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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nkammkTjQr1qag3pco1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6264556 No.6264556 [Reply] [Original]

ITT wifey material

>> No.6264566

her husband will die from heart disease soon

>> No.6264571

Okay. Now I know these types of posts are feminist bait. There's no way anyone would look at that plate of vomit and hard boiled eggs and think it's good. No one. It's impossible.

>> No.6264573

Jesus Christ. Keep her in the kitchen, she may learn something.
That would look better coming out of your ass than it did going in.

>> No.6264574

You don't even know. My boyfriend is a vegetarian who hates most vegetables. His favorite things are mac and cheese, corn, scrambled eggs, grilled cheese....Just dairy and sugar and starch.

>> No.6264575
File: 575 KB, 417x380, amys nervous tic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rid of the eggs and replace with tater tots and you have my roommate's go to dinner

>> No.6264576

"I know how to keep my man picking up take out on the way home so I don't have to cook"

>> No.6264580

I would be okay with corn and hardboiled eggs, but I would never serve it to someone as dinner. Also, get the fuck out of here with those styrofoam plates. Washing dishes won't kill you.

>> No.6264581

Isn't there a better name for this than "wifey material"? I mean,what we are really discussing is the antithesis of "wifey material" right?

Basically, mismatched amalgams of food stuffs, generally canned or simple to make, presented as something valuable

I'd eat it if I was hungry enough. It's just a can of corn with two boiled eggs and some Velveeta mac and cheese on the side. Presentation has a lot to do with it. I think if we swapped most of the corn on the plate with a piece of sausage or something like that, it might make a decent quick meal. I'm just not big on canned corn.

>> No.6264583
File: 42 KB, 500x500, cookiepuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus......I don't even....what....

>> No.6264596

>Isn't there a better name for this than "wifey material"? I mean,what we are really discussing is the antithesis of "wifey material" right?

It's just a cue to dump images of horrible meals prepared by girls saying "#wifey material" and the like

>> No.6264597
File: 668 KB, 300x340, AAAAAAAAAAAUUUGH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to mention that he dips the tots in BBQ sauce

>> No.6264601

oh, the hashtag. that makes sense. I have never twitter, but I am sure it's comedy gold

>> No.6264607

sounds better than ketchup

>> No.6264609

>My boyfriend is a vegetarian who hates most vegetables.

What in the actual fuck?

>> No.6264614

Goddamn it. How do you not just slap that shit out of his hand?

>> No.6264617

whoa, dont overdo it with those noodles now.

>> No.6264623

He's vegetarian for moral reasons but he doesn't like a lot of actual vegetables, so he mostly eats grains, beans, and dairy. Or those processed fake-meat vegetable products that pretend to be hamburgers and chicken tenders.

>> No.6264634

This shit illustrates that standards really do not exist. One man's most depressing meal ever could make another man go, "Imma marry that girl."

But let's not forget while laughing at the less fortunate that there are plenty of people in the world who would look at some of the meals we get excited about and die a little on the inside.

>> No.6264643


>7 spiral noodles in velveeta
>but an entire fucking can of corn

Must be gluten intolerant

>> No.6264646

I know a guy like this. All he eats is french fries, cheese quesadillas , and lettuce covered in ranch.

>> No.6264649

It's the two boiled eggs against all that canned corn that really put it over the top, though.

>> No.6264657

For me it was the canned corn. The way it is obviously like a whole can just BAM, and it has spread all over the plate and infiltrated the other items. If there was like 1/3 the corn and the eggs were sliced, it would probably look like a totally decent quick meal to many people.

Presentation really has a lot to do with it.

>> No.6264666

>Presentation really has a lot to do with it.
The colors, too. The white styrofoam, the white eggs, the pale orange cheesy spirals... What will tie the whole thing together? Yellow! Lots of fucking yellow! Bust out that corn.

>> No.6264674

>going out with a vegetarian
>going out with a moralfag vegetarian

>> No.6264682

is that a Styrofoam plate?

>> No.6264685

>chicken tenders
it's pronounced ten-dies

>> No.6264691

Do we know if he has any good-boy points?

>> No.6264711

>he mostly eats grains, beans, and dairy

This is like fucking oposit of paleo diet.
Read about it or your boyfriend will die.

>> No.6264723


I would have gone with peas, frozen, not tinned. tinned peas are fucking awful.

>> No.6264803

What saddens me is the sincerity coupled with complete inability in these pictures. And I'm reminded how tfw no go.

>> No.6264863


sounds like my ex except he wasn't a vegetarian. just doesn't crave meat or like vegetables... only simple carbs and cheese. no wonder he's so meek and glum all the time.

>> No.6264878

The Styrofoam plate is really what makes that picture.

>> No.6264883


At least he's a rich skinny guy.

>> No.6264933

people really use cardboard plates and plastic forks on a daily basis? Why?

>> No.6264935


i fucking love canned peas. heat em and eat like soup, add spices.

