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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 815 KB, 937x660, Cheapest and Tastiest Burger in the World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6266351 No.6266351 [Reply] [Original]

More street vendor videos like this?


>> No.6266356
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>> No.6266360
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>> No.6266362
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>> No.6266366


>> No.6266393

No Rojak... Im disappointed....


>> No.6266410

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone in the thread. Even if it doesn't have enough replies, I LOVE seeing food venders work their culinary voodoo.

>> No.6266419

They're techniques, imo, are on par with chefs in the kitchen, if not better due to literally being on the street and processing 1000s of orders a day.

>> No.6266428

are these sanitary though?

>> No.6266434

they eat it every day and they're alright.

>> No.6266436


>> No.6266441

>Tastiest burger in the world!
>it's not a burger

>> No.6266457

Ah, it may be sanitary and locals may be alright after eating it, but that doesn't always mean you'll be safe. People from other countries might be immune already from pathogens due to repeated exposure, and since you're a traveler, you won't. What's perfectly good eatin for them would probably give you traveler's diarrhea.

>> No.6266460

This video made me angry

>> No.6266478

"travellers diarrhea" is faggot talk for "i am a hypochondriac with weak baby guts"

>> No.6266516
File: 519 KB, 498x504, dolphins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I can't even imagine living like this. Just wandering the streets in the middle of the night, ordering food from strangers on the side of the road. It's kind of amazing.

>> No.6266522


honestly she's not that good at it and the commentator is a total retard

>> No.6266528


that's awesome, that's how puffed cereals used to be made in america too.


>> No.6266531


are you kidding me

have you never been to university

>> No.6266537

Rarely at night.

>> No.6266539


>> No.6266542


>> No.6266546


>> No.6266549


>> No.6266691

I love that shit. It's utterly useless to the product but god does it attract the customers

>> No.6266720 [DELETED] 


@2:30 and @2:46

>dirty brown person who has been touching fucking everything with his GD filthy little mitts takes it too far by handling money and food at the same time.




>> No.6266727


bullshit, if I lived in a disgusting aids infested sewer covered in shit all day, I would have a totally different immune response to eating gutter oil fried puppies.

>> No.6266736

>brown people scare me and my tummy hurts when i eat something other than cheesy potatoes

>> No.6266743


I'd take a plate of cheesy potatoes and some tendies any day over being served a class five hazard off some brownies west African monkey hands.

>> No.6266757


>i have never travelled

>> No.6266780


>> No.6266786


>> No.6266810



>> No.6267242

Have you never left the comforts of your own country?

I'm an Asian who loves street food. Eating it several times a week, you'd think I've already developed a great immune system from all those unhygienic, improperly prepared foods. I thought so too. Never had the shits from anything I ate.

...Until I took a trip to India and experienced Delhi belly first hand.

It was worth it though. Definitely one of the best food experiences of my life.

>> No.6267250

>you will never be his child bride
It's not fair. He's far too handsome to be slinging veggie burgers for a living.

>> No.6267252


>> No.6267255

Bee's are fairly clean insects, correct? They're not eating shit like their fly counterparts.

>> No.6267276

so are we supposed to post vendors do random/impressive shit or street food videos in general? because most of the food posted looks average street food


>> No.6267280


I like street food as well, but I would never step a foot in India. It's pretty much hell on earth

>> No.6267340


>> No.6267347

That is a vast exaggeration and cherry picking to the extreme. I've been to India and it is one of the dirtier places in the world. But most of the food you eat will be way cleaner than that. Most of the places you visit will be clean as well. If you want to seek out the shitholes to put pictures up on the internet you can do that too.

Don't let the internet dictate you travels. Try actually talking to the people who've gone there and enjoyed.

>> No.6267362
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267387

wat a baws

>> No.6267423


OMFG, look at the years of moldy filth that have accumulated all around and under his finger nails.

