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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6279128 No.6279128 [Reply] [Original]

Is Chick-Fil-A the only restaurant chain whose policy isn't entirely decided by profit? I don't just mean their problems with Le Gays, but the fact that they're closed on Sundays. Are there any other big chains that are only closed on specific holy days, or that refuse to serve pork or mix dairy with meat?

>> No.6279130

Hobby Lobby.

>> No.6279134

The only problem I have with their policies is getting a craving on a Sunday. Plenty of my other favorite restaurants are closed Mondays, or Tuesdays, or basically "how dare they!?" have a day off from it all.

Get over it. It's a nice thing for families to have a parents or kid home on an actual weekend day. Have a backup restaurant plan.

>> No.6279179

jews are like 2% of the US population and probably over half of them don't even keep kosher so yeah I don't think a big kosher chain would make much sense, there's not really a need for it.

>> No.6279207
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so... you think Chick-Fil-A is somehow better than other restaurants because its policies are based on something other than being a good restaurant?

>> No.6279222

no one ever said anything about merits you illiterate dipshit

>> No.6279226

>jews are like 2% of the US population

Tell that to /pol/ We're hiding behind every bush (with sun screen of course) and in every bank just waiting to swindle, etc. etc.

Anyway, As mentioned chick fil-a and hobby lobby are the big noticeable ones. Here's some others


Spoiler alert - Tyson Chicken is also a faith based company.

I'm too lazy to Google it but does Chick fil a get their chicken from Tyson?

>> No.6279228

It's a silly question in the first place because if restaurant chain CEOs cared only about profits, they'd get out of the ridiculously hard, low margin business of restauranting and make iPhones or pump oil instead.

In general, you can't tell what's going to maximize your profits so chain restaurants normally just try to fill a particular niche as well as possible and hope the sales follow. In CFA's case, hating gays did help their sales so much that they nearly doubled their sales and overtook KFC as the #1 best selling chicken chain in the country that way.

>> No.6279256
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>Faggots tried to destroy them
>It didn't work because they actually make great food and the CEO outside of shit opinions is incredibly top tier
>Keeps it's status quo as top tier

This place is going to hell the moment he dies.

>> No.6279269

2% is still too much rodent to harbor in america. i see all jews as netanyahu loves who want to see nothing more than the entire eastern hemisphere destroyed.

one day, israel. one day you will be submerged into the ocean.

>> No.6279296

so, without his holy light to keep them at bay, the faggots will descend on every Chic-Fil-A in the nation and start fucking each other inside?

>> No.6279302


damn you bibi

>> No.6279304
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>> No.6279312
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Maybe you didn't notice the lack of swastikas here but this is not /pol/ Save your bullshit for stormfront cause between all the talk about fried chicken, Chipotle, dago food (be it deep dish or NY style), and all the other non lutefisk, non aryan nation food that is talked about here, I got some bad news for you "friendo."

Also not all Jews like Netenyahu. As someone who had the chance to visit Israel once, I can tell you he is not universally liked there either. Many here and there would like a more moderate leader. However, at least people there are allowed to voice their opinions and not get their fucking head cut off - be it about fried chicken or their leader.

However, the produce, pizza, schawrma, coca cola, and beer were all top quality. But here I am trying to engage in a semi intellectual discussion with someone who already has their mind made up and apparently is incapable of communicating other than the usual verbiage about "rodents" and hurr durr we're coming for you. So, I'll level the playing field. I'm a few Johnnie Walkers into my Saturday night so fucking come for me. Me and my ccw permit cause this American has had enough of your bullshit. I ain't even mad bro but save it for your containment board. This is /ck/ and we talk food & cooking here.

>> No.6279313
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>> No.6279332


>> No.6279341

yeah but i contained your kike mom with my aryan di/ck/ last night kek

seriously though i appreciate you trying to reason with me. i have a feeling youre a cool guy but i will never get over my hate for israel. my apologies for getting you riled jew-friend. i never support any jew-owned corporations, companies, services, and always check to see who owns the company, whether or not the company has funded israel whatsoever, or where the company is made. i often pay the higher price for products not affiliated with jews or israel.

i know im just one person but its the least i can do. shalom, pseudo-god's chosen people.

>> No.6279394

I'd tell you to go to Hell but you don't believe in Hell HAHAHAHA


>> No.6279430

> never support any jew-owned corporations, companies, services, and always check to see who owns the company,
For once, I find myself disappointed that /pol/ isn't correct. It's a shame we don't own everything. You would be in trouble if we owned the water and oxygen...or maybe we do and you just don't know it.

Must suck not being able to eat anything made by Kraft Foods for example. You're like whatever the opposite of kosher is.

Now go home and get your shine box.

Eh, Hell is what you make of it.

You're right though. I believe we all become hologram ghosts like in Star Wars and then we get swapped out every 20 years by "God" with other people in various special editions and re-releases.

Besides, what makes you so special. Where do you think you're going.

>> No.6279473

I doubt it. he can just sell the corp to the organization he donated to support the killing and incarceration of gay people abroad.

>> No.6279475

I don't mind peoples' religious beliefs, but any retail store being closed on Sunday is shit-tier. I used to work long hours, six days a week, and my main time for shopping and eating out was Sundays.

>> No.6279485

Sunday is my day of rest so it's the day I eat out instead of cooking, so no Chik-Fil-A for me.

If everyone rested on Sunday everyone would go hungry.

