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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 500x375, gold-credit-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6308758 No.6308758 [Reply] [Original]

If your favorite autentico osteria or obscure hole in the wall warung has started accepting credit cards, or a printed menu, it is time to find another place that serves proper food. If your favorite cha chaan teng starts offering napkins (especially if they do not charge you for them), leave immediately.

You may not have noticed it yet (although you probably have), but these are signs that the cost cutting and compromises have already begun.

What are some other telltale cues that a restaurant has lost its way? This thread is only for discriminating diners who recognize and appreciate authenticity. Morally bankrupt cowards who eat soccer mom food like Chipotle Mexican Grille [NYSE:CMG] can find another thread.

>> No.6308775 [DELETED] 

A chuhascurria, Plantation in NYC on Central Park South was busted by the USSS, the US Secret Service for credit card fraud. The waiters would have a little device attached to the insides of their jackets then do a quick swipe with a customer's CC as if he was just moving his arm, then periodically some car would park ouside the restaurant, the waiter would go out for a smoke, throw the device into the car through the window, the person in the car would hook that to laptop real quick then read off the captured CC info then either get the device back to the waiter or he'd have others and the process would continue. Luckily when I went there I paid with cash so I wasn't fucked by them.

The USSS did come down on that place pretty hard; Rightly so.

>> No.6308776

to be honest, i've seen worse b8

>> No.6308777

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.6308801

I don't see why this would be a concern to diners. Credit card holders aren't responsible for fraudulent charges. It's why CC >> debit. I wish europoors could understand the superiority of this system

>> No.6308817

And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Madara Uchiha. I’m talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.

>> No.6308822

Eh I thought it was okay b8 at first but the bit about offering free napkins somehow cutting costs killed it for me. 4/10 at least a little effort.

>> No.6308833

ban this piece of shit

>> No.6308836

If the fedora ratio goes down past 50/50 I'm out like snout, bro.

>> No.6308841
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>> No.6308862

awful, awful post. obvious, poor quality b8. you should be ashamed.

>> No.6308963

>no gender agreement between the adjective and the noun
>adjective and noun in germanic order rather than italic order
I know it's a b8 thread, but one of the local warungs started accepting credit cards about five years ago. They use it only when one of the daughters is around. She has a device hooked up to her smartphone that scans CC info but the parents don't know how to use it. The food is just as good as ever, though. No decline at all. But maybe the spot isn't obscure enough for CC acceptance to bother it. It's very popular.

>> No.6309011

Sounds like a Square reader.

That might be the best argument against OP's bait: a Square reader is like, $15, and as long as you have a bank account, works great. It's being used by food trucks, small businesses, and a wide array of locations. It turns an Ipad into a cash register.

The only downside for a business is that the company takes 2.something percent of every sale conducted on it.

Though they may be getting a little more evil, as I heard they were bought out by Starbucks.

My local theatre troupe picked one up like, 4 years ago, and it's made our customers a lot happier.

>> No.6309013

>2.something percent of every sale conducted on it.

All credit card processing charges a fee. They are actually quite competitive with the older methods.

>> No.6309016 [DELETED] 

People billing on your card without permission is of concern to everyone... especially if it's done quickly and not noticed. That raises the fees of insurance and reinsurance that companies pay and that are passed on to consumers.

Plus not everyone is vigilant, this USSS bust was back around the late 1990's and not everyone had quick and easy access to their bank accounts as they do now, though interestingly fraud and identity theft are on the rise.

Here's a good read, one of many from this guy, it's not cooking related, but it's related a few levels out from restaurants.


>> No.6309026


Ah, cool. I remember when we were discussing getting it someone noted it was a touch high (like, half a percent or something.) but since we work on the small scale, it's not super important to us. (average ticket price is 5-10 bucks.)

>> No.6309028 [DELETED] 

... where's the legality of when a guest is in your home and doesn't know some computer is listening and transmitting everything you say ... wiretap laws?

>> No.6309032

What does Obama being unwilling to stand up to terror have to do with credit card fraud? Care to spell that one out for those of us who aren't mother Jones readers?

>> No.6309060 [DELETED] 

Mother Jones sucks, and obama hates the USA, you can see that in the excuses he makes for islamics and the money he and clinton take from CAIR. Credit card fraud is a means by which those terrorists make money since we're destroying they're oil fields. A little bit of fraud over a lot of accounts makes a lot of money, especially for accounts where people aren't watching what's going on. It can happen to anyone, especially know with this clintonian orwellian "global village" crapola where they really don't care about the citizens, they're the "do as I say, not as I do" socialist hypocrites.

