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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 460x287, chip-butty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276614 No.6276614 [Reply] [Original]

Lets discuss English desserts.
Now our national dessert is controversial to some. A delight to everyone else. The chipbutty, England's great contribution to worldly desserts.
Now personally I prefer mine with extra malt and tomato ketchup.
How do you like yours?

>> No.6276623

>not catsup

Are you even trying? Gotta commit if you want to rumple my feathers.

>> No.6276625

>for the yanks

>> No.6276628

You know I have heard about bad British food.
But you can't honestly tell me that you eat that shit.

>> No.6276641

>chip sarnie
>fuck off

>> No.6276651
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that's not a dessert, how the fuck did you come to that conclusion

>> No.6276665

What the hell is malt.

>> No.6276670

Adding malt doesn't make it a dessert, m8y

>> No.6276672

Nah m8, you do it to counter the catsup sweetness.

>> No.6276689
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Can Brits explain spotted dick?

>> No.6276691

Amerifag here, I've had it. Its heaven. Think uber-sweet, thick cake akin to plum pudding. Fattening as fuck though.

>> No.6276796

Anyone have a good recipe for this? Preferable if it doesn't require a scale, or beef sweat, or self-raising flour.

>> No.6276814


You know if you want to make something, a prequisite is obtaining the ingredients for it.

>> No.6276818


do a golden syrup sponge instead.

>> No.6276820

It's wot 'appens when yer strumpet was wearin' lip paint. AMIRITE LADS?!?!?

>> No.6276821

Yeah but I figure I can make an approximation of it with regular flour and BP. And butter instead of suet.

>> No.6278554

Explain This shit bongstonians

>> No.6278559

Its a yank trying to be clever.

>> No.6278597


You keep telling yourself that.

>> No.6278611


he was talking about the 'dessert' part obviously.


a delicious steamed pudding.

>> No.6278632
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>> No.6278928


you have to be fucking kidding me

>> No.6278949

Wheres the butter? Better with butter!!

>> No.6278981

Fish fingers then he has dessert. Brilliant!
Though I wish he had prepared some veg with that meal.

>> No.6279009
File: 449 KB, 1204x1280, hotpud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what I did, and simply added some currants that had been soaked in brandy. Technically that's all you traditionally need for it to be a "spotted" dick.

I actually really love making rich, British desserts. I think that all the shit Brits get for lacking cuisine is made up for in their contributions of trifles, pies, cakes, and dense puddings. Golden Syrup alone should be national heritage, get this fucking corn syrup out of our baking in the USA pls. I managed to find a ceramic pudding basin for steaming at a local kitchen store for $10. Use it all the time.

>> No.6279328

Top of yours looks very moist, is that the golden syrup?

I've got mine in the steamer right now, here's hoping it don't fuck up. Now I gotta figure out how to make custard.

>> No.6279370

Yeah, its warmed up and mixed with some bread crumbs and a splash of brandy and added to the bottom of the basin before the pudding batter. My only suggestion would be to use more if you want it to cover more of the pud.

If you are lazy you can just drizzle some golden syrup and heavy cream right on a slice. If you want a custard its really simple;

1/4 cup sugar
3 eggs yolks beat with half the sugar until lighter
1/2 cup of cream added to 1 cup of milk
few tbl of cornstarch depending on desired thickness
vanilla and almond extract
pinch of salt

keep the beat egg yolks and sugar in a separate bowl

whisk the milk/cream, sugar, salt and cornstarch in the saucepan until its all dissolved (before heating)

heat it at med or med-low until its hot but not bubbling, important to keep whisking and making sure the pan isn't getting cooked parts on the bottom and sides.

when its hot, ladle some into the egg bowl and mix it to temper them and prevent them from scrambling. then you can dump the egg mixture back into the rest of the cream and whisk it until it reaches a boil.

take it off the heat and add the splash of vanilla and almond extract to your taste. it will initially be pretty thin but will thicken up as it cools. pour it through a sieve to get rid of any lumps and cover the top with plastic to prevent skin from forming. let it come to room temp before putting it in the fridge.

>> No.6279404

I cannot comprehend this

>> No.6279444

It's just fish and chips, anon.

>> No.6279466

Bongers eat toast sandwiches. A piece of toasted bread between two pieces of untoasted bread. Nothing they do surprises me anymore, besides them having the gall to insult anyone else.

>> No.6280351

>I actually really love making rich, British desserts.
You should try... fuck, I forget the name, the one where you encase a whole lemon in dough and cook it and it caramelises and ends up sweet. Sussex Pond Pudding. "Made of a suet pastry which encases a whole lemon, with butter and sugar, it is boiled or steamed for several hours."

>> No.6280357

>anon actually believes this

>> No.6280376
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Bread and butter pudding

>> No.6280383


>falling for /ck/ shitposts

what is it like to be stupid

>> No.6281215

Swap the tomato catsup for mustard. Add extra malt and you have my favourite meal.

>> No.6282146

How is a chip butty a dessert?

>> No.6282151
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>> No.6282155
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>> No.6282365
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i can't believe he's enabling this carb on carb madness known as chip butty. For fucks sake he could just put the fish in the sandwich and put the chips on the side.

