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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6265551 No.6265551 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people think halal food means greasy third rate meat with spicy mystery sauce?

>> No.6265565

it sounds scary therefor it is scary

>> No.6265568

i learned everything i need to know about halal on 9/11

>> No.6265573


So much this.

Take your terrorist food >>>/out/

>> No.6265579

I only eat the most authentic halal from the most obscure dirty hole in the wall authentic halal carts. If I see a single white person so much as look at it, it's whitewashed inauthentic soccer mom mass market Americanized trash, you might as well be eating at MacDonald's which I haven't been to in over six years.

>> No.6265581

nearly the whole of middle eastern cuisine is just lumps of marinated meat cooked in on a kebab and served with rice.

comparing the variety between cuisines of the nations of Europe or between the nations of east asia with the variety of cuisine in nations of the middle east is just laughable.

utterly laughable.

>> No.6265584

u w0t

i think ur wrong m8


>> No.6265590

because that is what it means

>> No.6265594

they also stole some foods from the greeks.

>> No.6265595
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>implying Indonesia is in the middle east and has a monolithic, kebab-based cuisine

daily reminder that 79% of Americans don't have maps

>> No.6265605

That is the most fucked up looking quesadilla I've ever seen.

>> No.6265611
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Durian isn't a kind of cheese

>> No.6265615

But that's wrong. You're likely only familiar with Levantine cuisines (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and, to a lesser extent, Egypt and Turkey). Saudi cuisine is fairly distinctive in that nearly nothing is cooked over open flame. Yemenite cuisine is mostly fish-based and very heavy on sauces. Iranian cuisine is more similar to Indian than Levantine. And, finally, Iraqi cuisine is a mishmash of Levantine, Yemenite and Iranian.
A more fair comparison would be to the cuisines of the Balkans to that of the Middle East rather than all of Europe or all of East Asia.
You must also take into account the relatively homogeneous culture of the region.

All that said, Middle Eastern cuisine tends to fucking suck. Better than North African tends to be, at least.

>> No.6265629

Sort of the other way around. The Greeks have very few foods of their own and a lot of Greek naitonal dishes are actually of Ottoman origin, brought over during the invasions.
But you're likely Greek and no matter what, to a Greek, Greeks invented everything first, before everyone else. Seems the only things Greeks can never try to take credit for is bathing regularly and applying deodourant rather than just covering body stench with Lynx spray since the overwhelming evidence points against that.

>> No.6265641

I lol'd because it's true

>> No.6265661

Because it's generally consumed by greasy third-rate people with crazy mystery sauce.

>> No.6265672

Since when are durians filled with guac and sour cream?

>> No.6265676

Since the cool avocado hipsters ruined them

>> No.6265693

>hipster and not just seasonal/regional
Tell me more about what it's like to live in wyoming

>> No.6265698

You don't know what a hipster is, do you

>> No.6265718
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>> No.6267179

>tfw family member married into middle eastern family
>tfw every visit their family makes amazing halal feast
Yeah, they're completely tucked up over there but the food is incredible and should be spared when we glass over the region.

Also, whatever the fuck is in OP's pic related looks freaking tasty

>> No.6267218

Halal is stupidly expensive and doesn't taste any different than regular meat. In that sense, middle eastern cuisine is fantastic so I don't mind paying for halal prices.

>> No.6267241

atheist here but i actually taste a difference and prefer it but unlike you can't afford it much :( i also think kosher meat tastes better as well but that's probably because they are pretty much the same thing in terms of preparation. when it comes to mince i'll always go kosher over non kosher because the taste difference is fucking massive with the mince i've found.

>> No.6267264

how does it feel living in 2009?

>> No.6267419

Halal is not much more expensive in my area than 'regular' meat. For example, I was at the grocery earlier today and saw chicken breast for $1.89/lb and halal chicken breast for $2.19 (or $2.49; not sure which as I get 1s and 4s confused from a distance for some reason) per pound.
I bought some non-halal rack of lamb today, though, because it was on super duper mega amazing offer: $1.65/lb. Lamb is typically cheap here ($2.99/lb or so and up), but when I saw $1.65/lb, I had to snatch it up.

>> No.6267513

>supporting the religion of submission and violence
>for a premium

>> No.6267530
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live in Dearborn, MI
halal meat every where
muslims buy it up
pizza parlors advertise it
beef pepperoni
gimme dat pig

>> No.6267540

Buying halal meat is supporting animal cruelty

>> No.6267550

Because if you buy kosher food, it's always great. Halal? Not so much.

