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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 500x375, Gross-Fast-Food-Crime-feet-in-lettuce-at-Burger-King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6259778 No.6259778 [Reply] [Original]

so chefs/waiters of /ck/ what have you done to unruly customers and why

and lemme tell you why youre an ass

>> No.6259782

not only is that nasty, but the food storage is pretty much floor level.

>> No.6259788

srsly, it should be 6 inches from the grond at least.

OP, despite working food service for 14 years, I can tell you I have never fucked with a customer's order even though I've dealt with some very mean people who got into a tissy for something that could be/was handled and fixed.

>> No.6259794

I told them I wasn't serving them after watching them walk past the sign that says we're closed and asking me for food.

>well you guys are closed, can we just get everything left for free?
No, no you fucking can't. That's mine.

>> No.6259797

I called a customer a dirty knacker because he was yelling at me while plastered but I've never done anything to anyone's food nor will I
I'm not a yank, I have morals

>> No.6259802

Yup, what I was thinking.
That shit is 1 inch at most.
The most I'll do to fuck with an order is go a tad bit slower, but that's it, otherwise it's all jokes.

>> No.6259813

I don't sabotage someone's food because I'm not a terrible person.

Even if they are a cunt, it's better to just brush it off and not risk losing your job and possibly being fined or put in jail by standing in the wrong person's salad.

>> No.6259822
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Never worked in the food industry but I do fear someone fucking with my food happening.

I will never understand how someone can abuse waitstaff. I go to family functions with my partner and their mother is an insufferable uppity cunt with ridiculous standards. If her food is even a second late she throws a fit and verbally abuses the staff and demands meal comps and all sorts of other shit. Meanwhile the rest of us awkwardly stare on, and I always apologize in secret to the person she abuses.

i'm always afraid of someone shitting in my food or something because of her ;_;

>> No.6259827

Not a chef or waiter, but when I worked at a gas station muslims and jews would ask if there was pork in our hot dogs and I'd always say no even though there was.
I was a cool kid.

>> No.6259835

the only time I ever fucked with someone's food was when this absolute cunt of a teacher that I used to have that I have a grudge against comes in and I gave her the most dried-out patty ever. Fucking bitch.

>> No.6259838

saw a video once of a kfc employee rubbing each chicken on his shoes, stirred up quite the uproar

literal cancer

>> No.6259843

My ex's mom was the same way. I just stopped going with my then gf to those gatherings. Fuck that.

>> No.6259846

Cancer from the pork? I don't think so.

>> No.6259848

I think you're looking for ethics.

>> No.6259861

No, both as they have neither

>> No.6259867

Dude, call her the fuck out on it and shame her until she knows that's not okay.

>> No.6259894

>Burger King

>> No.6259936


>> No.6259942

That's not food. That's not food storage.
It's a box of tickets, fucking dipshits.

>> No.6259946

that's clearly lettuce

>> No.6259958

No, but when I used to work in fast food and someone would come in and order some obscure item that we never kept ready, and we were in a rush and I didn't want to make it I'd just tell the customer that we were out of it.

Also, we used to have one of those stupid promotions where if we didn't ask the customer if they wanted their receipt back we had to give them a free medium fries (It would come out of the cashier's paycheck). Well, I'd just throw the receipt in the bag every time because why wouldn't you want a receipt back, and if they'd say "Don't I get a free fries since you didn't ask?" I'd just tell them we don't have that promotion anymore.

>> No.6259960

It's lettuce. Fucking dipshit.

>> No.6259966
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Usually just:

>turn on the southern charm (new york style restaurant in Texas with an assload of Jew Yorker ex-pats) and make them uncomfortable with my geniality
Or if It's particularly bad:
>hand them over to the owner, who is a 50 year old Albanian woman form Brooklyn that straight up gives no fucks

I'll listen to you vent and try to make it right if we've fucked up. However, if you're an asshat, you're going to talk to someone that has no place dealing with the general public; then it's all up to you.

>our face when

>> No.6259968

>It would come out of the cashier's paycheck
I don't think that is legal.

>> No.6259979
File: 2.06 MB, 1936x2592, Whatafat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overnight at Whataburger, north Dallas
>end of bar rush
>no more happy party drunks, it's all sloppy wasted drunks
>lady at drive-thru is a total cunt, slurring and shit
>asks us to repeat order 4 times, changes things, argues her total, etc for over 8 minutes
>cars behind are honking and yelling, other customers coming inside to bitch and order
>cunt-lady finally gets to window, and it's time to bag her "fries"
>lift up stainless fry-rack, and get a big heaping scoop of all the day old fries
>dip em in fryers for 15
>salted and handed them out
>she calls the store about 10 minutes later, screaming and slurring every word in the book, howling and raging
>swore she would call corporate and get every one of us fired
>next day, nothing happened
>drunk cunt forget I guess

Pic is when I didn't realize some dumbfuck had sliced the bag while opening the box. Was all over my pants too.

>> No.6259981


You are really bad at following a conversation. They aren't talking about the lettuce he is standing on. They are talking about the box to the left that is 1 inch off the ground.

>> No.6259985 [DELETED] 

sjw plssssss stop being a cunt yourself

>using the word partner
>saying their as in it is plural
>later calling "their" partner her


any ways when i worked service food i fucked with anyones food who was a nigger or kike,

>> No.6259997

>hurrr thats offensive!!! my feelings are hurt!!! stop being mean >:(! you are cancer even though im on fucking 4chan!

like i said >>>>>tumblr is that way

i honestly never go out to anywhere cause i know staff is shit in most places

>> No.6260000

i praise you for doing Gods work anon,

>> No.6260005
File: 253 KB, 696x498, texan photography.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow service industry peon and proud Texan, I'd like to personally thank you for your efforts.

I usually get off at ~10PM. By then I've already had nearly a pint of whiskey. There aren't a lot of places open or as good as Whataburger.

There's nothing better to end my >12 hour shift than a No.2 plain and dry with cheese with a coke and some spicy ketchup on the side.

I apologize if I've slurred on occasion or if I add a jalapeno honey butter chicken biscuit to my order.

However, Whataburger is proof that God exists and that he wants Texans to be happy as his chosen people.

Sorry for the dumbfuck highschoolers, I hate them too.

>> No.6260012


>> No.6260014
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>> No.6260020

>coming from someone who came here from tumbr9gagreddit

keep it on topic faggot ;^)

has anyone ever had a bad exp at a restruant where u think its been fcuked wtih?

>> No.6260021

>used to work at a grocery store
>lady who was head of local NAACP would come in all the time and be absolute cunt to all white employees
>store manager kissed her ass because I lived in highly black area
>she comes to get fried chicken one night, refuses to take the two hour old fried chicken in the hot case, wants chicken fried just for her, we never do this
>okay yes m'am
>drop the chicken on the floor
>fry it
>take it out, drop it on the floor again
>put it in a box
>here you go ma'am :)))))))

one of the most satisfying days of my life

>> No.6260022

>Working in restaraunt as a waiter
>Hate it there
>Hate the bitch manager
>Get fired for not showing up to a shift
>Have to finish the week
>Last day
>Some annoying family comes in being all county
>Woman interrupts me to make an order while I'm talking to customers
>Get kind of huffed at her
>She gets all anal pained
>Offer her a bowl of ice cream to settle her down
>Go to toilet, get a little nugget f my shit, pit it in my pocket, it's a solid consistency
>Insert it into the ice cream.
>Leave it on the counter with the table number as I finish my shift.
>Clean out my locker
>Walk out of the hotel through the main diner
>Shouting, this woman is on the ground on her hands and knees, hurling a coughing a wailing
>Man is yelling at the girl
>One of her little boys is yelling "You made my mummy eat poo!"
>Kek and leave, they have no forwarding address
>Makes national news (like opening story, was a slow day), made the rounds for weeks. Everyone has to get DNA tests, manager went on TV doing damage control
>She just wants it to go away and they never find the culprit

>> No.6260024

>"d-do I fit in yet!?"
Whatever you say.

