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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6268135 No.6268135 [Reply] [Original]

What's for dinner /ck/? Roasted a chicken breast, made some rice with some sauteed onions, and some strawberries.

>> No.6268146


Where are the strawberries?

>> No.6268166

they were in a bowl [not pictured]

>> No.6268178
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Spaghetti al Nero di Seppia with salmon filet and a delicious garlic and onion sauce, complimented by a glass of Tuscan white wine.

>> No.6268188

see >>6267691

>> No.6268221
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Beef and broccoli

>> No.6268301
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fettuccine with cream, peppers, and sausage
pretty good but definitely not good for you

>> No.6268306

Your photo gave me eye cancer

>> No.6268319

Chicken quesadillas with jalapeno and pico de gallo.

>> No.6268325
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>> No.6268391


>> No.6268392

What'd you use to get that yellow color?

>> No.6268394

What's the problem, friend?

>> No.6268401

Curry powder.

>> No.6268424

Curry on seafood? How'd that work out?

>> No.6268426

The blackness, it burns usssss

>> No.6268438

It's not curry. It's a cream-based sauce containing mostly onions and mushrooms, with some garlic and a couple of other spices as well as some curry powder for colour and flavour.

It's also worth mentioning that the squid ink only colours the spaghetti and doesn't add any discernible taste.

>> No.6268463

Really? I was always under the impression that the squid ink added a light flavor that was actually quite nice.

>> No.6268476

I suppose it depends on the ink or how much you use. I didn't really notice a change, neither positive nor negative. Looks cool though.

>> No.6268479

Cauliflower wings in far, far too much Frank's Red Hot

>> No.6268491

but salmon + cream, huh
was it good?

>> No.6268496

It was quite excellent if I say so myself.
Not the kind of thing you'd want to eat every day though.

>> No.6268595

a 12 pack of Michelob was on sale for $5.99 so that's what I'm having for dinner.

>> No.6268603

>made some rice
thats not how you make rice. trust me I'm a skinny rich asian guy.

>> No.6268623

cheap lidl noodles with some peas and foreman-grilled chicken breast

>> No.6268629

and if that doesn't sound pleb enough, I did the noodles and rice together in the microwave

>> No.6268663
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Chicken is ok. Am I the only(est) that is bored and dislikes chicken breasts.Thighs, skin on barbeque. or off, chicken and dumpling.,Sorry,but chicken breast,even packed with ham and cheese (cordon blue) is so boring. .You can have that. gimme thighs and legs. every time. and cheaper. I guess it is a preference. ok, but to me, thighs and legs rule,.Quit picking on others.give them a chance..

>> No.6268668

I can't gauge your intent, but I agree. Chicken thighs are much more versatile and much harder to fuck up.

>> No.6268691
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>> No.6268813
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Strip steak med rare with a quick peppercorn pan sauce, herbed couscous, side salad with balsamic and a whiskey.

>> No.6268824

Steak looks fucking perfect.

>> No.6268828

the sear on the steak is godly, lil bit too pink for me tho

>> No.6268831

dayumn son did you sous vide that steak?

>> No.6268866


reverse sear

>> No.6268894

did you use an oven, then?

>> No.6268924

Steamed mussels, boxty, broccoli, carrot sticks, and a bottle of Grolsch

>> No.6268927

yes 200f for about an hour

>> No.6268944

tell me , is this steak even warm?

>> No.6268957

tuna sammy with gluten-free tapioca bread.
fuck gluten-free allergies

>> No.6269033

130F is pretty warm anon

>> No.6269101
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Sausage, peppers and onion, on potato roll with tobacco and horseradish mustard. Baked beans on side, sadly no beer

>> No.6269113


also, holy fuck nigga thats like 1500 calories

>> No.6270257
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>> No.6270261
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>> No.6270479

>holy fuck nigga thats like 1500 calories

Not the guy you replied to but

All that matters is the type of food you are eating and how many total calories you consume at the end of the day.

I eat a meal like that every day and then a smaller one of 500-1000 cals

I'm never hungry and am at a perfect weight for my height (5'9, 151lbs)

Larger portions just work way better for me.

>> No.6270858

that fucking pineapple holy shit. that shit is da beast. gimme dat right now. fucking shitty ass diet to fix my overweight since a child.

>> No.6270905
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>> No.6272106

I made homemade chicken noodle soup. My cat has been yelling at me because of the delicious soup smells for the last 24 hours.

>> No.6272131

went to local mexican hole in the wall, where the menu is spanish and fuck you if you can't speak or read it.

hot line was empty except for some kind of spiced up baked chicken. Got chicken and pintos and rice, server hooked me up, to the point where I had a plate, and split the rest with my two dogs. godtier meal.

>> No.6272142
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I made a salad recipe I got from another thread earlier. It was good. Chicken over greens with a cracked pepper vinaigrette, marinated cucumbers with vidalia onions, corn relish, tomatoes,and deviled eggs. I started thawing out caribou steaks for tomorrow night.

>> No.6273250


my message to you people with poverty dinners


>> No.6273463
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