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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 670x419, 670px-Eat-Indian-Food-with-Your-Hands-Step-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6294189 No.6294189 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still cringe at eating Indian food with their hands?

>At girlfriends house w/friends
>Wash hands at kitchen sink
>Freshly cooked white rice and Golden curry w/beef
>It's japanese but whatever close enough
>Start eating with hand
>People occasionally give me a look
>Have to defend myself saying it's a traditional way to eat it
>Evening goes on normally

>> No.6294193

>so i have a girlfriend
>and btw i have a girlfriend
>and she and her friends r so uncluted
>omg i have a girlfriend btw
>look how cultured i am
>lmao these fukn plebs
>btw did i mention my gf

Fuck off, we don't need 28 of these threads a day.

>> No.6294194

Do you wipe your ass with your bare left hand too? It's pretty traditional

>> No.6294196

because most of us aren't monkeys, niggers and curry niggers excluded of course, so we try not to eat like monkeys.

>> No.6294197


Hands are the dirtiest part of your body. Your anus & genitals are far cleaner in comparison.

Those faggots bathe in the Ghangis river, they have piss poor cleanliness standards.

Indian food is amazing, but unless I am cooking it I would never eat with my hands in public.

>> No.6294204


Indians use Naan bread...also the vast majority of Indians are Vegans.

Only Punjab scum eat their ancestors.

You're the type of faggot that eats dried ramen packets with chopsticks.

>> No.6294209

I bet you eat sandwiches with your hands.

Okay there's naan but you touch that too.

>> No.6294219

>Hands are the dirtiest part of your body
Good thing they never touch anything that goes into your mouth then.

>> No.6294222

>all these serious replies

I guess I have to give you 10/10 OP. Well played.

>> No.6294223

>also the vast majority of Indians are Vegans
Vegans are a huge minority. Most Indians are vegetarians. Dairy is very important there.

>> No.6294232

sucks they never picked up western cheese habits

>> No.6294242

>Have to defend myself saying it's a traditional way to eat it

Yes, but shitting in a ditch and wiping your ass with your hand is also the traditional way of doing it...

>> No.6294247

Well they do consume a vast amount of paneer which is technically a cheese. And yogurt is the preferred fermented dairy.

>> No.6294256

That's a bit of a stretch to compare.

Besides its fun to eat with your hands.

>> No.6294307

>I bet you eat sandwiches with your hands.
I don't stick my hand into my mouth when I eat a sandwich. That's the real problem here. And then you stick your filthy slobber hand back into the food, which might be shared with others.

>> No.6294326

Individual plates.

>> No.6294330

>it's a traditional way to eat it

*tips fedora*

>> No.6294344

>>Have to defend myself saying it's a traditional way to eat it

And it's traditional to wipe one's ass with leaves. We've developed tools to make our lives easier and more sanitary.

Don't go around feeling cultured because you opt to not use them.

>> No.6294347

Don't tell mr vegan that or else it'll mess up his narrative

>> No.6294375

I mean you could exclude dairy from Indian food but it's something most Indians wouldn't think of unless they're lactose intolerant(which is rare). The reason cows are held in high regard there is because of how important dairy is.

>> No.6294376

ITT: People falling for flamebait
I think I've seen this thread before too.

>> No.6294393

>strawmans argument

>> No.6294401

I've always wanted to wipe my ass with birch bark

>> No.6294418

>sympathizing with shitskins
You're Western European, aren't you?

>> No.6294424

Hawaiian American actualy.

>> No.6294428

You guys talk funny

>> No.6294432

What's with this board being full of close-minded fucks that think just because something is done traditionally means it's done best?

>> No.6294434

you're considered honorable white people, why would you side with shitskins?

>> No.6294436
File: 26 KB, 312x342, OP IS A FAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which hand did you eat with OP? also which hand do you wipe with? did you know it's traditional to eat with the opposite hand you wipe with. now you know

>> No.6294441

Thats how little indian kids learn right from left. In fact, the indian words for right and left translate to food and butt

>> No.6294445
File: 220 KB, 1200x787, miami-vice-deux-flics-a-miami-2006-18-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you seem upset, he just mentioned he was at her house jesus christ get a grip on your impotent rage

>> No.6294455

Harder cheeses need rennet, and they don't slaughter their cattle.

>> No.6294470

tighty whitey detected.

>> No.6294472
File: 52 KB, 612x703, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese curry
>Anything close to traditional Indian
You're a fucking tool, OP. Jap curry is about as close to Indian food as bangers and mash. The English brought over their bastardized gravy they called curry and the japs took it and bastardized it even more. You'd look like less of a dumbass if you tried to eat it with chopsticks

>> No.6294475

Jap curry fucking sucks. Leave it to the japanese to somehow make curry bland

>> No.6294477

Japanese food is bland In general

>> No.6294480

butthurt monkey detected

>> No.6294482

>Indian food


>> No.6294486

another tighty whitey. how was your hot dog n mayo dinner?

