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6290282 No.6290282 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys mix the wasabi into the soy sauce? I do

>> No.6290287

that's against sushi rules

>> No.6290297

You're mom is fat.

>> No.6290301

It's not really good sushi-manner, but then neither is providing colored horseradish as wasabi.

>> No.6290305

I do if it's plain shoyu

if there's flavored sauce I don't


>ITT neckboars
>nevar been 2 Jopon

watch this fools


>> No.6290307

no, I think it tastes worse like that

I like a little bit of wasabi between the fish and the rice if I'm eating nigiri, otherwise I don't really eat wasabi

>> No.6290309

Depends. Am I at some joint where California rolls and the like feature prominently on the menu? Then why the fuck not? But if I'm paying to eat at a place with a properly trained chef who gets top quality fish and serves it in the traditional manner I would never do so. Same reason I wouldn't put ketchup on a dry aged steak at a good steakhouse, but don't mind it on a burger.

>> No.6290313

Sushi sucks.

>> No.6290485

Really good sushi doesn't need wasabi and it certainly doesn't need soy sauce. Not that I don't like both those ingredients, but I don't eat them with my sashimi or nigiri or maki. It's not needed. I do use the pickled ginger to cleanse my palate between pieces of different things, though. I have both wasabi paste and dried wasabi in my house, but I use those as ingredients for other things, not to eat with raw fish.

>> No.6290496


you sound like an idiot.

You don't use soy sauce with sashimi?
> it's not needed

But you fucking use ginger to "clense your palet"??
> talk about something that's not needed

Im pretty sure i can taste the difference between hamachi and sake without a fucking ginger.

But soy sauce it needs.

>> No.6290508

There was a trend in Japan among the "foodie" or equivalent there to eat sashimi, sushi and tempura or pretty much any dish using soy/tare and instead eat with only with salt. I think the trend itself died off a little bit now, but soy was sort of unhip and salt was the shit among the snobs.

>> No.6290514
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Yes I do. I don't care what nips or weaboos on a Mongolian rock art board think. Then again I almost never get sushi. I last had it in August.

>> No.6290537

I only just started eating sushi recently. And i think I will stop using wasabi and soy as I don't think I actually know what the sushi itself tastes like

>> No.6290539

Anyone else not like soy sauce? Way too salty, even the low sodium one. Completely overpowers the sushi.

>> No.6290546
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Wasabi sushi soy sauce rice chopsticks konichiwa arigato baka onee-san

>> No.6290550

That's like saying salt is too salty.

>> No.6290551


I'd rather eat them separately, wasabi-flavored soy is really jarring as a flavor, but if that's how you like to eat it then it's your own meal. I've seen people do dumber things like put ketchup on steak.

>> No.6290552


You're not supposed to dunk the whole thing in there bro, just a little bit on the fish (or other topping)

>> No.6290554

Salt is pretty salty though

>> No.6290562

I've been to Japan 4 times totaling to about 3 weeks there.
1. No one cares

2. Ramen is way better

3. If you're white they hate you already.

>> No.6290585

For starters most sushi (nigirizushi anyway) in Japan is supposed to have the optimal amount of wasabi decided by the chef, and placed in between the rice and fish. In this case it would be rude to add more, as it would be an insult that the chef didn't get the flavor right and Japanese sushi making is srs biznis over there.

However in the case of say, plain sashimi or sushi where it hasn't been added, the proper method is to take a small glob with your chopsticks and place it in the soy tray, at the far side or corner and NOT to then mix it.

As you eat, you dip the sushi/sashimi into the soy either farther or closer to the glob of wasabi depending on desired taste. The wasabi naturally dissolves a bit into the soy, but stays localized to one side rather than overpower the entire tray.

I have NEVER seen a Japanese person attempt to mix the wasabi and soy. It would be very strange to see.

>> No.6290592
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>> No.6290600

You sound like a tasteless, classless moron. You're just embarrassing yourself now. Also, learn to spell correctly, that will help people take you at least somewhat more seriously.

>> No.6290604

I've seen Japanese people mix them

>> No.6290619

>Japanese sushi making is srs biznis over there.

Yes and no.
Yes, there are fancy sushi bars where things are taken very seriously. But most sushi in japan isn't taken that seriously. It's just a snack or basic meal. The vast majority of sushi in Japan is not made to some kind of mystical high standard.

>> No.6290625

>I have NEVER seen a Japanese person attempt to mix the wasabi and soy.
I have many times all over Japan. What sort of traditionalist, jap fantasy bullshit are you in to, weaboo ?

>> No.6290627

>3. If you're white they hate you already.

You are the superior race, so just gaijin smash everything

>> No.6290629

but for nigiri and sashimi you're supposed to mix them...

>> No.6290635


You mean dyed green horseradish, right?

>> No.6290725


>I have NEVER seen a Japanese person


>> No.6290750


No, you're supposed to take a small piece of the wasabi and eat it with the sashimi/sushi if you want it.

Mixing is beyond retarded because different foods call for differing amounts of wasabi. For some you might want a lot, for others you might want none. Mixing it all up fucks you on this because you're stuck with one ratio.

>> No.6290753

>doesn't need shoyu


>> No.6290757

you forgot desu

>> No.6290760

Japanese person here >>6290629 is right. But that's a really traditional way, no one actually cares anymore.

>> No.6290770

i dont eat sushi

there's too much pretension around it, this thread being a very prime example

eat it however way you want to, don't get pissy when people don't conform to some trend or tradition like an autistic neckbeard

>> No.6290773

I love animay xD

>> No.6290791

When I'm at a japanese resturaunt, I always get a tuna roll as an app since it's usually pretty cheap. But I always eat it plain. I don't why but it's just so good on it own.