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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 430 KB, 2592x1944, Tags_ choux pastry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6276581 No.6276581 [Reply] [Original]

This one is for the ladies.
What the hell is it about baking that you women love so much?

A fuck load of women are taking pastry classes at my college.

Every pastry person at my work has been a woman.

Random ass qt girl I met was a pastry chef.

Is messing around with the dough that much fun or something?

I see baking as something to be done on the side because it takes too damn long. (to be honest I'm not that good at baking, I always forget to add in something to the dough/batter)

Also, every guy in that baking class is pretty damn effeminate or gay.

Insights, thoughts?

>> No.6276584

A lot of baked things look pretty or cute.

They are sweet and taste good.

>it takes too damn long
The prep doesn't usually take that long, it's the leaving-it-in-the-oven bit that takes the longest. It's inactive wait time.

>> No.6276588

>They are sweet
Sugar is sweet,
And girls are honey.
But beat your meat,
And save your money.

>Herp, why does women like foods that make them fat?! I doesn't get it...

Seriously? You don't understand this?

>> No.6276589

Women like sugar.

>> No.6276595

I'll agree that they look pretty.

I've always known women were more into baking, but one day a pastry chef came into our class and left two pies and said have at it.

I took a bite (it was fucking amazing by the way) and I was done. However, all the women in the class flocked to them. Even our chef professor, who is a woman, noticed that, and it made me curious.

>sometimes you need to let the dough rest too and stuff

>> No.6276627

Many women are more into sweet food like fruit, candy and pastry, while many men are more into savoury or more pungent foods.
It could stem from the old hunter-gatherer society, or maybe not.
Of course, there's also lots of carnivore women and men with a sweet tooth.

>> No.6276640
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I like baking because it gives me all the joy of making delicious food, and the smells are so sweet and filling, it's like eating for hours. If I decorate them and make them super cute, I can extend that time even longer

Surprisingly, I don't actually like the taste of baked goods, just the process of baking them. In fact, I throw my baked items in the trash (muh waistline), but that's why I bake

>> No.6276642

>tfw girl
>tfw love pastries
>tfw make real and fake(miniature clay) pastries

>> No.6276643

Send them to me next time. I'll pay for shipping of course.

>> No.6276646

It has more to do with the way of preparation and less with actual taste etc. Baking and cooking are two different kinds of art forms that use different aspects of 'art' in their preparation.

>> No.6276647

It sounds like you've never baked in your life, or eaten them either.

>> No.6276648

IMO? Women are very detail oriented, clean, neat and precise, which are all very good qualities for baking and patisserie. Men tend to think, adjust fast, and cook from a basic "instinct" where they can fix and adjust the recipe on the fly, where as women have more of a rigid sturdy schedule of order. I could go on more, but shit, you can figure this out for yourself

>> No.6276661

Women have no sense of moderation. When people making jokes, they know that men do not go on laughing indefinitely. If they get too carried away by their success in entertaining and man and overdo their role, their comedy will fall flat. But no matter how long you go on with your antics, women will ask for more. I suppose one can say that women stuff themselves with far more pleasures than men. And it seems natural that women are likely to pick up the art of making something sweet.

>> No.6276668
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>> No.6276669

Sorry for bad england btw.
This is what I'm talking about.

>> No.6276677

That bait post isn't a good example
>i loooove making cute things, i'm so girly
>i don't even liiiike sweets
>tee hee i throw all the food i make out since i'd get soooo fat(and I obviously have no fucking friends since i'm a crazy pathological liar)

It's either some fat chick bawwing about what she wishes she could do rather than scarfing down boxes of lil' debbies, or a fedora fag pretending to be a grill.

>> No.6276684

I talked plenty to a girl who liked to bake. What she said she was listening to music or reading when she was waiting. It was the process she really liked. She said she only ate a piece of the cake to see if it was good and gave the rest to her family or friends. Also always baking cakes for some reason, but they were very good.

>> No.6276704

There's a big difference between only eating a little and giving to family and "throwing it out teehee~" I know your english is poor, but the other anon made herself sound like a dumb cunt.

>> No.6276726

I think it's noble to throw away a cake rather than make your friends and family fat.