>> No.6267562

Nothing wrong with animal cruelty.

>> No.6267645

>Dearborn, MI
Oh god

>> No.6267648

I suppose you only buy sustainably farmed, non-CAFO meat? What's that, you're too poor for that? I'm shocked, shocked that a racist bigot also just happens to be from a lower socioeconomic bracket but he finds time to gripe about knife-based slaughter rather than stoned subnormals using a cattle prod to force a downer cow to stand up long enough to get whacked with a captive bolt gun.

Pull yourself up by those bootstraps, Cletus

>> No.6267658

Your post is entirely unrelated to mine. I've never purchased halal meat other than prepackaged foods that happen to be halal, like curry bumbu and stuff like that.

I love me some piggy meats.

Also, I have that cheap-ass $3.88 lamb rack roasting in my oven right now with lemon zest, rosemary, black peppercorn and chili, all dried (three of them home dried myself) and freshly ground to powder, mixed with freshly pasted garlic and a bit of olive oil. My house smells delicious.

>> No.6268708

Because sandniggers claim everything else is harem?

>> No.6268721

What makes halal food different from its "regular" equivalent?

Is it more expensive?
Is it less nutritious?
Does it taste worse?

If you can answer "Yes" to at least one of these, then you have a legitimate reason to dislike halal food.

>> No.6268725

Most common form they get. Also, I like street meat.

>> No.6268727


People think good quality food.

Halal = Muslim equiv of Kosher

>> No.6268786

It IS more expensive.
It's still the same animal so the idea that it's less nutritious or tastes different is fucking retarded.

A person can have a problem with halal meat because the method of slaughter is particularly cruel when it doesn't have to be


because reprehensible, filthy sandniggers constantly bitch about every meat in the known universe not being from halal sources until suppliers give in and slip it into the food supply without the rest of us knowing and it gives said disgusting sandniggers a monopoly on meat production and takes jobs away from decent, white people who are their superiors in every way.

Halal is the mudslime version of affirmative action

>> No.6268798

You have a vivid imagination

>> No.6268806


fuck you achmed

>> No.6268815

>You don't know what a hipster is, do you

le sigh

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

>> No.6268821

The only halal food I'm really familiar with is north indian/pakistani stuff.

Then again I don't really give a shit if my food is halal and pork is delicious. That said halal grocery stores usually have nice cheap whole spices.

>> No.6268823

Except kosher food is actually good.

>> No.6268829

>lamb for $1.65/lb
I am mad jelly
where do you live?

>> No.6268834

You can't steal cuisine. Goddamnit.

>> No.6268845

Captive bolt gun stunning is more humane than cutting their throat while they're still conscious.

Not that it matters, because they're dead either way and in both cases have most likely been treated like shit up to the point they were killed.

>> No.6268856

Philadelphia. It's $2.99/lb normally, but it was marked down on manager's special to get rid of it quickly. It was a 2.35lb set of ribs for $3.88. Regular price was $7.02.

Lamb routinely floats around $1.99 - 4.99/lb in this area, generally centering around $3.49/lb. I bought a whole leg a few months back (December or November, one or the other) for $1.98/lb. Pretty common prices for lamb here. And this isn't at some special stores, either. It's at Shoprite, a large chain of supermarkets in this area.

>> No.6268862

>$2.99/lb normally

I'm jelly of this. Lamb is so fucking expensive where I live it's not funny. At that price I could actually justify having it a couple of times a month or so.

>> No.6268869

I'm an apathetic agnostic with Scandinavian blood. Stop reading the daily mail, that site is supposed to be for humor value

>> No.6268872
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>> No.6268874

>chicken breast $1.89/lb

Where do you people live? I don't understand. It's $2.50 minimum at my chain stores and even more expensive at the farmer's market where everything else is cheaper.

>> No.6268879

It's 9 a pound for anything that isn't garbage.

Garbage = you can't call the farmer and ask the color of the barn the bird lived in

>> No.6268880
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corners of le mouth turned up in a le grin

Well said sir. You've rightfully earned my upvote.

>> No.6268883

Other stores tend to have it at $4.99/lb or higher, but Shoprite routinely carries lamb at prices that put other places to shame.
Beef in this area, though, is fucktardedly costly. I last had beef Tuesday, but before then, it must have been months and months. I'm a cheap sumbitch and I can't justify paying $5.99/lb for meh-tier beef. Rump (I think it's rump) is cheap, but finding a good one to cut steaks from seems difficult.