>> No.6282388


which is better how?

>> No.6282395

it's not but i'm just saying if you're going to eat all that might as well put it in correct order.

>> No.6282400
File: 362 KB, 988x742, 121400141225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with carbs on carbs. It's better than having a potbelly and flies on your face like an Ethiop.

>> No.6282413
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>> No.6282440

>Pie sandwich

I'm a Brit, and I love chip butties. That shit there is just way over the line though. Bloody hell.

>> No.6282450

i don't know man i grew up in an Afghan household and their meals always have some sort of bread or rice and it's usually a shit ton of it. I've gotten sick of indulging in too much carbs and prefer something with substance like proteins to be the bulk of the meal. My family have been getting fatter and i've been getting leaner so i can assume it's the ginormous portions they eat and the lack of good macro's.

>> No.6282454

>no substance
Literally every single thing you say after this is going to be this retarded, isn't it?

>> No.6282457
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>> No.6282462

Why do people sperg out so much over carbs anyways?

>> No.6282463

>not pudding
non-britbong detected

>> No.6282467

bro, i lift so i need proteins more than i need carbs. Don't get me wrong I still eat them but i portion them reasonably as opposed to making a fucking sandwich that solely consists of them even though i'm going to sit on a computer and not even expend them.

>> No.6282473

You could have saved yourself the keystrokes and said "yes."

>> No.6282484

it's just common knowledge. Carbs are energy source and a good one at that. If you indulge in them and sit around all day fapping to anime and conversing about Mcdonalds with other weebs on a mongolian cooking board they're going to go to waste and the result is looking like a fatass. They're not bad it's just excessive when you see a sandwich that is quite literally carb madness that you know is going to be wasted because the person eating it isn't a cross country runner. If you are then by all means eat away. Even if you're not don't let some random stranger on the internet tell you how to live your life. Eat as your heart desires, i'm just letting you know the biological fact behind it.

>> No.6282485
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clotted cream! excellent until it passes through your system and gives your watery shit.

>> No.6282488

stay mad fatty

>> No.6282501
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The Empire ;_;

>> No.6282532

excellent post, literally made me laugh out loud

>> No.6282540
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>> No.6282548

That's because the bad food meme was started by France because they couldn't win against Britain through force so resorted to an early form of psyops.

>> No.6282555

It's called autism anon.

>> No.6282810

Oh I get it.
White bread makes it dessert.
Good job islandfats

>> No.6282853
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>french culinary psyops

>> No.6282871

Eh. Of all the national cuisines of Europe, you know Britain is going to be relatively low on your list. But it's not by any means bad. It's basically American cuisine with less ketchup and better cheese. (Seriously, Britain has some amazing cheeses. My biggest complaint about the US is how bad our cheese is). So why Americans would bitch about it is beyond me.

Well, we are still the kings of barbecue. I couldn't live without good barbecue.

>> No.6282874

>this is what islandfats actually believe.
whatever it takes to get through your day buddy

>> No.6282899

>beef sweat
>he doesn't know how to spell suet

>> No.6283200

Would that taste better with that sauce you cover your spotted dick in? I forgot its name, but it looks a lot like a sick persons jizz.

>> No.6283225
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>that sad little birthday candle

>> No.6283996

further proving that /fit/ards are subhumans

>> No.6284002


it's nothing like american cuisine dude.

>> No.6284017

What is American cuisine?

>> No.6284023
File: 40 KB, 490x461, Katt-Williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carb on carb madness

>> No.6284035

Reminds me of the time I dropped the patty for my burger and I just stuffed the bun full of fries and went to town on that sucker.

>> No.6284037

I eat this and I'm a skinny rich guy

>> No.6284056

No, they meant sweat.

>not boiling your beef in the sweat you've collected up over the months.

>> No.6284095

I fucking love bread pudding.

>> No.6284134

Thanks anon, was wondering what the fuck I ate that gave me such an explosive scatalogical episode earlier

>> No.6284833
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Supreme Irish dessert sandwich coming right the fuck through

>> No.6284944

It actually is anon.
Stop living in denial.

>> No.6284984

We need a janitor/mod to chean up this sort of bullshit thread.

>> No.6285611
File: 190 KB, 640x893, britpoors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is British food so bad?

>> No.6285620



It's pudding you non-U pleb.

>> No.6285624

is this picture a fucking joke?

>> No.6286605

>only seruisnss in irlnd

>> No.6286665

Only if the setup to the joke involved the best tasting and textured sandwich ever compiled.

>> No.6286701

the fuck is chippybutter, in australia it's just called a chip sandwich

>> No.6286734

The island monkies are bad, but murikans are just the worst.

The bongs is more German style bad, Amerika is just bad.

>> No.6286736

>that sauce you cover your spotted dick in
What, you mean custard? Just how third world are you not to have custard?

>> No.6286740

Because French psyops and dumb fucks with confirmation bias.

>> No.6286745

based taytos

>> No.6286840

that looks pretty poor.

>> No.6286844

10/10. would eat!

>> No.6287378

I'm surprised the chip butty as dessert thread still gets replies.

I guess people just want to be baited.