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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6289380 No.6289380 [Reply] [Original]


is this seriously a thing in asia?
what the fuck is wrong with those subhuman retards?

would you ever eat such a thing?

>> No.6289382

One day the octopus overlords will evolve past humans, rise out of the sea, and enslave and consume the entire human race, starting with the japs

>> No.6289385

Fuck you freshly killed squid with some korean spicy sauce is delicious.

Thats like saying cutting a cows throat is fucked up so lets stop eating them.

>> No.6289391

Cooking a cow alive whilst making noises of pleasure would be very fucked up.

>> No.6289394



>defending this shit

It's just stupid and pointless cruelty, don't get me wrong i like to eat dead things but this is something Jeffrey Dahmer would have done.

>> No.6289403

Everyone always says.

I can look at tribal Africans or pretty much any culture and think "yeah, this isn't too strange." But every time I look at the gooks I can't help think how fucked up they are.

>> No.6289412

Chink here. Your penissuss is soooo big, please greato white man, no angry!

Yeah it's fucked up what they're doing. You'd think it'd be easier to dispatch it before cooking so it wouldn't move around so much...

There's another cruel video out there where a Japanese chef shows his cutting prowess by filleting the fish on both sides then putting the poor fish back in the first tank.

>> No.6289419

i wouldn't eat it, no. just on grounds of good taste more than anything.

>> No.6289421


>I can look at tribal Africans or pretty much any culture and think "yeah, this isn't too strange." But every time I look at the gooks I can't help think how fucked up they are.


what the fuck do you think this proves

>> No.6289441

fucking asians man

gooks got them perfect childlike female asian bodies but all of this psycho shit too

>> No.6289458

It's pretty much the opposite of westerners. They think adrenaline makes the meat taste better.

>> No.6289465

Link to the vid?
Something I wanna try. Kids got a goldfish keeps me up barking all night.

>> No.6289476

slopes have no souls. how is this new to anybody?

>> No.6289722

Eating octopus is great, but this is needlessly cruel. Octopuses are actually now on he same animal welfare lists occupied by chimpanzees and the like, since some species can get as intelligent or more intelligent than human toddlers. I wouldn't cook a baby alive while ripping out its organs and I hope that neither would you
>edgy comments incoming

>> No.6289727


this. octopuses are fucking smart. people would be flipping their shit about this if they were doing it to, say, rabbits or something, but this is even worse

>> No.6289731

This. They'd butcher their own mothers if 'mom meat' became a delicacy.

>> No.6289747

Looks like a pain in the ass to cook.

Work smarter, not harder.

>> No.6289768

>Octopuses are actually now on he same animal welfare lists occupied by chimpanzees and the like, since some species can get as intelligent or more intelligent than human toddlers.
I never understood this kind of thinking. Animal cruelty is somehow better or worse depending on how intelligent we think the animal is? We're supposed to draw some arbitrary line about which animals we give a shit about based on their intelligence compared to a human toddler? That sounds silly. Either you care about animal suffering or you don't. Or you make special exceptions for specific animals for cultural reasons (Hindus with cows, Americans with dogs and horses).

But comparing animals to toddlers is ridiculous. Toddlers do not have a specific level of intelligence - they're very much a work in progress. Every moment a toddler is making new connections in it's brain based on experiences and very fast growth. They're learning to control their developing bodies, put language together and test the limits of their position in their family and society. What they do not yet have developed is a sense of empathy, which kind of makes them a poor comparison in terms of development for animals one suggests we ought to have greater empathy toward in general.

>> No.6289770

I guess you should wage a one man war on dem Asians to stop their practices or something. I'll provide the bitchin' 80's training montage music if you're game.

>> No.6289785

You have to draw a line somewhere though: is using disinfectant to kill bacteria okay, for example? Eating a plant? Stepping on an ant? Swatting a fly? Trapping a rabbit?

There's a line somewhere in there.

>> No.6289787


>We're supposed to draw some arbitrary line about which animals we give a shit about based on their intelligence compared to a human toddler? That sounds silly.

why does that sound silly? it's what we pretty much all do. the more intelligent we think they are the more relatable we find them. probably up to the point where they're *more* intelligent than us, but still.

>> No.6289791

Yeah but they're not cute so it's hard for me to care. That's my arbitrary line.

>> No.6289795
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What's the matter OP? You don't mind having other people kill animals and cook them for you but doing it yourself is icky? Grow the hell up. Nothing like fresh food, and being able to be an adult enough to do the killing yourself. That being said...it would be nice if they killed it as painlessly as possible right before the cooking, but still. It is what it is.

>> No.6289797
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tbh the video has way may dislikes than likes and the terrible translations of the comments are mainly negative

It's still wack though

>> No.6289801

>the more intelligent we think they are the more relatable we find them

Who exactly do you mean when you use the word "we" in that sentance?

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but frankly I argree with him. I don't think the intelligence of the animal matters at all.

In my opinion it comes down to motivation.

Killing an animal to protect myself or to eat it for food is acceptable. Killing for "fun" or sadism is not acceptable.

>> No.6289805
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>> No.6289816


>Who exactly do you mean when you use the word "we" in that sentance?

i think it's an intuitive rational concept we all share to some extent, 'we' being empathic humans. you might not justify killing on that basis but i'm sure you would selectively apply it in some contexts. i supposed part of it comes from the idea that the more sophisticated your intelligence is the more acutely you suffer when bad things happen to you; whether or not that's bollocks i don't know.

