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6312456 No.6312456 [Reply] [Original]

Been doing a trial gluten-free diet for health purposes for a couple weeks now and am getting disturbing results that are leaning towards gluten sensitivity. GOD I MISS BREADS. Eating lots of rice, beans, chex cereals.

Going to continue at least another week or two, then do a 'stuff my face with wheat products' day to test for sensitivity. I'd appreciate any tips, recipes, ideas etc. about gluten free diets in the meantime as this may become a permanent thing for me.

>> No.6312460

I'm curently gluten and dairy free and it's awesome. Takes a while to get used to it but I feel amazing for it. Stick with it bro.

>> No.6312467

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.6312473

Are there any scholarly articles that suggest a gluten free diet has health benefits?

>> No.6312477

>Going to continue at least another week or two, then do a 'stuff my face with wheat products' day to test for sensitivity.
That's not a very reliable way to test for sensitivity.

That's akin to testing if you're sensitive to heat by going to a holiday in Siberia for a week and then throwing cooking water over yourself.

If you're sensitive to it you will know it if you eat one slice of bread.
If you suddenly stuff your face full of food your stomach will be upset, gluten or gluten-free.

>> No.6312479


Depends on whether or not you have celicac disease or not. If you do, yes, it has plenty of benefits. If not, then no.

>> No.6312503
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That's just it, I have been feeling better. Far better than I was. I hope this doesn't mean I have to give up breads and pizza forever.

But it's so difficult to find gluten free stuff. Every label I look at has wheat or some other gluten crap in it! If I lived in Asia this would be easy as hell. America sucks for wheat sensitivity.


I don't know, I'm doing it as a test for sensitivity to gluten though as there are many conditions that are sensitive to it.

>> No.6312528

which conditions? cutting down on refined carbs (in our society, lots of wheat products) will make just about anyone feel better. are you sure it's neither that nor the placebo effect?

>> No.6312539


This >>6312479

gluten sensitivity is fucking fake

it forces you to stop eating a bunch of processed garbage because most of it has gluten in it, that's all

>> No.6312558

This exactly.

I know so many people who do this "I feel so much better now" schtick and determine that they must have been sensitive, but they ate shit beforehand and now are having to lay off the junk food, and what do you know.

Gluten intolerance is a real thing, but there are more and more people self-diagnosing, and being just as wrong as every other self-diagnosis.

>> No.6312563

I have a friend with Celiac. nice dude, authentic as you can get. He is gluten free by dietary obligation and he gets screwed out of all the good things that have gluten in them.
I have another friend, and she's nice, but she rides EVERY FUCKING TREND. So she's "going gluten free" and riding her high horse about it and how she feels great because she cut out gluten, ignoring that all the shit she cut out is empty carbs and shit.
I try and tell her than correlation doesn't mean causality and that she could cut out the fucking junk food without dropping gluten, and she responds with some fucking nonsense about blah blah gluten unnatural chemicals and processing.
like holy fuck why even do something if you don't understand why you're doing it?

>> No.6312618

That thing would need a crazy strong spring.

>> No.6312635

>Gluten intolerance is a real thing

It's only a real thing because our pussyfied society bends over backwards to cater to these genetic defectives, who in a better world would have died off long ago.

>> No.6312675

Almost enough for a 10mm.

With love,

>> No.6312683
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Ok, let's just cut this shit right here. This is a personal choice I've made to test a theory, it isn't harming me, and I'm just seeking advice from those who might have experience.

It's not meant to be a deep discussion about my motives for doing this or how everyone else does it or whether you think it's bullshit. I've read enough and am familiar enough with my own symptoms to understand that there is a good possibility it's actually helping me.

For the record I haven't cut all of the empty carbs - I'm still eating white rice with my Chinese (soy sauce free, thanks) and sugar in my tea, I'm still eating refined sugar cereals like Chex, I'm still eating plenty of other sources of fiber and protein and iron to make up for the loss of wheat. It's only wheat and related grains I'm avoiding as a test, and my consumption of such has historically if anything been a healthy thing as I tend to go for the whole grain, seedy, textured grain products over others. White rice seems pretty bland.

Also I'm obviously joking about the 'stuffing my face' thing, I don't intend to be stupid about it. Just being facetious. And I don't give a fuck about trends. I'm doing this as an experiment, for myself, to see whether it's worth consulting a doctor over as that's a hell of a pain for me.

Some links for you all to read instead of arguing in a thread I hoped might have tips and recipes instead:



(oh yeah, almost forgot "inB4 Wiki isn't a real source blah blah." Go fuck yourself, that guy.)

>> No.6312689

Look up the Placebo effect OP.