>> No.6260029

>trying this hard at being a trendy tumblrite

keep being mad at "foul" words when you are on the armpit of the internet called 4chan, sorry i rustled you so much to reply, better go get your partner to defend you ;^)

>> No.6260031

imagine that a nigger being a nigger! should of gave her watermelon too m8

>> No.6260034

>implying I'm the person you first responded to
>implying I was offended at all

You're either the newest of fags or that retarded. Either way, have fun I guess.

>> No.6260036

she used to make the store manager walk around the store with her and take things off the shelf and put in the cart for her.

whatever, job was worth it for the hot moms and especially for the 14 year old japanese girl who used to come in wearing clothes that were literally illegal to wear in public (came in one time wearing a man's large dress shirt that was unbuttoned and panties)

>> No.6260038

Holy fuck you need to chill out. Looks like "her" was referring to the mother.

>> No.6260046

Jesus christ, I hate people do shit like this.

>> No.6260047 [DELETED] 

>still defending sjw CANCER on the 4chin
>pretending not to be offended when you deleliberaty post "i dont want any of this bad words in front of my precious eyes so please go somewhere else to hate!"
>implying it really wasnt you
>implying you get dont get pegged by your "partner" every night while they cuck you with tyrone

stay mad and keep spouting buzzwords to someone whos been here since LITERALLY 2007 ;;;;;;;^)))))))) either way have fun in your cuckshed i guess!

>> No.6260049

>I never leave my house but it's because of immigrants

>> No.6260051

dam i wouldnt be able to last a month having to bend over for negroes glad you dropped her lifeforce on the ground.

>dat time of year when slutty teens and mums would wear yoga pants.

dat asian sounded hawt

>> No.6260054

>need to tell everyone how long he's been here to win an argument

holy shit this sperglord

>> No.6260055 [DELETED] 

should i get some ice cream to "chill out" but yea my bad her was reffering to the mom, still funny as fuck when i see the word partner, either your to afraid to come off as a faggott or some liberal sjw that doesnt like he/she pronouns and are "against the patriachy and social norms cause im a special snowflake xD" kind of person

>> No.6260056

I want to believe this.

>> No.6260057

line cook at fine dining restaurant

nothing aside from making fun of them to coworkers

>> No.6260059

sorry you came here during the tumblr raids, enjoy your stay landwhale, i can tell why you like our food board.


my sides

>> No.6260063

Not all women are SJWs. Not all people like to seek attention by referring to a boyfriend or girlfriend but still need to tell a story involving them. Not all people like being screamed at by retards for stating their gender. A lot of times I'll refer to my girlfriend as my SO or partner on here because the "btw im a grill" double standard that people seek out on here just looking for a reason to be angry is fucking stupid. I'm sorry you have issues with women but you need to find less embarrassing ways to work them out.

>> No.6260065

>fried chicken referred to as negro life force

i loled

>> No.6260071
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>implying I was defending that anon and not just calling you out on acting like a fag
>still implying I was offended
>still implying I was that anon
>implying I even have a gf

Anon you need to quit making me feel.

>> No.6260077 [DELETED] 

you are seeking MUCH more attentin when you say partner or SO, why not use the word DATE? or BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND, is it really that hard??? no one gives a shit, this isnt /r9k/ or /b/, no one cares at all here, maybe for that one dude who wants to be the next supreme gentlemen, but other than that, no one. No one is "screamed" at either, sorry if TEXT triggers you into PSTD you spineless brat. I have no issues with women, i have a great relationship with women family members and even have a WIFE :O i dont pander to libtard SJW bullshit, deal with it nigger. B)

>> No.6260081

>calling out a SJW libtard shitposting and using their totally out of context is being a ASSFUCKINGFAGGOT

kek my sides keep on lifting, sorry for the feels maybe if you werent a beta whiteknight faggot and didnt direct people to other boards to feel cool you would get your dick wet.

>> No.6260082

I agree with you there, no need to say partner when you can just say boyfriend or girlfriend.

>> No.6260083

Whatever you do, avoid eating at family run places. i worked for my girlfriend family at their bar for several years. Her mother was the cook and would fuck with food over the smallest things, customer made one small comment she disagree'd or disliked? spit in their sandwich.

As for drinks i saw her spit in a few customers had their backs turned. Oh and her and her husband would ALWAYS, bitch about customers and take the piss out of them at closing time.

Pretty much i hated how they treated customers but in the end i worked their so kept my mouth shut. After that experience i be as polite as i can when going to other bars and make sure my drink is in sight at all times and i get along with the chef. But even then, i know that whole friendly attitude won't stop them from fucking with my shit if i say or do one thing they dislike.

And i mean literally one small thing, one guy got his sandwich licked up and down because he asked for olives. So glad my girlfriend is nothing like her parents.

>> No.6260084

But you're wrong. People do care on /ck/ and I've seen insanely over the top reactions when people mention boyfriends and are assumed to be a faggot or a girl.

>> No.6260085

well im glad someone here has a brain and isnt tied down to being politically correct, this is 4CHAN afterall, not tumblr or SRS.

>> No.6260086

>So glad my girlfriend is nothing like her parents.

hahahah. you'll learn.

>> No.6260088 [DELETED] 

oh no!!! call teh wahhhbulence, ANONYMOUS PEOPLE ARE MAD THAT I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!! EEEEEEE!!!!!

you know you could always, ignore them!?! what a shocking concept!!

>> No.6260091

damn they sound fucking crazy lel

i went to a family run business in my area, i knew the cook from this place i use to go too, he is/was a totally junkie, coke, meth, booze, you name it, and he saw me and recoginzed me and my chilli cheese fries were way dif than they normally were, i just asked for a refund and never came back.

>> No.6260092

>i'm making dinner for my boyfriend....
>i'm making dinner for my partner/SO
There is no winning on 4chan

>> No.6260094
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Or you could ignore me you fucking inbred. All I am doing is pointing out that you're wrong.

>> No.6260096 [DELETED] 

literally why woud you say "btw im a grill", even though i know you are suggesting that saying you have a bf implys you are a girll, but who cares? obv you have some issues with some shit, i suggest you get that sorted out mentally, for future references

i would start with not giving a shit what people on 4chan, myself included, say

i would also suggest to learn that freedom of speech exsists so you, i , and whoever can say wahtever the fuck they want

and to top it off, work on other ways to post shit like that, as in, i made a dinner for a date (it IS a date since you guys are DATING and not married)


i made dinner without mencing the bf or gf

you come off as a pumpous SJW hpister cunt when you say SO or PARTNER.

i lterally imagine a dyke or faggot from /lbgt/ , tumblr, or SRS posting whenver anyone says those words.

>> No.6260097

Well I still am >>6260071
It's not about being politically correct, I really couldn't give a shit.

But there's no need to act like that much of a retard, 4chan or not.
But I can't blame you, for some reason I act extra reddit like on /ck/

>> No.6260101
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Love in the sars every quince.

>> No.6260102

>wah! he keeps on being mean to me! he is so ill mannered what a fucking GUY, he must be inbred! i know what ill do, ill say hes wrong and im right and tell him to ignore me cause i have to have the last word!!

all im doing is pointing out YOU are wrong.

see i can do it too, stop being so fucking politically correct, ONCE again YOU are ON 4CHAN, if you want a hugbox whre you can circle jerk being nice go to tumblr, oh wait i bet its open in one of your tabs already.

stay mad your tears are yummy :)

>> No.6260103

If they don't know they're eating pork then it's okay. But most will taste it and know straight away anyhow, like fucking haram magic.

