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6308771 No.6308771 [Reply] [Original]

its actually really good

>> No.6308778

Ground beef on pizza is never good

>> No.6308790

It is when you do it yourself. Papa johns pretty much fucks everything up, so for a hamburger or taco pizza, just get a plain from a local mom & pop joint and add your own toppings. If that's taco meat or just plain browned ground beef, good times.

It's fun doing your own stuff on a pizza, let some others do a good base then improve on it with the genius of improvisation.

>> No.6308794

If making your own, pre cook the ground beef and season heavily (chilli, paprika and cumin always works) and drain off all the grease. It will dry out in the oven but the oil from the cheese covers it up.

>> No.6308805
File: 504 KB, 1280x960, tmp_16693-72508c05ccca601f69e125a40c984c061108047797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizzaghetti masterrace here.
Seems redundant I know but if you strike the right balance and manage al dente pasta it truly is god tier.

Most restaurants advertising Pizzaghetti just serve a halved pizza with spaghetti in the middle, fools.

>> No.6308813

This ought to piss off the wops

>> No.6308821

I'm all for delicious traditional dishes but fuck if this isn't a fantastic amalgam.

>> No.6308865

Son of a bitch. That seems like an atrocity but I want to try it.

>> No.6308939

I'm horrified but I want one. Do you make a pizza first then add spaghetti and cheese or crust then spaghetti? I'm pretty sure they don't sell pizzaghetti anywhere near me

>> No.6308979

I had such godly pizza in Italy in a tiny seaside town at a mom & pop place

They only had three kinds. But each was so incredibly tasty. Huge, probably 500g pieces of pizza, generous amount of quality topping, awesome dough, for only 5 euros. It was godly. Literally best pizza I ever tasted in my life.

I had pizzas where the dough was literally buried under several layers of meat and cheese and it still wasn't as good.

>> No.6308991

Make your pizza and then add a combo of spaghetti mixed with sauce, make sure it isn't too saucy, cover in cheeze and broil.

Cut small wedges , enjoy.

>> No.6309038

is there fucking lettuce in that pizza

>> No.6309050

and the sauce is replaced by thousand island dressing

fucking disgusting

>> No.6309066

It's a cheeseburger pizza, dolts

>> No.6309187

That's because most places that load up their pizza excessively use shit ingredients to keep down cost, plus with so many competing flavors your palate doesn't compute.

With what you got in Italy every ingredient was doubtless fresh and the star of the dish.

Still you can load your pie and have it be delicious if you strike a balance.

I've had great ground beef pizzas because of carefully selected seasonings and some red onion, jalapeño and olive oil soaked sundried tomatoes.

>> No.6309189

it's a fucking abomination is what it is

>> No.6309190

>thousand island dressing