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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 254 KB, 600x590, burger_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6270056 No.6270056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Dad owns a burger place
>Cares deeply on burgers quality
>5 black people i
>black people rarely come on
>they come to the menu board and see how much quality burgers cost
>They're outraged
>start screaming "Shit" Infront of children and saying they could get it for a dollar something at mcdonalds
>all walk out cussing and screaming mcdonads
>everyone watches them walk out
Pic related. Our burger.

>> No.6270060

A day in life of a business that deals with the public. Look on the bright side, at least didn't sit down, order, get food, then start chimping out.

Your burgers look good, how much are they anyway?

>> No.6270063

>american cheese
>salads falling out
>amorphous hockey puck

I'd rather go to McDonald's and get the same thing than eat your marked up shitty burger.

>> No.6270066

See for yourself at our website.


>> No.6270094


Nothing wrong with the prices imo. Sure they could fuck off to McDonald's and pay less, but I don't see why they cry in the first place. If they went to any of those chain restaurants like Applebees, TGIF, etc they would pay. I think with some people, they walk into a local restaurant expecting that they ought to pay less because you're not a big major franchise. Joke's on them though, small outfits usually produce food with more attention so taste and quality is often much better than mass produced fast food. Their loss.

>> No.6270102

niggers gonna nig, i guess

>> No.6270115

>Steak fingers

So they do exist out of Idaho.

>> No.6270116

why the fuck do they have to be black ? had to make sure your thinly veiled /pol/ thread was believable by pandering to all the racist losers on 4chan?

There are just as many low income ignorant white families doing stupid shit in public settings. Go fuck yourself and take it back to /pol/

>> No.6270119

Calm your tits Tina, where is the quality in that burger?

>> No.6270120

>everyone who hates niggers is from /pol/
>muh /pol/ boogeyman
go fuck yourself

>> No.6270123
File: 346 KB, 1332x1000, 1398898168505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Must we see your same shit thread every 3 months?

>> No.6270125
File: 8 KB, 275x183, BigDaddyburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to a local family owned burger place today and got a Double-Daddy Burger with a Sonny's bacon cheeseburger on the side. I was eating it in my vehicle in the parking lot and listening to an audiobook when I glanced up and saw the McDonald's worker I ordered outside having a cigarette.

She waved at me and I nodded and had to wait 7 minutes before she went back inside and I could eat in comfort again. I don't think that employees should be bothering or even trying to socialize with customers outside of a local family owned burger joint or drive through, but that is another story.

I went to a local family owned burger place tonight and got a Double-Daddy Burger with a Sonny's bacon cheeseburger on the side. As I was driving to the second window the same girl was still working. She was acting somewhat obsequious and attempting small talk when she asked, 'why don't you come eat inside instead of in the parking lot where it is cold'.

That really bothered me for many reasons. First of all, I don't want my routine or actions to be tracked by a family owned business employee. Secondly, she should not try to tell me how I should live my life. I do not want to eat inside because I find it less comfortable and would much rather be inside my vehicle listening to an audiobook and enjoying myself and my privacy.

Overall, I think it was very unprofessional to bring this up. I should have a clean slate with each drive through visit, not have to get the third degree because I committed some sort of faux pas. Which I don't think I did, because I often see people eating in fast food parking lots. How does she know I am not busy going to work or somewhere in a rush?

How do you feel about eating in your vehicle in the parking lot of a family owned restaurant versus eating inside the restaurant?

>> No.6270127

>those jimmies
>so rustled
>over stale pasta

>> No.6270128

Try harder, I think some people in /ck still take this seriously

>> No.6270129

Are we having a stale pasta contest?

>> No.6270148

Can someone tell me what's the deal with Table Manners? When I was a boy in China my grandfathers would always have these big parties in holidays, and the whole family had around 20 people. The food was great and no one worried about measily "manners". We ate what we liked and did what we want, and no one did gross things such as burping, a certain degree decency is implied.

When I came to the states and joined some family dinners, everyone ate like robots. There's a spoon for soup, a fork for salad, a knife for cutting, a knife for butter, a knife for bread......... give me a fucking break!!! What if I use the fucking soup spoon to eat my beans, what if I just pick up the soup bowl and drink the soup like that, what if i use my right hand to hold the fork!!? people would give me that " this is not how we do it in america look". I know your stupid rules, I just don't want to do them. And I've even read some rules about how you're not supposed to touch your nose or hair? WTF???

Oh and another thing, Why in the world are americans so scared of food that fell on the floor? It could be a perfectly clean floor that has just been cleaned 5 minutes ago so clean it shines, but a cookie fell on the floor, OH NOES!!! The cookie touched the floor!!!! it must have somehow picked up all kinds of scary bacteria and dirt!!! Better throw it away...