>> No.6312693

>This is a personal choice
>expecting autists to understand this

>> No.6312702

>Spaceman Carrot

I welcome our new Carrot overlords.

>> No.6312711

Actually my first thought was Big Daddy from Bioshock, but that works too.

>> No.6312736

>This is a personal choice I've made to test a theory

Nothing wrong with that, but your methodology is poor. Your "experiment" won't provide you any useful information because you are changing too many variables at once.

>> No.6312835
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Wheat is too many variables?

Ok, I admit there is ONE other thing I have stopped eating, which is hot sauce, because it's obviously part of the problem. I won't bother with the details on how I know this.

Outside of that, though, it's only really wheat that has changed, I am still consuming more or less similar foods now just gluten free. Little things like pudding cup instead of a donut or snack cake, cup of rice with my chicken instead of bread, baked potato with skin and some meat instead of a sandwich. Only the wheat and related grains have been changed. It's enough of an experiment to give me at least some idea of whether a doctor could help or not, especially if I repeat it more than once and get similar results.

So, um, recipes? Anyone?

>> No.6312854

>Wheat is too many variables?

You're not changing JUST wheat. You're changing the other parts of the dishes as well.

For example, suppose you normally ate bread and now you're stopping that for your experiment. Well, you didn't just stop eating the wheat in that bread, you also stopped eating the sugar in it, the dough conditioner chemicals in it, and the milk in it, etc, etc. You changed the whole list of ingredients, not just "wheat". Then there's the matter of what you are eating instead of that bread: If you cut the wheat out and didn't replace it with anything then you also ended up changing your caloric intake. If you did substitute something else for the bread, or simply ate more of your other normal foods, then you are changing those things as well.

>>So, um, recipes? Anyone?
Sorry, I'd gladly post any if I knew any, but the only gluten-free stuff I know is the obvious: recipes that don't contain any wheat (etc) in the first place. I don't know any gluten-substitute recipes, sorry.

>> No.6312957

America is ran by coporations that actively poison the food supply, no shit.

>> No.6312972

Parents are using gluten free diet, they can't each much and all and when they do eat gluten shit as guests they get fucked up badly.

Don't do a complete fag diet. It's like being a bubble boy released upon the world without the bubble.

>> No.6313301

It's just an experiment for now. I could really use some advice other than "you shouldn't do this" and "You're not learning anything useful."

>> No.6313314

I've been going out of my way to eat more gluten just out of spite.

Fucking hipsters.

>> No.6313503

try eating a little seitan.

>> No.6313672
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Try eating a little less horsecock.

>> No.6313734

Fucking placebo effect you weak minded pussy. Gluten allergies aren't real. Take your tampon out and move on to complaining that dairy makes you gassy. If you can't handle food your ancestors have been eating for centuries you should just kill yourself so I don't have to listen to your fucking whining.

>> No.6313755

Millet is great.

But aren't these allergies just intestinal problems that can get fixed if you get the right bacteria back and don't overeat glutenous food?

>> No.6313840

>so I don't have to listen to your fucking whining.
You read this thread by choice. Think about the choices you make and how they effect your life.

OP, consider the possibility of IBS if you're still eating some glutens and they're not effecting you.
Here's a list of foods that you can/can't eat if you have IBS:

Note that some of the foods to avoid are the things that you've already cut out of your diet (eg. wheat).
For me the big thing was oats. It was the deciding factor of determining whether I have coeliacs disease or IBS. If I had coeliacs then I couldn't eat oats but I'm still eating them every morning and they don't seem to effect me, which suggests that I'm FODMAP sensitive and not gluten sensitive.
Worth noting is that I did have a reaction to oats initially but then I saw that my brand of oats was processed on the same machinery that processed wheat products so I started rinsing my oats before cooking them and that made a big difference. It was clear that I was reacting to wheat and not oats. So if you try experimenting with oats then read the pack and rinse them.

Just something to consider.

>> No.6313850

get checked for celiac disease.

Otherwise, any health benefits you've noticed are a combination of either the placebo effect, or the fact that foods with gluten tend to be unhealthy in other ways.

>> No.6313864

>or the fact that foods with gluten tend to be unhealthy in other ways.
Not true. I think a lot of people confuse the word 'gluten' with 'glutton'.

>> No.6313865

>personal choice
>let me go tell everyone on a Lebanese stopmotion board

>> No.6313992

But the variety of wheat we're eating has only existed for 50 years.

>> No.6314402

If you want to know if you have celiac disease (glutin sensitivity is a bulshit marketing phrase) go to your doctor and get tested.