>fucking NOPE

>> No.6267437


The first part has the most cringy commentary I have every heard.

>> No.6267448

say what you will but that mother fucker can cook.... i wouldn't eat it either but i do use the video as a cooking guide/recipe for noodles....

>> No.6267452

This was wonderful.

>> No.6267458


>> No.6267463

okay, tha'ts pretty fucking impressive.

>> No.6267467


dayum that spiral pour looked cool

>> No.6267486


dang, that is a sharp knife

>> No.6267637

what is that nasty green shit?

>> No.6267654

It's actually generally not that bad, the whole travellers shits are more often than not from cheap restaurants. These little food carts are small and simple enough that they can be wiped down extremely quickly, and the entire cooking surface gets hot enough to disinfect.

Obviously there's an element of risk, but I've been eating from Indian food carts for a few years now (I have to fly to that shithole to sell turbines) and I've never gotten sick once.

Buy bottled water though. Not a huge risk, but much bigger than the food ime

>> No.6267704

>41 seconds chopping food like that without looking
you know how people with missing limbs can sometimes feel them?

>> No.6267751

It seems that he is looking, though. If you mean his eyes look closed, I think it's just because he's looking down.

>> No.6267756


In my experience this is correct. I've had fried noodles/rice and skewers from street carts in Shanghai. Every day I'd get a jian bing for breakfast from a guy on the corner. Had street tacos and tortas in Guatemala. Never got sick from either. It's the restaurants you have to watch out for, especially the ones that don't see many tourists.

>> No.6267803

no he looks away at the 41 second mark, watch it. he turns his head away, doesn't matter if his eyes were open.

>> No.6267816
File: 15 KB, 600x321, 75788998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handling that bread with his butt wiping hand

>> No.6267845

>implying he has a butt

>> No.6267850


>implying he doesn't use the bread to wipe

>> No.6267853

>omelette burgers

I want one

>> No.6267862

>implying those filthy carpet riders wipe at all after shitting in the street

>> No.6267866

I don't particularly like falafel and I'd still buy from him

>> No.6267871

It's india dumbass

>> No.6267881

Lol you faggots haven't even seen Julio...


>> No.6267882

>one of the dirtier places

>> No.6267884
File: 123 KB, 600x450, 1358425233108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touching bills then raw food

>> No.6267920

d-do you have to eat the bees too?

>> No.6267964

holy shit, I'm no homophobe, but those are some faggy motherfuckers.

>> No.6267965


>> No.6267977

nice shitposting

>> No.6267983

>Julio crazy pancake man
there're westerners out there who don't know the difference between pancakes and crepes. wtf

>> No.6267996

as a spaniard watching this video made me wonder if the rest of the world sees us like those other countries posted here, india, china, slavic countries... just places full of picturesque, hard-working brown people...

>> No.6268004


dat nigga is just literally autistic.

>> No.6268017

I had a friend that lives over there between Rome and N.Y I stayed at his place and sadly it was at the other end of the island. If I knew about him i'd travel up to see him any day. Nothing better than watching julio make crepes. Even if they are like 4 yuro's he's earnt it.

>> No.6268032

>wonder if the rest of the world sees us

actually we do see you as another one of those brown people wonderlands where we can go play in you impoverished, downtrodden economies fueled with the lure of cheap booze, lodgings, easy women and underfunded drug enforcement agencies...thanks brownies.

>> No.6268034


>> No.6268037


>> No.6268038

this looks disgusting and i hate how smug he is

>> No.6268051

doesn't it cool it down faster or something?

>> No.6268056

what the fuck

>> No.6268059

The kid and his dad look like they've never seen a camera before.