>> No.6289826


>> No.6289839

>There's a line somewhere in there.
Agreed. But the line can be based on cruelty itself. If we're killing animals it ought to be as quick and painless a death as possible. Naturally this would make eating some common foods like fish inconvenient, but at least it makes sense.
>the more intelligent we think they are the more relatable we find them. probably up to the point where they're *more* intelligent than us, but still.
Using perceived intelligence as a measure for how much cruelty is OK strikes me as dangerous thinking. That's what got retarded people sitting naked chained up in their rooms, shot up with Hep B for medical tests while they banged their heads against the wall all day in Willowbrook.

There's no reason to think cruelty is any more or less OK depending on the sufferer's intelligence.

>> No.6289840


>Using perceived intelligence as a measure for how much cruelty is OK strikes me as dangerous thinking.

i never said it wasn't dangerous, that doesn't make this:

>There's no reason to think cruelty is any more or less OK depending on the sufferer's intelligence.

a true statement.

>> No.6289845


another thing about this statement:

>There's no reason to think cruelty is any more or less OK depending on the sufferer's intelligence.

cruelty itself is a 'less ok' form of violence. it is inherently an un-ok thing to inflict on something. the question really is whether or not it is *cruel* to do this kind of stuff to a dumb thing.

>> No.6289849

It became apparent to me when I went to University that all orientals operate on a completely different moral and social system to westerners, so this sort of shit doesn't surprise me.

They're also all the sons and daughters of civil servants, can barely speak or write and pay people to do all their work for them. In return the universities fleece their parents.

>> No.6289850

It kinda does, though. As >>6289722 points out, there are animal welfare lists based on how intelligent we think an animal is. It's somehow more wrong to be cruel to the intelligent animals, which makes it less wrong to the less intelligent ones.

That's an interesting idea, but I don't think it's a good one.

>> No.6289860

It's amazing how spoiled this generation of east asian kids are.

>> No.6289863

so asians should be allowed to cook white babies since they have a higher average iq :)

>> No.6289866


the reason it doesn't is because the concept of cruelty is based on emotions, or more generally perceptual experiences, that may only occur at sufficient levels of intelligence: humiliation, fear of death, etc. that doesn't stop being valid just because it may trespass across the human-animal border in extreme cases. it is possible that we could have other reasons not to do bad things to our own species where this line of thinking fails.

>> No.6289903

Cruelty is causing needless suffering. Sure, more advanced social species can be made to suffer in psychological ways that less advanced species cannot. There are more ways to be cruel to them.

This is still an evolving idea in our culture. And for all the self-righteous indignation some of us may express toward videos of Asians cooking or skinning animals alive, just remember there's a damned good reason why federal law makes illegal to take similar videos of our own slaughterhouses.

>> No.6289967


Basically the reason is that people in animal welfare area AND policy makers thought that intelligence relates to consciousness and ability to feel pain.

>> No.6289995

>intelligence relates to consciousness and ability to feel pain.
That's an antique idea. Pain is pretty basic stuff. An animal that didn't feel pain would pretty quickly destroy itself. Perhaps something like a clam of a coral - lives in a shell, has no nervous system to speak of - might have a different sense of pain that we do. But anything with nerve endings is going to feel pain similar to the way we do.

>> No.6290037
File: 1.99 MB, 343x230, 1374936519794.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you so sure the thing is still alive and it's not just muscles contracting under the heat?

>> No.6290044

>antique idea
It is antique.But scientists are struggling to prove that these animals (crustaceans for example) FEEL the pain. Some are going back to the Cartesian ideas that animals don't feel anything, basically saying they show pain-like reactions, reflex response is different from actually feeling pain, etc. They just refuse to admit that "lower animals" have feelings as well.

They had this experiment where they showed how crustaceans feel pain. Yet it is dismissed as it is thought that the pain reaction is the result of conditioning involved in training the subject, not the actual feeling pain.

>> No.6290075

Because muscle contract when exposed to head once and only once, not multiple times while trying to pull itself off of something. The .gif you have posted is electrolytes being poured onto a fresh kill which is why it moves.

>> No.6291148

I'm this commenter here
I'm of a similar line of thinking to what these guys are proposing. I'd say that cruelty in all forms to all things is pointless and obnoxious, but I'd say it doesn't become "unacceptable" until cruelty is committed to an organism that has the capacity for 'suffering' as opposed to just pain.
Reflexes to harmful stimuli are some of the most basic responses you can get, and are exhibited by pretty much all life. However, in order to suffer the organism in question needs enough reasoning capability to have some awareness of what is happening to it.
By current neurological findings I'd say the animals capable of suffering to this degree includes:
>many arthropods, such as decapod crustaceans, spiders and some insects
>most if not all cephalopods
>most if not all tetrapods, especially mammals
>some fish

>> No.6292915

this is so fucking disgusting

>> No.6292978
File: 2.93 MB, 852x480, asian food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6292997

care to google you fag ?

>> No.6293009

i think this shit is strictly a gook thing, much more rare in china / japan / southeast asia

>> No.6293027


>> No.6293030

when people outside the scientific community start assuming things like this as inhuman, like thinking that the octopus is in terrible burning pain similar to what we feel, i start to get pissed off.

like how dipshit moms start trying to read the ingredients list and think its unhealthy to have something with a systematic name. fuck you, its not about organic or inorganic, its about the biproduct from the creation.

fucking plebians

>> No.6293037


>> No.6293044

>>6292997Thanks. I think that post turned me into a racist. Fucking gooks.

>> No.6293048

is that MSG or salt they're dumping on it?

>> No.6293065

That one's not alive tho.
It's just the nervous system still intact and exhibiting reflexes.

>> No.6293069

is that a headless eel?

>> No.6293081

>caring what others do in their own country

Sure is white american in here, did you remember to give your money to Israel today like the good goym that you are?

>> No.6293084

why do they cook it while its alive why are they so cruel

>> No.6293086


It's an octopus, not a squid.

