". Said it was the first time he had ever heard it suggested to him that the sense of smell and taste are connected. Now that's a true story, true as I can tell it.

>> No.6319061

And I went to the Museum of Science in Boston, went to the human section, tasted a bunch of shit, plugged my nose for half of it, and couldn't taste fucking cinnamon.

Wanna know why? Your anecdote is a lie, and mine is true.


>> No.6319070

>Your anecdote is a lie, and mine is true.
My anecdote is totally true. The reason I asked him if he could still taste food is because I, like you, learned in elementary school that if you plug your nose you can't taste food. Nevertheless, the part of the faggot's brain that detects smell conked out on him, and the part that detects taste did not.

Besides, who could make up a story like that? The guy also drove a yellow Rabbit with one of those wooden bead seat covers and a knocked-out rear window with a piece of clear poly taped over it for about four years.

>> No.6319098

How do you make ice balls? And what's the point?

>> No.6319113

There's molds you buy.
There isn't a point, icefags just like to feel cool

>> No.6319126


>> No.6319136


>> No.6319162
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1st peated Single Malt I've ever tried and it literally blew me away.

>> No.6319182

Aberlour and Balvenie

>> No.6319192


>> No.6319217

Thank you. If only these posters without self control had access to heroin then they wouldn't be posting anymore

>> No.6319227

>calls OP a pleb for implying people have self control
>OP responds

Enjoy liver disease and your narcissism. I'm not OP, just came to note how fucking retarded you sound.

>> No.6319234

A little off topic but Zaya Rum is really fucking good for the price ($18-22 dollars where I am).

It's smooth, with just the right amount of sweetness and a great after taste. High quality, and similar to bourbon (which you get with higher quality rums), but at a reasonable price.

>> No.6319236

Little extreme there brah...

>> No.6319258

Wow, you guys are angry.

>> No.6319278

you take a cube and LICK that MOTHERFUCKA

the point is to compensate yous own small balls but really who gives a shit?

>> No.6319293

>didn't read the report
Fucking eat some cinnamon with your nose plugged, faggot. The other guy did and admitted he couldn't taste it.

>> No.6319301

>your narcissism
I am not proud of being a drunk

He's still fucking mad.

Also, I never said "pleb," just insinuated that any thread on /ck/ with alcohol will be riddled with alcoholics; that OP shouldn't be surprised an an alcoholic response.

>> No.6319339

It was condescending to say the least. I don't really know why I'm defending him for blowing up tbh.

Btw just curious. For good liquor, like scotch etc how do you drink it? I like to sip on mine, and I have finished a bottle before but it took me almost 5 hours. Do you just drink it faster? Genuinely curious.

>> No.6319345

Gonna have to agree with >>6318440

>> No.6319447

Something remarkably good, I usually have with an ice cube and sip over the course of an hour. Once I start getting tipsy, I move to cheap stuff, because there's no point in getting drunk off good (expensive) booze.

I've been known to have 3 drams of whiskey followed by 5 or 6 shots of rum, and then pass out and shit my pants.

>> No.6319476

Oh wow I am jealous. Never see it for less than ~$35 around boston

>> No.6319523

What you guys think of red label and black label johnnie walker? I've been drinking it since I was in high school and was wondering what the scotch expert fags think about it.

>> No.6320254

how are you alive if it literally blew you away

>> No.6320262