>> No.6294488

Black americans fucking love mayo

>> No.6294496
File: 256 KB, 650x1195, ebin-may-may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because in the last few thousand years, we learned about germs, dude.

Just because it's traditional doesn't mean that it's not stupid.

>> No.6294508

> In fact, the indian words for right and left translate to food and butt

Welp. There go my sides

>> No.6294550

almost all Indian food I've had tastes the same to me (terrible), and they use cilantro and coriander way too heavily. I wish my peers would stop trying to get me to eat Indian food. I don't pressure them to eat the food I like, and they shouldn't pressure me to eat food that tastes bad to me.

The exception is the desserts I guess, but they are generally so sweet that I can only have a small amount before I start feeling really dehydrated, so I'd prefer just to avoid them.

>> No.6294553

indians wipe their shit away with their hands.

>> No.6294554

stand up to your peers you gigantic faggot. grow a dick white man.

>> No.6294557
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>Eating jap curry with hands

>> No.6294560

Most auto-immune diseases are due to people living in sterile environment. Also if you wash your hands before eating as all kids are taught to do you shouldn't get sick.

Cilantro isn't even that common in Indian food. Especially south Indian food where it's very uncommon.

>> No.6294569

>but anon if you try it for the 12th time surely you will like it
>it is so good
>why don't you want any

>ciliantro isn't even that common in Indian food
from wikipedia
>The most important and frequently used spices and flavourings in Indian cuisine are whole or powdered chilli pepper (mirch, introduced by the Portuguese in the 16th century), black mustard seed (sarso), cardamom (elaichi), cumin (jeera), turmeric (haldi), asafoetida (hing), ginger (adrak), coriander (dhania), and garlic (lehsun).
coriander comes from the same plant as cilantro

>> No.6294593

coriander and cilantro are only the same thing in english speaking regions outside of north america, and not all of those at that. if you're trying to claim that the leaves of the plant and the pods of the plant are the same thing, i have a bushel of marijuana to sell you.

>> No.6294609

Coriander is used in powder form as one of many spices. It doesn't have the same taste as cilantro and certainly doesn't overpower the dish. Cilantro is used as a garnish and can really be overpowering if you hate the taste.

I'm not trying to force Indian food onto you but you could try south Indian recipes just to shut up your colleagues or even embarrass them with your knowledge about a cuisine you don't even like.

>> No.6294619

they both taste like soap

I have a weak personality so in general I end up at their Indian restaurants with them, don't order anything, but still end up paying an equal share of the bill

>> No.6294623

Hey maggot, lurk moar

>> No.6294625

>8.99 ayce indian place nearby
>unlimited naan
>just a few choices of curry but deliicious
>just sit and eat naan dipped in in a plate of mixed curries
>go home and let it digest
i know what im doing tmr

>> No.6294646

>I end up at their Indian restaurants with them, don't order anything
I can't believe there isn't a single thing that's not to your liking. Indian cuisine is as varied if not more than Mediterranean cuisine. I mean naan and palak paneer are so unobjectionable I can't imagine anyone disliking it. And no coriander in sight.

>> No.6294666

the places they like best are more regionally specific I guess

the one guy really likes all you can eat buffets, which there are a surprising number of. His favorite place only has a few options, but is high in volume (massive platters of dry burnt chicken wings)

>> No.6294670

Stay mad bitch niggy

>> No.6294836

You know, I never put this together until now.

>> No.6294913

Because your hands are fucking filthy. Why the fuck you would eat something saucy like curry with your fucking hands makes me seriously think that you're retarded. Do you eat soup with your hands too, you fucking animal?

>muh tradition

>> No.6294918


>not scooping soup and sipping it from your palm like your monkey ancestors would

P is for pleb.

>> No.6294944

Actually I do.

I pick up the bowl and tip it to my lips.
This ensures no waste, no wasted spoon, and is traditional.

>> No.6294948

Do you slurp?

>> No.6294956

No, slurping is rude except when eating soup noodle.

>> No.6294960
File: 855 KB, 3264x1836, service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty fucks just can't understand simple shit like eating with your hands
When you eat with your hands and you taste something awful and dirty ... faggot you did not clean your hands correctly ... in the future that lesson is not forgotten
Only filth eat dirt and shit over and over AMERICANS are a perfect example just look how horrible the quality of the "street food aka fast food" is
Frankly its rubbish not nearly fit for swine even

>> No.6294970

lurk moar for what reason, so he can appreciate your "ironic" shitposting that's just as obnoxious as that which comes from the r9k faggots who somehow wandered out of their containment board to be autistic here instead?