>> No.6276765

I enjoy it because of the science and process of it all. How everytime no matter if I made it yesterday or someone makes it 50 years from now itll be the exact same copy. Cooking can change from one minute to the next and requires a lot of winging it. I love making pretty things and general artistry evolved with pastry. I love sculpting with cake and tricking the eye And I love making bread too and the smell of yeast. I personally dont try everything I make because as long as I make it by the book I know its taste by smell and sight everytime Thats pretty damn cool if you ask me

>> No.6276776

Reasons I can think of:
>Mom baked? So it's easy to associate good memories, family, anticipation with baking.
>Baking requires you to stay at home for a while, if someone's a homemaker they can do this easier, especially they can do other household chores/hobbies while waiting for something to cook or be ready for the next step.
>The person who bakes is adding a special (cake eating or whatever) time to a meal, being a better provider. 'wifeymaterial' Also adding something extra to home life.
>You can show affection by bringing someone baked goods.
>Comforting smells and rituals as bait anon noted.
>Baked goods are pretty kawaii for the most part.

>> No.6276778

I tried to think of as stereotypical lady reasons as I could btw, basically
>'it feels cozy'

>> No.6276804
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>thinking wasting food is 'noble'
>thinking a slice of cake is going to make anyone fat(unless they're already fucking fat which is probably your case)
>thinking you are saving your family from evil calories
>assuming that i'm fat because i'm calling out humble bragging
>being this narcissistic

>> No.6276808
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>> No.6276925

Being a whore. better be equal and sleep with me to. :)

>> No.6276975
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>Throwing away an entire cake.

Do you go to discount stores, buy several dozen pounds of rice and then dump it out on the street afterwards? Serious question.

>> No.6277066

Every pastry chef I've ever met has been a woman too.

Typically women can't handle the stress of actual line cooking as well as men can. Pastry cooking can be stressful too, but it's not as rushed for time that something like a busy dinner service can be.

Pastry chef is also the only cooking position where you can get fat and have it not be a big deal.

>> No.6277087

Women, as the ones who are carrying, birthing, and nursing the young, have a palate more geared away from bitter things than men are. Bitter compounds in nature are generally indicative of poisonous things, so having women avoid them would make evolutionary sense. A woman wouldn't want to poison the child she's either carrying or nursing, after all.
This, likewise, likewise is why children's palates are geared to like sweet things as well-it keeps them away from plants containing poisonous things at a time when they are most vulnerable to them.

>> No.6277090

>women are this one way
>children come in 2 genders and are the same way as women
>but eventually half of those kids who are male will grow up and suddenly only their palates will change in terms of bitter foods

what the actual fuck nigger

>> No.6277098
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It's weird how the ultimate female kitchen status symbol is one of these, and the ultimate for males is maybe a really awesome knife or a high end espresso machine.

I know multiple women who admit to baking a ton of stuff and then discard the results.

>> No.6277100

And that is why you're fat.

>> No.6277101

>Women are very detail oriented, clean, neat and precise
Top kek.

>> No.6277103

>and the ultimate for males is maybe a really awesome knife or a high end espresso machine.
god damn, boy u gay as fuck

>> No.6277107

What are you even doing on this board?

>> No.6277109

lol I guess to piss off meteros like you

>> No.6277111

Are you retarded or just a woman?

>> No.6277113

Research has been done about this and it's theorized that women tend to go for pastry jobs because they don't require the grueling hours a typical chef would experience. Pastry chefs largely work in the morning and midday and are done at a reasonable hour. Cooks and chefs are stuck at work until ungodly hours. 2, 3, even 4 in the morning sometimes. This is not acceptable to a lot of women. If they want to have kids and play the part of mom, they can't get away with working the same type of gig that men do. It's too time demanding. No holidays, late nights, exhausting work. You'll be hard pressed to find women who will want to do a chef gig in a certain age bracket.

>> No.6277115

No, both genders' palates change when they grow up in regards to bitter foods.
It's just that men's palates tend to change more significantly and earlier, around the onset of puberty, while women's palates tend to change a little at puberty and more significantly later in life as their childbearing years come to a close.

Again, all of this makes evolutionary sense if you think about it.

>> No.6277123

>ultimate for males is a sharp knife or espresso machine
The ultimate thing for a man in the kitchen is an attractive woman who knows how to cook and wears nothing under her apron from time to time.

>> No.6277124

Meteoro? What language is that? Australian?

>> No.6277127

It's spoken by asteroids, of course.

He's saying you're an alien from outer space.

>> No.6277129

That sounds like something a closet case would say to his friends in order to establish credibility, along with "accidentally" revealing a stash of extremely conventional porno.