Remember that.

Back to food... sausage and peppers on an italian roll is really damn good and would make a nice lunch but I have an eye doctor appointment in a couple hours so will eat a late lunch afterwards.

A beer will work for now.

Ever go to an eye doctor or any doctor and see a fucking tip jar? That's an indication that, that's probably not a doctor to patronize.

>> No.6309088 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6309200

>implying credit card fraud isn't FBI work
>implying USSS's sole non-protective responsibility isn't counterfeiting

>> No.6309316

The same technology that makes cc fraud easier also makes it easy to spot early. This really shouldn't surprise anyone.

All I'm saying is that you shouldn't worry about going to a restaurant because of fear of cc fraud. The cc company should worry about them having an account, bit that's for them to deal with. If it gets bad enough they'll get with the times and start using chips like the rest of the world, but obviously the bean counters have decided that losses to fraud cost less than modern technology

>> No.6309968

>here's my political opinion
>back to food now


>> No.6310069

There used to be this lovely little place in my neighborhood run by a couple of Ugandan refugees. (They had to flee the country because they're homosexual.) It used to be my favorite place, streets ahead of that plebian Ethiopian food. But do you know what they served me last week?

TAP WATER. They poured it from a pitcher but I could tell. Well I wasn't going to let them poison me with government-mandated flourine, so I stood up, threw the filthy water in my waitress' face, and walked out. The little whore went crying to her father, the owner (can you believe that level of nepotism) and apparently I'm not welcome any more for some reason.

>> No.6310083

>no clean plates
>actual plates, not just a bucket dropped on the floor in front of you
>no tables, either
>just squat on the floor and scoop handfuls of food out of the bucket

muh authenticity.

>> No.6310089

>a printed menu

What, does it need to be hand-drawn by monks?

>> No.6310097

Tip jar. It's all down hill from there.

>> No.6310118

>They had to flee the country because they're homosexual
Thanks chick fil a

>> No.6310143

Not OP, but quite a number of the places in my area lack printed menus. They either have a sign board menu visible from anywhere in the restaurant, a counter from which to order with the sign board behind it or no menu at all and you're either

• at the mercy of whatever they happened to cook that day (like bistro dining). LOTS of places around here do that. It's a pain in the dickhole sometimes that they don't have many static menu items.

• confined to the only two or three things they serve (I don't even know what this sort of thing is called, but it's pretty common here). One Mexican place sells only one meal option (a platter of two pork chops, some nopales, some rice, some beans and a few corn tortillas and that's it).

• food is served as a pick-and-mix, kind of like dimsum. The Indo place I mentioned earlier ITT that uses that special machine thing to take credit cards has a sign board that almost no one orders from, with most diners opting instead to eat from the pick-and-mix. It's sort of like a buffet, but not sold by weight nor as AYCE. For $6-$9, you get your choice of three dishes (the price depends on how many of the dishes you choose have meat) and a plate of rice. They have about ten different things to choose from. A Vietnamese place that serves tofu as their speciality does this, too, as do a lot of the Korean places in the burbs here.

>> No.6310294

"Ugh" he moans as his ex favorite hole in the wall place now has.. printed menues. "I knew this place was going downhill when they actually got a building." He sighs "I was iffy when I saw that gringo look at it. But now I just cant." He puts on his trilby(fedoras are to mainstream ) and tips it as he walks out. He lights his all natural American spirit as he gets on his new retro shwin fixed gear beach cruiser and pedals away. A tear glances off his cheek as he pedals away. "I can't do it anymore. It's to.. "he chokes "corporate." He pedals along home with his cigarette in mouth dreaming of a day he can order lengua tacos after his art class without having to worry about ... printed menues

>> No.6310311

Savages, the lot of you.

>> No.6310313

>He puts on his trilby(fedoras are to mainstream )
But trilbies are common as fuck, even now

>> No.6310363
File: 37 KB, 236x210, 1423596193013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my regular three Michelin starred started asking if I wanted tap water, I knew something was afoot and proceeded to get the fuck out of dodge

That'll teach them, right guys?

>> No.6310575

Shh they think those are fedoras

>> No.6310615

I guess so? Never really though much about it.

>> No.6310660

Trilby fag detected, you still look like the fedora autists.

>> No.6310893


>> No.6311780


>> No.6311924

"things that are only true for america"

and they call europe poor, what a joke....