>> No.6268892

Yeah but are you talking about the method of slaughter or the well-being of the animal's entire life? If I were a cow I'd choose a nice life with a quick, horrible death over a filthy, crowded life filled with disease and cruelty that has a swift merciful stun gun at the end of it.

Fuck off retard.

Fuck off illiterate retard.

>> No.6268898

>Other stores tend to have it at $4.99/lb or higher

That's closer to what I'm used to 4.99 is a typical "sale" price here, with the base price otherwise 5.99+

>> No.6268917
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>Fuck off illiterate retard.

Why so hostile my man? This sort of attitude can really negatively effect your karma points

>> No.6268926

>the well-being of the animal's entire life

If you're buying halal in North America the chances are good that the treatment of the animal is nearly identical up until the slaughter process.

>> No.6268930

Only at Acme (the local branch of Jewell/Albertsons/Osco) and Superfresh (the local A&P branch) is it routinely much higher than $4.99/lb. And Wholefoods, obviously. Shoprite tends to have the better prices and quality in this area.

>> No.6268936

You mean in both cases they live in squalor and eat ground up cow fetuses and antibiotics?

Sounds like the anti-halal meat people are true advocates of animal welfare

>> No.6268947

Anti-halal meat people are idiots freaking out over nothing, I just meant to say that there's no real pro-halal argument from animal welfare.

Most halal meat in the west is stunned anyway, they just charge you extra for the guy saying a prayer over it.

>> No.6268951

I'll "effect" your karma jabroni

Really? I stand corrected then. I've never given a care about buying halal/non-halal meat but I always assumed the halal animals lived at least closer to a cage-free lifestyle. That's kind of insane that the price is so different.

>> No.6269028

So what you're basically saying is that you're swedish and you like to shout allahu Akbar while you're getting rammed by giant Arab cocks?

>> No.6269116

No, I'm American but I'm descended from Norwegian settlers in the upper Midwest. Hence "blood" because culturally I am just american, but I know stormfags like you consider whites to have more valid opinions. So to the extent that I am likely quite a bit whiter than you, stop reading the daily mail. And yes I have traveled in Europe and the gulf, and what you described is a fantasy.

>> No.6269138

The largest halal vendor in my city (madani halal in queens NY) seems to mostly source fancy-pants birds from "humane" farms, but I'm sure it's different in different places. I tend to think "good quality" when I see halal though, because the majority of the halal meat is sold at high end places.

>> No.6269145

/ck/ the board in a nutshell

>> No.6269147

Why do Muslims think that goats make good wives? The world is full of mysteries.

>> No.6269153


>why do so many people think halal food means greasy third rate meat with spicy mystery sauce

I don't know, and didn't realize that was a thing, but posting a picture of deep fried, moldy cucumber pate doesn't really do much for your case.

>> No.6269162

*tips fedora before taking off on his fixed gear bicycle racing to his nearest authentic Mexican roach coach with an American spirit in one hand and a pbr in his coat pocket. His excessively long scarf flutters in the wind as he's pulling up. He gets off and shouts "viva laraza" to the inhabitants of the coach Eagerly, he orders lengua feeling like he's being a culinary maverick and sticking it to big corporate sellouts like chiplote and taco bell

>> No.6269164

That's what I always thought. The guy saying otherwise provided no info but it wouldn't surprise me if it was just an arbitrary markup to to supply and demand. I just always figured otherwise.

>> No.6269165


>tfw you always get annoyed at an overused meme like, "projecting"
>tfw you see a post that makes it painfully clear how something like, "projecting" caught on

>> No.6269171

maybe the reason you get annoyed is that you never really got the "meme" to begin with

>> No.6269172

Beautiful. I would love to have the Mexican food that reduces Chipotle to "tasteless, overpriced garbage." I live near the part of town with a 4:1 Mexican population and most of the restaurants I have been to have cost just as much if not more than Chipotle for less, more boring food.

>> No.6269179

>but authentic anon

>> No.6269180


>he never really got the meme

>> No.6269190

Don't even get me started on those basement dwelling motherfuckers. I try to remember that they make up a huge portion of this site and elitism is all that they have but it's hard.

>> No.6269199

Halal laws are unsanitary? Especially when it comes to killing the animal and how you have to bleed it to death. Not only that but Halal approval foods require certification from a mosque and the imam of that facility. So these companies have to pay a large fee in order for them to advertise the food as halal

And the money that goes into a mosque will go into other countries or to build more mosques

>> No.6269210

Have you ever visited a commercial farm?