>> No.6268062

how is this okay

>> No.6268073

yeah srsly just looks like hes got some mental problem

>> No.6268088

Oh dang, yes

>> No.6268093

girl is qt

>> No.6268109

Holy SHIT thats amazing. What the hell? That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

>> No.6268118

whats so cool about it

>> No.6268122


>> No.6268124

this guy must burn so many calories acting like that

>> No.6268139
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 1419561007339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he starts doing math

>> No.6268152



I find it rather interesting that you would choose to comment on this fellow as his mannerisms make me think of what you would be like IRL.

>> No.6268174

Some people just don't give a fuck.

>> No.6268181

Incredible! Decantering from such a height...!

>> No.6268193

>Like your hair!
I guess the wife is blonde.

>> No.6268196


no worries my friends

>> No.6268216
File: 799 KB, 200x189, 1421024931909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just realized I've seen this guy a couple of years ago

He's at Gurney Drive Hawker Centre on Penang, Malaysia.

>> No.6268226

>all these videos

Jesus fucking christ, is every third world hellhole a storm of honking horns, shrieking people, and 90s euro pop techno music? I would shoot myself. Not even Manhattan or Chicago is that much of a disorganized din.

>> No.6268242

>two whole goddamned tomatoes, whole potato, two fist fulls of onion and peppers, and a giant ton of cheese

Goddamn man.

Also, that sperglord announcer

>> No.6268245

lol never leave your basement youll b safe

>> No.6268250
File: 66 KB, 566x487, 6542558753951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6268251


Lol, you guys are Greece's slightly less of a fuckup brother, but with even MORE marxist retards

>> No.6268258

Imagine someone just throwing a big ass bowling ball on the biggest pile of eggs

>> No.6268277

I dont know, every American city I've been to didn't have hovels of people in sweaty concrete holes, staring out like feral cats

>> No.6268288


Well, Spain being the only country to have millions of functional and self managing workers in the 1930s a lot of regions happy to return back to those times.

>> No.6268315

>in the 1930s

rly, cuz that did you a shit load of good the last eight decades.

>> No.6268322

What is the indian guy at the right eating at the end?

>> No.6268331

Is that a taco?

>> No.6268332

Ramly burgers are delicious; this guy maybe puts a little too much sauce on them though.

>> No.6268336

Hard boiled eggs with diced onions red pepper, salt, black pepper and chat masala. It's the only way to make boiled eggs anything but boring.

>> No.6268337

>functional economy with facism
>communists fuck everything up and starve country
>economy finally getting back on its feet
>communists come again wanting to fuck it up all over again

Now, am I talking about Spain, Germany, or nearly any other European country?

>> No.6268402


You literally fall asleep in the middle of the day.

>> No.6268445

and every single american is obese and retarded

>> No.6268549

why it it amazing? that his hands are probably filthy?

>> No.6268599

All these videos just make me wonder how these people can do these jobs for decades. You're working with customers who all want something different so you can't turn your mind off, but you're still essentially doing the same thing over and over again.

>> No.6268602

This link in the comments:


Oh god what the fuck man. Looks like hell on earth.

>> No.6268608

>You're working with customers who all want something different


they make one thing and one thing only. if the customer wants something different, he goes to a different shop.
there's dozens of them all crowded into the same area.

>> No.6268635

>all that cheese

>> No.6268640

If you're making kebabs for example, you only have kebabs but there are various sauces, often times two types of meat, and you're going to get some customers who want all meat, no tomatoes, no lettuce, etc

>> No.6268641


>> No.6268661

not in those little one-man shops you don't.

>> No.6268673

Is this just a European's are lazy type thing? I've never traveled to Europe but the at all the shops in Asia and the middle east they do one but with a lot of little variations.

>> No.6268686

you must've been to fancier places then.

>> No.6268859

All this stuff looks great, the problem is, I don't want sweaty 3rd worlders touching my fucking food with their filthy hands in that filthy environment

>> No.6268895

that feel when i can make it better at home

>> No.6268907

Can't say for the rest of Europe, but the cheap places in the UK definitely have at least lamb and chicken, different sauces, and different options for toppings.

