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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6264254 No.6264254 [Reply] [Original]

Here it is /ck/

Bacon wrapped from LC. Questions?

>> No.6264259


>> No.6264263


why would you lie to us and say something was wrapped when it clearly is not?

>> No.6264264
File: 76 KB, 500x566, HHNNNNGGHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Little Caesars a shit, but goddamn that looks amazing

>> No.6264270

The wrap is around the crust

>> No.6264271

my thoughts exactly.

im very tempted to go pick one up.

>> No.6264278

It's pretty good. Not too overpowering bacon wise funnily enough. Far better gimmick than pretzel.

>> No.6264298

I hate that this looks so good.

>> No.6264307

fuckkkk, ditto man. Shit looks cash, and I feel ashamed for even saying so.

>> No.6264319
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Forgot pic

>> No.6264328


OH YOU FUCKING BASTARD...how much...just tell me what it's going to fucking cost me?

>> No.6264333

I was wondering why no one was talking about this unti I stumbled upon this thread...
Well op how is it really are they skimping out on tbe bacon or is it really covering the entire pizza?

Shit is ridiculous but looks great

>> No.6264335


$13.01 with tax (NY)

>> No.6264338


It's 12 bucks I think.

Is it any good OP? Haven't had their deep dish but I'll pick up a hot and ready once in a while.

>> No.6264342
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ITT: the day /ck/ lost it's fake pretentiousness

>> No.6264345
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>> No.6264349

Bacon is sprinkled on top and strips are on the edges. I don't feel cheated on the bacon front, plus pepperoni by default but you can ask for it without.

>> No.6264352

Nihilist Little Caesars?

>> No.6264359
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Funny, that's exactly what the cashier told me.
It's good. Whenever I buy pizza it's from my local Italian place (cause New York) but this was interesting enough to try.

I'm not a pretentious fuck when it comes to my pizza though. All pizza is good except bad pizza.

>> No.6264440

Lets see how they fair here in California

>> No.6264453

>bacon wrap a pizza

I do not appreciate what they did but they have the legal right to do it.

>> No.6264457
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Little Caesars is like that fat, greasy, slutty chick that you fuck occasionally but you're too ashamed to tell your friends about.

You feel dirty, depressed, and disgusted with yourself afterwards, but she's always there for you if you need a quick fix.
..and you keep going back to her.

>> No.6264466

and she's pretty in that trailer trash/hood bitch sort of way

>> No.6264492

I'm going to say it.
I love little Caesars.
I said I fucking love little caesars

>> No.6264554

I had it last night too. I have to say that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. At the same time, the cheese had this plasticy sort of consistency, but that doesn't mean it wasn't edible. If anything, I think that's where most of the calories are, not even in the deep dish crust. or bacon. But yeah, that was heavy.

>> No.6264824
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Its great

>> No.6264846


Here's a question OP, will it be edible in an hour? Or will it turn to rubbery cardboard like most LC pizzas

>> No.6264886

So....how fat are you exactly? Be honest.

>> No.6264949

It's edible. Moreso than the regular pizzas after an hour. It's best to eat hot.

5'8 205

I'm a work in progress but I'm happy telling my normally healthy eating habits to fuck off and indulge in the obese man inside of me once per week.

>> No.6264961

>Moreso than the regular pizzas after an hour.

It really shouldn't be acceptable that pizza is edible only for a small period of time.

>> No.6264971

Shit man, I tried the pretzel pizza from LC once. Fucking sucked, never having it again.

>> No.6264991

Eat it quick and with friends or family. Little Caeser's is for the college kids, poor families, and curious fat fucks.

You can tell them not to put that salt on if that helps, but I wouldn't have it again myself. Wasted my fat fuck meal of the week on it.

>> No.6264995


No, like, it should never be acceptable. It's not even pizza, it's repurposed garbage with cheap tomato sauce slapped on. If you want a cheap pizza, grab a tombstone.

>> No.6265003

I fucking hate cold pizza. TV shows and like, ninja turtles and things growing up always tried to tell me that cold refrigerated pizza was good.
it's not.

>> No.6265007


Cold pizza is the fucking shit, are you serious? Shit, if you have some cold pizza, mail to me with an ice pack.

>> No.6265009

>he doesn't like cold pizza

>> No.6265032

Like I said, I live in New York. If I want real pizza, I'll walk a block over to the old Italian guy that took over his fathers pizza shop when he passed away.

My interest was piqued by this pizza.

Cold Little Caesers? Underwhelming.

Cold quality pizza? Best way to wake up after a party/sleep over/ hangover/funeral.

>> No.6265035

Hey now, fellas, I-I like hot pizza. And old sitting out all night pizza.
but reheated pizza or cold pizza? you can go get AIDS

>> No.6265046

My guy's slices are equal 3 little caeser's slices plus extra toppings. The price value to food quality works out well.

>> No.6265053


Good for you being honest with yourself. Cheat days are a great way to reward yourself but don't forget to be aware- you can easily eat enough in one day to offset a week of dieting so don't waste em

>> No.6265083

Yup. This was about 3400 calories and the only thing I ate today. Perhaps a little fewer calories but just to be tough on myself I always overestimate when I'm not sure.

I've got my meals planned out accordingly to stay on track this week

Heart disease aside

>> No.6266081

3399 calories from fat

>> No.6267827

muh tastebuds

>> No.6267873


I need a gay parallel for this situation. Maybe it's like that black guy with a busted face but he's ripped and has a bbc and will swap bjs NSA?