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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6300741 No.6300741 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a bag of chicken tits at Costco, I just moved out of my parents home and trying to learn how to survive. What the fuck do I do with these?

>> No.6300775

Your parents clearly failed you.


Chicken breast is super versatile. Pick a recipe from the list.

>> No.6300786

My parents were worthless hippie liberal faggots, I'm surprised that I even made it this far. It's not going to be easy going forward.

>> No.6300791

for the juiciest fuckin tits you'll ever eat:

preheat oven to 375
turn on stove to medium-high heat (i have an electric, it's about 6/10)
let pan get hot, season chicken to your liking
thrown some butter into pan, should sizzle real good
put in chicken to brown, about 2-3 min per side
put pan into oven until done (usually like 7-10 min or so depending on fatness of titty)
take out and let rest for like 2 min

>> No.6300805

Thank you friend, I will try your method. I'm fucking starving. I was just about to go eat the old lady nextdoor.

>> No.6300810

I thought hippies at least tended to know how to make foods with vegetables? Or were they the type to only buy pre-made Trader Joe's dinners?

>> No.6300817

Everything was pre-made shit. My parents are fucking scum and dumb as fuck. Like I said, I am surprised to even be alive. The apple may not have fallen far from the tree, but I am going to at least make an effort.

>> No.6300838
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I just fucking saw this in another thread

It's voila

>> No.6300841
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Dude don't buy tits - buy thighs. They're cheaper and tastier.

>everything was pre-made shit
Like what, like fucking Lean Cuisine?

>> No.6300844

The voila is a string instrument, and for all intensive purposes it means the same thing.

>> No.6300855

It's voila you uncultered mongoloid

>> No.6300864

That's a viola you fuck, christ you better hope you're a good cook cause that's all you have going for you right now

>> No.6300868

you must be new

>> No.6300872

Don't be such a pre-madonna.

>> No.6300874

It's become a /ck/ meme. Almost everybody you'll see posting it is fucking up on purpose. I'm sorry. You may need a script for blood pressure meds.

The lazy way to cook chicken:
Throw it in the oven until it's cooked through at like 350. Takes longer, but you don't do anything while it's in the oven but make sure it isn't burning.

You should look up instructions on how to brine chicken.

Other thing I do is chop it into bits and fry it with random spices in a pan.

>> No.6300884


I love /ck/ but why the fuck do you guys have the dumbest/best memes

>> No.6300894

Step 1: cut into thin slices length wise
Step 2: apply salt and pepper
Step 3: pan fry for 2-3 minutes per side depending on thickness, be careful of overcooking because dry meat is a sin against the lord
Step 4: wa la!

>> No.6300899
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I agree with this. toss in some veggies and baby you got a sir fry going

>> No.6300945
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>> No.6300967

>dat smoke
>dat sarin

>> No.6300973

I usually make a thai version of this called Gai Pad Prik Gaeng. Basically green beans and chicken stir fried in red curry paste, fish sauce, sugar, and lime leaves. So good.
OP might be too white to appreciate it though

>> No.6301069

You're supposed to cook them in between the range you big dummy. Remember: indirect heat.

>> No.6301070

Well, you're on the right track, already blaming others for your own misfortune

>> No.6301083

low level bait

>> No.6301091

I actually agree with that. It's a doggy dog world out there, and people who care are a diamond dozen. However, for all intensive purposes, there are a few who make at least a half-harded afford to build a relationship, and not take friendship or debate for granite. I mean, what's your problem, man? You seem to have a huge ship on your shoulder, for no good raison. You need to swallow your prize and just admit that I'm right. Quit being a pre-Madonna, and turn a blonde eye to your ego for a second, long enough to see that trolling can be a blessing in the skies. I'm not being edgy or playing the devil's avocado here. I sincerely believe trolling is a artform. Now, I'm not saying you should put trolling on a petal stool, but you should ketchup and mustard up the strength to admit that it takes a lot of skill to troll.

>> No.6302159

Did you check the link provided >>6300775

>> No.6302183


>disrespecting your parents that hard

Calm your autism. It isn't hard to use google for recipes you hopeless fedoran.

>> No.6302188


>> No.6302228
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guess ok if losing weight, but so boring. and actually pretty expensive compared to thighs, even boneless skinless. I even buy canned chicken for chicken salad sandwiches (cannd chicken 15 oz, drained, mayo, sour creme to taste, black pepper,, no salt-enough in there, dill or bread and butter pickle cubes. serve on bread with lettuce make two sandwiches and costs < 4 bucks. My family roasts chickens on holidays, and my brother in law taught me hoy to make chicken and dumplings( and other stuff, he could open a restaurant, buts semi retired) but deep fried "tendies" or "nuggies"?have we all regressed to age 5 might as well eat tofuee, deep fried.

>> No.6302686

Grandpa, pls.

>> No.6302732


here you go OP


>> No.6302754

young shit pls

>> No.6302828

Should I chop it up and throw it on some noodles?

>> No.6302866

probably want to cook it, too

>> No.6304035

Try eating it medium rare its really good and juicy!

>> No.6304049
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>> No.6304148

Better yet, turkey drumsticks.

Don't ever buy turkey wings, BTW, they are nothing but fat and skin and gristle. Oh, and bone. And about a quarter of a gram of actual edible matter per package. Completely worthless.

Walt Kelly fan?

>> No.6304203

usually packaged turkey wings/drumsticks are not premade

are you just retarded?

>> No.6304208

wala, an autist

>> No.6304223

chicken breast will always end up dry no matter what you do with it.

>> No.6304282


> fat, skin, connective tissue, gristle

Sounds like it'd be a great addition to a stockpot. Make gobbler stock, fortify a game stock, add it to pan drippings and amp up your gravy. Not good eating on their own but far from worthless.

>> No.6304298
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this is a lie , cook it on high heat .

>> No.6304371

1. Butterfly them and pound them flat with a meat hammer. Season liberally with seasoning of choice, coat with flour then egg then breadcrumbs and fry in oil. Serve with marinara sauce, on a sandwich, etc. Can also make a bunch at a time and freeze.

2. Cut into tenders and then season, flour>egg>breadcrumbs. Fry in oil. Serve deliciously moist and tender chicken tenders with horseradish mayo, honey mustard, etc.

>> No.6304397
File: 13 KB, 193x261, Grill Mates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Season them with a nice mix of everything in your spice cupboard. Grill on the highest heat untill they go crisp on the outside but remain moist inside. Serve in pitta breads with a simple salad and some mayo.

Pic related: Fucking amazing seasoning for grilling chicken. Add a squeeze of lime when cooked.

>> No.6304400


>> No.6306131

Cook them until they are cooked.

>> No.6306151

place 1~4 chicken breasts on a paper plate. Microwave on high until done in the center, sprinkle some salt and eat. Yum.

...but fucking seriously. Why would you buy something you don't know how to cook? Are you TRYING to give yourself a righteous case of food poisoning?