>> No.6294976

>It's japanese but whatever close enough


>> No.6295024

>unlimited naan

>> No.6295145

>Those faggots bathe in the Ghangis river
It's holy, asshole. You can't get sick from something holy. Ganesh and Vishnu would never allow that.

>> No.6295178


>> No.6295257

anything is better than siding with white faggotry

>> No.6295268

You fucking barbarian

>> No.6295285

Eating habits aside, Indian food is quite good and is labor intensive.

Although I don't rent my units to indians because curry literally gets into the walls.

>> No.6295298

If you're anything other than South Asian and were brought up that way, then it's weird that you would eat like that. Please don't tell me you're white and you did this. They weren't cringing at the cultural differences, they were cringing at your pretentiousness.

>> No.6295306

Oh well, at least it turned out better than soda bread guy

>> No.6295327

Native Japanese hawaiian American .

>> No.6295339

>It's japanese but whatever close enough
this has to be bait

>> No.6295362

Sounds like you dun goofed.

>> No.6295375

Not true. When I was a kid my priest was sick and I got sick too after swallowing his cum.

>> No.6295376
File: 638 KB, 1000x750, DSCF5553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yummy Indian food from india

>> No.6295377

>why do people stil lcringe when someone takes a dump in a corner and wipes with a bunch of leaves that they casually drop nearby?

>> No.6295378

irish stew guy?

>> No.6295379

That's the kind of attitude that causes gourmet indian restaurants to fail in America.

Almost nobody can get it to work, there's articles on how Americans only see it as dirty or "curry only"

>> No.6295385

did you have them watch you wipe your ass with your bare hand? if you're going to be some muh indian tradition elitist you might ass well do everything indians actually do

>> No.6295396

>taking a dump is considered the same as eating

>> No.6295404

As usual, /ck/ takes the b8

>> No.6295423


so it's true... indian people do like small spoons.

>> No.6295435

i mean you can also just have a gourmet indian restaurant with forks. that would work too.

>> No.6295463

Why does it bother you OP?
You clearly knew eating with your hands would attract the attention of the others, enough that you would have to "defend" yourself. If it bothers you so much don't do it, if it does not bother you then continue on eating the "traditional" way whilst the other guests enjoy the food how they was brought up eating it.

I don't care how knowledgeable you are on other cultures but i would personally find it slightly rude especially in a culture where eating with your hands is seen as being a pig. It does not matter what tradition it comes from, they were right to stare at you, you knew they would as it is not socially acceptable to eat like a pig where we are from.

>> No.6295549

Are you serious? Enjoy your dirty skin then, beachnigger

>> No.6295769

>I have a weak personality so in general I end up at their Indian restaurants with them, don't order anything, but still end up paying an equal share of the bill

Jesus. If nothing else anon, you made me feel a little better about myself.

>> No.6295777

washing your hands is all well and good, m8, but most people aren't very clean. Not to mention that when you are eating at a dinner table IN SOMEONE ELSES HOUSE, you should conform to their standards out of courtesy.

Frankly it comes down to common couresy. Nobody cares if you eat with your hands or take a shit standing up or whatever weird (or normal?) habits you have. Everyone shits and pisses and belches and all, but that doesn't mean we want to see that at the dinner table.

How autistic do you have to be to have some manners when you're a guest in someone's house?

>> No.6295784

>It's japanese but whatever close enough

Autism much?

>> No.6296007

Tradition only has meaning if you think it does. It's a tool, used to treat children how to act in society. You can claim that wiping with your hand is a stretch, but in truth it's using the exact same reasoning you use to say eating with your hand is traditional.

In other words, to people outside your immediate culture will see certain behaviors that you see as traditional, and in their minds it makes no sense. Why get your hands even more dirty with may foods? I'll give you clean stuff, like naan.

Also if you're going by tradition eating JAPANESE curry with your hand is straight up silly.

Please don't claim other people's logic is flawed when you have to jump through hoops and hide behind "muh arbitrary tradishun" when it's convenient for you (opposed to poop hand, which is equally traditional, you really can't deny that).

Keep eating with your hands, buddy, but if you get defensive or insulted when people look at you weird then you just seem like an uppity asshole looking to lord his culture over his friends (it was Japanese curry, about as traditional as American chinese food).

>> No.6296013
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Not in Japan or China. In China I insulted multiple old women for not putting on a show for them about how tasty their food was. How dare you insult such rich traditions as slurping your soup. I thought you were cultured.

