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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 634x433, stilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6299858 No.6299858 [Reply] [Original]

Do non-western societies think of this shit like the west sees century eggs?

>> No.6299863

whats wrong with that cheesecake

>> No.6299864

No, they become insanely jealous that they consider cows sacred. Or in other cases jellymad that they can't afford to keep cattle, and have to settle for goats and shit.

>> No.6300478

Indians are just fine with dairy, paneer is a traditional Indian fresh cheese. It's mainly China/Japan/Korea that don't eat it, and cows aren't sacred to them, just less common.

>> No.6301933

>It's mainly China/Japan/Korea that don't eat it,
This. I'm in Taiwan, and cheese costs a fucking fortune because the locals don't make or buy it. It all has to be imported at great expense from Europe/USA/Aus/NZ, just for us Western weirdos who actually eat rotted milk products, and most stores don't have any, and the ones that do mostly don't have much of a selection. Have to go to the "foreigner neighborhoods" to find the stuff.

>> No.6303384

I think "food squeamishness" is largely a Western phenomenon.

>> No.6303727

>they consider cows sacred
You know, I never really thought about this, but what the fuck is up with that?

>> No.6303785

It's called religion. It's the same shit as people who consider unborn fetuses as sacred, or some dude that was alive 2000 years ago sacred.

>> No.6304261

No because they don't eat it because they're bodies cant handle it, same thing with alcohol. White people have been getting shitfaced and munching on cheese for so long our genes have changed.

>> No.6304313

Cows are Shiva's favorite critter.

>> No.6304325

I know that Chinese people I've met think it tastes rank and hate the idea of eating it, no idea how universal this is though.

>> No.6304549

An unusually large amount of east asians are lactose intolerant. Eating cheese is like eating exlax for them. I'm not too sure about the chemistry of cheese making, but adding lactase would throw off growth of the cultures and taste to the point of being indiscernible.

Ok I read about it for a minute, and being lactose intolerant (or not lactose persistent) is more common, except for Europeans. It also says some in some traditional cheeses the cultures break down the lactose to manageable kinds of sugar. Also clarified butter is ok, where as normal butter isn't (not pertinent to the post but interesting)

>> No.6304622

Lactose intolerance varies within the population. I can eat all the cheese I want with no ill effect, while others might have more trouble. Some cheeses don't have much lactose in them anyway.
Ha, no. People are often squeamish about the unfamiliar, regardless of their culture of origin. My dad, for one, thought of all dairy products as barbarous filth.

>> No.6304654

They can't use rennet though

>> No.6304671

>Lactose intolerance varies within the population
It also varies between populations. 92% of Han Chinese are lactose intolerant, that's over a billion people in China alone.

>> No.6304805


Chinese here, my parents think "hard cheeses" are too dense with fat, they do like soft cheeses though like Queso Fresco and Mozarella, because the flavor is more mild.

>> No.6305660
File: 3 KB, 168x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home, fedora.

>> No.6306073

Because they can work at field and produce milk.
Their shit is great fertilizer and fuel.
They're more valuable alive than dead.

>> No.6306082


But how is that different from any number of other animals, like horses, goats or sheep? Why single out the cow?

Answer: there isn't a reason. Religion is not logical.

>> No.6306099

Don you like Stilton then, Chinese anon?

>> No.6306115

i love the cartoons you guys make. have you seen durarara?

>> No.6308199

Most of them are lactose intolerant, so no.

>> No.6308204

Piss off britbong, you're already dead to us in the USA. You're run by islamics and the EU.

Your cheese wont last long as good as it is.

Thousands of years of freedom given up for a stupid treaty. You people really are fucking stupid.

>> No.6308210

Lactose intolerant, what are they fuckin panzies?

They should harden the fuck up!
Like fuckin' faggots named stephan with the stupid little a in a circle on it's jacket...

Ronnie Johns - Chopper - Harden the Fuck Up
Chopper goes around Sydney telling people to "Harden the Fuck up"

I'm 100% USA and we love our Aussie cousins!

>> No.6308212


>Hey this is god, just letting you know that half the animals I made are bad and you actually can't eat them. Generally though, i'm only going to talk about things you'd be familiar with. If sometimes in the distant future you discover new lands with tons of new shit no one's ever heard of around here, figure that shit out for yourself. File it with those convoluted rules about not working on certain days of the week.

>> No.6308219

Check out this edgelord, letting people know what's up

>> No.6308225

In Japan good cheese is expensive, but you can find the expensive and tasteless cheap shit in every single grocery store I've ever been in. Most people in the country eat it, just not that often since its not in most Japanese dishes

>> No.6308229
File: 54 KB, 500x500, sentooddsmirk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, who cares what Asians think about food at all? Look at this shit.

>mfw Asians eat literal piss eggs