>> No.6260105

well paint me gay and call me jack, i dont really give a shit either but like shit posting anything that is politically correct,

this is why 4chan is shit now i dont know why i stay its full of people from tumblr and leddit. i might just go commit soduko

>> No.6260106

>no one gives a shit, this isnt /r9k/ or /b/, no one cares at all here, maybe for that one dude who wants to be the next supreme gentlemen, but other than that, no one

An incorrect statement. There is evidence everywhere. All I was saying. Nobody here wants a hugbox. That's why we're here. Go fuck yourself I'm going to bed.

>> No.6260107

i dont know why i fucking said soduko, im fucking too drunk tonight, im out thanks for the fun time fags and dykes, ill see you later :^) btw i like you>>6260097 it was fun shitposting togheter have a good night!

>> No.6260109
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>> No.6260112


>> No.6260113

me too hopefully we can dream of eachother togheter hugging in a box :3

>also /ck/ is a hugbox like every board, dont kid yourself, just got to look in the right place

>> No.6260114

Good night drunk shitposting Anon.
I hope you have extra nice dreams.

>> No.6260117


>> No.6260122
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>Still freaking out when grils post on 4chan

You silly boys.

Also check my dubs

>> No.6260125


They typed it this way because if the "partner" was a male and the poster was a female and happened to hint at it in any way in their post, then retards like you would be all over it.

>> No.6260130


>> No.6260160


at Smashburger they'll frequently draw offensive things in ketchup or other condiments on your burger, but that's about it.

oh and they never ever use the blue gloves to pick up raw chicken, lel.

>> No.6260163


oh and the entire staff, even the managers, are constantly high or drunk. no joke. my manager one bought us all beer and let even the underage staff drink.

>> No.6260179

There was a case in my country where a child got infected with aids from eating kebab because the guy who made it jacked off in the sauce.

I've been afraid of ordering anything with white sauce ever since. Fucking kebabs.

>> No.6260243

It's pretty difficult to get aids via ingestion. You'd have to have some kind of internal wound, like an ulcer, or bleeding gums from flossing recently.

So basically I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.6260253 [DELETED] 

literal kike/musdumb

>> No.6260254

quit taking credit for burger kings work.

>> No.6260302


>if we didn't ask the customer if they wanted their receipt back we had to give them a free medium fries (It would come out of the cashier's paycheck)

That can't be legal

>> No.6260330


Worked at a Subway and a piece of shit customer came in really annoying so I served him some Subway

>> No.6260332

I worked at a coffee shop for several years. If you were a dick to me, I just made your drinks wrong. So many bitches got whole milk lattes, even when they asked for non-fat. That cappuccino was not dry, actually. Don't ask for a machiatto, unless you really want a machiatto. And you asked for a ristretto? No, you're getting a regular shot.

People never complained, except about the machiattos and then I would give them a fake ass smile, tell we do them "traditionally" and then with as oily and condescendingly as possible ask them "describe to me what you really wanted". So many people would walk back up to the tip jar and drop a buck in as I gave them the most fake of smiles and an unironic thumbs up.

God I hated that job.

>> No.6260335

I used to work at a sub shop and had these two pain in the ass Indian guys that always got veggie subs. So I took a couple pairs of gloves, rubbed them on the roast beef thoroughly then on my apron to make them look clean. I made their sandwich with them and was sure to rub all parts of the sandwich with the gloves.

>> No.6260339

I'm a server and while I'd never under any circumstance fuck with a person's food, if the customers are being asshats over nothing ("I want to sit in the corner seats despite them being reserved, can we get our food half price?"), I'll serve them slowly and be really slow on their drink orders.

Like people in this thread said already, if myself or anybody employed by the restaurant has fucked up I'll go out of my way to try and make things right, but if you're being unreasonable I'm not going to stress myself with making sure your orders are placed with any rush.

>> No.6260370
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Haha, I worked at a breakfast place with this kinda cute but chubby brazilian girl. On her birthday, she asked me if I would buy her this one frozen drink we make with milk after our shift was over.
So instead of making it with lowfat milk like she wanted I used half heavy cream and half whole milk. I told her with a smile I made it specially for her and she just lit up when she drank it, didn't suspect a thing.

>> No.6260375

>ITT: /ck/ proves they're not entirely devoid of ethics in spite of the shitposting
I'm so proud of you, anon-sweeties!

>> No.6260389

Well it happened. I don't know the details.

>> No.6260405

A customer wanting fresh food? Oh the humanity.

>> No.6260418

>You'd have to have some kind of ulcer or bleeding gums
Those are two things that aren't even outside the realm of possibility. Maybe consider that the child was just that unfortunate. You never had a canker sore or bit your cheek by accident?

>> No.6260422
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See, I don't work in food service but I do work in customer service. As a result I've learned to treat people with a due amount of respect, unless of course they're being little shits from the start.

I have a problem with food service workers taking out their anger on the general serving populace, like Salad-kun >>6259778, but if it's a more direct attack on a known drunk bitch or stupid bastard I'm more willing to forgive it. You don't treat people bad and then be shocked when they retaliate in response to shitty behavior.

>> No.6260437

It's lettuce.

>> No.6260472

Aren't the only two reasons for having a boyfriend is being either a fag or a girl? I think that it's a pretty safe assumption

>> No.6260497


>lift up stainless fry-rack, and get a big heaping scoop of all the day old fries
Wow, so basically the same thing you do for every customer. That's what you get for eating fast food from minimum wage peasants I suppose.

>> No.6260504

I've never seen so much truth in one post

>> No.6260508

I wrote to a restaurant manager to complain about an item being "out of stock" 3 visits in a row and he sent me $30 in credit and it was never out of stock since

I don't understand how putting something under a grill and waiting 10 minutes is effort

>> No.6260509

Yeah but fucking with someone's food is not really a proportional response to them being rude. I can understand serving them slowly or being curt or whatever, but if you spit in someone's food or worse then you deserve to have your teeth smashed.

>> No.6260510

Are you gonna keep secretly feeding her fattening food so you can get a chubby-soft brown girlfriend?

>> No.6260522

I thought she'd look good if she lost weight but I wasn't interested. Just thought I'd teach her a lesson for expecting me to buy her something.

>> No.6260528

I'm a cook, I just make fun of some peoples order.
Well done Steaks, Ceasar Salad without the dressing (seriously?). People who claim they have a certain allergy, but obviously don't.
I've never seen it in the kitchen that someone does something gross, except when someone wanted their steak even more well done, and we put it in the microwave.
I think we got too much honor for that.

>> No.6260532

You should keep buying her fattening food anon.

>> No.6260541

I work in a high-end italian restaurant. Rich people are dicks.

I've spat in food. I've rubbed my penis across it with pre-cum coming out. I've had one case where I had a little prostate massage and then wiped the debris into someones creamy carbonara.

>> No.6260542

I would if I still worked there. I'd like to try it again just for fun but I'd want a way to track it or be able to see her freak out when she sees what's happening.

>> No.6260543

>carbonara ala fromunda

>> No.6260547

The only people who's food I've fucked with is vegans.
Fuck them with a rusty spoon.

>> No.6260550

It's easy you find her on Facebook or other social site and invite her out to lunch. After doing that couple times start inviting her for dinner and shit. Make dishes where you can hide calories really easily like Cobb salad and shit. Either become her unofficial boyfriend or her "gay" best friend. As she gets fatter her social circle will get smaller and she will hang out with you more and more. At some point she won't care what you feed her. At that point you can either rebuild her for the fun of it or dump her.

>> No.6260551
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>> No.6260559

I've never done anything straight up nasty to people's food... but I've served up enough drunk frat boy assclowns that I do add extra shit to their food such as: act like I'm pissing on their pizza with garlic butter (about a whole cup at least). I'll take the pizza out of the bag, open the box, roll down windows when cold outside if I know I'm going to have to go room to room at the sigma nu house just to find the cocksucker. One time when I was sick as fuck (and should have called off) some drunk asshole ordered from the frat house so on the way there I sneezed all over his fucking pizza. Fuck him. We also had this fat black bitch at a factory who always ordered a salad with extra dressing to make the bare minimum purchase for delivery.. like $5 or something. Surprise surprise she always never tipped and made us wait a good 10 minutes while she hobbled her fat ass across the factory. Anyway.. we ran out of pre made salads one night so yay I got to make it! Rabbit nibble sized pieces of lettuce, raw pork infested olives, all the shit off the make line... she got a good one. Apparently it didn't phase her, though. She actually called the store and said it was the best one ever lol.

