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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6291179 No.6291179 [Reply] [Original]

You like malt liquor? If so, what is your favorite kind?

>> No.6291186

I prefer mickeys, but olde english is fine too. Cobra and steel reserve taste bad. But i always drink two forties when I drink forties, and the second forty is always great no matter what.

>> No.6291207

top 3

St Ides
steel reserve
Hurricane HG

>> No.6291223

Every single time I've had it, I hated it.

What's a good one to recommend?

>> No.6291244

Mickeys usually or a couple forties of mgd. Only cheapish beer I like but mickeys goes especially well after liquor

>> No.6291262

Colt 45 is the best Malt Liquor I find.

>> No.6291263

Olde English is relatively drinkable. Gets me a decent buzz going for $2.88

>> No.6291353


Fuck, if only I could take advantage of the American prices. Here in hoser-ville Canada it's 6 bucks.

>> No.6291359
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>> No.6291365

In baton rouge I could get 2 forties of OE for 1.39 each. Get pretty good for less than 3 dollars.

>> No.6291370

You should only drink that shit when you have to. If you're looking for beer, get a nice IPA.

>> No.6291374


This is a malt liqour thread

>> No.6291394

>If you're looking for $5 piss water, get a nice IPA

>> No.6291395


Shut up hipster.

>> No.6291398
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>> No.6291401

Lucky bastard.

>> No.6291406

ipa's are objectively the worst kind of beer.

>> No.6291411

>drinking alcohol

Stay plebian /ck/. Stay plebian.

>> No.6291417

>implying malt liquor isn't a type of beer

>> No.6291418

so like, most black people are just automatically plebs?

>> No.6291440

*tips fedora*

>> No.6291445

Mickys is top tier but 211 gets you fuuucked

>> No.6291446
File: 271 KB, 649x700, KING_COBRA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really question your taste a lot, /ck/, not even lying

Only other decent malt liquor ITT is Mickey's but it's always more expensive than KC

>> No.6291449

my nigga

>> No.6291459

Ive gotten so many nods of approval or convos in line from black dudes when they see me buying 40ozs

>> No.6291463

was a private stock guy, but now i guess just mickeys. or st ides if im feeling nostalgic

>> No.6291470

st ides 8% or up or bust

>> No.6291483

>complaining about having to drink more 40z to get on your level

it's like you don't even enjoy the experience mayne

>> No.6293095


>> No.6293176

Is malt liquor just what you faggots label beer that's strong?
And you can't drink until you're 21
And even then you have to buy a gun or kill innocent civilians with a drone to qualify


>> No.6293207
File: 96 KB, 540x327, b67a1fb4-e94e-43d6-9cd4-0b2c90f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having low alcohol tolerance is great. I can get smashed on 1 of these for less than $2. Anyone here ever done a sidewalk slammer? drink half of your 40 oz malted beverage of choice, then refill it with a 4loko

I prefer a nice authentic macro, like Bud or PBR. pic related

>> No.6293223
File: 241 KB, 348x700, tmp_26300-king-cobra-malt-liquor-40-oz1288122851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best one

>> No.6293232

I think you picked the 3 worst ones available.
My captcha was shart. Classic.

>> No.6293253

go back to /pol/ or where ever you came from

>> No.6293268
File: 8 KB, 300x300, Alus-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glorious Latvian 'forty'
they sell em here in 2litre+ bottles and you only drink them when you feel edgy or if youre literally a pleb

>> No.6293342

country club and balantines if i can find em
colt or olde english if i can't
steel reserve is fantastic, but i get it by the can since i'm not a drunk or 400 pounds so a 40 of it would knock me on my ass

>> No.6293368

King cobra or colt 45

>> No.6293389

> believing that you need to be 400lbs or an alcoholic to not get drunk off of what is essentially four drinks

Lightweight confirmed

>> No.6293399

That's a lot of tramp fuel.

>> No.6293631

Why do you think the word "lightweight" is used to describe people with a low booze tolerance? Dickhead.

>> No.6293642

Gonna go w king cobra.

>> No.6293739

Fuck i just woke up. Drank 9 pints of king cobra last night

>> No.6294964

a 40 of steel reserve is 8 drinks u big dummy.

i'm well aware that people who are neither of those things can have 4-5 drinks and be tipsy, but 8 is kinda pushing it.