>> No.6293087

The lives of humans and especially animals are of almost no value in most Asian countries; they see foods like this as a novelty. They're fully aware that it's an intelligent animal and feels pain, but they don't care.

>> No.6293093


>source: my ass

>> No.6293113

still not as bad as idians

>> No.6293225


i'm actually curious though. what is their thought process? have they considered what they're doing from an objective standpoint? are they just uneducated?

>> No.6293231


>A bunch of retards trying to hold down a squirming animal with their bare hands on a hot grill

Seriously, I hope they all get 3rd degree burns from this shit, just everything about it is retarded.

>> No.6293239


I bet that squid tastes like shit, stress ruins the flavor of the meat. There's more reasons to kill an animal quickly beyond being humane.

>> No.6293241

Grilling a live octopus is a bit much but, counter argument:

Why are Americans so spoiled? They are scared of having a head on fish and on chicken. They only eat filets and cuts of meat. They never see the 'animal'. If they see a head on a fish they will be too grossed out to eat.

>> No.6293250

Not all. There's a difference between limp-wristed cityfags and kill it and grill it countryfags

>> No.6293255

Did you know that they also like to skin animals like racoons, alive?

Theres tons of videos out there of them nails a racoons back feet to a fucking board and peeling their skin off while they are alive and awake, and they keep clubbing it on the head while it stuggles and screams.

And then they chuck the skinless, still alive, body into a big pile with others and grab the next one. A big bloody pile of skinless animals all still alive and dying.

Asians are fucked.

>> No.6293274

They have no honor or decency and it's why they will never control the world.

>> No.6293284


>Why are Americans so spoiled? They are scared of having a head on fish and on chicken. They only eat filets and cuts of meat. They never see the 'animal'. If they see a head on a fish they will be too grossed out to eat.

Every place in the world has their pussy faggots that dont want to see a head on their meat. Every place also has people that dont mind a head. But all of them agree that an animal should be killed quickly and cleanly to get the best flavor out of the meat. And they have souls, so they can generally sympathize with a suffering animal. People who torture animals are often fucked in the head and sent to prison/rehabilitation.

And then we have Asian countries, where torturing and beating animals is the norm, either just because they feel like it, dont like animals, or they think it gives them a better taste. No souls to be found. Dogs boiled alive in old oil drums, still trying to climb out of the scalding water? Delicious! Chickens beaten and "tenderized" by breaking all the bones in their body with a malet while they are still alive, and then cooking them? Local delicacy!

>> No.6294158


>when people outside the scientific community start assuming things like this as inhuman

there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. in the absence of evidence you naturally look to intuition to provide moral guidance. scientists are just as apt to do this as well, it's not like all scientists have a detailed understanding of nociception and suffering.

>> No.6295607


it's true to a certain extent
you can order a human getting killed in phillipines for 10$

>> No.6295618

>he's never heard of foie gras

Passportless flyover scum detected

>> No.6295668

This is why as much as I love Asian women. I am scared to have kids with thEm. Godless people are the worst. Almost the same as Muslims. He'll worshiping zirostoan, greek, roman, dscian, celtic, Iberian gods is more rational. And proves you are human.

>> No.6295671

You're scared to have kids with asian women because of foie gras? Or do you mean because you don't have a passport so your knowledge of other cultures comes from 4chan?

>> No.6295707


What I don't understand is from an evolutionary standpoint, why wouldn't they feel pain? It seems like something that would help them survive as it did for us, having your body fucked up is bad ectect. Forgive my naiveté but it seems reasonable enough to belive in higher life forms.

>> No.6295711


it's evident that they have nociception, i.e: the capacity to detect and avoid harm, but that's not the same as pain/suffering. it does seem like the guy you're quoting seems to be assuming they *don't* suffer the way humans do which is kind of a big assumption.

>> No.6295718


When it comes to classifying phenomena such as "pain" in other life forms, it degenerates into semantics in the true sense of the word the moment the definition moves beyond "well it looks like it's in pain and that's good enough for me"

White people beat their breasts and wail over asians cutting up a live fish in the kitchen, but then when animal rights groups protest grinding up live baby chickens or various other things that are perfectly normal for industrial farming, the very same white people have a conniption because it's socialist vegan islamofascist feminazi tumblr infiltration of our precious bodily fluids and GAWD said we should inflict literal wholesale suffering on millions of animals because it said so in THE BIBLE.

It's pathetic.

>> No.6295740

Pretty much everything with a central nervous system feels pain. That's one of the main purposes of the brain: to perceive sensations like pain and enjoyment. Nociception is just one step in the process. Nociception is not the capacity to detect and avoid harm. It is a term to describe the modulation and demodulation of signals on nerve tissue.

Historically there has been a lot of misinformation and religious bullshit and plain ignorance that has confused a lot of people. I guess some people prefer to believe the world is flat too, for whatever reason.

>> No.6295757


i think that's something of a pedantic correction although i suppose to include 'avoidance' in that definition was stretching it a bit.

>Pretty much everything with a central nervous system feels pain.

i mean, obviously yes, but the moral weight of that 'pain' is based on more than just the fundamental concept that it signals harm.

>> No.6295758

They do feel pain. If it has a central nervous system, it probably feels pain. A lot of people are too ignorant or biased to investigate on their own, so these are some of the common misconceptions of our time. physiologically, all mammals are incredibly similar, but yet, even members of the same species will isolate, ostracize, and demonize each other out of conformational and familial biases. A careful and unbiased review of the scientific facts available today show a clear picture that almost all animals that have a central nervous system feel pain, and many can perceive way more sensations that just pain.

>> No.6295763 [DELETED] 

Well dude, you know, people have all kinds of agendas to stifle the truth.