>> No.6260567
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>> No.6260572

yeah. when gas is $4.50 a gallon and I get paid 4$ per hour (because tipping is expected)... I'm not busting a hump to break even.

>> No.6260580

Do you even work related expense in your tax deduction, nigger?

>> No.6260583

but I haven't worked in food for about 8 years. gas was expensive the last time I drove pizza, and my vehicle got 7 miles to the gallon.

>> No.6260588

do you even get paid under the table, nigger?

>> No.6260593


Why would you chose to drive pizza if your vehicle got such shitty mileage? That sounds like a really poor decision.

>> No.6260597

Oh sorry I thought you were old and stupid. Not young, stupid, and desperate.

>> No.6260600

Then go to a fucking restaurant, not a grocery store. When I'm working the deli I'm doing 30 different things, I DON'T HAVE TIME to spend the hour involved prepping, using, and cleaning the fryer for ONE customer

>> No.6260603

it was.. and I quit driving. Actually my other vehicle got wrecked from some kid blowing a stop sign. I T-boned his ass going about 50mph. My backup vehicle was a 7mpg truck.

>> No.6260608

oh I'm sorry I thought you were a relatively decent person, not a cunt bag troll.

>> No.6260615


I work at a family run restaurant and while I can't speak for the FoH (although I highly doubt they do anything), nobody else fucks with food regardless of how annoying the customer is

maybe don't go to family run shitholes who employ people who can't get jobs anywhere else, I'll agree to that...

>> No.6260632


1. Extremely unlikely method of transmission, bordering on impossible. HIV transmission from oral sex alone is rare. It wou survive long outside of the human body, especially not mixed in with the high temperatures of cooked meat.

2. HIV goes through a latent lysogenic cycle where it often causes no symptoms for months or years, and the acute infection is often asymptomatic or simply flu-like. They kebab would not even be on their minds by that point and it would have long since been eaten/discarded, so there is no way to trace it to something like a guy jerking off in your food. They would have no idea where it came from. In fact they would probably suspect sexual abuse at homebor something.

Bullshit all around.

>> No.6260652

>Extremely unlikely method of transmission, bordering on impossible

not bordering on impossible, 100% impossible

stop responding seriously to trollposts

>> No.6260663

>KIDF representing.?
Maybe the kid had a lesion in his mouth? maybe he bit his lip while gnawing on said kebab? just because it's highly unlikely doesn't mean it's impossible. There have been instances where dentists who didn't sterilize tools properly have infected patients with HIV.

>> No.6260665

doesnt work, bitches like that have no shame

>> No.6260674

I was getting bad vibes from this dudebro once at a Dennys. When my food came I found a couple pube hairs in my food so I told the manager and he said they'd remake the order. The dudebro brought it to me again and there was hair fucking again. Told the manager again, he went and yelled at the dudebro said he was done and to go home. I got a $30 gift card and hairfree food.

I just wanted a nice sunday skillet ._.

>> No.6260675

Never fucked with customers, even those that were cunts.
Worked with some girl, who could be nice or bitch from hell, would come in utterly raging some days. Sweet girl worked bar, bitch decided to make her cry for no reason.

Something snapped inside me.

Staff got free meals, I'm cooking for bitch girl. Need a shit, take jug and spoon to toilet with me, take nice big lump of my shit - take photos of process, serve bitch girl poo-gravy.

Get better job months later, show bitch girl photos of her lunch :)

>> No.6260677

>in laws take us out to eat on Sunday
>place kinda busy
>father in law has anger issues
>he says "do I have to put a towel on my head to get a table around here? what the fuck?!" to monsieur Habib, the Olive Garden host.

>> No.6260678

>just because it's highly unlikely doesn't mean it's impossible

Fair enough. But how would they have traced it back to eating at a kebab shop? That sounds virtually impossible. This sounds like an urban legend to me.

>> No.6260680

>"I'll have the burrito supreme, no poop please."
>serve with extra poop

>> No.6260683

ITT: NEETs dreaming about revenge at a job they'll never have.

>> No.6260686

yeah it would be nearly impossible to prove unless he was doing some shit like putting ground up glass in his special wazz sauce AND multiple people got infected.

>> No.6260689

Yeah, and all of the people who report their mystery AIDS to their doctors would eventually alert health authorities to the dentist that they all have in common. This is talking about an isolated incident where some kid contracted HIV from a highly unlikely source. Tools can become tainted with diseased blood and infect others if not sterilized properly, but that isn't even the same thing as a small amount of semen in cooked meat.

>> No.6260696

oh prease... I'm done working in restaurants. The only way I'll work in another is if I open one or if I'm once again in serious financial dire straits. I'm not above it, but it's not my cup of tea.

>> No.6260702

im sorry your girlfriend will never lick your sandwich up and down

>> No.6260705

maybe he kept a can of it in the fridge? idk man. humans can do some pretty sick shit and hell maybe the kid got it from one of his twisted fruit parents...
idk.. I'm just playing devil's advocate here more than anything. I agree it's pretty unlikely he got the hiv from a kebab stand.

>> No.6260708

I battered and deep fried and actual log of my own shit and watched as the huge bitch at table 6 ate the whole fucking thing and even asked for more!

>> No.6260710
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was that you?

>> No.6260714


>> No.6260715

This guy again. There was a morbidly obese regular who would always get one of our premade salads and would take about 8 packets of ranch (1 is borderline too much, the salads aren't big). I'd charge her for each individual packet even though they were free. Stop being fat.
On the opposite end of the spectrum
>working overnight
>two drunk guys stop in to get hot dogs and shitty drunk food
>they hang out and talk with me for about an hour, funny guys
>they come up to pay for all the donuts and stuff they ate while hanging around
>give it to them for free
I'd give away free stuff to anyone who was nice or who would talk with me for a bit. Overnights were lonely.

>> No.6260718

>the box
That's either seasoning of some kind of sauce packets. Who gives a shit?

>> No.6260720

>dealing with a nig by being a bigger nig

also, taking extra effort to serve a nig, bending down to get that floor chikin. you're the one who lost here m8

>> No.6260732

you need a lazy stick like pic related just to grab nignog chikun off the floor.

>> No.6260737
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>pic related

>> No.6260751
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>> No.6260752

poster sweetie, what if i'm referring to my friend who is a boy?

>> No.6260759

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.6260765

Feeders, not even once.

>> No.6260937


Should have just asked if it was for her or her baby daddies, followed by a wink.

>> No.6260940

I remade his food, even though he ordered something custom I knew (and said) would be shit.

>> No.6260942

I miss the old days.

>> No.6260943

Anon clearly said "partner" and "their." Not only is anon dating an insufferable cunt, but he's dating a pansexual genderfluid otherkin (all of those words got squiggly red underlines by chrome, btw)

>> No.6260948

>all of those words got squiggly red underlines by chrome, btw

That's because Chrome is a tool of the oppressive patriarchy

>> No.6260952


Also, I don't have adblock on :^)

>> No.6260967

>I go to family functions with my partner and their mother is an insufferable uppity cunt
based complete illiteracy

>> No.6260993

>my partner
anon doesn't want us to know the gender of his fuck buddy, which tells me that person is overly sensitive about something he/she should not be sensitive about. That leads me to believe this individual self identifies as a toad.

>> No.6261203
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>> No.6261220


it's probably a girl who doesn't want to trigger the autists by mentioning anything that would implicate their gender

>> No.6261229

then say "my boyfriend," let everyone call you a faggot, and be done with it

>> No.6261230

>downloaded image.jpg

>> No.6261238

Oh, you mean she doesn't want to post in typical female fashion?

