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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 448 KB, 1024x847, 3583365042_c44c9d26c4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6269660 No.6269660 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this pizza, /ck/?

>> No.6269661

>No Black Olives
>No Green Peppers

>> No.6269663


No reasonable person would describe those as essential toppings.

>> No.6269665
File: 152 KB, 640x456, BestPizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality of pizza itself 8/10
Quality of pizza toppings 1/10.
>Pic related is best pizza in milky way, debate me faggots.

>> No.6269672

>black olives
The best thing on a pizza.
>green peppers
Absolute filth.

>> No.6269674

fuck are those nodules of meat? if it's chicken fuck you if it's sausage it's shit sausage

>> No.6269678

It looks good but the slices are so narrow that it looks like they'll flop over and be annoying to eat without using two hands and if really hot the toppings and cheese will drop off.

>> No.6269680

>tiny tables so rats can eat it when you're done


>> No.6269685

You can burn black candles on them too and have a Satanic mass. Do the pizza chant!

>> No.6269695

we all know that pepperoni, jalapenos, and mushrooms best tier toppings.
You with the picture - close but not quite.

>> No.6269697

narrow slices are the best because you can just gradually push them into your mouth while chewing and swallowing.

>> No.6269700

I never understood what those little tables are for. There's usually 1, if the place uses them, but they can't be for holding the pizza together because there's only 3 legs. Stupid little tiny tables.

>> No.6269703

You seem to have mixed up which is best and which is filth.

>> No.6269705

>4 onions
>no pepperoni
>no pineapple

>> No.6269713


they're to support the box's lid so it doesn't sag in the middle and fuck up the cheese.

>> No.6269716

Oooooooooo I'm so damn stupid. Stupid me, then.

>> No.6269719

Everything's there. It is what it is.

>> No.6269806

It looks really fucking tasty OP

>being on a diet
>the city of me

>> No.6269945


Too much cheese

>> No.6269959

Theres no such thing as 'too much cheese'. Ever.

>> No.6269969

Looks good.

>> No.6270041

I would like less cheese on the outer perimeter and more cheese in the center for that first bite. The first bite into a piece is always the best. Just that small triangle of perfection. So many people worry about getting enough cheese to the outer edges, they forget the center. I vote for Obamas removal.

>> No.6270043

>too much sauce in the middle
>not fully cooked

school pizza tier

>> No.6270047
File: 274 KB, 1600x957, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, fuck that. If you're going to do traditional slices, do traditional slices, which means 8 wedges. If you want smaller pieces, go with the party cut.

>> No.6270058

Eight slices is NOT traditional. Who told you this?