>> No.6269259


That's the worst dosa I've ever seen

>> No.6269295


>> No.6269320


That looks fucking amazing

>> No.6269420

what's wrong with it?

>> No.6269572

I lived in China, dumbass.

>> No.6269587

There are a lot of Thai ones on this site:

It's a legit company also, I've ordered from them before, but if ordering from them stick to packaged goods. The fresh stuff such as chiles is better from other sources.

>> No.6269610

dat 煎饼果子

>> No.6269707


>> No.6270344

Thanks guys, now I've been singing rojak rojak while I cook .

>> No.6270391

Dragon Beard Candy

>> No.6270410
File: 52 KB, 400x327, SS15 Rojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried his Rojak and thought it was okey. PJ new town serves one better, or you can join the queue in Subang Jaya

>> No.6270461

>all the unnecessary flipping at the start
>all the unnecessary juggling of eggs
>all that smug shit
>too much condiments

would not eat

>> No.6270474

>the guy doesn't want to be recorded
>has to block his own face
>aka, the cunt didn't even ask or tell him she was gonna record him

American tourists..

>record someone in the USA
>get beat, arrested and violated

delicious hypocrisy

>> No.6270488

newb question:

How come their pots and pans look like cheap used up shit but nothing ever sticks to them ?

>> No.6270492

>nothing ever sticks to them ?

Seasoning, bro. Same thing the cast iron people talk about.

>> No.6270497

its seasoned, fucken hot and coated in oil

>> No.6270506
File: 419 KB, 1139x1600, 1423855609924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol indeed

>> No.6270520


it's uneven, it's straggly as fuck with holes in it, it's burnt, she doesn't fill it properly and she's chinese.

here's a proper dosa cart


>> No.6270524


notice how literally every video starts with a huge slosh of oil or butter

>> No.6270537

That is not Dosa its Jian Bing, It is tasty if done right by someone with lots of experience in getting the dough crispy. And not like the sh1t that Bing Boy in Australia serves up

>> No.6270549

I want one so fucking bad

>> No.6270551

that looks good, but how the fuck are you to eat it without a plate and fork and knife ?

>> No.6270555

I also thought it had to do with aerating the drink to make it seem more tasty. It would definitely cool it down, though.


>> No.6270565


what faggot named this video? he's not giving them the omelette ON the bread, he's making an omelette sandwich. honestly, is this video a troll? how has anyone not pointed it out that it's an omelette sandwich? what third worlder titled this video?

>> No.6270569
File: 230 KB, 682x1024, 1416271772006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what's the best way to do this ?

>> No.6270577


Smear a layer of food safe oil or fat in pan/wok/whatever
Heat it up to polymerize the oil.

just get on youtube and search for "how to season a wok"

>> No.6270579


i'd be so tempted to be like 'actually i don't think i want any anymore' and pretend to walk off

>> No.6270581


>two whole goddamned tomatoes

that's nothing.

>> No.6270582

thanks, but this doesn't work if the pan has a "non-stick" coating right ? must be bare metal?

>> No.6270588



>> No.6270599

I just saw this and had to post it.


>> No.6270615

>Duck burger

but that's not a burger at all

>> No.6270626


That's right. Hence the word "duck"--to tell you that it's not a normal burger. It's a duck burger.

>> No.6270642

That is not the traditional Ramli burger. The buns are always spread with planta margarine and toasted They are then served with shredded cabbage, onions and cucumber slices. Finished off with sweet chilli sauce and mayonnaise. If you want the patty wrapped in an omelette it is always seasoned with Worcestershire sauce and white pepper.

>> No.6270650
File: 110 KB, 1000x984, 1419081974265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I mean it's not a burger at all, burger is round and flat, it's one whole thing, this is pieces of duck meat in a sandwich. Not a duck burger, you can make duck burger but that's not it.

>tfw don't have a fucking jet engine in my kitchen

>> No.6270735
File: 29 KB, 426x341, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He chopped so close to his fingers.