>> No.6277131

a gay alien, yes

>> No.6277143

That's sounds like something a feminist would say to her friends while being batshit crazy

>> No.6277148

Pastry is seen as a traditionally feminine thing.

>> No.6277152

>liking women means you're gay


>> No.6277153

>overcompensation intensifies

You'll remain in the closet until you're middle aged at which point you'll get wildly drunk, beat the shit out of your wife, and flee with a man you hooked up with at a truck stop via some arcane signalling system that homosexuals use to covertly find one another.

Source: I know a chick whose dad ended up doing this and he kind of talked like you before he "came out of the closet" if you can call it that.

>> No.6277155

Joke's on you, I'm already middle aged.
Good luck with your fifty cats.

>> No.6277158

Not closeted at all, Just like women.

Have fun trying to explain how that's not normal, healthy and good.

>> No.6277159
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Good luck with your cover story, I hope your friends totally buy it when you conspicuously talk about how you definitely find naked ladies attractive especially when they are making you a sammich.

>> No.6277168

>coming to an anonymous cantonese opera forum to develop your cover story

You need to dial it down a bit, bruce. Instead of reciting lines like "I definitely am attracted to icky, terrifying vaginas" as though you memorized a line from a play, you should instead act as though you ARE attracted to women.

Or you know, not. It's 2015, gay is legal now.

>> No.6277171

Not all. I'm 100% positive that you aren't attractive in the smallest way. (hope that doesn't make me gay lol)

>> No.6277173

I have a relative who loves to bake and is familiar with cooking large amounts of food so she always does event planning/tabling for big parties like weddings. It probably seems convenient for the hosts when they can find someone that can do multiple jobs like she does.

>> No.6277175

Baking is fucking amazing. I just finished making some white chocolate + raspberry muffins.

It's so damn relaxing.

>> No.6277178

>I'm DEFINITELY not attracted to you because you are a dude and I am not in any way attracted to dudes
>n-no homo ;)

This is literally the gayest thing I've ever seen posted on /ck/, good job bruce.

>> No.6277180

Baking is a hobby that is both fun and is useful as well, since it results in making cute and/or tasty things. I like to sew for this reason as well.

Plus I have a sweet tooth, and it's good to be able to satisfy it with home made delicious things.

>> No.6277181

If you're a dude why do you write like a woman?

>> No.6277187


You mean why do I think it's ok for men to like cooking? Because despite your crippling sexuality issues, it's pretty normal. Maybe if you spent less time spinning tall tales about being attracted to naked ladies, you'd be able to relax and see that not everything revolves around your sex guilt.

>> No.6277192

kek, I'll cook circles around you, m8
and i get more poon

>> No.6277194

Unfuckable landwhale who can't cook detected.

Did I trigger you, princess? If I did, don't worry-Girl Scout cookies are on sale now. I hear a box of thin mints is just the thing to forget that guys don't want to talk to you.

>> No.6277196


That seems unlikely.

>> No.6277217

Jesus Christ would the pair of you either shut up or fuck already?

>> No.6277223

>clean, neat
Nigga you ever lived with a bitch? Dirty as fuck hoes leaving shit all over, never cleaning up after themselves. >>6277101 gets it.

>> No.6277238

>Thinking people are lying to strangers on an anonymous image board when they say they like women
>being this triggered

It'll be ok, Shamu. Your handler's almost got your bucket of fish ready.

>> No.6277253

Dear god anon. Stop swallowing the bait like it is the last cock you'll ever get to suck you massive faggot.

>> No.6277337

This is so true. There's this one girl I work with that nobody really likes because of her work ethic. She doesn't prep her line station enough and one of the dudes always has to rush to prep her stuff during the middle of a super busy service.

She also gets absurdly happy when she goes home early. Literally dancing and singing.

Bitch always leaves shit in the prep kitchen too, which then I have to clean up after her, resulting in me going home late as fuck.
>at least I'm getting more hours

>> No.6277358

This is so true. There's this one girl I work with that nobody really likes because of her work ethic. She doesn't prep her line station enough and one of the dudes always has to rush to prep her stuff during the middle of a super busy service.

She also gets absurdly happy when she goes home early. Literally dancing and singing.