>femanon here :D im a grill btw :DDD

>> No.6261265 [DELETED] 

UK asian youth here.

People are bretty nice in the boomer scam coastal tourist spots and I never had to do such a thing(or any chef).

>> No.6261266


Not that person but I've posted something generic but made the horribly egregious mistake of saying "my boyfriend" and the entire thread was derailed.

>> No.6261269


>> No.6261275

Just say you are gay.

>> No.6261286



H A R D. W O R K.

Something you dicks won't understand.

I work hard all week, and like to go to my fancy restaurants and you pull this shit?

>> No.6261289


I did. Still derailed the thread beforehand. It wasn't even anything interesting, I was just mentioning that I was cooking for (my boyfriend) and that he has some food restrictions as he has crohn's and some shit makes it flare up so I was looking for ideas for substitutions.

>> No.6261297

Does it also flare up when you dick his butt?

>> No.6261336

You could lie on the internet and say "my bro", then no one would give a flying fuck, and pay attention to the actual content of what you're trying to say.

>> No.6261347

Put a piece of bacon in my Coworkers burger. He was a Muslim.

>> No.6261349

Do people just not know that it's not a sin if they consume it unintentionally or what?

>> No.6261350
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It doesn't matter. Let's say I was a so called NEET, let's say I wasn't, it doesn't change that fact that if I'm in a restaurant and can pay the bill then you essentially are working for me.

I don't care about your problems or your drama. Get over yourselves or call the WHHAAAAMBLUANCE!

Cry to someone else, I have enough problems in my life without dealing with some egocentric look at me look at me waiters and chefs and front house freaks.

>> No.6261352

nice try, hadji.

>> No.6261356

I always did the same to my group of muslim friends in school. I used to cook literally all my home made shit for them in bacon fat and put bacon pieces in.

When I left secondary school and told them my secret to a good pastry was bacon fat. They all fucking shat themselves.

>> No.6261363

He's right though ya knob. It's only a sin to knowingly ingest it unless the Muslim is starving or forced to eat it.

>> No.6261382

What about kikes?

>> No.6261392

I work at Wendy's right now and never messed with anyone's food. Worst I've done was dip some 20 minute old nuggets in oil because it was near closing time. The woman wanted her nuggets fresh when it was 1:58 am and I had just finished cleaning the fryer.

>> No.6261396

Jews can eat for survival

>> No.6261400

So if I feed them the pork they go straight to hell? Fitting for the deceptive kikels.

>> No.6261408

Get over yourselves or call the WHHAAAAMBLUANCE!
Right after I hack up a loogie in your soup, sir.

>> No.6261459

I've found that when people are bitchy it's best to just grin and bear it because fuck them, I'm not going to let their bad mood ruin my day. I'd never mess with their food because I'm not a vengeful teenager who resents having to work.

>> No.6261479

you guys arent too bad, its the people who dont browse the internet and love to do drugs and live by the day without planning ahead that worry me. Those stories are probably horrifying

>> No.6261480

but we assumed that anyway, so it was pointless....

> partner
> their

brb speculum

>> No.6261544

been in food service for 5 years, never did anything like this.

It's disgusting, immature and you would cause a restaurant to potentially get shut down because of your teenage-esque temper tantrums.

>> No.6261856

I've been working food service for about 2years
I saw my buddy fart on some pies
But that was really the worst I saw

>> No.6261888


>> No.6261893


>> No.6261996

Having to take it this far is just retarded.

>> No.6262149


There have been a few times I've ordered a pizza only to be told that they're "out of crust." How in the fuck are you operating a pizza joint, and you're out of dough for crust? And it isn't like this was right at closing time or something which would be understandable, but like, in the early evening.

Also, although I don't got to KFC very often at all, they always give you the option of Grilled, Regular, or extra crispy. I always pick grilled, but nearly every time they tell me they don't have grilled.

>> No.6262166

Hey that was my local Burger King! On Mayfield Road. I never ate there, and even before the incident not many people ate there anyways.

>> No.6262197

I worked for a Japanese/Chinese place and one busy evening we ran out of rice.

Frantic because the Asian mart was closed, the owner actually ran to another Chinese place nearby and paid for all the sushi grain rice they had.

>> No.6262213

It's because ingredients/supplies get ordered weeks in advance and some amount of guesswork goes into it. If they're particularly busy, they might run out of something. It happens.
My Taco Bell ran out of tomatoes for a few days last week. We just made everything like normal, but without tomatoes. Didn't give anybody discounts, either.
I went into a Dairy Queen in my area and they were completely out of damn near everything. No medium cups (they were giving everybody the clear Orange Julius cups for everything) and they were out of half the Blizzard toppings.

>> No.6262215
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>this entire thread

>> No.6262284

thats because these people who shit there pants over barbiques posting on the internets are infact, retarded.

>> No.6262291

used to work at pizza hut

mostly black people wouldnt tip me and they would always order pizza constantley
so every time i went to the peoples ghetto complex before i left my car i would open the pizza and stick out my tong and spread my spit everwhere all over the pizza blowing air out my mouth with my tong out its was funny as hell and i didnt mind not getting tipped much after that did it to them every time they must have eatin atleast a cup of my spit by the end of my pizza career

>> No.6262302

> delivery driver
> computer has place to record if the person does not tip
> every time i see they are non-tippers i do a few things
> get everyone to spit on the pizza
> ask them if they need anything
> take up orders and go get their food, cigs, drinks, etc
> come back to store with their stuff
> pizza is sitting out in my car the whole time, not in a hot bag
> if i have no other deliveries i then proceed to take the pizzas to the non-tipper
> deliver the cold and spit on pizza acting polite
> manager blacklists them from ordering if they tray and complain
> manager never refunds or gives any benefit of the doubt to nontippers

i do this all the time

>> No.6262386
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We have cameras in the job I worked at, so people didn't usually fuck with food. But even then it was usually shit like giving them old meat or skimping out on seasoning, etc. Protip: If you're ever a dick to those employees, especially drive through workers, we would remember who you are and intentionally fuck with your food.
As for worst things I've seen
>Employees that literally couldn't follow instructions
>One dumbass that stuck his hand in the fryer instead of using equipment
>New employees refusing to do dishes because they were too "dirty"
>People showing up to a crowded and understaffed restaurant and getting mad that they had to wait
>People that get assblasted at the idea of having to wait when there is a fuck huge line
>People complaining to the probably suicidal employee handing out the food when they have no control over it
>Those assholes that intentionally order stuff just to fuck with the staff and people waiting
>Those people that would order stuff 10 minutes before closing
>Those same people that would try to order after we close and complain about that

>> No.6262395

Muslim lady came in covered head to toe in a bedsheet and asked if I could cut her cheeze pizza with a knife that hadn't been used to cut pork. I smiled and nodded and proceeded to use the same knife we use on all the other pizzas. Also anytime we make a pizza theres about a 3/4 chance we scoop up a couple chunks of sausage with the sauce. I give pretty much the same treatment to vegans. If you have special snowflake diet then you really shouldn't be eating at gas stations.

>> No.6262401

This has happened to me. I use SO and was told to gb2tunblr. Thing is, I don't want to stir up shit, so that's why I use SO. I didn't even know it was a tumblr/redshit thing, so I promised the anon I would just say boyfriend next time. Meh, it doesn't matter, though, because words don't hurt and I have thick skin regardless.

No matter which we decide to use, yes, we 'can't win', but in the end, who cares? Just to not piss anyone off, I'll just be saying friend next time.

>> No.6262407

>>Those assholes that intentionally order stuff just to fuck with the staff and people waiting

gotta get your giggles somehow.