>> No.6269215

They are just snarky assholes that think if anyone that even looks at the ethnic food place it automatically is whitewashed Americanized corporate and is a shit

>> No.6269227

Yes, I have. You see the difference in mass production lines they have less issues with cross contamination. Halal/Kosher laws do not face the same scrutiny as regular foods because of the religious reasons

But it really irks me that people would go out and buy halal foods that actively support a mosque.

>> No.6269237

>implying it was kosher and halal groups that made it illegal to report on health violations

>> No.6269248

I almost wonder if you're joking or not.

>> No.6269249

Actually, they kinda sued the governments for religious intolerance and the reason why they are allowed. Though in some countries this country has been banned because of the sanitary conditions that they are required to have

It's basically asking extortion money for these companies to sell kosher/halal branded foods. Most of the forcing is done by the Jewish populace because they power and the influence to change said laws. At the same time the Jewish population has also notice that they are helping Islam

>> No.6269254

Awesome. You crackpots are why I keep coming here

>> No.6269264

You do know how Halal/Kosher laws work? You need the presence of an imam/rabbi and the approval of the community group as well...

You really know don't know how complicating it is to meet these laws

>> No.6269267
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>/ck/ jerking off over chipotle
>move to a place that has one near
>try it
>smells delicious inside
>get my burrito
>dis gonna be good
>bit into it
>expecting an orgy of excuses and flavor
>MFW its fucking nothing

>> No.6269291

Quit smoking. It tastes good.

>> No.6269298

Yes, I know from first hand experience, not reading websites about reptilians

Keep posting though, this is fun reading

>> No.6269299

never smoked anything in my entire life; it was like eating nothing; with the texture of food I love.

>> No.6269301

i agree but when I want filler, chipotle is good

>> No.6269379

I dunno what to tell you man. I've had lots of what I think is good Mexican food and the two Chipotle locations near me consistently churn out food that's way above average.

>> No.6269436

Careful, the hipster squad might want your head for suggesting chiplote isn't terrible as they say

>> No.6269446

I'll be sure to strap some thick, delicious Chipotle™ burritos around my neck so that their machetes cannot harm me. I will feast on the spilled fillings as they fruitlessly hack away at me.

>> No.6269539

Kekasaurous kek

>> No.6269668

Where did you pull all of this shit?

You don't know Middle Eastern cuisine very well...

>> No.6269728

Thirded. Stick your halal where the sun don't shine, sunshine!

>> No.6269745

>Live in high muslim concentration area
>Work at local takeout place
>Advertised meat as halal
>Advertised pepperoni, ham, sausage made from turkey or beef
>Are actually pork products. Meat not halal.
>Muzzers lap that shit up
>OMG your beef is the best ever!
>No fucks given

>> No.6270276

Normal muslims care about religious food laws about as much as normal jews care about mixing beef with cheese. In other words they maybe joke about it sometimes but don't actually care.

The problem is always a fringe minority group that claims to be the true voice of millions of people, in effect stirring up nothing but hatred. For jews, it's israelis and hard right orthodox in general. For muslims it's groups like ISIS and al qaeda.

>> No.6270286

i'm pretty sure the difference between halal and regular meat is they bless it before slaughtering and drain more blood from the carcass than regular

>> No.6270306

>This dune coon doesn't know about all the halal McDonalds in the U.S.

Pretty much.

>> No.6270328

I never said anything about Indonesia, I made a post about the middle east, which is the region of the world most halal restaurants are representing.

Keep on being butthurt but the fact remains that asa region of the , the middle east has only a small fraction in the variation between cuisines of different countries that you see in Europe or East asia.

Stay butthurt, little nigglet.

>> No.6270332

You can get sued if they find out it's not Halal. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/mcdonald-drops-halal-mcnuggets-700k-suit-article-1.1381444

Also, I believe if they are not aware they are eating pork, it's not a sin. But I could be wrong.

>> No.6270333

> the fact remains that asa region of the , the middle east has only a small fraction in the variation between cuisines of different countries that you see in Europe or East asia.

Can you repost that in English, please?

>> No.6270335

Everything in that post is correct.

>> No.6270357

whoops I left out the word "world" in between the two consecutive "the"s.

>> No.6270364

I don't think a cheese pouch filled with boogers and marshmallow fluff is any better.