>> No.6264959

>Meet grill
>Some dates and is nice
>Say I can cook something next time
>Cook curry pork and rice with greens
>Literally pork, curry powder, and can of coconut milk
>Oh wow this is great anon, I can't cook at all. I always like eat trader joes frozen meals or sandwiches. TJ has pretty good frozen

>> No.6264979

but milk is pretty much as unethical as meat? Especially if you're substituting most meals with cheese and egg products

>> No.6264997

I'm not sure. I think cows get ornery if they're not milked like sheep.
Since meat involves killing something and eating it, or just cutting off part of the still-living creature and having it suffer, I'd say meat is like a 6 on the cruelty scale and milk is a 1. It's only not a 0 because that milk belongs to baby cows and you're stealing it.

>> No.6265004

How is squeezing a titty as bad as killing?

>> No.6265028

The average domesticated dairy cow produces far more milk than would be required to feed their calf. All cows, wild and domesticated, will only lactate in the period between their calf's birth and weaning. Milk is calf-food, and when there's no calf, there's no evolutionary advantage in producing milk.

On dairy farms, cows are milked twice daily, from spring (when they give birth) until late autumn. This mechanical milking 'fools' the cow into continuing to lactate. When a cow has stopped lactating, they will only start again after giving birth. This means that you can't just start milking a cow and expect to get milk.

Generally farmers milk their cows from spring (birth) until late autumn. The reason for stopping in autumn is simply because the grass grows much slower in winter, so there isn't enough food to support lactating cows. However, it is entirely possible to milk longer than a year; I know of farmers who milk their cows continuously for two years. These farmers will have to purchase a lot of supplimental food (like hay or silage) during winter. The advantage of milking for longer than one season is that the cows do not have to give birth every spring, but instead only every second spring.

>> No.6265054

My wife doesn't know how to cook shit, I guess I'm wifey material

>> No.6265091

Every mans favorite: a plate of yellow.

>> No.6265114

>scrambled eggs

oh the hypocrisy

>> No.6265122

I am wifey material. It's a shame my boyfriend is kind of apathetic towards my ways.
I wish he was more appreciative and fussed about my cooking like my ex did. :(

Picture in the OP looks horrible

>> No.6265130

I believe the expression is tits or gtfo

>> No.6265131

eggs arent meat m8

>> No.6265135

I thought that only applied to /b/ or /r9k/?

What kind of wifey material would I be if I posted tits?

>> No.6265213


because rape is worse than murder, obviously.

>> No.6265221

He's rich right? Is his dick huge? There has to be a catch, why date autism?

>> No.6265223

I'm not sure if he qualifies for that anymore.

>> No.6265227

Maybe that's her evil goal. The hubby might be very rich and she wants his money to perpetuate her evil schemes!
Watch out for the lawn boy!

It's like some plot from a Columbo episode.

>> No.6265302


Get a decent set of dishware/silverware. Fucking trash produces make me sick.

>> No.6265395


>This is like fucking oposit of paleo diet.

So it's a good diet then

>> No.6265425
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>> No.6265450

I don't get this wifey material shit. Like, what exactly are you so proud of here that you'd need to take pictures and splatter your instagram and facebook with them? Is it supposed to be ironic?

Cooking simple meals that are yummy and also reasonably healthy really isn't hard, and you have a bajillion blogs and video tutorials at you disposal as a learning resource. Otherwise, this is just so fucking embarrassing. I cringe and feel bad for their bfs/husbands/whateverthefuck.

>> No.6265470
File: 717 KB, 1006x459, chefkellz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely overweight girl i went to school with constantly posts pictures of her "cooking"
this is the only one tagged #wifeymaterial but it's not her worst

will post moar

>> No.6265475
File: 721 KB, 1003x638, chefkellz2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6265477
File: 706 KB, 998x649, chefkellz3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6265480

I dont think the hotdog was cooked long enough

Slap some ketchup on it and it's almost good enough

>> No.6265482

this looks like a pile of vomit

>> No.6265491
File: 110 KB, 640x640, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up #chefkellz on facebook
>find this

i thought fat people knew how to cook

>> No.6265495
File: 12 KB, 265x308, 1380439703998s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those burnt meat pucks
>mushy potatoes
>macaroni salad
>burnt burger
>all that dressing
>using cream-based dressing and not vinaigrettes
>that pile of mayo or god knows what

>> No.6265498

Most don't, why do you think we get fat? I do, but I'm not a woman...

>> No.6265499

That she can boil eggs puts her startlingly far ahead of the pack of lazy useless bitches

>> No.6265500

Show her how it's done, and if she doesn't refuses to learn I think you know what you have to do.

>> No.6265509

I have a problem with literally everything in this picture
>unfinished wall
>expensive vacuum cleaner obviously not used
>clothes everywhere
>filtered beyond this dimension
>hanging a plant from the ceiling (I don't even want to know what they anchored it with)
>scarf indoors
>those boots about to split wide open

>> No.6265511

garuan-fucking-tee the yolks are burnt

>> No.6265513

What the fuck? That shit looks nasty. Those "meatballs" look like gray slabs of mystery meat. Nasty.

>> No.6265514

ihate when people post their slop online like i wanna lose my appetite

>> No.6265521
File: 896 KB, 1025x613, chefkellz4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went back even more, i wish i hadn't ;-;

>> No.6265524

>literally huge fucking dollops of mayo and HFCS sauce

Holy fuck kill me now

>> No.6265530
File: 657 KB, 1030x615, chefkellz5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6265535
File: 22 KB, 320x316, t-pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6265543

could you fucking not

>> No.6265545

Literally looks like vomit, Kellz.