Remember like how Indians and niggers aren't really human, they are beasts, and so that's why it's ok to string them up with a metal chain and light a fire under them like they used to do in lynch mobs in Texas.

Just because you don't feel the pain yourself, or find it easier to do your job or eat your burger or whatever by disassociating from that reality, it doesn't change the fact that pigs and cows feel pain just like we do. And even blacks and Indians, of course...

>> No.6295764


i think you're reading too much into my posts because you have some kind of an agenda about it.

>> No.6295771

You're right, I'm tired of people acting like animals can't feel pain, when from my perspective, it would take a lunatic to believe that in today's day and age of information.

>> No.6295773


i agree with you about that.

>> No.6295776

>so mad

>> No.6295785
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>> No.6295803

weather animals feal pain or not,...... why does that pain matter?

what is the goal here. are we after an end to animal suffering? if so dont we have to then step in and save animals from other animals? arent we now placeing ther pain n a moral level similar to humans? if you knew a person was being hunted youd have an obligation to help right? dont you have an obligation to stop the cayotee or fox from killing a rabbit then? or is that suffering more natural and thus acceptable

>> No.6295809

My goal is an accurate understanding of reality. I still eat meat, but I am not some deluded, disassociated nincompoop who believes in some make believe shit that animals can't feel pain.

Only after we start to see the world and each other for what we really are: only then will be able to reach higher levels of understanding as a society/culture/species.

A lot of people are all wound up in their ideologies, but many people like me, just want to face the truth, because in the end, after all the lies we tell each other, after all the deceptions and disassociation from the truth, in the end there is only one truth and one reality, regardless of how any of us see it, and getting closer to alignment with that truth is my goal.

>> No.6295830

my issue here

the truth about subject B is A
persons with delusional ideology are convinced the truth about B is D,C, or even E
if the truth about B is meaningless and irrelevant to any thing else but B the why is it important to correct delusion ?

>> No.6295833

Put down the pipe for an hour or so, Spicoli

>> No.6295837


Are those muscle contractions or is that some kind of eel/long fish that has simply been skinned alive and put onto hot coals?

>> No.6295844

contractions, the eel has no head

>> No.6295845

>Animal cruelty is somehow better or worse depending on how intelligent we think the animal is?

yes, obviously. Are you a fucking moron?

>> No.6295851

Thanks for reminding me of that movie. I lolled when I looked up the name. I hadn't seen it in years, but...

It'd be a whole lot cooler if I had.. hue hue hue

>> No.6295855

"Bottom-dwelling octopuses eat mainly crabs, polychaete worms, and other molluscs such as whelks and clams. Open-ocean octopuses eat mainly prawns, fish and other cephalopods. They usually inject their prey with a paralysing saliva before dismembering it into small pieces with their beaks.[38] Octopuses feed on shelled molluscs either by using force, or by drilling a hole in the shell, injecting a secretion into the hole, and then extracting the soft body of the mollusc.[39]

Large octopuses have also been known to catch and kill some species of sharks"

if we are talking about octopus inteligence, how animals feel pain, and animal cruelty then i ask...is the octopus not guilty as well

>> No.6295857

Sometimes the people with the delusions are policy makers and regulative authorities that try to impose their delusions on us. In fact, this is often the case, hence why so many people are waking up eager to know the truth for a change instead of just someone else's delusion to support their selfish agendas. And you know this is just an example, in your example, taken literally it doesn't matter, because you define the truth about B as "meaningless and irrelevant" but the truth is often (if not generally) not meaningless or irrelevant.

>> No.6295863

>animal cruelty then i ask...is the octopus not guilty as well

The octopus certainly inflicts pain upon its prey, as do all predatory animals. But the difference is that the octopus has no choice--it must cause suffering in order to eat and survive.

We humans, on the other hand, have a choice. When we eat something--such as an octopus--we have the option of killing it quickly and then eating it, or we can eat it alive. The latter option is more cruel than the former.

>> No.6295864

truth or fact is not inherently meanigfull or relevent

meaning and relevence are part of narative and system......animals feel pain tells e nothing more than animals feel pain....its a data point untill its part of a usefull exchange which plots it as art of a figure

why is it important that we understand how animals feel pain?

>> No.6295866

It's not about intelligence, it's about capacity to experience suffering, which intelligence is usually a good indicator of.

>> No.6295869

>.is the octopus not guilty as well
This. This is why I have no trouble eating pigs, even though they're supposedly really intelligent as well. I know those fuckers would eat me, given the chance. Knowing an octopus would rip me apart while eating me alive given the chance means I don't have to give a fuck about how those things are treated.

>> No.6295876

why does choice matter

if i choose to dismember and eat you aor an octopus does so instinctualy...the end result is the same....the same pain and suffering


if i kill you with painkillers and you dye sleeping and the octopus kills you while eating you alive....the end result is still your death

with humans i think we care about this stuff becuase a human socioty with as little aceptable human on huan voilence is a socioty which favors human survival and well being

but why do we care about animal welfare when animals themselves dont and in fact are likely incapable and even cruel by default

>> No.6295877

You answered your own question if you just sit down and think for a moment. If you like to think of it as a "data point" that's fine, but then you should be aware that any deeper understanding only comes from the correlation and synthesis of many data points and the understanding of their relationships. This data point "matrix" can then form the basis for being its own individual data point whereby we begin to reference more and more complex ideas.

Even that single "data point" you mention that animals feel pain. Today that data point is actually composed of a whole field of data points that we can synthesize into a simple statement "Animals feel pain" and now we can build on that.

No truth is meaningless, information might seem irrelevant, but the truth is always meaningful because that's how we build ourselves up into better organisms. One tiny piece of data somewhere might seem totally useless, but taken together they help to model our understanding of the nature of the universe.