>> No.6311941



Try getting pizza that isn't garbage in scandinavia, or mexican food that isn't trash anywhere in europe whatsoever, or japanese food that isn't garbage outside of maybe london

Sure if you want real authentic pickled beetroot with dill and the most authentic yogurt, europe is great. But they're extremely provincial.

>> No.6311951

> Credit card holders aren't responsible.
Fixed that for you

>> No.6311953

>I can't handle basic arithmetic so the product is the problem
Fixed that for you

>> No.6312157


>wanting to have a high credit score so you can get loans and look good in background checks makes you an irresponsible person

top kek

>> No.6312181

>I can't save money so I need a loan
This is why you're poor

>> No.6312191

>using your own money to make money
poor indeed

>> No.6312192


kek'd a bit

>> No.6312208


yeah, a loan to start a business which is now successful

stay retarded

>> No.6312219

But tap water is literally the best water you can get in a restaurant.

You don't go to a Michelin restaurant to get price gouged with below-grade water.

>> No.6312225

>anyone who gets a loan is poor

boy am I laffin

>> No.6312239
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>> No.6314279 [DELETED] 

Now it's pretty much the FBI. The USSS used to be part of Department of The Treasury of the USA and would handle a lot of credit card fraud, advance fee fraud, and stuff like that. Now that the USSS is part of DHS it's mission statement is different.

>> No.6314506

>Try getting pizza that isn't garbage in scandinavia
You think American pizza is any good?

>mexican food that isn't trash

>> No.6314515
File: 96 KB, 780x610, A+neckbeard+wear+a+trilby+not+a+fedora+eurmuhgurd_56d416_4924830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fedoras are too mainstream
I can't decide if you're baiting me or if you're really that FUCKING stupid, but PICTURE RELATED

>> No.6314529

Believe it or not, you can get good Mexican food in Spain and Italy. Huge Mexican ex-pat communities in both countries.
You can also get decent Jamaican food in Italy, decent Indonesian food in the Netherlands, decent Mongolian food in Switzerland and REALLY good Vietnamese food in the Czech Republic. There's also surprisingly good Chinese food in Italy, too.
I don't like Japanese food, so I can't speak as to where to get good stuff.

>> No.6315366

Not specifically you snowflake.
That whole post and that's what you complain about?

>> No.6315398 [DELETED] 
File: 615 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the NYC fedora homo store... I snapped a picture of it when I was there last time and staying at a hotel nearby.

>> No.6315401

Post the cool Starbucks hipsters again

>> No.6315416 [DELETED] 
File: 601 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this one, if you look near the middle of the picture you'll see a duck hunting for fishies.

>> No.6315431 [DELETED] 
File: 2.41 MB, 6400x1200, nyc-hipster_shit-panorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon delivers though... pictures of hats and twats in line for starbucks...
I did a panorama for ya.

>> No.6315463

>If your favorite [hipster bullshit] or [pretentious self-indulgent restaurant] has started accepting [plastic cards that have existed for 50 years as an alternative form of cash], or a [piece of paper that explains what the restaurant will be serving], it is time to find another place that serves [OPs unknown agenda]. If your favorite [description of an establishment that OP is confident no one, except OP and other faggots will know] starts offering [universally distributed paper products for the purpose of cleaning yourself], [bullshit nomenclature], [act like a faggot and post on an online forum].

>[I am posting crap]

>What are some other [ways I can waste my life and attempt to troll people on the internet]? This thread is only for [faggots] who recognize and appreciate [muh authenticity]. [I am a huge faggot, please rape my face].

7/10 You made me respond and moderately upset me. Sadly, people like you actually exist.

>> No.6315498

>has started accepting credit cards

Yeah, nothing excites a business more than spending more money on bank runs

>> No.6317407
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>not knowing what a warung is

>> No.6317729

What drugs are you on and where can I get some?

>> No.6317876

Unless they are literally the best in the city at what they do, if they don't accept cards I don't return.

>> No.6318065
File: 66 KB, 640x480, its-a-conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

single white paranoid male rage, you can get it on AM radio talk shows. you can recognize him from his style, he gets in these moods sometimes. I don't know if it's a disorder or what.

if you want something fun just ask him about having to stand in line at lunchtime, he'll reward you with some crazy shit about how the paparazzi are after him and people are standing in line to "be seen" (especially at starbucks where all the cool hipsters go)

>> No.6318371

Stay at your suburban chipotle then; you obviously can't handle authenticity

>> No.6318703

>muh authentic
You obviously eat at white washed gringo ridden places you sell out.