>> No.6265547

i fucking hate poor people

>> No.6265548

can confirm, i've had vomits that look like that "pasta" topping before. sorry, kellz.

>> No.6265560

I'm one photo away from puking.

>> No.6265561

How the fuck do you turn meat that color? Is it turkey?

>> No.6265566

I didn't ever realise there was meat there, lel.

>> No.6265570

The funny thing is that most meals tagged #wifeymaterial look likt something that would make me wonder what I did to offend the cook if it were served to me. The stuff is almost always the most contemptuously thrown together collections of the cheapest possible ingredients.

But it isn't ironic. The people posting this shit actually think such barely half-assed efforts at "home cooked meals" are not only laudable, but actually make them something of a catch for the poor bastard who has to eat it. And the scary thing is he might think so as well.

>> No.6265572

Looks like raw hamburger helper

>> No.6265577

I cannot identify half of this plate

>> No.6265578

They don't even know how to eat.

>> No.6265580
File: 559 KB, 1025x610, chefkellz6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go
make sure you let us know if your vomit looks like

>> No.6265583

it looks like she took the noodles out of the box and just made the hamburger part

>> No.6265587


Corn should be treated as a starch and not a veggie.

>> No.6265606

idk how people can eat corn and call themselves healthy

if you shit it out whole, your body literally doesn't want it people , fuck .

>> No.6265616


so much for #weightlossjourney

>> No.6265628


>> No.6265634

To be fair, I too would drown my food in sauce if it looked this disgusting. Even the toast looks odd, somehow.

>> No.6265639

slathered in margarine, no doubt

>> No.6265640

>thinking this isn't b8

>> No.6265646

I thought it was butter, but yeah.

>> No.6265663

Go to your local used book store and buy her a copy of the Joy of Cooking.

>> No.6265667


>> No.6265677

Just the opposite, actually. Obese people are typically more likely to not know how to cook, which explains their poor diets. Lots of process, packaged foods, takeout, fast food, etc.

>> No.6265687

I don't understand how this kind of people don't just follow a recipe. They clearly have no skills, so why don't they just follow exactly what someone capable say they should do?

>> No.6265690

But you are poor.

>> No.6265695

This. They think they get a gold star for boiling eggs and opening a few cans, because that's more "homemade" than a frozen pizza (or two).

>> No.6265710

It's a southern thing. People will throw together the cheapest Wal-Mart bullshit like Kraft Easy Mac, Hamburger Helper, canned bullshit, processed bullshit, Mountain Dew, light beer, etc. and then have the audacity to say they are getting a "Down home, home cooked meal".

WTF is wrong with Murgra?

>> No.6265714

Well no shit the toast looks odd, it's enriched Wonder Bread, not fresh from the oven Italian loaves.

>> No.6265716

>why don't they just follow exactly what someone capable say they should do?
Because the kind of recipes they are familiar with involve nuking a can of Ro-Tel with some Velveeta or mixing dehydrated onion soup with sour cream to make a chip dip.

We're talking about people that far gone. It's not just that their mothers didn't cook, their grandmothers didn't, either. They have no reference point for what home cooking is.

It would be incredibly sad if it weren't so fucking hilarious.

>> No.6265725

Too lazy to cook, too lazy to clean.

>> No.6265734
File: 94 KB, 800x532, Picture033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wifey material

>> No.6265737

I had a friend from Texas who made food that looked like this. He eventually hooked up with an Irish girl who was an even worse cook. He committed suicide.

>> No.6265746

Not even mad. It's passable.

>> No.6265751

Compared to everything else in this thread that looks okay.

>> No.6265757

If you'd accept your "wifey" cooking meals worthy of a community college cafeteria.

>> No.6265770

i have a feeling you couldn't attract a woman anyways

>> No.6265771

You know what, you stay single forever then.

>> No.6265776
File: 362 KB, 1047x785, linguine w shrimp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I want Linguine with shrimp BABY

>> No.6265805
File: 239 KB, 658x553, 1418004893665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a one time thing to try? Sure.
As something more than that? No.
Quoting /mlp/ :
>No, Anon, NO! Not the Parmesan, NEVER the Parmesan!
Also this is not even complete and placed wrong.
Moar Mac&Cheez for the Mac&Cheez God as the main, then some corn to the side, eggs with mayo and salt to the side of that + preffered drink would be an actualy edible meal
P.S. I cooked like fife times in my whole life and even that for lulz and i can cook better than that.
P.P.S. I am a male.

>> No.6265809

why is there so much liquid
it's grossing me out

>> No.6265818

Also forgot link to OP

>> No.6265827

My wife grinds her own grain to bake bread. She takes care of the garden where we grow our vegetables. We don't ever buy paper napkins, because she keeps cloth napkins, and sees to it they're laundered every week. She would balk at eating a meal with a plastic fork long before I would. Styrofoam only comes into the house when I buy it; she never would.

That, my friends is #wifeymaterial.

