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6270222 No.6270222 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else occasionally feel bad for eating meat and dairy? I definitely don't want to be a vegan or vegetarian because it does jack shit and is just dumb in general. But sometimes I just get reminded that the majority of meat and cheese I eat comes from animals that are practically tortured and it makes me sad

How do you deal with this bros?

>> No.6270227

I never feel bad for being part of nature, beings eat other beings.

Quit being such a pussy, if you can't, become a vegetarian/pescitarian/vegan.

>> No.6270231

Try and only eat as much as it would be necessary for a good diet, e.g. meat once a week maybe.

You can also try and buy food from grass fed and free roaming animals.

>> No.6270236

I know that feel. I wish there were a cute little farm I could buy happy chickens from or some shit, but there isn't. I have no idea what to do about it.

>> No.6270237
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Mentally bad? No. Physically? Somewhat. I prefer steak, beer, milk, etc. Eating veggies and fruit does keep me regular and feeling lighter.

>> No.6270242

know that the only purpose that cow or chicken was birthed was to feed you

it was destiny

>> No.6270245

im a vegetarian (not on an ethical basis) and i feel bad quite a lot for still eating dairy

i feel like vegetarianism and pescetarianism are the two most hypocritical diets if its for moral reasons, unless you are aggressively pursuing organic and ethically farmed products you're still part of the problem

would become a vegan but nah, want to get more into eating vegan food and restrict my dairy consumption more though

>> No.6270249

Because im autistic and can't comprehend others feelings.

>> No.6270400

No, if they weren't meant to be eaten then animals wouldn't be so stupid and tasty.

>> No.6270403

It makes me feel bad I have no access to venison at the moment.

>> No.6270445

I raise my own meat for the most part. And I'm not big on dairy but I plan on acquiring a milk goat or two.

Commercially raised livestock live horrible lives, and even if that doesn't speak to you on an empathetic level, know that it also effects the quality of your products.

>> No.6270487

I try to eat from vendors who treat the animals with care. If I was given a life of splendor, then put down humanely to harvest my meaty innards, I'd go for it. After all, don't want to be a hypocrite.

>> No.6270501

This. I buy just a bit of meat (usually around 700 gr) once every two weeks or so. If everyone would just cut down a bit, then maybe slaughterhouses wouldn't be overflowing. I see people stockpiling their shopping carts with insane quantities of meat virtually every time I'm at the store.

>> No.6270518
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i've always heard dairy cows are treated very nicely.


>> No.6270624

>But sometimes I just get reminded that the majority of meat and cheese I eat comes from animals that are practically tortured and it makes me sad
My wife goes through this almost every time she eats meat or dairy. I don't. Then again, I only eat meat or dairy once a week or so. My reasoning is I contribute so little to whatever suffering those industries cause that it almost doesn't matter.