>> No.6294975

A 40 of steel reserve is 5.4 drinks

>> No.6294986

King Cobra is the best and happens to be cheapest around here.
Of course, FL don't sell 40oz for...some reason. We have 32oz. Two 32oz is $3.21

>> No.6294993

Worst beer I've ever had and can't do anymore are the Steel Reserve, Olde English 800s, Hurricane, Natty Daddy, that shit. That 8% and over is just awful.

>> No.6295005

US shot size is 1.5 oz
yuropoor is 30mL

>> No.6295204

I really enjoy King Cobra. I make sure to get some every time I'm down in AZ

>> No.6295207

I drink 6 pints of king cobra every night

>> No.6295273
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>But i always drink two forties when I drink forties, and the second forty is always great no matter what.

Mickey's tastes the best, but it's only 5% so I don't often get it. I'll usually get an Olde English and a Steel Reserve, and drink the OE first. But holy fuck, I had a can of Steel the other night, and just the fact that it was in a can instead of a glass bottle amplified the overly-sweet, shitty taste tenfold.

>> No.6295309
File: 52 KB, 250x572, stack_smooth_lager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most badass beer in the thread. and it's $1.49 a pop.

>> No.6295357

Last semester Miller and Anhuerserbusch were having some kind of marketing war near my college were 24oz cans of their cheap/strong stuff was $0.99. I drank 3 tall cans almost every day.

Olde E is always my favorite go to malt. I like hurricane over 211. Mickey's and 211 are the two 40s that you can find ANYWHERE near where I live. Mickey's is fine but it tastes really bad for the abv, it's the same abv as ice lagers and it tastes bad. I'd rather drink natty ice. I started drinking a lot of Redd's Wicked Ale in the 24oz cans or 4lokos because I got sick of the non flavored malts and I'm working now so dropping $3 on an 8% abv 24oz isn't a big deal to me.

All of the malt was making me fat though. I'm drinking a $10 bottle of scotch neat right now.

>> No.6295677

I usually prefer Colt 45, but lately I've been leaning a bit more towards St. Ides.

If you I'm drinking forties with a new friend etc. I buy Sidepocket HG for the novelty because it is absolutely some of the most vile shit you can put in your body.

>> No.6295684

I had some kind of fancy malt liquor once, it was in an ironic bottle and had an ironic name and cost like $12 for the bottle.

It was pretty good I guess. Beer is boring.

>> No.6295690


And obligatory:





>> No.6295701

Never seen this anywhere.

or St. Ides

the fuck?

>> No.6295710


Well Colt 45 is my all time favorite but I've been switching it up to St. Ides recently. Variety is the spice of life.

>> No.6295715
File: 24 KB, 416x337, otto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Snoop Dogg shows up to your party and starts handing out 40s

>> No.6295744

i..i don't know that face when

>> No.6295772

fuck off, wigger

>> No.6295783




>> No.6296980

>All of the malt was making me fat
I know that feel.

>> No.6296990
File: 121 KB, 600x482, 2b72280ad2c6dccc34bd781e13514b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Lando shows up to your party and starts handing out Colt 45
do you even Works Every Time

>> No.6297027

yes I do.I like this, but "no one" likes it, 'cept me. resplain how it's always sold out. 8 % but nice. and used to drink worse, black or white, makes no difference, we all bleed red.. old thing osaying useded to be high yellow. a breed of black and white. bullshit. if you hold that babe in your hands, all the racist shit drains. sobeit. you forget race. try not to f it badly, my son or daughter. I am there.so much for "arayan" race.

>> No.6297036

>how it's always sold out

The store isn't buying any new inventory because it doesn't sell.

>> No.6297055
File: 19 KB, 150x300, 25007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her tis. if ya don't like it, as mom from England and dad would say. screw off.Ye all bleed red.

>> No.6297057

In what shithole do you live that 5 ounces of 8% malt liquor counts as a drink?

>> No.6297089

nobody form england says "screw off" you chutney ferret

>> No.6297104

It does sometimes attract less than desirable persons. like me..but not so bad. just ask. local a/b distriber. lilly white, and not on the plantation, but some people taught me different.. treet others as you wold be treated. any color or coulor.. crystal, diamond, samaratan. a man goes,falls among thieves, yet someone bears him.takes care of him ot her. take care of them. ....shortened....who did the best...go and do likewise..

>> No.6297561

He means "piss off".

>> No.6298554

Anyone else her think Steel Reserve should be spelled Steele Reserve?