NO! It's a perfectly good cookie and it picked up NOTHING from the floor. And you're just WASTING perfectly good food when you throw it away. Oh and newsflash!!! Your HANDS have more germs than the floor most of the time...I've seen this commercial where this guy dropped a candy on the floor and he picked it up and ate it, like it's supposed to be gross or something... so pretentious

>> No.6270151

in what shithole part of the states do you guys live where nignogs think a medium double for 5.75 is expensive?

jesus christ, come to europe and you guys would freak the fuck out

>> No.6270172

This guy.

>> No.6270362

large burger 5.70$ isnt expensive wtf

>> No.6270370
File: 2.94 MB, 208x270, 1424397559151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off nigger

>> No.6270377


You know, I thought so too. I only knew Burger King and McDonalds so when I first saw a place that had a hamburger for 6 or 8 Euros I wondered why I'd spend so much money on it when I could get the same for 1 Euro. But once I tried one of those expensive burgers out I realised that they're two completely different things and that they're worth their price

>> No.6270379


>Every Ronnieburger

That name is so damned adorable

>> No.6270380

>quality burger
>chopped lettuce

>> No.6270383


>claims copypasta
>OP clearly wrote "5 black people i" while your screencap shows "5 black people in"

>> No.6270385

>barnyard animal gets let in the house and is confused by etiquette
gb2 china if you can't hack civilization, chow

>> No.6270401 [DELETED] 


Great, now your dad has to put up with his racist children shitposting about his resturant on 4chan.

do you want him to go out of business, you ass?

>> No.6270404

All I can think of is Whomp. This isn't inherently bad though.

>> No.6270414

>Ronnie's Burgers Inc. ESTABLIHED IN 1989

>> No.6270443
File: 99 KB, 959x810, copypasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your stale pasta and go back to Reddit, fag

And you go back to /pol

>> No.6270462

no u

>> No.6270499

You live in Wichita Falls? shit i'm sorry. i'd rather be dead.

>> No.6270510 [DELETED] 

I've wanted a god of that forever, thanks anon.

>> No.6270533


I've worked in restaurants for many, many years, and I'll tell you that whenever we'd see a black family come in, the person whose table they sat at would be thinking "oh shit, there goes the tip." Black people are the NUMBER ONE stiffers when it comes to tipping. They're also loud, obnoxious, like to send back perfectly good food that was prepared the way they ordered it, and are generally seen as a "serve them so we don't get hit with a lawsuit" type of group.

I'm not sorry if that offends you. Work in the food industry and then try to tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.6270548

There's often called 'Canadians' around here because the snow niggers don't tip either.

>> No.6270589

Wow, just wow. I can't believe /ck/ is this racist. You do know it's the white man's fault black people don't have enough money to spend on your racist burgers, don't you?

>> No.6270633

Nigger detected.

>> No.6270638

dumbass detected.

>> No.6270640

>being this buttmad about tips

>> No.6270644

go cry to reddit about it

>> No.6270649

>5 black people i
i what?

>> No.6270656

are you stupid ? I could start a sjw raid with this information

>> No.6270657

Racism is well and alive in 2015, it's just so horrid. After everything black people have gone through and this board just insults them for cheap laughs. For shame.

>> No.6270659

you didnt even know he was joking

you must be 12 and enjoy being "part of something" for once in your life
just leave

>> No.6270660

do it cuckold

>> No.6270667

oh man, you got me
I'm going now

>> No.6270669


Black people are parodies of themselves. They can just fuck off back to Africa. Racism saves white lives.

>> No.6270671

>Black people are parodies of themselves.

Why? because stormfront told you?

>> No.6270673

its like you're just regurgitating responses from here and other boards

why even say anything?

>> No.6270674


Nah, because observation.

>> No.6270687

Stop. I submit already.

>> No.6270707

This is unbearably old.

>> No.6270714


7.85, that's roughly what a big mac cost around my parts.
Those are reasonable prices.

>> No.6270718

This food isn't all that expensive! Leave it to welfare niggers to start bitching at places without a dollar menu it happens at every restaurant

>> No.6270720

>7.85 for a Big Mac
Where do you live? The North Pole?

>> No.6270721
File: 47 KB, 501x373, 1389290195193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger detected

>> No.6270759

Nice pasta OP

>> No.6270809
File: 148 KB, 985x887, Facts be raycis like a white man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only /pol/ users point out that blacks act poorly in public and have a higher likely hood of committing crimes!
It must be nice to be sheltered away from the pet niggers your kind pushes on the rest of us.

>> No.6270868

>taking Quentin Tarantino's home movie too seriously

>> No.6270876


Wichita Falls! I used to drive through there pretty often. I didn't know of any particular place to eat so I usually just stopped at whatever I saw from the 287.

The next time I'm going that way, I'll try to remember to stop for a bite to eat. I hope to make a trip to Archer City in the next three or four months.

