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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6295505 No.6295505 [Reply] [Original]

sup /ck/

I'm trying to compile a list of common trollbait threads for every board. I don't regularly browse /ck/ and I'm not very familiar with the board culture yet so if you could help me out and list some of the most common ones that'd be great.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.6295513

'gonna cook this steak tonight boys' (picture of good looking steak, pics of it cooking, final reveal shot after much anticipation of a well done piece of meat)

discussion of meme foods

'do americans really'

british food threads

>> No.6295516

Meme food too.

Don't forget attention whores who will post something marginally food related so they can blog about being.made a girl or having a girlfriend too.

>> No.6295517

All you need is a picture of a bowl of chilli.

>> No.6295533

That fucking autistic 'reviewbrah' or who the fuck ever he is. That little shit in the suits who drinks powerade from a glass.

>> No.6295535


Umami is the best trollbait on /ck/

>> No.6295566

Only pork can be BBQ.

>> No.6295571

If you add salt to water it will boil faster.

>> No.6295580

never bothered to save it, can someone post it?

>> No.6295581
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I'm gluten-free for two weeks now

>> No.6295584

also i don't know if it really counts cause it seems like a genuine thread but the 'food pics from japan' threads never fail to make a few people mad as fuck

>> No.6295597

>"chemicals" or GMO's
>certain attributes of fine dining food/presentation

>> No.6295735

>he drinks coffee for the taste

>> No.6295745

Fast food rustles the autists

>> No.6295754

If you think mentioning your girlfriend is attention whoring, that says a lot about you.

>> No.6295770

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.6295780

trolling /ck/ is as easy as posting any image of any pizza

>> No.6295789
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x2448, thisiswhatapizzalookslike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6295793

lol italy

>> No.6295807

I'm mad

>> No.6295819

Garlic press or knife argument

>> No.6295918

easiest /ck/ troll: ramen

>> No.6296192

Do you mind if I post bait threads of other boards?

>> No.6296329
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Not at all.

>> No.6296414

Anything with a fedora pic

Is x a meme food/drink


>> No.6296443


"are you fat" threads
fast food
guy fieri
youtube "chefs"/critics
american anything

>> No.6296447

>there are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who LITERALLY........
Those threads.

>> No.6296467

Im surprised no one mentioned the chili autism

>> No.6296476

That I'm not a faggot who needs to blog about my social life on anonymous image boards when people are trying to discuss food?

>> No.6296495

Flyover states
Meme food
Quinky sauce

>> No.6296541

put beans in chili
declare one of authentic italian, chicago or new york pizza superior to the others
say that only pork is true barbecue
be a vegan
specifically use pink himalayan salt
eat tendies or nuggers

>> No.6296554

>how best to troll /ck/
>be a vegan

>> No.6296566

>mention "activated almonds"
>hot sauce thread

>> No.6296581

>mention "activated almonds"
or emu meatballs

>> No.6296586

>I don't regularly browse /ck/ and I'm not very familiar with the board culture

that fish stinks rotten to the core

>> No.6296606


Literally the 3rd post >>6295517

>> No.6296881

What is the best __________ and why is it ______________

>> No.6297047

Does anybody have the pic that goes with:

Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.6297078

chili, Cincinnati-style.

>> No.6297127

Put this first in a thread of 'protips'

>> No.6297179


meme food threads
well done threads
sushi is overrated threads

>> No.6297223

Anything kombucha

Methanol concern in brewing threads.

"I'm a rich white guy and I ate this for lunch"

Tripfagging in cooking threads

>> No.6297234


>> No.6297430

Im new to this board and a poor college student ^_^ how do i make ramen exciting???

If ur poor just eat beens n rice dude

>> No.6297740

Subs and rice is a recent one. Tendies but that might not count since it's a /r9k/ raid. Chick fila threads never fail to bring out /pol/.

>> No.6297749

Posting anything about Guy Fieri or Gordon Ramsay.

>> No.6297910


irish stew guy

lunch thief

>> No.6297920

>chip sandwiches
>some abomination of fast food that isn't actually American being used as an example of clapistani cuisine

>> No.6297926

wait a sec
What if this is just b8 to get replies.
OP, I like your style.

>> No.6297937

Any mention of flyover states.

>> No.6298029
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>> No.6298083

i've literally never seen a golden opulence thread.

ramen question usually gets serious responses, there's a couple of standard images that get posted.

what the fuck is angie

>> No.6298114

Don't forget the Mexican streetfood and Japanese sushi.