>> No.6262426

>I have a problem with food service workers taking out their anger on the general serving populace
You know, in my many years of working food service, the customers are the dicks right off the bat, but I have worked with several people who are mad at co-workers/boss and they're rude to the customers with their dick voice and attitude. That really pisses me off. I understand customers have their lives and might be going through shit, but that means jack when approaching a stranger. Same goes for the employee. I brought it up to a manager about an employee's attitude because she was mad at a co-worker, and he brushed it off. Now THAT really gets me.

>> No.6262441

To be fair, if you were chill, we would usually throw in free shit. If you were a dick about it, enjoy your 5 hour old food and expired anything else.

>> No.6262442

Today an idiotic co-worker gave a customer's burger to another customer. The cook was upset and said he wasn't going to make it again (shit like that irks me too), so I made it myself. Well, I took it out and explained to him what happened (not knowing that there wasn't supposed to be pineapple on it because the fuck who took the order didn't mark that down) and he said he would be really pissed if there was pineapple in it. I apologized again and he demanded in a horrible tone that we make it all over again (which is what I was going to do) or it would get really bad.

I took the new one back out in correct fashion and he was nice. Thank goodness it got resolved and he could tell I was sincerely sorry that his order got double wonked up. He asked for the manager and I had no idea where he was, but as long as he was happy and didn't ask for more (luke a discount next of which I can't write off for him), then all was well.

All because of one fucking doof whose mistakes I had to clean up. But, as long as my customers are happy, I'm more than willing to do anything I can for them.

>> No.6262473
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I've always been curious about human 'pack behaviour' or whatever this is.
How people will purposefully gather to a store thats obviously packed, understaffed, and crowded with screaming brats and people who haven't bathed in a week
Its like people have a fucking fetish for coming at the worst fucking possible time when the store is going to be the busiest.

I like waiting till late, late at night, after the herd has gone home.
>mfw no people or lines at the grocery store
>in and out in 10 minutes

>> No.6262536

>later at night

That's a bad time to be out and about. I prefer to go right when they open, when all the produce is fresh and everything is clean.

>> No.6262578


>> No.6262585

>>People showing up to a crowded and understaffed restaurant and getting mad that they had to wait
Fucking this. My gm is kind of an oaf anf short staffs as it is, and everyone calls in because it seems he doesn't reprimand. The other night we had a skeleton crew of 3 and one guy was upset and said that his food has just been sitting there, when clearly he could see that we were doig the best we could without sacrificing quality. HAppened the other morning too, but we had no complaints as people with eyes, a brain and compassion are understanding,

>> No.6262691

ah yeah, a friend who works at a coffee shop told me one coworker gives the especially repellent customers decaf sometimes when they aren't looking.

>> No.6262721

>teach her a lesson
>didn't suspect a thing.

Wow, Anon...

>> No.6262743

>qt girl shows interest
>anon freaks out

because buying a girl a drink is something that would make you less manly?


>> No.6262770

>kebab jacked off in the sauce
>still ordering shit from kebabs

How fucking stupid are you, son..?

>> No.6262774

Undergrated roast

>> No.6262801

I work at a pizza place and we make all our own dough. It's pretty easy to run out if we are exceptionally busy because we can't just make more on a whim. Our dough needs to proof then rise for at least 12 hours before we can serve it.

>> No.6262825

Top Kek
everyone point and laugh at the mad delivery driver acting out what he would like to do to peoples pizza's when in reality he delivers the pizza like a little bitch with a stroppy look on his face because he knows the manager would drop his useless piece of shit ass if he fucked with a pizza in the slightest way.

>> No.6262846

My favourite part of working in bars is that you can turn any customer away at any time and they literally have no grounds to complain. If I say you're drunk, you're drunk. Basically this means that assholes don't get served. Doesn't matter if this is their first drink all night, I can just refuse to serve them because they're "drunk"; and if they argue I can ask them to leave (failure to do so involves a $230+ fine). Imagine if you had that power as a waiter. "I don't really like you so I'm not bringing you your food".
Pro-tip: I can't speak for over-zealous security guards, but no bartender ever is going to refuse you for being drunk, but they absolutely will if you're being a cunt (and they will just say that you're drunk).

>> No.6262853

She's been bitched at about it before (not from me, but others.) Refuses to change because she believes she's in the right.

I post with their/it/partner because of the following

if I say "my girlfriend" ck goes full autist mode and says IMPLYING GIRLFRIEND

if I say "my boyfriend" the thread gets derailed (as it currently is) and UGH GIRL ON THE INTERNET

There really is no winning either way so I choose to keep it private.

>> No.6262860
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I don't tip on my credit card because I hand the delivery driver an untaxed, cash tip, imbecile.

>> No.6262908
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>old days

>> No.6263125

Friends mum does this, gets some pizza and eats half of it, decides she doesnt like it, asks to return it for something else. if they dont she stands out the front yelling that she found rat shit in her food to everyone walking past

>> No.6263130

I have friends that do this shit, nothing is ever right. They make a lot of money too, I don't know what's wrong with them. I just don't go out with them anymore.

>> No.6263135

Holy fuck i remember this being allover the news for weeks, even had jokes about it on rove live or one of the other ones. fuck thats funny if you're really the guy

>> No.6263160

I worked for this family owned Italian restaurant and lounge, I made salads and subs. I had 4 mangers that were children of the owners. The old bag that was the owner would take lettuce out of the trash. They also ground up stale bread for bread crumbs for their breaded foods.

>> No.6263161


Also ensures the driver gets the tip and not the jewy owners/managers.

>> No.6263190

DUBS = ✔

>> No.6263195

>They also ground up stale bread for bread crumbs for their breaded foods
Where do you think breabcrumbs come from?

>> No.6263198

this shit drives me bonkers.
I'm a frugal shopper so I take a lot of time to compare items and inevitably someone will come and stand behind me and wait for me to leave. Most of the time they grab something that's on a shelf that's nearby but not being blocked by me.
Sometimes people will reach around me or over my shoulder. Like, damn, could you not just say excuse me?
The absolute worst is when they box me in with their shopping cart.

>> No.6263202

You realize you contaminated that restaurant's equipment and can end up getting sued, right?

>> No.6263207

I did that working at a Round Table Pizza once.

Called the pork sausage ground beef. Don't know why I did, but I did. I don't even hate Muslims.

>> No.6263215

>The DNA was already ruined
Bravo if true.

>> No.6263235

From the store and not from bread people don't eat

>> No.6263250

>>Those people that would order stuff 10 minutes before closing
>>Those same people that would try to order after we close and complain about that

This fucking shit. I'll never forget the Daly City lady that wanted us to deliver to her (even then, she didn't even order the minimum dollar amount for a delivery) and she snapped saying "I'm a good person" hung up, then drove all the way to us after we put up the till and shifted to delivery only, just to order a personal pizza.

I always hate caving for shits like that. It was almost as bad as the old lady trying to shift blame on me making her sick ass drive all the way to pick-up her order to make sure it didn't get messed up. She's probably dead now, 'cause that was 11 years ago.

>> No.6263261

It does happen. I worked in a pizza place and all too frequently we had to call another store to back us up on ingredients in vice versa. It isn't some asspull excuse, sometimes we exceed the usual amounts of orders because of birthdays, kids' ballgames, tailgate parties and other such events are a great way to clean us out with mass orders of 8-14 or more large/X-Large pizzas are common.

I still have flashbacks of those kind of weekends and summer weekdays.

>> No.6263270

Honestly I'll never understand ungrateful dipshits who complain at restaurants for the most trivial shit. It's really only picky people who this kind of shit happens to. When I order something I order it as it comes, and if I make a special order (which isn't often) and it's not what I asked for I just eat the shit and thank the staff for cooking food for me. But I guess that's the world we live in when you can provide something necessary to sustain life and they'll still treat you like you owe them something.

>> No.6263294

Sounds like Rush Hour, most people can't shop until they get off work.

>> No.6263317

>Bread crumbs are traditionally made with day to two day year old bread.