Bitch always leaves shit in the prep kitchen too, which then I have to clean up after her, resulting in me going home late as fuck.
>at least I'm getting more hours

>> No.6277364

This is so true. There's this one girl I work with that nobody really likes because of her work ethic. She doesn't prep her line station enough and one of the dudes always has to rush to prep her stuff during the middle of a super busy service.

She also gets absurdly happy when she goes home early. Literally dancing and singing.

Bitch always leaves shit in the prep kitchen too, which then I have to clean up after her, resulting in me going home late as fuck.
>at least I'm getting more hours

>> No.6277367
File: 1.26 MB, 1052x1054, 2015-02-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i just made a bombastic oreo cheesecake this morning. it just feels great to do.

also making food for friends/my bf is more than worth it

>> No.6277368

This is so true. There's this one girl I work with that nobody really likes because of her work ethic. She doesn't prep her line station enough and one of the dudes always has to rush to prep her stuff during the middle of a super busy service.

She also gets absurdly happy when she goes home early. Literally dancing and singing.

Bitch always leaves shit in the prep kitchen too, which then I have to clean up after her, resulting in me going home late as fuck.
>at least I'm getting more hours

>> No.6277372

idk, I'm female and I have no interest in going into pastry

that said, it was what I initially planned on getting into before I actually got into the industry, when I was still planning on going to culinary school.

The only other person I know who works in a kitchen is a pastry chef at a fine dining restaurant in San Francisco, and is female.

I don't hate baking, but I'd much rather just work grill or saute.

>> No.6277376


That sucks, the one girl in our kitchen always busts her ass and always offers to stay late if we're behind, never complains.

>> No.6277383

Why the fuck is shit re-posting?
Is /ck/ break?

>> No.6277862

But rice has real nutritional value. Pastries and cakes are empty calories.

>> No.6277868

Femanon here.
I lack common sense and logic
Baking is simply following a set of rules and adding a little bit of girlish pizazz at the end.
Cooking requires me to think too much.

>> No.6277882
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>empty calories

>> No.6277973
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You can't fool me, there are no grils on the internet.


>> No.6278000

They are though, basically mounds of sugar in a bit of lard and flour. If this were the 1950s, we'd tell women to get very good at baking, but NEVER eat their own cake or they won't fit into their dresses. Take a picture, put it in the family album, and give the cake to a dog

>> No.6278004

"Empty calories" isn't a thing

Pastries are just carbs.

>> No.6278014

Yes it is a thing

if pastries are all carbs, then they are by definition an empty calorie

>> No.6278116

>Carbs are empty calories

alright so you're just retarded

>> No.6278158

Cakes contain carbs(55%) and fat(40%) and even a little protein. All three things that you need the most. Have it with some milk and you're getting a good amount of all three macros. You could hit your RDA eating just milk, cake and sauteed/steamed veggies.

>> No.6278210



it just means shit that has relatively low nutrient density relative to its caloric density

>> No.6278239

because its lazy

>> No.6278251

Aint nothing lazy about those dishes and decorations anon.

>> No.6278259

>cute n fun and lots of other wimmin


>line cook
>repetitive prep work
>full of males/mexicans/smokers
>often hot cramped over the stove grill fryer

I wonder....

>> No.6278261

>tfw guy and I love pastries and making them

>> No.6278282
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This is the reason for me. Baking and cooking are so different for me, in fact I find cooking to be a chore and baking is a relaxing hobby.

Cookery is fluid and dynamic and fast-paced and is generally more forgiving with room to experiment and play-by-ear. I really just don't feel inspired enough to enjoy the process and just want to get from A -> B quickly to get it over with so I can fucking get food on the table.

Baking never feels rushed, its calculated and reliable once you master the techniques involved and you know everything that gets you from A -> B in advance. The end result is less about eating ASAP and more about creating an small perfect confection that looks and tastes amazing. It feels like using alchemy to turn common ingredients into an edible gold centerpiece. There is more time to reflect on a beautiful confection or loaf of bread because its not about creating a pornographic hot pile to be devoured and raped and licked off the fingers. Its about giving birth to a cute child that you adorn in baubles finery and send her off to entertain the pallets of those who experience her sweet tenderness.

>> No.6278293


>> No.6278299

>tfw only started liking coffee in my mid 20's
>still don't like alcohol but its growing on me

Shit you might be right.