>> No.6295884


we don't punish acts that aren't chosen.

>> No.6295886

>why does choice matter

Depends on what factor you are considering in your discussion. If the factor is merely "Death" then you're right, it doesn't matter.

If the factor is "suffering" then there is a clear difference between the two.

>>but why do we care about animal welfare

Because human beings have empathy. Well, most humans do. Psychopaths do not.

>> No.6295890

This is why u only sleep with Asian women and never have babies. White boys who want This mexishit to be jelly are wrong. I prefer your rUral cow girl talk blondies. They can saddle and domesticate this crazy horse any day :)

>> No.6295911

>it's about capacity to experience suffering, which intelligence is usually a good indicator of.
This is the leap I don't understand. Next thing you know you'll say retards don't feel pain the same way everybody else does.

>> No.6295928

I'm not that guy, but there are people who DO say that, actually. I had an argument with an asshole that insisted that babies don't feel pain, when anyone that has been around an infant knows that they not only feel pain, but are more sensitive to it. It's mind-boggling how ignorant some people are. I want to believe they are trolls, but the truth is some people are just hopeless. Some people have "been in the Matrix too long", if you want a hollywood analogy.

>> No.6295996

Do we live on rhe same planet?

>> No.6296088


it is not considered ethical to punish acts that aren't chosen.

>> No.6296150

But it happens all the time, human socioty does that quite regularly

For instance poverty and healthcare

>> No.6297000

i can't fucking believe this shit

>> No.6297005


Neither of those are punishments.

>> No.6297007

shit man. you almost got trips AND 22.22.22

>> No.6297034

Fuck yes I would eat that, who cares animals do worse shit out in the wild. It's a fuckin octopus, it's not like it's a puppy.

>> No.6297049

>It's a fuckin octopus, it's not like it's a puppy.

You're right. It's far more intelligent than a puppy is.

>> No.6297051


1. you would rather be killed in the wild by a carnivore than slowly burned alive to death

2. octopuses are smarter and have superior cognitive ability compared to dogs. this is supported by science, look it up

>> No.6297060

>octopuses are smarter and have superior cognitive ability compared to dogs. this is supported by science, look it up

Yes, this is true.
But why does it matter?

>> No.6297065


because I assume that is the reason behind the poster behaving as though doing this to a puppy is worse. I guess he could be saying that because he just thinks puppies are cuter

or are you asking why animal cruelty matters?

>> No.6297084

>or are you asking why animal cruelty matters?

No, I was asking why the relative intelligence of animal matters from a cruelty perspective. In other words, just because animal A is smarter than animal B, is it any more or less cruel to hurt one vs. the other?

>> No.6297092

>ust because animal A is smarter than animal B, is it any more or less cruel to hurt one vs. the other?
I've been asking that question since the start of the thread. No one has given an answer better than "hurr durr, the smarter an animal is the more pain it can feel."

>> No.6297096


oh, no I don't think it matters at all. if a being is capable of cognition and feeling pain being cruel to it is monstrous regardless of its comparative intelligence

the guy I originally responded to disagrees, I would guess

>> No.6297120

I don't believe in any animal cruelty bs but here is my devil's advocate argument.

Dumbest: plants
Smartest: humans

Plants maybe possibly feel pain, they wither when mistreated, they are pretty and we take care of them. Why do we not give a single fuck about cruelty to plants? Because they are not smart. They don't have the capacity to emotionally feel harm, only physically. They don't have brains and thus don't get any rights.

Now let's take dolphins. They are smart. They have sex for fun. They live full lives with playful emotions and personal attachments. They get sad. They have mental illness. They have a concept of death and fear it existentially. They can look you in the eyes and ask "why are you killing me?" That is why we don't kill them- they are too intelligent.

Everything from plants to humans exists among the intelligence spectrum. The more relatable their pain is- the more it looks like our pain, aka the more intelligent they are, the more we empathize and avoid hurting them

>> No.6297130

>if a being is capable of cognition and feeling pain being cruel to it is monstrous regardless of its comparative intelligence
So I'm guessing you never eat any fish or industrially farmed meat, eggs and dairy, right?

>> No.6297133
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>> No.6297139


I've gone fishing and eat fish that I've caught, I don't eat store bought fish. I rarely eat meat period, but when I do it's not industrially farmed. I drink soymilk exclusively (silk brand very vanilla flavor--it's delicious)

if you're trying to prove some kind of point can you just state it so that I can respond, or is this roundabout way of saying something necessary

>> No.6297152

It's just that the vividness of an animal suffering hits people hard. Some guy pours gasoline all over a puppy, then sets it on fire, and people call him a monster. Because it's such a vivid example of cruelty.

But most animal cruelty is more mundane. It high density feedlots, huge chicken houses slaughterhouses and the like. Not nearly as vivid, because filming what goes on in such places is illegal in many cases.

So we end with a schizophrenic view of animal cruelty. We'll arrest someone for abusing a dog, but a chicken on a farm isn't even legally considered an animal.

>> No.6297174


I see

I agree that the institutionalized cruelty is outrageous (and imo overlooked to a criminal degree). as sad as it is I doubt it'll see a true overhaul in my lifetime, but who knows. in the future hopefully in vitro meat and animal products become the standard rather than insane factory farms

if it was up to me I'd like to air the smuggled-out footage of what people have filmed publicly to sort of imitate the pictures of smoker's lungs on packs of cigarettes. although it's unlikely it'd be directly effective in getting people to change their habits, it might start a stronger, more direct dialogue about exactly how we treat animals that we would otherwise utterly disregard

>> No.6298558

This whole thing can be boiled down to.