>> No.6279525

wow, so all jews are funny. I thought that was a stereotype

>> No.6279532
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Well perhaps you need to change your schedule in order to give others time off on Sunday, the lords day in order to spend with their family, away form work. You need to stop being so selfish anon, it's a very non christian thing of you. If God wanted you to go out and eat on Sunday, he would have told the late Truett Cathy to be open on Sunday to serve inconsiderate heathens such as yourself.

You know you've heard this argument in some shape or similar form before.

Funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?

>> No.6279564

Only 2% of the population, but they control pretty much every major business.
>NBC, CBS, Fox, NY Times, every major motion picture company, Microsoft, Google, Facebook
The list goes on.
I'm not implying its a 'bad' thing at all, its just always been a curious thing to me.

Also fuck Chick-fil-a. The chicken is mediocre compared to Churches or Popeyes.
The only great thing they've got going is those honey biscuits.
Hnnngghhhh I love those things.

>> No.6279573
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i dont fuck with kraft, i dont fuck with coca-cola, i dont fuck with unilever, i dont fuck with a lot of products. i dont fuck with facebook, i offer boot-legged copies of movies to my prevents to prevent them from spending money on a movie directed by a jew, i never keep my tv on any news channels because those are the strongest weapons used by the jews to twist ideas and thoughts. i shop at individually owned stores at marked up prices to avoid spreading my money into giant corporations.

thank god im the opposite of kosher, i wouldnt want to associate with your god-forsaken ilk anyway. $30 billion a year on a holy land across the world for weapons and aid. nothing good has come of israel, and nothing good has come from a jew ive met. jews, to me, are worse than any terrorist organization in the middle east, (ignoring the fact that terrorist organizations are a direct response to western intervention but w/e.) because at least terrorists dont eat the same table we're at and sell our weapons and secret to other countries. so ftfy. pic related.

>> No.6279578

I respect their moral stance but will never eat there cause their food is mediocre and overpriced

>> No.6279581

you're supposed to prepare everything you'll need for the sabath the night before instead of going out and engaging in sinfull behavior

>> No.6279586

containmentchan pls go.

>> No.6279587
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*offer bootlegged copies of movies to my friends
**don't eat at the same table we eat from

a few typos, my apologies.

>> No.6279590

Awww, who's an angry little goy cuck! You are, yes you are! Please, cry some more. Your impotent rage is hilarious,

>> No.6279591
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>> No.6279599
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>> No.6279600

Relax, the typos don't make you look like any MORE of an imbecile. How is containmentchan these days? Still full of pedophiles?

>> No.6279602

why do we have a containmentchan but no merchantchan?

>> No.6279603

Yawn. Did you get that from your dad's meme folder? Isn't it funny that you goy cucks go on and on about "muh hurratuj" when you can't function in the present?

>> No.6279617
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i didnt thin your brain processed anything syntax-related and instead focussed more on calculating how many shekels you could make off selling matzo-balls.

>decides not to assess any of the arguments ive provided for my disgust for israel.
>results to shitposting.

typically jew. stay unreasonable.

>> No.6279625

>implying i mentioned heritage whatsoever in any context

oh. alrighty. i see we have some underlying problems here?

>> No.6279628

He's still going, folks! Who's an angry little goy cuck? Yes you are! yes you are! Perhaps it's time to seek therapy, you become more and more incoherent as your foaming anger takes over your brain. You are just another sad, impotent little pissant spewing tired nonsense on the internet. Just like all the other stormcucks. No one is particularly offended or interested in what you have to say, and that clearly angers you.

>> No.6279630

>implying that you had to.
Reactionaries like you are very transparent, my goy friend.

>> No.6279663

Theres a muslim grocery store (chain?) in Philly called Cousin's. All the meat is halal and all the pork products are kept in an entirely separated part of the store. You have to buy the pork separately and if you aren't on your way out of the store you have to wait while they wrap it up tightly and bag it in opaque bags

>> No.6279703
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>replying to my messages

i see you have an incentive to reply to messages, so i see youre as invested as i am into this. i dont know who youre fooling.

what does circumisized cock taste like? does your rabbi know? ;-)

>> No.6279707

>assuming id make a point before i had even considered about making it
>assuming i care about heritage

assuming makes an ass out of u and me my shekel-driven toucan.

>> No.6279714


Wait, you're actually jewish? lol.

Fuck dat shit!

>> No.6279717

>Christian operation
>open on the Sabbath
plz explain

>> No.6279730

>Still being this mad.

>> No.6279733

Who wouldn't be mad about jews sucking bloody, mutilated baby dick though?

>> No.6279740

i guess this anon thinks its normal, or something.

and somehow we're in the wrong. oh vey!

>> No.6279757

>bumping this thread

Just let it go boychuk. Let the pathetic stormfag keep the thread bumped all by his lonesome.

>> No.6279823

Went there last night. I was sad that they don't have peach shakes any more. Those chicken sandwiches are good, though. I don't get the pickles, conceptually. Onions are way better.

>> No.6279832

This is the very reason why we have to exterminate these jew cucks once and for all. I genuinely believe Hitler was being rational and not deluded.

>> No.6279834


I feel like the Anti-Le-Gays policy was, in part, a big marketing ploy.

Their chicken is pretty meh. I prefer making my own or going to this one local black guy who does INSANE barbecue.

>> No.6279914

fuck jews

>> No.6279960

I like them because their the best fast food chain place that I've ever been to
Only faggots get bootyblasted at their anti-gay shit
I also find it admirable they still do the Sunday off thing (I remember being a little disappointed when public stopped doing this for example)

Also Also they hire college and high school kids instead of the normal disgruntled niggers which makes their service great

>> No.6279961