>> No.6278301


men usually like their sugar converted into ethanol

>> No.6278315

This may be the exception that proves the rule, but one of the manliest dudes I've ever known was also the best baker I've ever known.
>Worked with the guy for 2 years
>Tall, in shape, mountain-man-tier beard and hair
>Kind of an asshole, drove a truck, pretty conservative
>One day he shows up at work with a gallon of blueberries he picked before coming in
>Asks who wants pie the next day
>Proceeds to bake the most delicious blueberry pie I have ever tasted
This opened Pandora's Pie Box in the office.
>Every week for the rest of his time there he brings in something he baked
>Cinnamon rolls, scones, pie, cake, cookies
>Fucks at least 4 female co-workers thanks to this baking prowess
Maybe that was the reason for it (which is still somehow horrifically devious to me), but damn, that guy could bake.

>> No.6278320

I'd legitimately like to see a source on this.

>> No.6278328

It's pretty simple OP; women desire to be told what to do in precise, ordered instructions.

>> No.6278329

I'm not fat, but baking is pretty homey

>> No.6278339
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>> No.6278351

And you put out, slut.

>> No.6278352

I've always really had a strong flare and passion for fine, detailed presentation. Don't know if that's something that women tend to lean towards more, but that obviously lends itself to pastry.

That said fuck pastry, I'd rather work on the line.

>> No.6278372

My mother was a great baker, but a shitty cook because she would never deviate from a recipe.
Wouldn't even taste the food before serving.

I guess women just lack that desire to learn and improve.

>> No.6278931

I dunno man. I just really enjoy it. I'm also just pretty naturally good it, so of course I like it. It's easier than cooking and gives you awesome baked goods which you can give away to bribe people into liking you.

Who's the favorite neighbor? Me. Who's the friend whose house everyones comes to? Mine.

Plus I don't really liked packaged desserts. Just wish I was better at art/piping so I could make cool looking shit, also I need to figure out the whole bread starter thing.

>> No.6279374

Or you could get a better diet by drinking milk and eating veggies and skipping the cake altogether. Veggies have enough carbs, and lots of vitamins and fiber

>> No.6279399

That would have required some serious no homo on both our parts.

>> No.6279822

>tfw everyone who works the line/is a chef is a dude
>tfw the only grill on the line
>tfw all the pastry chefs/cooks are grills but they prefer talking to the guys over me because they're all about hitting on qt chefs

I-i just wanted to make some female friends in the industry ;_;

>> No.6279828


I've always loved cooking, but I prefer baking because there's more precision and control to it.

>> No.6279833
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I'll be your female best friend :3

>> No.6279842


oh god

that scene influenced me too much as a kid

i am really, really into gentle-giant types who can also bake or cook.

>> No.6279883

Because it's less intense than cooking. I can take my time, relax and go at my own pace. Plus it's fucking delicious? I love cream filled anything and pastries are delicious. I hate sweets like candy but I will gorge on pastries at any time.

>> No.6279888

>tfw gentle giant who loves to grill and cook
>tfw all grills here go for surfer types

Eh, gotta play the cards I've been dealt.

>> No.6279889

>tfw exactly that
>tfw ex-gf loved miyazaki films and we would watch them together
social engineering

>> No.6279910

I think a better question is why are all the women who aren't 10/10 fat bakers so incompetent at cooking that they can't even fucking make scrambled eggs?

Almost every girl I've met outside of my family is fucking amazed that I can cook a regular breakfast without setting anything on fire. The only girls I've met who can actually cook almost exclusively cook sugary treats and breads, and almost all of them are 300+ pounds.

Not to mention any time I see the former try and cook they ruin their kitchen, leave a mess of dishes, and just throw shit around on a plate with no organization.

>> No.6279913

This description though

>> No.6279970
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>> No.6279975

>rice has real nutritional value
>cakes are empty calories

holy god you're a moron.

>> No.6279977

Are you a retard?

>> No.6279983

> The only girls I've met who can actually cook almost exclusively cook sugary treats and breads, and almost all of them are 300+ pounds

And yet /ck yells at female bakers who toss their baked creations into the trash
> eating a little cake won't make you fat!!!

>> No.6279995

We're yelling at you because you think it's 'noble' to throw away food, and you're so retarded you think that rice has nutritional value.

>> No.6279998

Certainly more nutrition than cake

>> No.6279999

No anon...no.

I refuse to believe anyone is actually this stupid.

>> No.6280026

Cake contains a fuck ton of sugar, more carbs in the form of flour, more sugar, and some butter, and more sugar.