If it is alive, put it out of its misery and don't prolong its suffering. Killing to eat is generally the right thing to do, while killing for fun/reactionary input is just fucked up.

>> No.6299132

It's probably dead already and the heat is just stimulating the nerves, making it wriggle

>> No.6299913

what the fuck is wrong with gooks

>> No.6300002

> animal A is smarter than animal B
this first year philosophy talk.

>> No.6300033

God that is so fuckin inhumane. People act like niggers are so horrible, and while they're primal and violent, there isn't another race that's as cruel and disgusting as asians. Fucking disgraceful.

Beyond that, that's just shit tier food. Fucking mongoloids.

>> No.6300085

are you guys seriously offended by this?
cant really tell if people are just shitposting for the sake of being able to shitpost or if you're really disgusted about this.

>> No.6300129

subhuman gook detected.

>> No.6300223
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Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be.

>> No.6300230
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You guys would be really pissed at a good old fashioned crab feast.

>> No.6300233

> ITT: you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.6300244


>> No.6300256

that is disgusting.at least kill it before eating. hope someone puts them on a hot grill, alive.

>> No.6300258

>steeee'ing intesifies

>> No.6300259

slaughtering an animal with respect is one thing, but grilling/torturing a live animal is another. the latter is disgusting.

>> No.6300272

You stupid cunt it's not about killing it's about torture. Quickly killing and then butchering an animal is one thing. Pinning a living thing to a grill and slowly and painfully killing it is another.

>> No.6300274
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ITT: white people (in a manner of speaking)

>> No.6300289

it feels so embarassingly inneficient. I can understand the traditional way was probably throwing it in a fire or something but that pitiful grill just had no way to do the job. A few cuts in teh animal's brain would have saved them like 20 minutes of looking stupid on the video.

>> No.6300395


Octopus until it dead souls floating-go's crazy now. It owns one of Narbonne Cell Gkๆ is it you take pangas or Sparta hack it. It is also well tentacles squirm Will still have to wait for it to go away. Who torture animals to see and Drama tell you. I do not pity me Blah blah blah I do not see you eat meat, well I hope it is of the essence, it is the artistic culture of the people we were born to live. Even the monks to eat meat at all. It is cyclical This type of eating If you look into the art, it is nothing alarming. Everything depends on the nature of the existence and off.

>> No.6300438


>No one has given an answer better than "hurr durr, the smarter an animal is the more pain it can feel."

yes they have you stubborn cunt.

>> No.6300451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6300474

the best squid i've ever eaten was in korea when the legs were still moving around but anyway i don't think it's an asian thing - i can post some thing about the thanksgiving turkeys or caged chicken eggs in america and i find it just as inhumane.

>> No.6301482

This suffering is uncalled for, if you are going to eat it, give it a quick and painless as possible death, an hour or two before you cook it won't make a different in taste, like any1 can tell.

Time like this, I really wish there is a hell for people like these. There is no excuse.

>> No.6301493

This wouldn't have bothered me until I realized just what an octopus was.

Now things like this horrify me.

>> No.6302046

Hate to tell most of you his, but you're fuckin stupid. It is killed and cleaned before they put it on the grill. retards

>> No.6302061

Just what is an octopus?
Welcome to white people.

>> No.6302075

Fuck you I'm white, i'm just not fucking retarded

>> No.6302097

Man, these video are always entertain to watch.


>> No.6302108

All these nips did was make the suffering of the animal visible.
>all of your neatly packaged meats from the supermarket once came from an animal
>that animal, if not slaughtered botched or inhumanely, lived a lifetime of suffering
>it was likely diseased, suffering, stressed, and/or dirty at its time of demise

Please stop pretending westerners are superior. It's cringey unless you're a vegetarian/vegan or you slaughter your own meat.

>> No.6302121

The life of farm animal is about suffering.

>> No.6302129

>I'm racist in one way, but not another, so I see no reason to try and improve myself

>> No.6302340

Not if it tastes good.

>> No.6302352

>You have to draw a line somewhere though
No. I don't. don't tell me what the fuck I have to do, Adolf.

>> No.6302355

You can't expect Thais to behave like civilized human beings, because they basically aren't.

This is the country where the king murdered his brother in order to take the throne, and has kept the commoners subjugated through everything from military dictatorships to outright assassinations, and yet the people revere him because he only allows positive stuff to be printed about him.

>> No.6302361

If any of you had half a brain, you'd realize that killing intelligent species was the CORRECT thing to do. We shouldn't be protecting the lives of something that could one day threaten our dominance. Think about what's best for humanity, not some fucking animal.

>> No.6302370



It's an octopus.

You're stupid.

>> No.6302371

Thais sure don't. They're mostly about as dumb as dogshit.

>> No.6302377

And they still cook food better than you ever could.

>> No.6302380

I don't see the problem there.
The leader is clearly a smart and productive man.

>> No.6302382

>muh protecting the species
And how many kids have you had so far? None? You mean you've never had sex? Well thanks for the input then, alpha male

>> No.6302391

No kids, but also not a virgin. Stop projecting man :^)

>> No.6302393

Nope. I agree with him, and I've lived in Asia for five years now. They just don't give a shit about anyone or anything other than themselves.

The Thais literally enslave people, in particular Burmese migrant workers, to work in the lowest physical-labor industries like fishing. Here's a recent article on it:

Of course, they're hardly alone in that. Taiwan treats Indonesian and Filipino workers like dirt, and after a particularly nasty incident in which an Indonesian maid was tortured, crippled, and blinded by her employer, the Taiwanese government banned new maids from being brought over from Indonesia -- because the Indonesian government dared to complain and insist that Taiwan's government do something about the long-ongoing pattern of mistreatment.