>> No.6265866

>my wife grinds her own grain to bake bread

tfw you're not living the DINK life

>> No.6265890

this is what my dad ate if you change grilled cheese with mozzerella sticks

he died at 60 with a heart embolism

>> No.6266047

Why the hate on community colleges? Many of them are very good schools and vastly cheaper than 4 year universities. Enjoy working retail with your 4 year degree and $200,000 debt while the community college graduate is pulling in $90,000 a year with his associate's in a trade skill.

>> No.6266055

If this is true, keep her. My relationship is just like yours except reverse. I tend our garden and cook delicious meals and can't stand one-use, straight to the trash crap while my gs would prefer to just order pizza every night and bulk styrofoam plates and go through 50 napkins per meal. It's really wasteful.

>> No.6266068

I wish I hadn't clicked this thread but keep 'em coming. Top kek.

>> No.6266080

Chicken is ok but the veggies are over cooked.

>> No.6266082

It's taken my mom nearly 30 years to learn how to cook.

Why are men so much better at cooking?

>> No.6266084

because when men bother to learn we are serious about it.

>> No.6266091

Men actually try

My mom still doesn't put salt in anything she cooks because "that's how i did it when you were a baby"

>> No.6266097


Break up with him and go out with me instead. I have taste.

>> No.6266105

>My mom still doesn't put salt in anything she cooks because "that's how i did it when you were a baby"


Is your mother a cat?

>> No.6266111
File: 172 KB, 640x919, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing. I'm really hoping that guy was being sarcastic.

>> No.6266112

You're not supposed to give kids salt for the first 6-12 months, and since she made all our baby food I can kinda understand forgetting to add salt to whatever for a little while. But 20 years later? Just insane.

>> No.6266131

I'd eat these trips.

>> No.6266140

>lemon #chicken w seasoning
>w seasoning
no fucking shit. what's the purpose in pointing this out? of course it's fucking seasoned

>> No.6266147

To let all their normie social media friends know the extent of their cooking effort. Pointing it out is entirely purposeful, it is to garner attention.

>> No.6266219

the shrimp can still swim around in that puddle of liquid

>> No.6266236

What do you think happens to the baby cow from which we steal the milk? If it's male it is killed, and the mother goes into hysterics.

>> No.6266238

Is that like 1/100 of an onion on the chicken?

>> No.6266291
File: 970 KB, 2362x1292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my brother has a gf and they live in a small apartment in the city and every night they cook really nice meals together.
I hate my life.

>> No.6266386

Why did you have to remind me that place exists ._.

>> No.6266408


>not being happy for your brother for being economically stable with someone he loves

Not cool bro.

>> No.6266521

you can still envy someone while wishing that everything goes well for them.

>> No.6266532

Because you don't chew properly. Corn kernels have an outer layer of cellulose that humans can't digest. If you swallow a kernel unchewed, it will come out undigested.

>> No.6266547
File: 58 KB, 481x604, 26d9pBwVV9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I translate it.
The name of the food: Bear's Honey (Mишкин Meдoк).
So she called her recipe. Below, she writes that the whole family really enjoyed it.

>> No.6266550

b-but what IS it?

>> No.6266555

She sayd its chocolate butter, egg yolks, Dijon mustard, cashew nuts.
And this all blanded poured on a cheeseburger.

>> No.6266561
File: 18 KB, 510x430, 1305760775615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chocolate butter, egg yolks, Dijon mustard, cashew nuts

>> No.6266574

to be fair its probably one of those things that shouldnt exist and look bad but are really tasty. but come on.. it looks like diarrhea

>> No.6266575
File: 66 KB, 400x400, gi-7537-36402-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inscription on the price tag: chiken pies with capelin.

Yes, its dont have a chicken. Main riddle of this picture - why it's called chiken pies?

>> No.6266577

most vegeterians and vegeterian due to moral reasons, very few of them delude themselves into thinking it's actually healthy. thing is, for eggs/milk to be produced animals still die in the process, making eating eggs and milk while refusing to eat meat a hypocrisy

>> No.6266584
File: 85 KB, 496x372, 124605e4f157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yey! Unicorn!

>> No.6266587

Anyone can hard boil eggs, but few people can hard boil eggs properly.

>> No.6266595
File: 165 KB, 640x480, 12436699624_8305859c0b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It died for our sins

>> No.6266600

wife material? seriously. Fuck you and to all the women who go out of their ways to cook a good fucking meal. You can't even serve it on a nice plate, it's served up on a paper plate... Get a fucking job so that you can buy some real plates and real cutlery, and then you cook him some real food.

I hope your husband leaves you. Wife material, if your husband is a fucking pig in a pen.

>> No.6266602
File: 47 KB, 750x714, 1412307715538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6266604
File: 287 KB, 1021x601, 14353039126_b9a8642c41_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tags on this screenshot said its pancakes.

>> No.6266615
File: 195 KB, 789x599, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandwiches with kiwi and mayonnaise

>> No.6266617
File: 276 KB, 802x506, 14375249462_1f15dc5e34_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6266619

that doesn't look too bad..

ok waht the fuck is that

>> No.6266633

>ok waht the fuck is that
Baba ganoush. I don't know what is it.

>> No.6266638
File: 352 KB, 802x546, 14190206998_5459d9aff4_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomato with buckwheat porridge

>> No.6266640

Dude, i’m gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I’m being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was perviously in cans. you’re a fucking joke dude, and im dead fucking serious. get a real family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fucking time, and has a million dollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont ever post your fucking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuck again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking phaggot.