>> No.6270913

reported for advertising.

>> No.6270920

Not even my liquidised jimmies could re-hydrate this pasta.

>> No.6270923

lol sounds like someone's mad about stereotypes ;)

>> No.6270925

Why do dive burger joints make the best burgers?

>> No.6270926

Maybe it's a combo meal?

>> No.6270933

Why the fuck is it that most blacks are ghetto shit?
I usually try to defend them but fuck, 60% of black people I know talk and act like ghetto rats and hood shits.

>> No.6270964
File: 97 KB, 640x480, 1383353213956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6270967

How are your fried pickles? I love those. Also $3-something for a burger is not expensive. Even McDonald's burgers are like $8 if you get the quarter pounders or something, and I'm sure your ingredients taste a whole hell of a lot better.

>> No.6270969
File: 392 KB, 1332x1000, 1383343068814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting the inferior version

>> No.6270974
File: 68 KB, 603x403, 1383353120913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6270993
File: 20 KB, 221x300, Aryan master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blacks, or niggers as i like to call them, are incapable of civilized behavior

this is because in an effort to not be like the aryans that once put them to work and helped them be productive, they have become our opposite


>> No.6270996


ayy lmao

>> No.6271020

reported for announcing a report

>> No.6271029

reported for reporting a report

>> No.6271042

>All these newfags

>> No.6271087

>had to make sure your thinly veiled /pol/ thread was believable

>> No.6271149


Good lookin burger, though I can't say about the prices since I don't even live on your continent but could I make a design suggestion for your site?

Get rid of those black colors jesus christ I though there was something wrong with my browser before I realized that was the actual site design.

Hell if you can afford it, get yourself a decent new website. Ronnieburger photos look great though.

>> No.6271184

>Newfaggotry at its finest.

I wonder if Ronnie's wife is still a milf? Would totally smash while chowing down on a Ronnieburger with cheese.

>> No.6271199

reported for declaring reporting a report that was reported.

>> No.6271201

>all racists are only being racists to fit in with other racists

>> No.6271203


Why'd you have to specify their race?

>> No.6271215
File: 25 KB, 265x308, sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could start a SJW?
you fucking retard.

>> No.6271216


Copypasta aside, that's not a thing. Maybe in 1815 but in 2015 no one but the richest, most uppity people care about spoons. That's a gag you see in cartoons; the normal middle classed chap can't understand how to use the dozen different forks at a fancy dinner

>> No.6271222

because niggers don't understand the concept of how money works

>> No.6271226


did you just stop reading in the middle of a sentence?

>> No.6271232

>5 black people i
I was wondering what the fuck this was about.
OP is a sloppy fag.

>> No.6271329
File: 42 KB, 534x532, 1418757170543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should go back to tumblr

>> No.6271414

Haha, I did. To be fair, I'm off my meds.

>> No.6271460

Holy shit that website is shit.

>> No.6271482
File: 25 KB, 320x239, burgermiester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Racism is well and alive in 2015, it's just so horrid. After everything black people have gone through and this board just insults them for cheap laughs. For shame.

No, no you have it wrong m8.

We love black people. We have no problem at all with black people. Tons of black people browse 4chains and post here.

What we hate are niggers. Theres a pretty big difference there.

>> No.6271485

Yeah, you can speak for yourself, sjw

>> No.6271494

Ever been around a group of them when whites aren't around? Most of them know how to act relatively normal around civil folk. Its when you catch them as a group in their element that the true 'color' shows. And Jesus fuck, why do they have to all holler?

>> No.6271502

>Jesus fuck, why do they have to all holler?
Because they never know what they are talking about and think loud = right.
Not unlike wild apes.

>> No.6271506 [DELETED] 
File: 2.33 MB, 296x240, ROSALINA EATIN DONUTS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosalina's coming over! What kind of donut do you make for her? CAN you make donuts?

>> No.6271781

for all i know its delicious, but i would pay those prices for that burger based on the looks. for your prices i could literally buy all the ingredients and make my own, and yours DEFINITELY doesnt look like anything special or something an average home cook wouldnt make.

>> No.6271785


wouldnt pay those prices**

>> No.6271791

Your burgers look good quality.

Your website is Aids, hire someone to make you a cheap website.

Your prices are cheap actually, I pay nearly 13 dollars for a good 1/2lb burger and drink locally.

>> No.6271807
File: 554 KB, 327x432, bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sorry.

>> No.6271860

I think what you meant to say was "I personally don't like chopped lettuce."

>> No.6271876
File: 17 KB, 400x287, lie-to-me-disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the fact that it's chopped more so than the fact that it's iceberg lettuce.

>> No.6271886
File: 207 KB, 515x555, 1423103682520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lordy

>> No.6271888

Stale pasta, fuck off.