>> No.6270761

That's like saying Italian pizzas have barely enough toppings and saying Americans do it right. Even the batter is different.

>> No.6270779

What is he choping? Is that shredded cheese?

>> No.6270945



>> No.6270954

Yeah I know but there's many different styles of rojak and different ingredients used. What specific items is he using in this video? Looks like potatoes, fried chicken and tofu with cheese and chill sauce sprinkled on top/

>> No.6270981

i would never eat from any of these places, these types of people let flys all over their shit

>> No.6271059

You do realize that in other parts of the world "burger" is more of a sandwich type and not specifically a ground meat patty on a bun right?

>> No.6271152


There's no cheese in rojak bro. Why would you think that there is a cheese in an Indonesian dish? those are either bean sprouts with the tips removed or some kind of shredded vegetable

>> No.6271170
File: 237 KB, 472x282, Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 2.03.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the tubular rectangle thing he cuts up?

>> No.6271188
File: 1.09 MB, 1269x694, Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 2.07.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese omelettes look so fuggin' good.


>> No.6271200


>how to cook
>doesn't show what that matrix-human-capsule fluid is before turning into the omelette.

>> No.6271204


Hard to say. There's a lot of things of about that color and shape that could be in it. It could be a potato or piece of other root vegetable. It could be tofu. It could be a piece of squid or cuttlefish meat (though it looks too big for that, so I don't think that's likely)

I can't see well enough to tell for sure

>> No.6271212
File: 78 KB, 960x640, hambagu-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other parts of the world burger is just the ground meat patty, bun or no bun.

>> No.6271220


if it's the same thing that they put in sushi, it has to tate great dough.

>> No.6271237


AFAIK it's egg, water, sugar, vinegar and chink sauce.

>> No.6271246

well, no, they cook one type of meal, low sanitary conditions on the street in countries with low to none healthstandards. im not saying its bad food, i love to travel and i love the streetfood the locals eat but if you compare to any decent restaurant where you have to know how to cook several things and use different techniques this is far from what a real chef at a real restaurant does.

>> No.6271279

made from real freshly squeezed chinks or?

>> No.6271291


I'd say their skills at that one dish they make are probably better than a restaurant chef.

On the other hand, the restaurant chef knows how to make a lot more than just that one dish.

>> No.6271297

chink sauce aka "mirin"

>> No.6271300

It's "how to cook," not "how to mix."


>> No.6271304
File: 8 KB, 473x500, 1415531626467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>essentially how to cook eggs

wow thanks, what a great video.

>> No.6271305


Okay then. I'll just ask for the spinal fluid mix to my local vendor.

>> No.6271311

>whips out memepsread

fucking dropped

>> No.6271320

More than the jet engine, though... I've got powerful burners. My hood would not be able to handle that, though. Pro ventilation is tight.

>> No.6271332

No vinegar. Just eggs, sugar, salt, and dashi.

>> No.6271336

do it

>> No.6271337

Not him, but I thought there was dashi there.

>> No.6271345

>gonna cook it anyway
Who fucking cares?

>> No.6271350

green chutney would be my guess

>> No.6271355

fuckin spics

they don't even have a name for the cheese? Just... yellow cheese?

>> No.6271424

It's just a hipster as fuck food stall in London. They know it's not burger, but they'll call it one anyway.

Burger in the UK means minced meat shaped into a burger. I've sean venison burgers, ostrich burgers, pheasant burgers, all sorts of burgers of all sorts of meat and it's always minced and formed into a burger.

That is just London hispterism in action.

>> No.6271513


>implying you woouldn't

>> No.6271542

doesn't show much

>> No.6271572

I live in London and I've always thought a burger was just something that was in burger buns, like the chicken burgers at fast food places. I mean, they are typically called something along the lines of 'chicken fillet burger'.