>> No.6314408

>think it's bullshit

But it IS bullshit.

>> No.6314436

>genetic defectives
So even you admit it's an existing condition.

>pussyfied society bends over backwards

>> No.6314446

What are your symptoms? What reaction did you have to the oats? IBS? I'm confused.

>> No.6314454


>> No.6314460

Also, I knew a girl who did the gluten-free stuff for a bit. All the gluten-free versions of wheat icon gaining food tastes terrible. Gluten-free beer just doesn't taste right. I'd say to look into cooking things that never had wheat products to begin with, instead of modifying existing recipes.

Also, there are a lot of misinformed people out there. When I was a waiter, I had to convince many women that rice did not contain wheat gluten. Yes. And the ones who say that certain types of bread are OK, when the choices all comtain wheat flour, deserve a special hell.

>> No.6315237

you most likely feel better because you have essentially cut out high fructose corn syrup from your diet, and not gluten. You crave bread because american breads are jam packed with that shit.

Gluten sensitivity is real but it is grossly over diagnosed.

>> No.6315252

>So, um, recipes? Anyone?
>take regular recipe
>replace wheat flour with rice flour
>enjoy it tasting dryer while costing more to make and harder to work the dough

>> No.6315269

>But it's so difficult to find gluten free stuff.

Why do people say this?
The vast majority of foods are gluten free: meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, shellfish, fish, legumes, you name it. The vast majority of food is gluten free.

What you need to stop is looking at PACKAGED food. Stop that. Buy raw ingredients. Cook from scratch. If the recipe doesn't contain wheat or flour, then you're fine.

>> No.6315299

>Why do people say this?

because they can't cook

>> No.6315315

many foods with gluten are also loaded with high fructose corn syrup or fat. If OP has cut out pizza and mcdonalds because he's avoiding the gluten, he'll feel better whether he has celiac or not because he's not eating pounds of fat and sugar anymore.

>> No.6315323


even if you can't cook it's easy to find gluten free things these days

but yeah, these are the same people who think they have a "gluten sensitivity" because they stop shoveling garbage into their mouths constantly and have to actually eat real food since most processed shit has gluten in it


my mom was diagnosed celiac about 10 years ago and I cook for her and my dad whenever I visit them and it's amazing how she still has no idea what the fuck has gluten in it, because I always get the "are you sure I can eat this?"

bitch I'm a sous chef in a snooty restaurant in san francisco where every tard thinks they have "gluten sensitivity", I think I know what the fuck has gluten in it

>> No.6315389

They have a small isle in supermarkets with gluten free food.

This irritates him for some reason. And he sees himself as a better person than these people.

>> No.6315842

fyi op but your gluten insensitivity could actually be something else connected to wheat but not necessarily to gluten.

i'd look to improving your gut microculture. try supplementing with probiotics (yogurt, kimchi, etc) or find someone healthy with a lifestyle and outlook you like and eat their ass.

antibiotics / preservatives is the big one for me. i seem to only get really bad (and persistently bad) shits after i eat junk food, which tends to be loaded with this crap.

supplementing with traditional preserved foods (yogurt, kimchi, salt fish, salt veg, brined tofu, real cheese) in a raw or lightly cooked form usually fixes things up straight away. if this doesn't work, you might have to take more drastic steps.

>> No.6315880


Same with most foods you eat

>> No.6315904

>i'm not allergic to something, i'm sensitive to it

>> No.6317894

>Hurr durr it's not real it's just a fad.
Some people have immune systems that shit themselves every once in a while. I'm atopic and I've had periods where eating grains left me with eczema over half my upper body.

Usually I'm fine.

>> No.6317908

Mr. Mackey is now gluten free and everyone is annoyed when he won't quit preaching about how great he feels. But, after witnessing a disturbing demonstration of what happens to your body when you do eat gluten, South Park becomes the first town in America to go gluten free.

>> No.6317952

>this thread


>> No.6318471

Thank you for the info. Nice to know some small percentage of /ck/ isn't trolls. I did pick up some of those Chex gluten free oatmeals while I was out yesterday so no rinsing needed atm. :)

There is still plenty of that crap in other stuff I eat though. So I do suspect there is something in the breads/cereals/other wheat products I've cut out that is if not causing then at least adding to the problem. Whether it's gluten or not I really can't say. What I do know is that I've been on this wheatfree diet for about 2-3 weeks now and the horrific sharp pains in my stomach and intestinal tract have gone along with many of the other symptoms that are less pleasant to mention here.

Does it mean I'm celiac or gluten sensitive? I don't know but it's not hurting me other than the constant craving for breads and donuts (hah) so It's worth doing at the moment.

