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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6303364 No.6303364 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good foods for weight loss?

so far I've been eating baked sweet potatoes with home made bean chilli, grilled salmon and broccoli with new potatoes, brown rice and vegetable stews etc.

>> No.6303433


>> No.6303450
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eat less fatty
/thread,everyone stop posting, get out

>> No.6303455

bacon. steak. any meat. don't eat anything else tho

>> No.6303598

Brown rice
Whole wheat bread
Green leafy veggies
Sweet potatoes/yams
Lean pork/chicken
And drink lots of water

Don't fall for stupid healthy food trends; find what works for you; you can still snack and curb your hunger with something unhealthy; everything in moderation; make it a habit to eat at certain times throughout the day and not skip meals; this is just a general guideline, so find out what works for you; it's still alright to eat other foods not mentioned in this list.

Also: workout. Even walking an extra 20-30 minutes a day helps out a lot in the long run.
>Used to be a former fatty

>> No.6303618

gonna go against everybody and say this: frozen packaged food.

tv dinners, lean cuisines, rice bowls, burritos, mini pizzas, etc.

why? 'cause it makes very easy calorie counting. the calorie content is right on the label.

convenience helps. a lot of people fall of a diet 'cause it's a pain in the ass. it's good just to pull a ready meal out of the freezer.

>> No.6303655

if you are below 30 workout, cut the sweet drinks and stop eating processed shit. Also try to eat a normal serving (using smaller dishes can help). Also count calories, do a 500 deficit and never, ever, ever starve yourself, it'll do more harm than good.


and also,


>> No.6303668

Yeah, this is a good post here. A lot of people fall for retarded foodie trends. Granola is a big one, that shit makes you fatter than diet fucking coke. Stick to the basic stuff. And if you're unsure just be safe and avoid it. Highly recommend to avoid the shitty fad diets as well. Just stick to these things whatever else you can trust that is fairly healthy/weight loss beneficial.

>> No.6303678
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250 pound 6'2 mall on a diet here.

ive went from 130 pounds to 230 pounds, then back again. this is my third time losing weight.

any special diet is bullshit. weight loss is simple calorie in and calorie out. use an online weight loss calculator to figure out your basal metabolic rate. this number is how many calories you will burn by merely existing. its based on weight and height, and gender.

okay, now you have your number. lets say its 2200 calories a day. theres like 3500 calories in a pound or something. so if you eat 1000 calories a day, your body is burning 1200 a day so every 2-3 days, you will lose a pound of weight. the less you eat, the more you will lose.

this is not a healthy way to lose weight though. if you want to lose 50lbs the healthy way, it will take a year and you'll be more likely to eat shit food again.

my body consumes 2800 calories a day, i've only been eating 500 a day for a month, sometimes 1000 if i feel really sick.

sure its hard, sure its fucking horrible. you will think about food all day. all fucking night. after 2 weeks you will be more or less used to consuming low calories.

just remember, everytime you think its hard to diet this way, remember its your fault for being a fatty with no self control. you deserve to feel like shit.

>> No.6303706
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>> No.6303819

This is terrible advice.
This is good advice.

>> No.6303821

30lbs in a month doesnt lie kid.

>> No.6303851

The best way is to eat more protein while cutting back carbs. It's easy as fuck. I'm not cutting weight but I have a range of dishes I alternate between where I have an idea of the calories, which makes it easier to have a rough count if you are counting calories

tldr: count calories and eat more protein and less carbs

>> No.6303894

>dark chocolate
>hot peppers

>> No.6304824

Evertything fresh and/or cooked as little as possible.

>> No.6304825

Just cut the processed carbs out. I love crackers and shit but if you cut it down to just meat, vegetables and the occasional fruit you'll lose weight.