>> No.6266643
File: 56 KB, 360x480, bdb1c1f8592f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6266645
File: 190 KB, 600x450, 0_80141_28df6db_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and moar dressed herring

>> No.6266647
File: 110 KB, 360x480, shuba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6266651

My SO loves the fuck out of corn, hes would probably eat it and enjoy it. I'm not a big corn fan but I'd take those eggs.

I mean it's lent right now, two hard boiled eggs is the best I can hope to eat during daytime hours, really it's more than I should be eating.

>> No.6266655
File: 59 KB, 339x604, 96342498_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herring for all!

>> No.6266656

Timmy I'm tellin mom you been drinkin her wine coolers again.

>> No.6266666

Whoever makes these horrible things has joy in their life and laughter in their heart. I'd try one, their effort deserves that at the very least.

>> No.6266673

That looks like the result of one of those colon cleansing kits.

>> No.6266677

thats the most stylish seafood ive ever laid eyes on, 10/10 wifey material

>> No.6266682

>Dressed herring, colloquially known as herring under a fur coat or just fur coat (Russian: Ceльдь пoд шyбoй - Seld Pod Shuboi, Russian: Шyбa - Shuba) is a layered salad composed of diced salted herring covered with layers of grated boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beet roots), chopped onions, and mayonnaise.

It doesn't actually sound as horrific as it looks either, as long as they go easy on the mayonnaise.

>> No.6266684
File: 238 KB, 440x630, Novogodniy-Drakosha-salat-pod-shuboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pain and agony

>> No.6266686
File: 190 KB, 604x453, 12436379835_6b30c0621e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ass with ears

>> No.6266692

>curry pork
Mein neger. Made a week's worth of curry chicken and have been eating it during lunch at work. Shit's cash.

>> No.6266695
File: 275 KB, 475x315, 10649431_952103998151565_1026861551890504109_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my new housemates reuses the same plastic plate and spoon every fucking day. I don't know what's up?

>> No.6266735


These are moe. I'd eat it.


Would eat.


Can't read commie, but are you sure it's mayo and not some sort of whipped cream cheese or whipped cream? That is common in anime, so I guess it's a thing.

>> No.6266745


and what bearing does this have on whether or not it's healthy?

>> No.6266748


not if she's an obnoxious person, which she probably is seeing as you are.

>> No.6266751


why are you posting

no one said you could post

>> No.6266754


by seasoning she almost certainly means some seasoning blend she bought in a jar.

>> No.6266755


>> No.6266799




>> No.6266806


spurdy loogin breddy good thereb: DDDD:DD

>> No.6266811

can we call these "jane doe meals" cause they are unidentifiable

>> No.6266827
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>> No.6266830
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>> No.6266834
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>> No.6266837
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>> No.6266839
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>> No.6266841


>that ketchup and mustard puree plating

>> No.6266850

I am so fucking bothered by this thread.

>> No.6266871

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.6266884

Completely false. You seem to not know what the word hypocrisy means either.

A vegetarian diet is perfectly healthy if it doesn't consist exclusively of chocolate and french fries. I would expect nothing less from /ck/ though. I'm not even a vegetarian myself. Go back to your "which fast food is the most nummies??!?!?!?" thread you deplorable misinformed faggot.

>> No.6266895


I want to eat normal food you hippe faget, not weird muslim yuppie shit like lentils and kale. Go choke on an avocado you librul scum.

>> No.6266901

How are you so dumb to not know its a joke?

>> No.6266903

>mac and cheese
Perfectly viable comfort food and not an issue health-wise unless he's eating buckets of it every day.
High in nutrients and dietary fibre and generally good for you.
>scrambled eggs
God tier. Could live off that.
>grilled cheese
Not the best but not the worst either.
>Just dairy and sugar and starch.
Oh no! It's sugar so it must be bad :( Carbs are like, so bad 4 u

You morons know next to nothing about nutrition OR cooking and you should at least get a semblance of a brain before sitting on the high chair and ranting and pointing fingers.

>> No.6266912

Because it doesn't warrant that strong of an emotional response.

For a board of people that frequently cry out "AUTISM!!!!!" when someone eats a weird food combination you guys sure are quick to be bumfuck irrational about something that amounts to absolutely not a big fucking deal in the least. Holy shit guys.

>> No.6266924

>if u have morals ur not bf material
>morals r bad :)
Don't cut yourself with those edges homeslice, u been browsin the darknet today to top up ur immorality gauge?

Kill yourself my man.
Absolutely fucking ebin
>unironically promoting paleo diet
>thinking fad diets have any kind of long-term health benefit
>not realising people have gotten deathly sick on keto diets and other similar "cave man" style diets
Educate yourself.
Sad, sad shit

>> No.6266949

>>Just dairy and sugar and starch.
>Oh no! It's sugar so it must be bad :( Carbs are like, so bad 4 u
>>JUST dairy and sugar and starch.

Can you even fucking read you dense idiot? If ALL he's eating is dairy, sugar and starch he doesn't have a healthy or balanced diet.