>> No.6296017

>go into the backyard
>pull down pants, squat, let out a huge stinky shit
>their dog panics
>they start screaming at me
>have to defend myself saying it's the traditional way to shit
>wipe my ass with my hand
>taken away by the police

>> No.6296025


pretentious fuck

>> No.6296069

Jesus Christ, was /ck/ always this easy to bait?

>> No.6296084

>Why do people still cringe at eating Indian food with their hands?
Because I'm not a dirty filthy animal you liberal faggot paki sand nigger cunt!

>> No.6296351

What the hell? Use a fucking utensil!

This is like those wesaboo faggots who eat fried rice with chop sticks and leave 30% of it on the plate, because they can't fucking pick it all up.

>> No.6296378

Pretty much everywhere you go in India there are cows. They don't eat beef so if they are also vegan what the fuck are the cows for?

>> No.6296401

get laid

>> No.6296406

They pray to them. No bullshit.

>> No.6296412

>Why do people still cringe at eating Indian food with their hands?
Because its not the year 10,000 BC anymore.

>> No.6296432


>> No.6296438

Is there anybody above 15 that thinks sex is that important? God damn

>> No.6296458

Cows are for milk and milk products which are big in India. The reason cows are revered is because of milk.

>> No.6296481


>> No.6296490

Ah they use forks and everything. Professional plating techniques etc but everyone associates indian with curry & low tier food and so there's no gourmet indian food restaurants since they all go out of business.

Like if everyone thought American food was hotdogs and burgers and didnt go to gourmet american restaurants because of that.

>> No.6296494

I can say from experience that it works in NYC

>> No.6296506

I see. I was reading an article about indian restaurants in nyc and one of the big gourmet restaurant owners says that it's impossible to keep one open longer than 3-4 years, much less being profitable.

>> No.6296527

Well, I lived there for 8 years, and my favorite restaurant was an upscale Indian place in Astoria.

It opened somewhere around 2007 or 2008, and it's still thriving, despite the small venue and the generous portions.

>> No.6296551

Maybe 'cause of fingernails? I don't know. I worked for east Indians, as opposed to American Indian. Nice people. (both). As an Anglo, we could learn a trick or two from both. East Indians.... family is everything, same with 'merican, though my ancestors breeed, I am the result. As a friend might say, not very fing good. but good enough.I like Inda, not always, all the people. Same with American Indian. Keep your eyes open, and your mouth shut.especilly that last...I would not own a slave, because I would not be one. still true, but tough. not everyone is "just like you"..Though I don't like all there cooking, great people, though tight, like me. I learned a great deal from local Patel families. How to live, and love others.

>> No.6296568
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>eating Indian food with their hands
>Golden curry w/beef
>It's japanese but whatever close enough

you won't get me that easily

>> No.6296617
File: 2.00 MB, 500x281, luger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's something monkeys, Africans, Arabs and Indians do
civilized people all over the world use utensils and do not EVER, EVER dip their hands into a common bowl as is the custom in India
yeah it's fucking gross, you're using your saliva to stick bits of rice to your hand so you can slurp and lick them off afterwards and I have to fucking watch that while I am eating? fuck you

>> No.6296631

>Be manchild at my girlfriends house, I havent asked her out but we're totally dating and not just friends
>She invited her other friends over to interrupt our date for some reason, too shy?
>Dinner is Japanese curry just like my chinese cartoons
>Start eating with my hands like I always do
>Get stares
>Panic, quick make up something. It's traditional in I-I-India
>Situtation defused but beads of sweat pour down and tshirt pits are damp

>> No.6296635
File: 126 KB, 600x450, Kera-the-Kerala-restaurant-Aundh-71[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dip their hands into a common bowl as is the custom in India
That NEVER, NEVER happens. You're conflating Indian food culture with Arab food culture. In India everyone eats off their own plate. Even the super traditional leaf plate is something you're served on. And the serving is done through ladles.

>> No.6296646

>Hands are the dirtiest part of your body.
That's not the navel or the tongue.

>> No.6296661

what. do you lick doorknobs or something?

>> No.6297003
File: 58 KB, 620x349, 1374837128620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6297083

the human mouth naturally has quite a bit of bacteria. Your hands touch more things, but the mouth is a warm, damp incubator.

>> No.6297090

>ben garrison

>> No.6297098

When I consider something to be dirty, it implies that it is harmful.

>> No.6297177


the simple answer here is its uncivilized. if youre white you should be using silverware.

sorry to make a pol-tier post but thats just the way it is.

>> No.6297246

>eating indian food with your hands

that's almost entirely a south indian thing, which is basically just nigger india, the north indians certainly eat with utensils and only use their hands for stuff like naan

>> No.6297356

A lot of cultures traditionally clean their assholes with their hands.

Do you do that after you eat food from that place?