>> No.6298121

putting ice in the deep fryer to know when it's ready

>> No.6298127

"why haven't you gone vegan threads"
There is one up right now lol

>> No.6298173

what about the short lived but amazing
>I've got 800 lbs of boiled chicken rectums, what do?
>I've got 500 boxes of cake boss cake mix, what do?
>My roommates bought so much ground beef, that we can't fit anymore in the fridge or the freezer, what do?

>> No.6298695

Lol I remember the last one ended with the roommate getting arrested

>> No.6298768


check ED and then admit you're new.

>> No.6298823

"hello, I'm trying to cook steak with my girlfriend, and my girlfriend is helping out (cuz shes my GF lol)

Anyways what spices go on steak? my girlfriend wants to know haha"

>> No.6298829


I'll take her over Joey threads every day.

>> No.6299061

>why do americans...
>do americans actually...
>is it true that americans...

>> No.6299127

'What can I eat to make my farts smell worse'

'I mysteryously ended up with 50 pounds of obscure ingredient, how do I cook with it?'

'Chili: a discourse on legumes and Texas history'

'Pizza Wars part 297'


'Famous burrito chains'

'Chik fil a is mentioned, all of /pol/ shows up to not discuss food at all.'

'Post OC: guaranteed 20 negative comments and two meme image responses until the thread dies'

>> No.6299161

If a restaurant has a single white person within 20 blocks, has ever been mentioned on the internet, has any basic standards of hygiene, or is patronized by customers other than the extended family of the owners, it's inauthentic whitewashed soccer mom garbage.

>> No.6299166

>muh authenticity

>> No.6299170

>mfw I still don't know what a "flyover" is

I guess I shouldn't feel too bad, we are all anonymous after all. So what is it?

>> No.6299175

The authenticity thing is a completely distinct troll:
>american pizza is garbage because it's different from italian pizza
>hainanese chicken isn't even from hainan u pleb
>don't call it shiraz u pleb it's actually a french varietal and it must be called syrah

my original post >>6299161 is the "hole in the wall fallacy"

>> No.6299176

Hey Joey.

Oh yeah, add "Joey" to your list OP.

>> No.6299180

coastfags flyover the rest of the country when they travel to the other coast on dick sucking and ball gargling excursions

>> No.6299188

it's a place where people get angry at foods that aren't untoasted wonder bread with the crusts sliced off and cheap bologna slathered with miracle whip

>> No.6299193

Any thread that starts with and only uses greentext

>hidden instantly

>> No.6299203
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Guaranteed replies

>> No.6299209

Tipping is practically on every non-weeb board. I don't think I've ever seen a topic get people so riled up before on like almost every different board.

>> No.6299220

It might be more easier to list the non-trollbait threads.

>> No.6299258
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>> No.6299261

Even when SETTLING USA, people realized that moving to the coast, and shipping from coast to coast was faster than the non existing railroad.
Then they built the rail road, and turns out that is still shit.
Then somebody finished the gigantic artificial river from ocean to ocean in middle America.
The end result is that flyover is basically every state that is not on the coast, or Texas.

>> No.6299265

Ceramic knives vs. steel knives.

>> No.6299280
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>or texas
this is what texans really believe!

>> No.6299283
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>or Texas

>> No.6299303

What the fuck are you babbling about?

>> No.6299336

Texas is on the coast you fucking jiggaboo.

>> No.6299339


>> No.6299342

Everytime I eat there it makes me go


>> No.6299360

>go to /ck/
>view first page
>if still unsure continue to page 2

>> No.6299935


>why not make steak well done
>this board needs a sticky!
>any celeb chef - du u lik?

>> No.6300010
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well,for one use your own file, No doubt this will result in a masters degree from itt, phenix, or rhhnu.

>> No.6300226
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underrated post

>> No.6300250

A shit thread like this 1

>> No.6300300

Literally worse than Taco Bell

>> No.6300435

>common trollbait threads
if any post, in any way, implies that the poster knows of the existence of a girl it's sure to set off a shitstorm

>> No.6300489

Define new, I've been here about a year.

>> No.6300729

My Dad thought me most lures catch the fisherman not the fish. very true,as bait does not even make sense a bunch of hooks outward I apologize if a young person (ya never know on 4) but pretty damn stupid I wish you well. maybe a king mac maybe not. as Garrison kellior Said, still waiting for the big one.

>> No.6301845

Saying you like or recommending starbucks.

>> No.6302069
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rambling man? is that you?

>> No.6302628

I had _________ for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6302879

beans in chilli

mentioning the word girl