I didn't go into details but my current living arrangements make it extremely difficult/impossible to cook normally and I'm having to rely on prepackaged/prepared foods for the time being. So yes, that makes it very difficult. I'm a decent cook and believe me I'd much rather be making my own stuff, but this is reality atm.

I've always consumed as much yogurt as possible, thanks for the suggestion. It would be easier if my fridge wasn't a dorm size mini. Never tried kimchi. Salt fish/veg sounds like something horribly unhealthy and sodium packed.

I do have a long history of allergies but none that are like "omg one nanoparticle kills me" deadly.

Had poached eggs and potatoes with onions/peppers yesterday, fried rice for dinner. Feel decent today. It's definitely not an issue of cutting out refined white carbs. I'll look into this FODMAP thing too. Doctors as I've said aren't currently an option unless it's an emergency. Thanks for all non trolling/sperging answers /ck/.

>> No.6318505

>hfcs boogeyman

Literally retardation

>> No.6318716

now that you've described your symptoms, it sounds like you might be celiac. talk to your doctor about it, soon. the thread was full of trolls because a lot of /ck/ works in the food industry and we're collectively tired of dealing with the "gluten sensitivity" people that have come out of the woodwork on the past couple years; while celiac disease is serious and very real, gluten sensitivity clusters around whole foods stores like anti vaxxers or prius does.

>symptoms that are less pleasant to mention here
you realize this is 4chan, right? share the details, someone here probably wants to masturbate to them

>> No.6318741

Be careful!! Too much of a gluten free diet based around soy, nuts, grains, seeds can lead to too much phytic acid in your diet and malabsorbtion of nutrients leading to cavities.

I'm having to completely cut out added sugars and most of those with a few cheats here and there because that happened to me.

My acne has cleared up considerably in doing this.

I just made pizza with a cauliflower crust. Super easy, tastes like bread. Texture needs to be messed with for a crispier consistency.

>> No.6318744


It's not gluten. It's not wheat. It's roundup.

Grow your own wheat, and there won't be a single problem. Buy it from a local farm that doesn't use roundup, and you'll be fine.

My mother claims "gluten sensitivity" and refuses to eat any wheat whatsoever. I made meatloaf (with extra breadcrumbs), where the wheat was sourced locally, fed it to her, and she was fine. I told her it was "gluten free breadcrumbs" before she ate it, and a week later, told her it was local wheat. Now she's back to eating cake, bread, and pizza, as long as it's all home made with local wheat.

>> No.6318779

That is true but the hypothesis is the new form of gluten is giving people problems, in particular. So it would be a case where the change happened to be bad instead of neutral.

>> No.6318801

I'd think, if this were the only factor, that there would be similar allergies/sensitivities to all sorts of different foods. Maybe it's most noticeable in wheat because we eat so much flour in comparison to say, corn meal or soy flour.

I'm also curious if this local wheat you speak of is the same variety. People often report feeling better using spelt or kamut or whatever, and I don't know if that's because of the variety or because the farming of said varieties tends to be organic.

>> No.6318831

Because of the biology of wheat.

When you kill the wheat right before harvest, it seeds. Corn doesn't behave the same way.

I live in MA. There are actually quite a few wheat farms here, but none are big enough to reach a national market. There are also a ton of hippies in Western MA who would never use herbicide. That's what I mean by local wheat.

If you have the space, though, why not try growing a few stalks yourself, grind it up, bake some bread, and then see how it affects you?

>> No.6319193


>new form of gluten

How does that work? Gluten is gluten, it's a specific protein. If it had a new form, it'd be something else

>> No.6319196


And gluten is in barley and rye too but you don't hear about "barley sensitivity"

>> No.6319207

Mah nigger, you get shit from Pioneer Valley Heritage Grains? If not i want to know where, Id buy from them but I am too lazy to mill it myself.

>> No.6319304

I wouldn't say don't go there!

I actually get mine from the grist mill in Sudbury... I feel like such a hipster faggot for doing it, though.

>> No.6319325

>gluten is gluten
It's not though, since gluten is composed of smaller molecules, the ratios of which vary according to variety.

>> No.6319330

>for health purposes

Do you really have celiac disease or are you one of those faggots jumping on the OMG gl00ten so bad 4 u!!11! bandwagon?

>> No.6319362

Well you are pretty much a hipster faggot for being under the age of 50 and living in western Mass, so you might as well accept it. You are in good company. Ever been to the platinum pony? http://www.theplatinumpony.com/

>> No.6319441

Live in Boston, sorry.

Sudbury is like half an hour outside boston-- nearly 2 hours away from PV