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6274064 No.6274064 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a 3.5 lb Pork Shoulder for $4.00

I have a gas grill, was going to do it on that. Any one know the proper way of doing it? Do i just rub spices and let it roast on low heat for a while?

>> No.6274072

>Just got a 3.5 lb Pork Shoulder for $4.00
liar liar pants on fire

>> No.6274083

hey im trying to make a roast ,not a peanut butter and

but seriously it was on sale for $99 cents a pound at Save Mart.

>> No.6274085

What do you mean by "grill?"
American "grill" or rest-of-the-world grill (American "broiler")?

If you mean American "grill," then don't bother. Since it's gas, you'd basically just be baking it, so roast it in the oven, instead.
If you mean rest-of-the-world grill, don't do that, either, since you'd have to slice it up to fit it in there.
Either bake/oven-roast it or, if you have one, use a charcoal/wood-burning "grill," instead. But yes: just rub with spices and have a go.

>> No.6274088

Low, indirect heat cuppla hours

>> No.6274091

You over paid. Round here pork shoulder goes for <99¢/lb lol.
Anyway I like to just put it in a crock pot until it falls apart. Smoking works well too.

>> No.6274095
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>> No.6274096

I like to cook my pork shoulder in the oven. Start at 475 for five hours. Then 425 for 3 hours. You'll get a juicy slab right there.

>> No.6274097

Yeah? Same price in all the local stores in my area right now. Saw a 5.something pounder on manager's special for $2.87. Would have gotten it, but I already have too much meat in my freezers already.

>> No.6274101

Go away, Camus. You're dead. You've no place to chastise anyone, you dirty technophobe. Don't you have a beach to go to? To shoot an Arab? Just cuz?

>> No.6274103

OP here...

Here's my dilemma. I don't want to cook it low and slow... and I'm wondering if I just straight up grill that shit... like for an hour over 300 degree instead of 4 hours over 250 if it will still turn out okay.

I don't want pulled pork... more like I want a juicy kind of roast...

>> No.6274109
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>> No.6274113

lol no

>> No.6274115


well, i dunno about that... this gas grill has these wide angled surfaces and from cooking a rack of lamb on it, i know all the fat will drip and start smoking on the metal surface. So I'm sure it will be better then the oven....

I don't pay for propane either, so i might as well, right?

>> No.6274127
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Hey man, the sun was in my eyes.

>> No.6274130

Hey, whatever floats your boat, Anon! Still, I answered: rub with spices and roast away all you'd like. Enjoy your pork. If you want extra crispy, edible skin, though, slash and blanch first before rubbing with oil and spices.

>> No.6274141

You're dead and red, comrade. As red as the bloodstain you left on the asphalt in Sens. And as dead as your driver. You've nothing to add to this. Do you even cook? And how are you using a computer? You hate technology. How ironic.

>> No.6274240


welp, i just winged it. I rubbed the thing with some olive oil, fresh rosemary ,and a bunch of Montreal Steak seasoning....

I seared the open sides on 450f and now i reduced the grill to 300f, put a thing of water on the top rack, and left it on....

how many hours do you think it'll take at 300f? It says for low and slow to do at 275 but im doing 300... don't want to wait too long.

>> No.6274248
File: 812 KB, 1272x711, FUKU dchang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>grilling it
>not using it for top tier tonkotsu ramen

>> No.6274257

Probably around 4-5 hours. Shoulder is a pretty tough cut so you really can't speed it along if you want it tender.

>> No.6274259

Around 3 hours

>> No.6274265

Shoulder is very forgiving. You don't have to be too precise about the cook time. It is also the best cut of pork. Enjoy.

>> No.6274271

Depends on the shape, believe it or not. All these 'time per pound' things /always/ fail to take shape into account.

Anyway, it'd be anywhere between 25-40min per pound, depending on the shape. If it's 3.5lbs, then check on it in 80 minutes and if it's not to the point where it's about done (not totally done; carry-over will finish the pork because its temperature will continue to rise a bit, even once out of the oven), put it back for another half hour then check again. If it's still not nearly done, let it cook a final 30 minutes, then let carry-over do the rest.
So anywhere between 1hr20 and 2hr20.

>> No.6274278

you want me to turn meat into soup?? are you a wizard?? Soup is water. Meat is food. I'm still not following you.

> Shoulder is a pretty tough cut so you really can't speed it along if you want it tender.
>Shoulder is very forgiving. You don't have to be too precise about the cook time. It is also the best cut of pork

I believe I am getting some contradicting statements.....

3 hours huh. Alright that sounds alright. But will it be "well done" or "pulled-pork" done?? I want it to be like... medium-rarish but that's what I would say for beef... im not really sure the rules on pork.

>> No.6274279

Shoulda jus put in a slow cooker for 9 hours then made pork dumplings

>> No.6274281

>52 minutes per pound

>1hr25min per pound

>> No.6274284

Pork should be tender and juicy even when relatively well done

>> No.6274285

I meant tough as hard to chew, not tough to cook. Also that other anon is right, pork shoulder is best pork.

>> No.6274289

wtf is a slow cooker and wtf are dumplings... are you with this guy??

Weird asians... I'm trying to make MEAT not some weird ancient chinese thing they only did because they couldn't store meat correctly.

Soup??? Dumplings???