>> No.6271597

no him, but you're wrong. The burger is a burger no matter how you eat it, and it doesn't have to be between buns or any bread at all. Hipster shits will call whatever they want "burgers" but it doesn't make it a burger.

>> No.6271609

skip to 1:20

another video of same cart


skip to 2:00

As far as street vendors go, this is GOAT

>> No.6271615


That's been my understanding of the term too.

>> No.6271617

You should back to eating taters

>> No.6271626

It's wrong
a burger is beef mince/ground beef shaped into a patty and cooked

>> No.6271692


Are hot dog stands sanitary?

>> No.6271696


I think that's just you bro.

>> No.6271732


Avacado on a burger? He gave me a good idea.

>> No.6271737


As a latino Spain doesn't exist pretty much. It's some European country with Spanish speaking people

>> No.6271748


Autism is a neurological disorder, not a mental problem. If he was autistic he would most likely be stimming and that's perfectly fine

>> No.6271767

I just see you guys as pale, hairy Europeans who speak with a lisp.

>> No.6272859

Its firm Tofu

>> No.6272871

grills mirin

>> No.6272939

Well clearly it's not only that because many people use the word in different ways.

>> No.6272951


>> No.6272960


>> No.6272974

How is that egg not overcooked? It looks like shit. Even worse that Coldplay is playing in the background.

>> No.6272989

Jesus fucking christ. I love travelling, and I would love to see India, but shit like this is the reason I haven't been yet.

>> No.6272996

All the hate for this dude.
He still looks pretty good at his job, and the showmanship prolly sells more burgers to tourists than anything.

>> No.6273017

Disgusting amerifucks

>> No.6273020

You have to be careful if you want Street food in India. In big cities like Mumbai and Delhi you end up taking a large risk of getting sick.

>> No.6273074


>> No.6273084

Huh. So that's how sponges are made.

>> No.6273115

I feel like he has some sort of disability that makes him seem like hes tryna be sanic gotta go fast

>> No.6273121

YFW you find out there are dozens of these carts with the exact same script :(

>> No.6273134

In case you don't bereeva me, >>6273074

>> No.6273166

i wish people here can just make webms

>> No.6273170

I wonder whats worse: indian street food or chinese? In china at least they cook the shit down into oil before you eat it

>> No.6273178

When I was in europe literally every single crepe place had meme spread crepes

>> No.6273184

i wonder how old some of those eggs are

>> No.6273201

If the meat isn't ground its not a burger, its just a sandwich

>> No.6273215

But China gets their oil from blocks they find in sewers.

>> No.6273236

That's what I mean by cooking it down into oil.

>> No.6273352
File: 358 KB, 591x597, 1428403917563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video is so comfy.

>> No.6273357

bees are one of the few insects who understand not to shit in their living room. in the winter, each bee will leave the hive once a day, fly 30 feet away, take a dump, then fly back in.

>> No.6273361

I'm going to need some sources on that.

>> No.6273422

Why does everyone in this video look like they've spent the last 24 hours rolling on molly?

>> No.6273428

Because all of India is like that, right? Every country has shitholes that are as bad or even worse than the one in the article. Better give up traveling then, bud.

>> No.6273431
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, 3121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Behold the kebab master

>> No.6273433

Why are we laminating omelets?

>> No.6273444

Big eggs or tiny man?

>> No.6273446

but that video sucks ass, check this out


>> No.6273451

its only meme in america. here its a staple spread

>> No.6273455

I feel like I prolly look a bit like this when pushing through a busy service. Good thing I'm not in an open kitchen.

>> No.6273465
File: 8 KB, 240x180, cut my milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that video just tell me to heat my pan to 180 deg?

>> No.6273469

american cheese lol

>> No.6273472
File: 1.01 MB, 3904x2928, orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have been really rustled when you found out they called it an 'orange'.

>> No.6273473


There are name for american cheese..