>> No.6263322

I never fucked with anyone's food personally. My Chef didn't care though. One night he somehow managed to drop the last prime rib we had in the trash.

He pulled it out and served it. I was absolutely horrified.

I have burned people on purpose though. Servers who didn't know when to stop yapping and let us cook got hot plates without warning. Nothing too seriously hot but they got a good little burn.

Same with guests with more than one refire once it's been re temped or fixed properly, or who were just rude and ridiculously high maintenance.

>> No.6263336

You people are fucking disgusting petty little faggots.

So what someone was a dick to you? Move on. Get over it. It's your fucking job.

Fucking with people's food is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6263346

We're in the lowest echelon of society and on the regular get treated like shit because people know they can get away with it.

Fuck off before I fart on your salad.

>> No.6263371

Shit runs out dude.
I went to McDonlads once and they were out of any chicken or beef.
I'm not joking, everyone was eating fries.

>> No.6263375
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Dude I get really great mileage when I drive my pizza. Then again, it's a 2015 Chicago Caddy with Deep Dish Wheels, mfw dad is a lawyer

>> No.6263382
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Come on

>> No.6263387

I think anon is suggesting they use uneaten bread from the customer's meals, like the crusts.

>> No.6263388
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0/10 worst post not true
>raspberry over pizza

>> No.6263389

What do you mean pizza delivery dudes can get you smokes
What is this

>> No.6263405

I used to run a quick-serve Mexican place solo and I found that people were generally patient if I got slammed because they could see I running around trying to get their food as fast as I physically could, and how many people were ahead of them. I found as long as you're working hard, and you treat your customers well they tend to be polite.

>> No.6263481

For most people in takes 5 seconds to compare a couple of options for value. By not saying excuse me they're basically telling you to hurry the fuck up

>> No.6263515

Well not really the customers, but the people at the mcdonalds I worked with were douchebags so I would ruin everything on purpose for them. I would go slow on the line, overcook everything, drop shit everywhere it was fun pissing off the crew trainer who was clearly trying to break me

>> No.6263573

>be kind hearted McDo's manager
>involved in local community
>'hires' man sized FAS/Down Syndrome tard to give a shot at some kind of social interaction and normalcy
>tard can't do the simplest things, drops stuff, burns stuff, hoots and messes up customers food
>customers surprisingly okaywithit.jpg
>they cheer tard on, want him to learn basic motor skills and follow two part directions
>crew trainer works so hard but tard can't improve
>tells manager, tears in her eyes
>i worked so hard to love him and coach him
>but he just can't seem to get it
>wat do
>manager takes crew trainer by the shoulders
>let us pray for his soul together, crew trainer
>your heart is good and your kindness is huge
>but somethings aren't meant to be
>tard bus comes, orderlies drags you out of McDo's back to tardhome while you hoot and poop

You were so close, tardanon! You were almost a real boy!

>> No.6263879
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I don't know what you are on about but I was just a stupid kid at the time

>> No.6263883

We had mentally disabled people working at my building but they mostly just cleaned out the garbage cans and watered the plants. Food service seems a bit overwhelming.

>> No.6263898

I work at a pizza place. If a customer was a cunt on the phone or says the phrase "Throw a little extra cheese on there for me" they are automatically getting less cheese, less or more sauce and less toppings than normal.

>> No.6264044

>It's really only picky people who this kind of shit happens to.

Not always. Sometimes there's cases where a menu item has a premium version and the staff ended up charging you for that and gives you the standard instead. It's not ungrateful when you spent more money for the lesser product and address that issue but sure, play that game if you want.

>> No.6264059



you are a low functioning retard that thought he was
>le saboteur

but actually everyone just felt bad for how useless and crap you were

>> No.6264081

how does it feel to pick the low hanging fruit?

>> No.6264086

ur mom likes to suck my low hanging fruit

>> No.6264190

That's disgusting, oh small change? Fuck with food! Like what the fuck is wrong with people to find that acceptable

>> No.6264252

How does it feel to be objectively bad at a simple job?

>> No.6264292

>tipping a delivery driver
Am I being trolled?

>> No.6264306

Some deliveries do this. We're not supposed to, but it happens.

>> No.6264316

>don't tell me not to dress like a slut and walk through the hood drunk at 1am, tell rapists not to rape
You're as bad as the feminists.

It doesn't matter if people SHOULDN'T react like apes when a girl posts. The fact of the matter is they do, and if you want to say what you want to say without derailing, then adjust what you're fucking saying.

I do it all the time, because I'm a paranoid fuck who thinks someone might recognize one of my irl stories, so I change up details while keeping the core of what I'm saying the same.

I'm also a compulsive liar, though.

>> No.6264336
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>go to KFC fairly early in the day, nobody else in the place
>order a krushem milkshake
>told that "sorry, our machine was only just turned on, it's not cold yet"
>most of the staff in agreement except one guy, who exclaims "wait, I have an idea!" and proceeds to create a frankenstein milkshake using the krushem sauce and some ice cream
>hands it to us, all of the staff look on expectantly
>it's very good
thanks kfc bro

>> No.6264361

Made a thread about two years back. Used a fake name and a neighboring city, and some fag reported some kid that worked there and he got fired. Lol anyway.

I used to work at a Waffle House. The amount of bareback fucking going on on top of the boxes of your food in the stock room and freezer is insane.

You're allowed to tell us to make it snappy, and we have to oblige, but whenever someone did that while we were super busy got their shit super burned or their stupid fucking waffles undercooked.

If anyone leaves condiment packages unopened we reuse them. Even if they were buried under food, on the floor, ect. We didn't even wash them.

I once found a ketchup packet that we didn't even use anymore under one of the booths. My manager said if it didn't have an expiration date on it then it was still good. Into the bin it goes.

Please don't go to waffle house, guys. It's run by college kids and shitty no life managers who don't give a shit how many reports we get about food poisoning.

IHop was surprisingly pleasant and clean to work at. 9/10 would cook in that kitchen again.

>> No.6264476

this made me laugh. I love employees who are nice

>> No.6264489

That makes a bit more sense. In which case that is fucking disgusting.

My current place everything is pre-Cooked and just "reheated" in the fryer. Upscale place too.

>> No.6264542

>it was fun pissing off the crew trainer who was clearly trying to break me

Oh man. I remember the dude training me. He broke every rule in the book and used slurs regularly. I unintentionally started doing the same when I started training people. I didn't even realize I was doing it either, but damn if it didn't feel good. I hated the punk and he had no idea how to do the simplest things.

>> No.6264706

Used to wait tables. One time a guy i didn't like came in with his family. Got ball sweat on my fingers and dunked them in his drink. Another time my friend purposely sneezed into chip warming drawer full of tortilla chips. Also jacked off directly onto grill after closing time and smeared jizz all over the surface.

>> No.6264733

>Another time my friend purposely sneezed into chip warming drawer full of tortilla chips. Also jacked off directly onto grill after closing time and smeared jizz all over the surface
that's fugged up

cooks and servers eat off that shit

>> No.6264748
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I got me this job one time bussin' tables at a country club. So I could case all the big rich pricks that come in. I pick out this guy, go in one night and do his place. He wakes up and gives me shit. So I killed him. Him and the tasty bitch he was with.

That's the best part! She's fuckin' this prick, see, this golf pro, but she's married to some other guy! Some hotshot banker. He's the one they pinned it on! They got him down Maine somewhere doing time for the crime!

Ain't that choice?

>> No.6264763

Literally the only Steven King adaptation I liked.

I didn't even enjoy The Shining.

>> No.6264804

You're a scumbag

>> No.6264812

Gotta love it when the customers and waitstaff bro-it up. Fast food doesn't always have these golden moments.

>> No.6264895

I know how to make them nice. Especially females. Or gay men.

>I'm sorry sir, we're out of that/unable to serve you that/etc
>Quietly: oh... Never mind then...
>make an eye contact, give her/him a tiniest flash of a sad smile

And nine times out of ten they will go for the extra mile to get you what you want, or replace your order with something better, on a discount.
Just remember to leave a reasonable tip.