Look, I didn't just slaughter my prize hog and need to store food for the winter. I just bought a roast at a store and I want to cook it as a roast.

>> No.6274291

tonkotsu is made with roasted pork broth. you can use that pork shoulder to make roasted pork broth. you can use the roasted pork broth to make ramen. you can use the ramen to be happy.

>> No.6274295

The best ramen is human ramen

>> No.6274302


why would i ruin a roasted pork for a cup of fucking noodle

god you asians are so weird

>> No.6274309

Wait are you just gonna chow down on 3.5 pounds of pork in one sitting

>> No.6274311

>tonkotsu is made with roasted pork broth

No. It's made from pork BONES. Not the meat, the bones.

>> No.6274346

ITT: fucking weebs and fedoras shit up another thread

>> No.6274366


>> No.6274394

I once saw Nigella Lawson do one by poaching it in....Coca Cola for the start and then finished it by roasting.

Her logic was all of the sugars in the Coke would caramelise and get all sticky and sweet during the roast.

I can't remember what the results were but it certainly was different.

>> No.6274404

>I once saw Nigella Lawson do one by poaching it in....Coca Cola
This is common in parts of Mexico, too. I've had it. It takes a fair bit of spice to balance the sweetness, but it works.

>> No.6274424

Also China, though they do it with chicken rather than pork.

>> No.6274439


It's actually made from pigs trotters and chicken carcasses.

>> No.6274451

Just stick a meat thermometer in it

>> No.6274461

Nope. The pig bone stock is boiled /separately/ from any chicken stock or veg stock that /might be added to/ pig bone stock so as to lower costs.

>> No.6274519


how the fuck are meats so cheap for you?

are they shit quality or do you live literally next to your farmer?

>> No.6274651

Beats me. 99¢/lb is pretty common for pork shoulder in this area.

>shit quality
Manager's special sort of implies shit quality. Sort of. It means a still-salable item that is either

• on or very near its sell-by date
>mostly meats, eggs or dairy

• in a package that's been damaged somehow
>such as a torn cereal box, a partially flattened bag of factory-made bread, slightly crushed packet of cookies/biscuits or a dented tin

• a new item that turned out to be massively unpopular
>last year, I bought a whole case of those long-lasting, environmental-friendly lightbulbs at 97% off; they were supposed to be $9.99 /EACH/ but I nabbed them for 30¢ and will never have to buy lightbulbs ever again; most recently, I found several jars of soynut butter for 75¢ each, down from $5.99, and bought one

• something cosmetically unattractive
>such as lop-sided cherries, carrots that aren't perfectly straight, or simply lightly bruised friut; I recently got 5lbs of organic bananas for 69¢ and I couldn't for the life of me, figured out what was supposed to be wrong with them

• a loss leader
>the item is marked down considerably in the hopes that word of the amazing deal will attract people to the store who will buy other items /besides/ the one on special offer

• out of season
>not fruit seasons, but holiday seasons; i got a tube of Pillsbury peppermint sugar cookie dough for 49¢, a markdown of 75%, because it was the day after New Years

• preventative loss
> independent stores will do this more often than supermarkets; if the store owner is going to go on holiday or something, he'll often get rid of his perishable stock before then by offering massive discounts. I once got a live lobster on Christmas Eve from a local fishmonger for $5!

• it has no obvious or understandable reason
>sometimes, the powers that be just make mistakes; I'm assuming that happened with the bananas I got

>> No.6274664

OP here. Could you please not do that? Nobody wants to hear your play-by-play response, jesus porking christ.

UPDATE: Ok, so the propane has run out about 45 minutes into the roast, so I relocated it to an oven. Gonna be done soon

>> No.6274669

I porked yer mum, faggot.

>> No.6274674

it's at 162 degrees internally....

should I keep going or stop?? i know 165 would be like under-cooked but sort of juicy... and 190 would be pulled-pork status.

I'm thinking of pulling it out around 175.

>> No.6274677

>UPDATE: Ok, so the propane has run out about 45 minutes into the roast
lol I know that feel

>> No.6274682

... 160°F is considered well-done, you blithering mongoloid.

>> No.6274695


>> No.6274805


no you idiot, for a low-and-slow roast 195 is pullapart tenderness... 165 would be well done for BEEF dummy

>> No.6274810

I am inspired.

And thanks for the pdf, anonfriend! That's a whole lot of information for the Jewish Alliance to DESTROY

>> No.6274831

Except you couldn't be wronger, you goddamned tard. See >>6274695

>> No.6275259


Is the cut exactly like in the photo?

>> No.6275292


You can cook shoulder for a very long time. I would say 30 min/lb as a very minimum, but +1 Hr/lb is not foolish.

>> No.6275555

You can't cook shoulder the same way you would a normal roast, it will taste like pig shit (gamey and tough). There is a reason why it's so cheap, otherwise you would see it served as a roast all the time. The only way to make it tasty is by making it into pulled pork. Roast it slow for 5+ hours and pull the meat apart. It needs to hit 190f for all the fat and connective tissue to break down. Add shit like spices, vinegar, bbq sauce and make delicious pulled pork. You can eat that pulled pork over the course of a couple days putting it in things like sandwiches and over mashed potato. Trust me I've bought pork shoulder more than a couple times and pulled pork is the only way to make it taste decent.