Yellow cheese
Cream cheese
Block cheese


>> No.6273498


Yes they are. I'm cool with gays. I'm not cool with men trying to be more woman than a woman.

>> No.6273538

>30g of sugar

>> No.6273569

that or it gets air into the coffee (develop flavour mebbe?)

>> No.6273599

>It's utterly useless to the product

Nope. The "pulling" cools the tea down. It also works air into it, frothing it up and giving it a thicker texture.

>> No.6273753


They all have different names that are distinct.

"yellow cheese"?


>> No.6273775

>It also works air into it
What a bullshit reason. There are plenty of better ways of working in air to it than throwing it around.

>> No.6273781


Well below the smoke point of most oils, except for olive oil which you wouldn't want to fry your egg in ... so not that hot. What's the problem?

Just don't go too much over that with Teflon ...

>> No.6273791


Sure, you could use a blender or a mixer, etc. But the "pulling" method requires no electricity, no equipment which could break down, and as an added bonus it looks flashy so it attracts customers. I don't see a problem.

>> No.6273821

>What's the problem?

He's probably used to Fahrenheit temperatures, in which case 180 is puzzlingly low.

>> No.6273873

It put them next to each other in the video, dummies

>> No.6273954


Presentation is part of the product ... do you complain about plating techniques as well?

>> No.6274237

they're actually deutschbags not americucks.

>> No.6274343 [DELETED] 


>> No.6274349


>> No.6274411

>can't tell an obvious German accent
I want australian shitposters to leave

>> No.6274429

that's way too much egg. an omelette with nothing else in it...

>> No.6274430

they even say at the start of the video they're from germany lel

>> No.6274465

agreed, plus i think he's just having a little fun with it for the camera

>> No.6274487

It's not an omelette the way you think of one, though. It's the sauce he mixes it into that becomes the dish.

That's like saying "that's too much egg for a scrambled egg with nothing else in it."

>> No.6274507

>showmanship prolly sells more burgers to tourists than anything

I used to work at an open kitchen pizzeria, and I was the only one who could spin the dough on my finger.

Even though it actually took *longer* to stretch, the chef insisted I did that, because people bought pizza just to watch me spin the dough. So I hammed it up-- spun it on my finger, tossed it back and forth with the other cooks, and did other tricks with it.

I can't say for sure it worked, but people would crowd around the kitchen, and I was making pies pretty much non stop from 11am until 6pm (when I got off work).

I opened the kitchen at 6:30am, btw. Overtime was awesome. Made more money doing that than my next 3 jobs, but they were 9-5 office jobs, so I can't complain.

>> No.6275577

Don't think this vendor gets swarmed by bees often... Shouldn't be that dirty, bees just land on flowers and shit. But still I would opt not to eat there. Also how are these people not running away with fear? I despise most bugs, but I tolerate bees since they're so vital for human survival.

These videos are always fun, though you have to wonder.. The cones that they don't use.. Do they pass them to other customers?

>> No.6275724

holy shit chapli kababs are delicious


>> No.6275767

>all them taliban members eating there
>0:50 announcer mentions jihad
Must be where these lads get their last meal before Jihad! ALLAH HU AKBAR!

>> No.6275785


apart from his spastic movement there is literally nothing special is there? They are always done like this, but without autism.

>> No.6275824

How do you maintain the enthusiasm of showing off this "neat trick" after the 100th time. Im currently doing a job where I have to interact with a lot of people and Im so fucking sick of telling my favorite stories after only 6 months.

>> No.6275860 [DELETED] 

you could try coke. worked for billy mays

>> No.6276317

its cooked in blackened fat from the previously cooked. EEewwww

>> No.6276424


Wtf... alot of good ones but this one is the best I've seen so far.

>> No.6276812

lol word

>> No.6276817


Oh god the machete

>> No.6277019

i want to become this badass

>> No.6279147

what is mirin?

>> No.6279155
