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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6311716 No.6311716 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't Asians eat things like fried twinkies, fried butter, or fried cheese? Are they oblivious to the nutritional value?

>> No.6311725

you know why. fuck off.

>> No.6311741

What the fuck is fried butter!?

>> No.6311744

You've never tried fried butter? It's an American delicacy!

>> No.6311750

consumption of too much fat makes Americans big boned

>> No.6311767 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 468x520, 1311769448722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure its their sjw stance on cultural appropriation.

p.s. feces is the new water ;)

id try it but only if it was fried in butter

>> No.6311769

lactose intolerance

>> No.6311791

Slowly, China is evolving into Texas.

Barring any unforeseen changes to their economy, cattle commodities will skyrocket.

黄油, gentleman.

>> No.6311798

You roll pieces of butter in spiced batter, then deep fry them. Traditional 'murican.

>> No.6311801

It's not fat. Cheese has a lot of calcium. Obviously it makes the bones bigger.

>> No.6311847

More chicken than dairy is eaten in Asia. Maybe has to do with cow being holy in some regions maybe has to do with chicken being smaller and cheaper.

More coconut butter is used rather than dairy due you have palms all around you.

>> No.6313697

Because they can't afford it that's why

>> No.6313719

>tfw every asian family I know pinches pennies and hoard free things
>tfw my familly is so americanized that we were once mistakened as tanned caucasians by city officials

>> No.6313726

The amount of protein causes the opposite to happen.

>> No.6313738


Deep fried butter was first done in 2006. How is that shit "traditional 'merican" faggot?

>> No.6313761
File: 1003 KB, 640x360, deepfriedbutter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


deep fried butter.


You can really deep fry anything. A lot of it is fucking delish.

>> No.6313762

you got a problem with brotein?

>> No.6313769

what the fuck. drizzling that jizz on top

>> No.6313786

>lol @ white liquids
underage b&

>> No.6314181

Asians eat fried shit all the time. Fried bread dough, fried chicken, fried dim sum, hell half of the standard restaurant Chinese food is fried before being coated in some sauce and served. You've obviously never been to an Asian country before.

>> No.6315183

cheese is a european thing. dairy is more of a mongol thing. twinkies is an american thing.

>> No.6315187

She looks like she is cooking Yakitori, but she doesn't look Japanese and the background looks nothing like Japan. Where is she?

>> No.6316781 [DELETED] 

Because they don't have souls.

>> No.6316831

Chickens are way easier to raise and keep.

>> No.6317188


>> No.6318113
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Greeks call it Souvlaki
Malaysian call it satay
Westerners call it skewers


>> No.6318121

America doesn't have any traditions because its not been around long enough, only what they steal from others

>> No.6318123


>> No.6318128
File: 110 KB, 448x336, paneer pakora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't Asians eat fried cheese?

>> No.6318134

>visit bro in china
>driving around with him on his scooter at midnight
>gettin hungry
>see man with grill identical to ops
>stop and get some
>15 cents each
>buy 10
man they are the fucking best chinese street bbq is sooo good

>> No.6318135

When I lived in Tokyo for five years working as an animator for a well known studio I had Yakitori (that's Japanese for grilled chicken) very week.

>> No.6318142
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>> No.6318156

whatever it was tasted good
>be in a hole in the wall restaurant
>order a plate full of dumplings and a whole chicken that's been chinesed up
>look through the kitchen and see stairs
>there's a rat the size of a small dog sitting there looking at me
>eye it off, look back at dumplings
>keep eating dumplings

when in rome bro, also dogs aren't commonly served and are considered a delicacy and expensive, the dogs they use are usually a particular type bred for cooking

>> No.6318172


I like those sticks.

I get sick of I eat more than two pats of butter. I can't imagine eating something like that. Also, having super hot butter exploding out of the batter shell doesn't sound like a fun time. Also, 1 stick of butter is like 92 grams of fat.

Always stick to the grilled stuff.


>> No.6318189

they pour that oil on the grilled shit while its cooking

>> No.6318196

Fuck off, weeb. Yakitori isn't exotic, everyone and their dog knows what it is. Also, if the studio is well-known, why can't you name it? Right: you've never left mom's basement in flyover country, you sad, delusional manchild.

>> No.6318231

>Yakitori isn't exotic

He never said it was.

>> No.6318234

>Why don't Asians eat things like fried twinkies, fried butter, or fried cheese?
I'm sure some Asians who live in the Midwest eat these things.

>> No.6318237

Because they are not perennial cucks like the Scots.

>> No.6318302
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Bite harder baitfag.

>> No.6318310

I see that you have removed kebab

>> No.6318489

>the dogs they use are usually a particular type bred for cooking

yea just keep telling yourself that

>> No.6318543


that's tofu, you fuckin' idiot

>> No.6318552
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>> No.6318562

>another high-larious xenophobia extravaganza brought to you by Europeans


>> No.6318576
File: 44 KB, 675x450, yourmomwasafatcunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>changing the file name makes it true

>> No.6318584



this lesson in geography brought to you by the U.S of A

>> No.6318882

Thinking fat content matters beyond caloric value.

>> No.6318894

no, it's because most Asians are lactose intolerant

>> No.6318902

Only a weeb would get this butthurt over blatant weeb bait post.
Fuck off weeb.

>> No.6319238

Your lack of English reading comprehension is distinctly Yuropooran.

>> No.6319244
File: 45 KB, 600x404, Memes+before+memes+were+memes+mfw+i+first+_f30e35b02108829a83fed8544c0c15ee[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedy gold.

>> No.6319266



>> No.6319275

That is a paneer pakora. Paneer is basically a low fat unfermented version of cheese. It's still pretty fatty though.

>> No.6319324

>thinking you know anything at all about nutrition or a healthy diet.

>> No.6319355

Dairy products fuck them up

>> No.6319356

>implying indians aren't just shitty asians.

>> No.6319384

No, it's toothpaste, idiot.

>> No.6319763

Paneer isn't tofu. It's about as interesting though. Life is too short for me to bother eating either again.