>> No.6267014
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>> No.6267024

I bet you're fat

>> No.6267027

>Oh well, it looks like she tried to make some kind of cranberry sauce or something
>doesn't really go with the meal but oh we-

>> No.6267029

When I had food poisoning my shit looked like that.

>> No.6267044

I thought it was that cheese that comes in cans.

>> No.6267046

>I eat lots of salad but I'm not losing any weight
>damn you, genetics!

>> No.6267049

I think it's sriracha and dijon. Not that it makes it any better.

>> No.6267053

Revelation: 4chan boards are not hiveminds.

>> No.6267084

>Why the hate on community colleges?
No hate on community colleges. My son went to one. Just hate on their cafeterias.
To be fair I do lots of the cooking. She just sees to it we always have homemade bread and plenty of fresh veg. But she is a stickler for keeping crap out of the house. She grew up in the Midwest surrounded by convenience food garbage, and wants nothing to do with it. Hell, we don't even buy canned beans anymore. We have a pressure cooker and cook dried.
Neither of us are obnoxious, but when it comes to food some would find us insufferable. More than half of the average American's shopping list is stuff we never buy. You know those people who do as much of their cooking as possible from scratch? That's us. The closest we come to convenience food is buying dried pasta, because we're not going to make out own every time we want a pasta meal.But we're in a lucky position - we both work from home about half the time, so spending over an hour in the kitchen every day is not a big deal. We rarely have to grab meals on the run.

>> No.6267158

That's what baba ghanoush looks like faggot

>> No.6267198

What the fuck is the theme here? Yellow things?

>> No.6267354

...Does this look like /b/ to you, Chief?

I'm just asking, because the last time I wanted a fucking chili recipe, I DIDN'T. GO. TO B.

>> No.6267359

it's an obvious newfag trying to fit in

ignore them and everything will be much better

>> No.6267367

How do you fuck up a burger patty that badly?

>> No.6267371
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>> No.6267374

I don't know, but I might actually eat this one.

Kind of like how a curious dog might gobble up a piece of old kibble lying on the floor he found in an old house.

>> No.6267380

Sorry, Kellz :(

>> No.6267384

'Murican here, but...


>> No.6267397
File: 283 KB, 2048x1362, 1424765241247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys...I think it looks pretty good :(

>> No.6267401

Did she boil the meat with the pasta? I didn't even know it was possible to turn meat that colour.

>> No.6267410

Looks bretty tasty, but you should mop up the excess liquid with your bread

>> No.6267411

I've seen stuff like that before. Something vague in my past. My mom probably made it. Anyway, something like Hamburger Helper. The sauce packet they give you turns the beef into a creamy off-white mass of goop.

>> No.6267413

I... can't imagine anything less appetizing.

>> No.6267420

Definitely looks like diarrhea. But fuck, it's delicious when you're drunk as piss. Mostly because it's 99% salt and 1% meat.

>> No.6267422


>> No.6267427

>Chicken pies
>Now with more fish

>> No.6267430

That's cute lol

>> No.6267436

I lol'd at your description

>> No.6267439

lol cute

>> No.6267444

>not sober enough>>6266666
Wowzers, your satanism is off the charts

>> No.6267449

I like that

>> No.6267460


If the cook was grill, I'd lay with her in bed every night and hold her hands tightly so that she knows I would never let go.

>> No.6267559
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>> No.6267613

I want a husband who loves cooking like me. I need to get my future boyfriend into cooking and baking..

>> No.6267646

Thats a whole new level of grim.

>> No.6267666

top kek

>> No.6267672


Men at traditionally chefs but most men suck at cooking

>> No.6267699

Thing with me is that I hate baking but love all other cooking.

No idea why.

>> No.6267708

I'm the same. I think it's because baking has to be precise, where with cooking you can fuck around more.

>> No.6267715

I love just adding in random shit I think will add to the flavour or texture as well.

Baking just seems to be a lot of stirring then a lot of sitting about waiting.

>> No.6267725

baking fucking sucks and i fucking suck at baking

>> No.6267726

good enough for me.

>> No.6267728

I like baking because you can whip everything together in a bowl, toss it in the oven and just wait. None of this slaving over a hot stove with 4 burners on needing your constant attention.

>> No.6267731


this is why i love baking and don't like cooking.

>> No.6267759

Go back to /b/ please.

>> No.6267763

Go back to tumblr please.

>> No.6267807


2 years of Russian classes and it's finally paying off in keks.

>> No.6267883

I fucking absolutely hate when food is on ugly plates, plastic or styrofoam plates, or no plates at all.
Same for fucking cutlery and/or utensils.

>> No.6267888

I would eat that. But that's not saying much.

>> No.6267905

I fear for humanity if anybody could possibly call that food.

>> No.6268338

underrated post

>> No.6268375

I know your pain, I had to teach my ex-girlfriend how to cook from scratch. Literally this woman literally only knew "Put chicken nuggets in oven" and "put hotpocket in microwave". I have no idea how she survived. We were in highschool so we had a LOT more free time to teach, but... Yeah. Nothing was scheduled. Since you seem to be dating another girl with a regular work schedule, here.

