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6254514 No.6254514 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this pizza, /ck/?

>> No.6254516

Fine attempt.

Use more herb next time.

>> No.6254525

Did you use fresh tomatoes or canned tomatoes?

>> No.6254533

too wet

>> No.6254548


Looks really good but more basil would help.

>> No.6254571

freshly canned

>> No.6254983

i would eat the fuck out of that

>> No.6255019

basil looks burnt, put it on once the pizza's done

>> No.6256811

>burnt crust
-10/10 would throw in the trash

>> No.6256814
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Nice fermented spinach.

>> No.6256819


Looks a little too wet.

>> No.6256824


A minute or 2 before the pizza is done I like to take it out and throw on the basil then put it back in. That way the basil isn't all burnt but it still melds with the cheese a little better than 0 time in the oven.

>> No.6256830

socal please remove yourself from existence

>> No.6256852

a little wet and a little underseasoned, but I wouldn't throw a spaz about it

>> No.6256854
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>> No.6256884

That looks glorious

>> No.6256891

that looks cheap. i can see that it's a half/half but there's still not much meat on there. three green leaves and not much else.

$4/10. would not tip.

>> No.6256892

i've seen your pizzas before and you should probably throw your crust in for a few minutes before you put everything else on because it isn't getting the nice browning it could.

>> No.6256897

Yeah I know, the next pizza I make will be an experiment to get better browning.

>> No.6256908

Are you brushing the crust with oil/butter? You can see in the top pic at about 4:00 where the oil from the cheese made it to the crust. Imagine your entire crust looking like that.

>> No.6256912

That looks delicious.

>> No.6256925
File: 1.34 MB, 1013x655, pizza2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually par bake my crust before i put the sauce and stuff on it. but i still never get a good browned crust.

i cook my pizzas at 450. i par bake for about a minute until its no longer doughy.

should i do it longer?

some more info:
i use bobby flays pizza dough recipe, with bread flour.
when i par bake the dough, i have it on a thin cookie sheet(with cornmeal sprinkled under the crust so it doesnt stick to the pan and crumple).

i do my actual cooking(once all the topings and such are on) on a stone.

should i maybe brush the crust with some olive oil or something? or just let it par bake longer?

pic related, one of my misshapen pizzas. i took it out too soon. but my crust is always that same color.

>> No.6256930

I don't like olives but I'd eat that

>> No.6256934
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>This unevenly rolled of a pizza
Do hipsters really think that is circular?
Please refer to >>6256814

>> No.6256944


>> No.6256966
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>> No.6256998

hence why i said
> one of my misshapen pizzas

not once did i claim it to be circular.

learn to read.

yea im still working on making pizzas circular. mine almost always come out rectangular.

>> No.6257045

Dough looks a little funny. Are you getting a rise out of it? Not a troll, genuinely trying to help. It kind of looks like it might have been dried before you put it in the oven too.

>> No.6257511


I think it looks like utter garbage, not even Little Caesars tier. You could get better-looking pizza from the frozen aisle.

>> No.6258044
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>no veggies

did ok for an electric oven

>> No.6258047
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>> No.6258064

Why do people always bake the salami with the pizza? The Salami should be put on the pizza after it is baked, otherwise the salami turns greasy and dry.

>> No.6258077


And if you put it on only afterward, then it's cold. So pick your poison.

>> No.6258082

yea it more than doubles in size. then i put it in the fridge over night. then the next day i take it out and let it come to room temperature before i start to work with it. i leave it in the container with plastic wrap covering it, while it comes to room temperature. the conatiner being the metal bowl from my stand mixer.

i dont know about that particular pizza. it wasnt one of my better ones.

but the crust is usually smooth. ill find a better picture.

>> No.6258094



can't tell if serious but it's pepperoni

>> No.6258131
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heres a better one

>> No.6258144
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Mine, too lazy to make a thin one.

>> No.6258160
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Do you use any sugar? What's your % hydration and yeast?

>> No.6258193

i follow Bobby Flays recipe. i use bread flour.(Gold Medal Bread Flour)(though i think my previous rectangular pizza was just all purpose flour)


i use Fleischmann's pizza crust yeast packets, or just Fleischmanns yeast packets.

>> No.6258222
File: 1.85 MB, 3264x2448, 20150221_214210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Bobby Flay

Not to rag on the guy but the recipe for pizza is obviously for grilling. You need to rise at least overnight so that the yeast (if properly working) has a chance to eat up all the sugars from naturally inside the flour. Head to pizzamaking.com or if you want a very good basic pizza dough try:


Food processor and scale are not must haves but really help.

>> No.6258267

Much appreciated.

By let it rise overnight, do you mean in the fridge, or no?

i usually let my dough rise until it more than doubles in size, then ill put it in the fridge until the next day

>> No.6258339


Yes, covered in the fridge. Keep them in there until a couple hours before baking so that it can rise again at room temp.

>> No.6258342

You don't know what you're talking about. Unlike Bobby. He's the best chef alive.

>> No.6258384

ah ok, yea thats what i do.

Covered with saran wrap in the fridge. then let it come to room temp before i begin working with it.

and my food processor is too small, so ill just have to stick with my stand mixer.

>> No.6258394
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>> No.6258610

>What do you think of this pizza, /ck/?
Too much meat and far too much cheese.
What are you going for future cancer patient ?

>> No.6258659

1/2 of the pizza doesn't even have meat, and if you want to see too much cheese, look at the post directly above yours.

>> No.6260322
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gosh, recepy?

>> No.6260326

this is how pizza looks like when you use cheap cheese

>> No.6260393

Newfag here, what makes a good pizza then, /ck/?

>> No.6260444

I put basil underneath the chunks of mozarella, this prevents it from burning in the oven and let's the flavour infuse throughout the base+cheese.

>> No.6261335
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It's still not good enough, is it?

>> No.6261338

that is absolutely frightening

>> No.6261364

Don't like olives? I could eat them alone with their salty deliciousness. Wish I had some anchovies too.

>> No.6261387
File: 1.42 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you put it under the broiler at the end?

mine looked done at around 10 but left it in for a couple more but my top wouldn't brown

>> No.6261420

No broiler this time, I wanted to see how the crust would cook without it.

That pizza looks good, I'd eat it.

>> No.6261456


nice blueberry pizza

>> No.6261473


GODAMMIT Rummy, did you intentionally try to recreate a fucking tombstone frozen pizza?

>> No.6261501

I knew a guy in Alabama who would put gummy bears on cheese pizza.

>> No.6261546


>> No.6261598

I'll take that as a compliment

>> No.6261701

What's a good recipie for babbys first pizza.