Rice on the other hand, has less sugar, B vitamins, as well as some other vitamins and minerals. Some fiber as well for some varieties of rice. Although high in carbs, rice is not completely worthless-tier, like pastries, which should be viewed as art, not food

>> No.6280033


same here, although there is one other middle aged morbidly obese mexican woman who speaks as much english as I speak spanish

somehow we still communicate and are teaching eachother english, although we both seem to have the sense of humor of teenage boys so we're just going to know how to tell dick jokes

>> No.6280035

>hating on motherly thick bakers
Where in my post did I say fat girls making me delicious treats wasn't great?

I bet you're one of those fags who only drinks water. You sound retarded enough to be one.

>> No.6280036


There's a really hot girl at my work who does pantry and grill and she's actually competent and a hard worker. Really nice too. She graduated with a biochem degree or something, she must really fucking love cooking I guess because the job pays like shit.

>> No.6280038

>which should be viewed as art, not food
Go drink your soylent, and honestly just stop cooking.

>> No.6280042

Why are you so defensive? One of the best cake decorators and domestic goddess, Christine McDonnell, says she does not eat her cakes.

> McConnell rarely eats what she makes—“The last thing you want to do is eat them once you’ve inhaled all that powdered sugar,” she reasons—so she pops ’round to her neighbors’ and occasionally terrifies their children with her eye-popping cakes.

Would be better if the neighborhood children did not get fat. She can photograph her art cake, and then have that be the end of it

>> No.6280048

quads is correct

>> No.6280065

Paint a picture if you want something that only exists to look pretty.

Why not make fake cakes out of wax?

Instead of either of these, you choose to waste materials to create food for the purpose of art.

If food is nothing but an artpiece for you, than stop cooking, purchase some soylent, and fuck off.

>> No.6280069

Rice doesn't have any of those things you said you retard.

>> No.6280076
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>> No.6280077

It's funny that you think there's only one person talking to you. You're the only one who's defensive. You must have a bad eating disorder too since you seem to think cakes make you fat magically. Nothing but cakes all day yes probably, but in moderation it will do absolutely nothing at all.

She probably can't even make real cakes, that's why she thinks someone no one's heard of, who's popular on pintrest and shit is a 'domestic goddess' or something. It's pathetic she's been talking at this for so long.

>> No.6280081

brown rice is a type of rice, there are different types of cakes too, with different ingredients. all rice isn't good for you, and brown rice is only vaguely 'good' for you. and the anon you responded to was talking about cheap long grain white rice which is empty carbs (aka unprocessed sugars) #wow #whoa

>> No.6280085

Enjoy you fatness, while I get the advantage and joy of making my cakes and pies, without any of the calories.

>> No.6280089

How's your ED, anon?

>> No.6280091

Rice is a marginal food as far as nutrition goes, I agree, but it still beats out cake, which is downright bad. When with white rice, at least it's just a moderate amount of carbs. With cake, it's just mounds and mounds of sugar. Sugar is fun to mix with butter, the fluffy texture is so pretty. I couldn't imagine foisting it into anyone's bodies though.

>> No.6280092

If by eating disorder, you mean eating clean. My 6 pack abs don't complain.

>> No.6280094

Why do you keep implying people who eat cake are fat? Also pie? Really? You know you can make a pie with pretty much just fruit and nuts right? It will have no carbs at all and tons of protein. It sounds like you know how to make 2 things from a box so you think anything with the same name is ~bad for you~ I bet you also eat shit like crackers and chips too and think they're 'good for you' since they're not sweet.

>> No.6280096

>confirmed for never baking
>eating clean
oh god i'm gonna die laughing

i work out and eat what i want and look amazing because i know how to actually eat in moderation, i feel sorry for people who don't seem to get that. now i understand why you're so bitter though, you probably really want to eat cake and shit but you can't cause you're 'clean' or whatever this new hipster garbage fad is.

>> No.6280124

I do like pies and tarts for that reason, only I spoon the filings out and throw away the crust. I do admit I actually eat my crustless cheesecakes, no throwing away there.

It's too bad you must not think I am a "real" baker (whatever that means) because of my eating habits. I eat adequately so supplementing my diet this way is not necessary. It's common even of professional bakers to not eat their own products.