>> No.6264952

>Just remember to leave a reasonable tip.
>Especially females. Or gay men.
Do you mean "just the tip"?

>> No.6265060

Yes, 99% of the customers are understanding and patient, but it's that one asshole in the bunch who throws a bitch fit that irks me. He was watching us just like everyone else.

>> No.6265121

>I would go slow on the line, overcook everything, drop shit everywhere
You're a child. You know that effects the customers, right? And by your lack of basic English and grammar skills, I'd say you're 16 and just lost your job at that place just last week.

>> No.6265124

I worked in a mom and pops pizzeria for a few years and for months this huge family of niggers and nigglets would order pizza almost every other day. They always yelled at us, the kids would come and vandalize the store windows or tag everything in the parking lot. They never tipped and always payed in quarters and singles. Every time they'd call in an order they'd always tell us "don't be puttin non of dat fuckin fish in my food". The owner got fed up and told me to cover everything they order in anchovie oil. 3 large pizzas soaked to the brim in fish oil.

>> No.6265137

what if they had fish allergies?

>> No.6265147

At carl's jr, if you ask for a plain regular burger, you're charged for a famous star which is 4 bucks. They have a big burger which is like 2 sum. Today a lady asked for a plain regular burger and I explained to her that we're supposed to charge for the more expensive burger, but I don't play that rip off game, so I gave her the big burger. When she came to the window she was so ecstatic and wouldn't stop thanking and complimenting me on how nice and helpful I was. I told her that next time if she wanted the same thing, to make sure to ask for a plain big burger or else they'd get her down as a plain famous.

I love helping out customers as much as I can. Little things like if they order an entree, side item ad drink but didn't ask for a combo, I still give them the combo which gives them the discount, even if they say they don't want it. I can't knowingly rip customers off, so I especially don't fuck with their food.

>> No.6265158

>dead niggers
if only

>> No.6265160

I've also been 'accused' of loving to work too much and having too much fun. I love my customers and treat them each really great. If I feel that they can be played around with, I play around with them. There's been times where I get a grumpy butt and play wit hthem and they leave with a smile.

>> No.6265167


No anon, you're supposed to hate your life and everyone in it,what' wrong with you

>> No.6265170

tfw I bro it up erryday

>> No.6265199

I'll never forget the one time I had some dicks like that call the store of a pizza chain I used to work at. They were clearly heckling, but they were like "Man, make sure a brother makes the pizza." The were heckling so bad, I put their call on speaker just so in case they were legit about it (they weren't) the staff would know exactly how to handle their order.

I was browbeaten for doing that, but not written up.

>> No.6265253
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>> manager blacklists them from ordering if they tray and complain
> blacklists them from ordering if they tray and complain
>if they tray and complain
>tray and complain

>> No.6265267

Judging by that box full of packets I'm pretty sure that's the prep table area of fazolis. I used to work there, never again.

>> No.6265271



>> No.6265506
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>> No.6265630

I wish I had a FAL :-(

>> No.6265954

I hated my life when I wasn't working. All I knew was work for most of my life. Going back to work was the best thing in years. And it may be fast food, but I love working the shit out of fast food; the stress, the pace, trying to top yourself in 'cooking' the orders as pretty and fresh as you can, treating customers as people, cleaning.

Damn, do I love it.

>> No.6265963

>I was taught from an early age that serving others and working my dick off is how to be happy
>lol why isn't everyone else like this?

>> No.6266098

Where in the conus do you live that gas is still $4.50 a gallon?

>> No.6266127

You're Mexican or Brazilian, aren't you?

>> No.6266135


Thats a good tip pal! Im going to eat Carls in the airport on the way home and i will do this

>> No.6266170

When did I say 'lol why isn't everone like this?'?

I'm sorry that I truly enjoy what I do. I can easily get some easy job where I sit down all day, but I would not enjoy it. I don't need the money, nor do I care to 'make big bucks'. I like to be on my feet and am proud that even as a fast food worker, I forbid myself to stoop down to shit tier standards.

Ethnically, mexican, yes. But that's as far as it goes. Culturally I'm very much 'White'. Don't speak a lick of spanish except for what I call 'burger spanish', not catholic, not a la raza faggot, don't eat weird nasty parts of animals, or what ever else you can think of that mexicans do.

You're welcome. Also, don't EVER order a large french fry- those cartons are longer and skinnier and pop open just barely. The medium holds more, and if you get someone cooking fry side that has the decency to give the people what they pay for, you'll get the carton actually ful and then some. Of course there's always the double burger move. If you don't want cheese on a super star (double cheese burger) NEVER order "a double cheese burger without cheese" because you'll get charged the cheese; in stead ask for a famous star with an extra meat patty. Same thing with Sonic. There's not much more that I can think of right now that'd help anyone out in terms of not getting gypped and knowing what/how to order.

>> No.6266191

Can I relay second hand stories?

I have a cousin who used to have this crazy old lady as a neighbor. She had a hole in her roof that was covered with plywood, a plywood makeshift gate, and once tried to pay spme landscapers with a plant. In any case, this woman was also a regular at the Earl's my cousin worked at. She would order, calmly eat all her food, then complain about it. This caused the manager to apologize profusely every time, give her her meal for free, and take the price out from the tips pool. This ended only when this woman was comitted to a mental hospital, and is there as of this post.

>> No.6266197

>take the price out from the tips pool.

fuck if i wouldnt slash someones tires repeatedly for this

>> No.6266223

I work at a KFC, some customers are pretty revolting but I'd never do anything to their food that'd risk their safety. I'm better than that.

There was one really shitty customer who was convinced that we did, though. He came to our store quite often and mostly claimed we'd purposely given him bad shit, once when he asked for a burger he loudly yelled that we'd 'better not spit in it' and shit like that. In my experience we just tried to get him out of the place as quickly as possible, no-one wanted to give him any actual reason to complain.

>> No.6266225

>someone talks about how happy they are
>you complain about how they should actually be unhappy and make sarcastic remarks
lelio iglesias

>> No.6266227

I had sex on the pizza prep table after hours at the pizza place once. I don't think it was washed the next day; the first few pies probably tasted reminiscent of swass.

>> No.6266239

Were you pitching or catching?

>> No.6266306

i am astounded these digits have gone unnoticed for so long.

excellent quads my friend, i am impressed. congratulations on all of your success and i wish you nothing but the best of luck in your future endeavours. bravo.

>> No.6266333

Make a few jokes about them to other co-workers quietly but then get on with it. I like who i work for and to ruin a dish out of spite that they worked hard on is something i would struggle living down.

We have had to tell someone to leave though, as they were obvious intoxicated and loud.

>> No.6266342

a little from column A, a little from column B.

>> No.6266346

Fair enough. I was more referring to the work ethic really.

>> No.6266432

Don't be assholes, guys.

My friend landed a job at a law firm after being very helpful to a certain old lady.

>> No.6266660

i'm calling bullshit, that wasn't you.

>> No.6266726

How is it low hanging fruit if anon said she was a qt 3.14 ?


>> No.6266787

>OP, despite working food service for 14 years, >I can tell you I have never fucked with a customer's order even though I've dealt with some very mean people who got into a tissy for something that could be/was handled and fixed.

4-5 years myself. Have stopped managers who've picked things off the ground and tried to serve them to customers.

Person in pic is absolute filth. Any job dealing with customers will have its down moments but who cares. You're there to do a job and paid for it, might as well do it properly.

>> No.6267986

>2.13 and hour
>Asshole with a low chance of tipping
Nah, I can understand the need to sabotage that person's order.

Just not everyone at the table, because let's face it if I was some 14 year old kid and my asshole possibly physically aggressive dad was talking shit, they shouldn't expect me to call him out on his shit at the risk of jizzing on my order if I didn't.