>> No.6302406

>foie gras
Which is practically painless to the duck; they enjoy getting stuffed full of food. The animal-rights loons have had a lot of success at portraying it as inhumane, but only because most people don't bother to learn anything about it beyond what the animal-rights activists' propaganda bullshit claims.

>> No.6302412

Well said.

>> No.6302446

Can someone post more info about this meal? A lot of people say that it's normal for tentacles to move after the animals already been killed. How do we know this ones alive?

>> No.6302509

Why does cruelty matter? How does this impact me?

>> No.6302514

Are you trying to argue that if I don't care about animal welfare, I'm a psychopath?

>> No.6302548

>Because human beings have empathy.
But we also have the choice of exactly to whom that empathy extends. For example a racist may choose not to have empathy for people with a different skin color. A jingoist chooses not to have empathy for people of specific nations. An elitist chooses not to have empathy for the poor.

It's perfectly reasonable to choose not to have empathy for animal suffering, especially in the industrialized wold. Because if you really started thinking about animal suffering being a valid concern you'd pretty much have to go vegan in the world we inhabit.

That makes extending empathy to our food pretty fucking inconvenient.

>> No.6302554


the difference is that today kids in the west are indoctrinated to feel extreme amounts of compassion towards literally everything. this is not the case in most of asia. throughout your life you are told by everyone that you must value life and feel compassion towards everything that moves.
throughout your childhood you see adults act this way - emotional, empathetic, compassionate. so you emulate it and since everybody does it it becomes normal and natural to you, and everything else becomes some crazy inhuman abomination.
and contrary to popular belief, this way of thinking is far from 'normal'. it only became a thing in the 20th century, and pretty much exclusively in the west.

>> No.6302555


>> No.6302681

From the EU Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Welfare on the wiki:
>On the force feeding process, the EU committee examined several experiments carried out by INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) to detect pain or distress by looking at blood hormones, and found that no definite conclusions can be drawn from these studies. Other studies looked at behavioral aversion to the feeding process and found that force fed ducks avoided the feeding pen when given a choice, whereas a majority of the control group not being force fed would enter the feeding pen voluntarily. Daily hand-feeding of ducks and geese is normally associated with a positive response by the animals towards the person feeding them. In contrast, the working group observed that ducks and geese in a pen kept away from their force feeder when he entered the room. In an unpublished pilot experiment by INRA, ducks in cages reportedly displayed less avoidance behaviour to the force feeder’s visit than to the visit of a neutral person coming along the cages later. However, in the working group's own observations, "Ducks in cages had little opportunity to show avoidance but sometimes moved their heads away from the person who was about to force feed them."

>The report also recommends collection of additional data regarding the health of the animals, feeding methods, animal housing, and socio-economic factors


>> No.6302697

Refusal isn't pain. Stopping a practice because the animal naturally refuse it is basically accepting that farming itself should be illegal since clearly animal prefer to go where they want.

>> No.6302707

Bare with me for a moment please.

Several massive figures, towering over a pit of flaming fire, using sharp and hard metals objects, holding down something alive and struggling over this pit of fire until it struggles no more, all the while, these massive figures are entertained and having a great time.

What comes to mind?

>> No.6302733

>they should be ashamed! hurting that creature!

>anyway, time for dinner
>ooh, bacon and meatballs, my favorite

>> No.6302742

goddamn white fucks are so sensitive

>> No.6302745

>they enjoy getting stuffed full of food

But yeah it's not like I was there during the expirement to see to what extent they were avoiding it. Just stumbled on the wiki while getting educated on the matter. Personally I'm neutral on the issue but I don't think torturing the animal just to have a fattier liver is justifiable. Whether or not the practice is torture, I still don't know.

>> No.6302755
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>people talk about how delicious foie gras is and how amazing it is, and how ducks love being force fed so its okay

>have tried foigra several times, all from high class restaraunts
>once even from a 3 michelain star restarunt in france on a trip

>every single time the foie gras, no matter how it was prepared, just tasted like a greasy lump of fat with a slight taste of liver

Makes me fucking laugh every time I hear some faggots talking about how amazing foie gras is. Force feeding them to get a huge fatty liver is a complete waste of time and money.

Probably started out by some poor ass french farmer who accidently ended up with a bunch of fatass ducks and needed a way to sell the fatty livers and not have people repulsed by how they looked and tasted so he told people it was what all the rich royalty love, and the french villagers fell for it.

>> No.6302763

>fat is icky

People like you are why shit like turkey bacon exists.

Please stop breathing.

>> No.6302765


>i don't like it
>so everyone who does like it is an idiot

>> No.6302772


I love eating the thin crispy gristle on the edge of my steak.

But foie gra taste like livery old fryer fat. Get rekt frenchie.

>> No.6302780

>>implying I'm french

Gristle isn't fat, but thanks for making it abundantly clear that you don't know shit about food.

>> No.6302785


fatty deposits are generally interlaced with connective tissue though.

>> No.6302794


>> No.6302799

I live in the western country. Yes, there are as much, if not greater, cruelties being done to animals and people, but they are not stupid enough to cam it and youtube it. They know that they'll get burn if it comes out, which is what the eastern is doing and getting. And they act like their shit doesn't stink but rather sweet?

>> No.6302812

At least these people are going to eat the food that's in front of them. Do you know how many animals get tortured, just to have their meat get wasted? It's awful.

>> No.6302892
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Sorry anon, I don't understand pleb.

>> No.6304939


>> No.6305383
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Superman wants all of us to think about what we are doing to others.

We are the most powerful beings on this planet. We are the supermen of earth, and should act in a way that would make Superman proud.

Don't cause unnecessary suffering, you are better than that.

>> No.6305392

Fish are practically plants anyways.