>> No.6280131

No. The reason you're not a real baker because you only think baking involves tons of wheat flour and sugar. You complain about how awful flour and sugar and shit are for you, but you admit to eating cheesecakes which are pretty much just sugar, carbs and fat, cream cheese is really fattening and worse for you than wheat or flour. Also, yea professionals bake for others, obviously they don't eat the shit they sell, you on the other hand are just a waste of space with a more narrow view of baked goods than my urethra.

Try actually learning how to bake healthy instead of acting like a disgusting 50s housewife.

You've got a lot of problems you need to solve in therapy, anon.

>> No.6280133

so anon, where are the photos of all your 'beautiful' creations that you slave over? should i go on instagram and search #wifeymaterial?

>> No.6280146

Cream cheese, like butter, is mostly fat. Fat is okay. It's the sugar/carbs that you have to watch out for.

Besides, I'm pretty sure the real 1950s housewives didn't eat their baked goods. Notice how in all pictures from that time period, the woman is holding a freshly baked pie or cake, but is never seen with a fork eating it?

Ever notice how a wife is valued for how well she cooks, never for how well she eats?

>> No.6280153
File: 41 KB, 384x288, duuur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your reading comprehension is as bad as your knowledge of food and nutrition.

>> No.6280155

anon, they said you're acting like disgusting 50s housewives since you're doing what they did.

i...how is someone this stupid?
>fat is okay but sugar is bad!!!11!!
oh...now i understand.

>> No.6280156

I love you and you're hilarious

>> No.6280162

I see there are many fans of baking and not throwing away the final results here.

Very well. To each their own.

>> No.6280165 [DELETED] 

You could not be being more of a faggot about this.


>umm I knew sumwum who did dis fing and den u did dis fing and so ur dis fing

Listen to yourself, you fucking idiot.

>> No.6280183

You and your kind of people are the reason we have places charging $30 for kraft dinner in single spoonfuls on decorated plates and marketing it as gourmet vegan mac and cheese.

It's as if I've found the Jackson Pollock of /ck/, only you actually believe the bullshit you're trying to pawn off to me.

>> No.6280188
File: 392 KB, 1280x800, laughlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually probably true.

>> No.6280209


>> No.6280527

I googled around a bit because I was curious too. I found general agreement on the perception of bitter tastes (and most others) decreasing with age, but only really this one on gender differences over a large range of ages:
Which says:
>From the third decade onwards, female subjects had significantly lower thresholds compared to males for sour taste in about half of the age groups and for salty and bitter tastes in some age groups. In contrast, for 18- and 19-year-old subjects, the gustatory thresholds of male subjects were lower than those of female subjects.

So, maybe?

More general gender differences in taste perception:

Other than that, there are plenty of studies that show strong links between role models and repeated exposure in encouraging kids to eat bitter things, and as I mentioned, a fair few suggesting decreasing bitter sensitivity as a physical rather than just preferential change:

PROP sensitivity (a bitter compound that shows up in things like brassicas - sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S003193840500497X):

Other bitter compounds:

Bitter "blockers":

>> No.6280537

>What the hell is it about baking that you women love so much?
I don't bake, I prefer to cook. Plus I stopped enjoying sweet things around 16 or so.

>> No.6280947
File: 12 KB, 265x308, 1424831579853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well women tend to like sweet things more than men. I just prefer making desserts. Don't discriminate against pastry chefs just because you can't bake, you fucking austist.

>> No.6280963

Damn it. I leave for a day and this happens?

>> No.6281002


>> No.6281032

I just like sweet things, damn.

>> No.6281060

He's right though, modern studies keep coming out to show that fats of all kinds are good for us and don't increase cholesterol or weight.

The "dietary fat = bad" shit came out in like the 60s in a limited, not too unbiased set of studies and we have been taking it for granted for years. This country has been "non-fat" food campaign since the 80's and we have only become fatter. We also work-out and exercise as a nation more than anyone else (and certainly more than we did 50-100 years ago) and still as a supposedly 1st world health-conscious nation we continue to get fatter and fatter on average.

Sugar and refined carbs = insulin resistance and diabetes = insatiable hunger = sky-high glycogen levels = fat as shit.

You don't deserve to use the Witch of Truth as an image.

>> No.6281067

looks like we have a triggered fatty here.

>> No.6281080

You are way beyond retarded holy shit.

>> No.6281180
File: 9 KB, 350x268, Man_yelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6281216

Seems like white rice would be nutritionally equal to white flour.

>> No.6281356

>indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"),
Stay on /b/

>> No.6281389

nothing there is true.