Tell her that every Saturday evening you and her will have a dinner date, but she'll have to help you cook- anything she doens't know, you teach her. Be patient, anon. Think Alton Brown, not Gordon Ramsay. She'll associate cooking with you, rather the emotions that they're tied to- if it's guilt and "I'm sorry, I'll do better next time!" then 1) she'll dump your ass, and 2) she'll not know how to cook worth diddly shit since she'll quit.

>> No.6268436

you're that anon that a;ways mentions winecoolers

>> No.6268448

It's not a southern thing, it's a lardass thing. Just pointing out that everyone I know who lives in the south when I lived there cooked from scratch. It's cheaper, too.

>> No.6268480

Different anon. I respect you, but I also find you obnoxious. How many sentences does it really take to say "I cook from scratch and don't buy processed or prepackaged food." Nobody wants to hear about how you don't buy canned beans or how good your wife is at making bread. Why are you on 4chan and not a forum for people who give a shit about your personal life?

>> No.6268493 [DELETED] 

The same could be said about your whining, m8. Just because someone isn't making a fool of themselves so we can all laugh at them, doesn't mean they can't post on 4chan. 4chan is a pop site, ffs, there's nothing exclusive about it.

>> No.6268911

i think it might be a canadian white trash thing, to put cheese on everything you can

>> No.6268942

Of course I want cheese on it! What do I look like a queer?!?

>> No.6268949

>not using guilt to motivate a worthless waste of space
Fuck Anon, why so beta?

>> No.6269006


>> No.6269507

It's not a matter of being beta. It's a matter of psychology.

Humans are animals at their core; all animals are more conducive to good behavior, good-reward training than bad-bad or neutral-bad. It's just psychology.

If you reward someone for doing well, they'll be more likely to do it than if you merely punish someone for doing badly. It's why you give a kid a candy for doing the right thing instead of just slapping them when they do the wrong thing- the definition of "good thing" is still undefined to them. And with cooking, there are too many "bad things" for that to possibly be efficient.

Reward breeds skill. it's why those that don't know how to cook but don't want to often try on their own with no real inkling of what good food tastes like, and turns into an abomination.

>> No.6269593

How do you even tell a girl that serves you something like that how bad it is? Like even if you planned to teach her, you couldn't just go "ayy, wat the fuk is this shit? Lemme show you how it's done bitch" without breaking her heart.

Need to know because I have a friend who serves up not that great food and I would like to teach.

>> No.6269598


you start cooking with them and show them how to do things properly ("hey wanna make this dish with me? I've been really craving it and I know you like to cook too!", that's really the only way to do it without potentially offending them

>> No.6269602

But what if it's a dish they make poorly? Would I just say "hey let me show you how I make it?"

>> No.6269615
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>Cutting off part of a still living creature

Yes they butcher the cow while it's still alive

>> No.6269619

ask them how they do something and then be like "hey, this is how my grandma showed me to do it" or something like how she showed you a recipe or you saw something on tv

best to pretend you saw it or were taught it and want to try it out if you dont wanna offed them

>> No.6269627

We all understand this says I know how to keep my man hot right?

This is a diet meal.

>> No.6269927
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It greatly concerns me that I have to read the tags to know what I'm looking at

>> No.6270434

>Eating mac n cheese

Is it really that common in Murica ? I never see anyone cook/eat that here.

>> No.6270450

Nobody really eats it after age 10.

>> No.6270485

fuck you, shit is cash

>> No.6270493

it's just the equivalent of bread and melted cheese, how do you call that a dish ?

>> No.6270495
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I can't directly look at this

I'm upset.

>> No.6270513

Aria Sydney (well known fine dining restaurant) . Mac and cheese circulated around their menu for a good 18 months.

>> No.6270534

so ? they'll sell whatever the people are willing to buy. Doesn't mean mac n cheese is somehow better than bread and melted cheese

>> No.6270536

Amen. If not milked cows get "ornery" The people that run dairy farms. seldom have a day off.Every damn day at 4 am and 4pm my hat is off to dairy farmers.They almost never get a vacation or time off. Them cows gotta be milked. so we get milk, cheese, cream, even ice cream. Dairy Farmers live a tough life.. if you go, somebody must be there

>> No.6270596

Morals are fine if they have any reason whatsoever. You're bragging about dating a retard.

>> No.6270607


>Caesar Salad

>> No.6270643

2/10 pretty shitty troll m8

>> No.6270676

That sounds awful,he is going to ruin his asshole

>> No.6270680

I know enough about nutrition to know he's not eating a balanced diet, and it makes me worry about him. He's a picky eater and cutting out meat doesn't really have much to do with it, that's just one aspect of his diet. He doesn't compensate for loss of protien though. He doesn't eat legumes or yogurt, nuts and seeds, etc. He mostly eats breads, pasta, cheese, occasional tofu or soy products, milk, prepackaged oatmeal and cereals, canned tomato soup or vegetarian chili, and variations of those foods like cheese pizza or spaghetti with plain marinara. He'll eat fruit but only goes for bananas or strawberries. His variety sucks and you don't know enough about his diet to condone it.

But all in all it's his body. He's not large, he's actually underweight but that's not really any better.