>> No.6305427

We're also the stupidest beings on the planet, haven't you realized that? The world is our playroom, and we'll just break all our toys and cry to mommy after it's too late.

Humans shit where they sleep, play and eat.

>> No.6305434

Superman is a consistent fag, regardless who is writing for him at the time.

>> No.6305485

That's funny as hell. I especially like how her manner of speaking is EXACTLY the tone and timbre I would use to mock someone like that.
>the difference is that today kids in the west are indoctrinated to feel extreme amounts of compassion towards literally everything
This. It seems like everyone is being taught that feelings about anything have some kind of intrinsic value, and everyone is supposed to take that into account. This is borderline insane, because feelings don't make any sense, and are sometimes just plain crazy. A culture of people taking everybody else's crazy seriously just encourages more crazy. Which is why you have 20-somethings jabbering on about shit like "emotional validation" like it's something important, or even relevant. We've turned into a culture of enablers for people cultivating mental illness.
>Yes, there are as much, if not greater, cruelties being done to animals and people, but they are not stupid enough to cam it and youtube it.
That's because we have laws against it, so we never have to confront it. Out of sight, out of mind.

>> No.6307323

what are you saying?

>> No.6307424

You have to understand OP that Japan, their culture and their people are possibly the most malformed and grotesque on the planet.

Literally worse than Nazis.

>> No.6307460

Are you me?

>> No.6307483

Why did you have to make this about whites. You have never met a black militant vegan transgendered otherkin have you? Lucky ass hole.

>> No.6307502

would you like some slaves to your double standards?

>> No.6307505

I was wondering that too. I know if you pour salt on frog legs they'll start moving.

>> No.6307522

>Nip apologist detected

>> No.6307540

No, and I went to a school that was infamous for what is now called "SJW" types.

Where have you met such a person? Internet doesn't count.

>> No.6307572
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yeah its fucking delicious quit being such a pussy
lobsters are boiled live, and no one gives a fuck, quit anthropomorphising animals that eat their own kind

>> No.6307594

OP is probably upset that they giggle and laugh everytime it squirms, showing a lot of asians are sadists with no respect for life.

>> No.6307614


Nice ignorant racism. The people in this video are very clearly speaking Japanese.

>> No.6307684
File: 66 KB, 805x935, 1419202319843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is youtube comments quality

all angry about a fucking octopus

>> No.6307692

The difference is that lobsters have the intelligence of insects, and have a very primitive nervous system.
Octopuses are intelligent, have very advanced systems and are aware of sensory input; the main issue people are taking is that they are clearly cooking it this way for fun (unevenly holding it down and burning it, crushing it with tongs) when it would taste much better if it were killed and prepared normally. They ordered an intelligent animal so that they could entertain themselves by killing it slowly and painfully, which is fucked up no matter how you look at it.

>> No.6307837
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>> No.6308325

>quit anthropomorphising animals that eat their own kind

you're doing the opposite, which is worse. you're looking at a creature that appears alien and disregarding its capability for suffering and agony. see [>>6307692]

>> No.6308371

Westerners were the same before the advent of factory farming. Now suddenly animal cruelty is bad once you've delegated the torture and slaughter of millions of animals to a bunch of brown illegals. I consider threads like this just ethnocentric hypocrisy nonsense.

>> No.6308414

Is there any underlying motivation for this behavior? Or is it just "muh feelings" cultural/religious dogma to cook it alive?

>> No.6308461

>having sympathy for the pulpous and sapo jew

>> No.6309888


>> No.6309923


Mainly it's about freshness. Sure, they could kill the octopus right before grilling it--that would be just as fresh--and no, I don't know why they don't do that. Probably because they don't care so it's seen as a needless extra step.

Anyway, it's common to find restaurants in Asia that are part of a market. You go to the market and buy your ingredients--if they're small, they will be live--then you take them to the cooks who pepare them however you like. Fish, shrimp, crabs, frogs, etc, are all likely to be sold live. Why live? Live animals keep themselves fresh. Dead animals require a freezer, and aren't as fresh.

>> No.6309937

I know that Chinese people do it because they believe that torturing an animal makes it taste better, a sort of living tenderising sort of deal. Obviously the hormones released from the stress the animal suffers does the opposite and makes the animal taste worse.

In Japan they value freshness over all else so what could be fresher than something you have just kill yourself.

>> No.6309943

A lot of meat eating conservitards like to talk about how they have a long history of respecting animals they kill for meat, I wonder if any of them remember why buffalo are rare.

>> No.6309945

>I know that Chinese people do it because they believe that torturing an animal makes it taste better, a sort of living tenderising sort of deal

Yeah, that is a thing but even in China it's rare. And it's not applied to seafood.

>> No.6309948

Do you? They're not rare because they ate them, they were killing them off to deprive the natives of food.

>> No.6309951

yes I know that you fucking idiot. that's the point.

>> No.6311931

fucking subhuman shits

>> No.6311933

>buffalo are rare

>> No.6312765


>> No.6312768

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.6312788

Learn to read you double nigger. This has nothing to do with how the creature looks.

>> No.6313243

fish don't even have a nervous system.

you all suffer from chronic weak pussy syndrome

>> No.6313679

Different anon, but just because they don't feel pain the way humans do does not mean they don't feel pain or trauma. Things need to know when something isn't right. Its fucking evolution. And everything has an urge to continue living aka "not die". Meaning that all the fish, octopus, frogs, and lobsters being mutilated while conscious in these videos are needlessly suffering before their demise. So fuck you, you empathy lacking piece of shit.

>> No.6313701

And what if you need it live to do the recipe properly?

>> No.6313729

>dehumanizing your food is bad
too bad it's not human.