>> No.6270681
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I kekd pretty hard

thangs anon :DDD

>> No.6270752

are you retarded or yurocuck
>implying theres a difference

>> No.6270766
File: 113 KB, 960x720, 10921803_10153058585228028_343763724_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did your wife ''cook'' that for you and you're proud?
What kind of a shit wife did you snag yourself? Ew.

My wife cooks my kings food because she fucking knows how to cook more then pasta, corn and eggs.
We were celebrating earlier this week and for dinner was slow cooked duck, steamed citrus, sweet potato hasbrowns, skinned and steamed clementines, roasted almonds and souse made for the ducks juices.

>pic related, wifes cookin.

>> No.6270778


Old man can't into memes

>> No.6270785

I... I don't know what to say.

>> No.6270787

Why is he your "SO" and not your "boyfriend" or "husband"?

>> No.6270793

she uses cafemom where they have an acronym for everything in the fucking world

>> No.6270797

Probably midwestern.

I have a friend from Wisconsin visit once. Made some quick scrambled eggs and toast before showing him around NYC, and he asked why there was no cheese on the eggs.

I decided it didn't sound all that bad, so I shredded some sharp cheddar and melted it into the eggs. It wasn't good.

>> No.6270800

It looks more like a retarded seamonster than a fucking unicorn

>> No.6270801

veggie portion :^D

>> No.6270805

Almost looks like an upside down pfannkuchen, which is technically a pancake.

>> No.6270816

I guess my question is: why say "significant other" rather than "boyfriend" or "husband"?

Seriously, whom do those words offend? I don't even get it anymore...

>> No.6270820

Damn you took the bait anon

>> No.6270826

I think I'd just better go back to /out/...

>> No.6270835
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Coffee ice cream, hot caramel sauce, homemade chocolate and fresh berries.

>> No.6270859

Why put a candle in ice cream?

>> No.6270866

her idea, it was cute tho.

>> No.6270914

For the most part it's comfort food only eaten regularly by children, poor people and fatties but recently "gourmet" mac and cheese (literally just scratch-made mac and cheese, like people used to make before it came in a box) has been trendy.

>> No.6270934

Them leggings look like they are about to split open as well, Anon.

>> No.6270940

It's a wet greasy turd on a plate. There can be no hyperbole, no exaggeration in regards to a wet greasy turd on a plate.

>> No.6270942



>> No.6270982

lol, a turd in sauce

>> No.6270984

the fuck

are those lettuce tacos

>> No.6270988

hamburger helper is so fucking gross

it was the one meal my mom made that i absolutely refused to eat

>> No.6271016

Have you ever actually seen Pfannkuchen?

>> No.6271024

Have you?

Other than picture you found on google, of course.

>> No.6271035

Nigger they are like thicker crêpe's not turds.

>> No.6271069

It's b8 m8 or just one of your run of mill pretentious douchebags who probably goes around saying the word pleb in real life.

> multiple chefs/sous chefs I've worked with in top 100, Zagat, Michelin, with whatever pretentious rating system, in multiple restaurants on the west coast have come from community college culinary programs.

Dang tendies eating kid rustled my jammies enough to post.

>> No.6271112

Nigger, crepes are made with a ton of flour.

pfannukuchen are made with primarily stiffened eggs

>> No.6271113

Nigger, i was talking about they're shape, not what they're made off.

>> No.6271124

I'm not your nigger, boy. Have you ever seen a pfannkuchen in person?

>> No.6271130
File: 39 KB, 500x375, pfannkuchen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Pfannkuchen is supposed to look like, faggot.

>> No.6271134

>did a google image search
Thought so. You've never seen a real one, let alone eaten one.

>> No.6271141
File: 718 KB, 800x600, 4228_berliner_0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna asume you're retarded and confuse Pfannkuchen with a Berliner.

>> No.6271147

Why? Because you can't admit you've never eaten one?

>> No.6271150

You guys would dock irl

>> No.6271151
File: 1.38 MB, 417x242, CpxFeU0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you described Pfannkuchen as being an upside down turd, thus proving you dont know what Pfannkuchen is, nigger.

>> No.6271157

I'd penetrate his pooper.

>> No.6271161

No. I said the item in question looks *almost* like an upside down pfannukuchen. Also, stop copying & pasting what I wrote. Why the fuck do you feel the need to capitalize the "p" every time? God damn, you're desperate for an internet argument.

>> No.6271163

>foreign word
>why do you write it the way it is supposed to be written?
Amerifats everyone.

>> No.6271169

>all foreign improper nouns should now be capitalized
Are you the ruseman?

>> No.6271175
File: 1002 KB, 500x275, 17665098165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw an amerifat is being retarded around me

>> No.6271205

And yet... you still have never actually seen pfannkuchen in person.

I, on the other hand, cook them regularly.

>> No.6271218

And yet...you still reply to my post eventhought you regularly cook what you think is Pfannkuchen but actually isnt.

>> No.6271228

>I google searched german pancakes, therefore I know what they are
You're from Australia, aren't you?

>> No.6271289


by berliner do you mean paczki?

>> No.6271384

that anon proved once again that all he did was google search "pfannkuchen"

>> No.6273075

>economically stable

pick one

>> No.6273173


D-Does he drive a red motorcycle? I heard this kind of behavior is directly linked to riding and/or posing nude with red motorcycles.

>> No.6273175

>beige meals