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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6250050 No.6250050[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

benefit of eating: GET FAT

benefit of not-eating: GET BEUTIFUL

its your choice /ck/

>> No.6250064

Breasts are not proportional, knees are too sharp. 2/10 would not bang.

>> No.6250067

If I remember right, she actually also had ribs removed.

>> No.6250069

okay but my metabolism is hella fast so i could eat like a horse and not gain a pound.

>> No.6250073

yeah. She just looks like she would snap if things got too interresting.

>> No.6250074

Should have had them tightened up a bit, she has horrible man shoulders.

>> No.6250095
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>> No.6250113
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ayy lmao

I had a folder of her.

>> No.6250118

>that sloppy misshapen pelvis

You can tell she really didn't have a lot going for her before all the surgery.

>> No.6250122

Jokes on you faggot, Im a postal worker.
I could not only shoot up a cafeteria but eat all the food in it and not gain any weight.

>> No.6250124
File: 111 KB, 950x512, 1358287007831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still--

Wait, are we on /ck/? I'll post this before/after, then fuck off.

>> No.6250126

Fuck you.
Part of why I come here is to help with recovery.
People like you disgust me to no end.
Also, not eating kills your metabolism.
Exercise makes you beautiful.
Not eating makes you sick. Nothing is more ugly than being sick.
You're sick. You're ugly. Die now.

>> No.6250131

>pencilled eyebrows



Fatty detected. Go look at yourself in the mirror, bertha. Thunder thighs are not nice and no sane man will ever want you.

>> No.6250132

I like taking shits the size of an anaconda. I'm I grill BTW.

>> No.6250138

u mad fatty?

>> No.6250141

>I like taking shits the size of an anaconda.
you remind me of a grill I used to know in ATX

>> No.6250157

3/10, would not stuff and pose in the living room.

>> No.6250165

do you play the shitty nicki minaj song while taking them

>> No.6250167

I'm a fat fuck, I eat whatever I want, and I still get tons of sex because I'm a happy dude, I'm a funny motherfucker, and people like me.

What now, OP?

>> No.6250171

I have a fat coworker who talks about having sex with his fat wife sometimes. In public.

Just so you know it makes everyone around you uncomfortable and when it happens at lunch, everyone loses their appetite. Doesn't matter how not graphic you think you're being. No one wants to think about that.

>> No.6250178

Cool. Well, I'm not uncomfortable, so zero fucks given.

>> No.6250185

>people like me

It's pretty clear at this point that they are just pretending. We do that with the fat guy too, because who wants to be mean to a fat guy?

I'm telling you this for your own good.

>> No.6250189

Thinner than you'll ever be. ❤

>> No.6250191

Cool story bro.

I still get sex, I still have tons of people to chill with whenever, don't give a fuck.

I know you have terrible self esteem so you have to try to bring everyone else down, but some of us have great lives and are happy.

Enjoy dying alone, though.

>> No.6250199

>don't give a fuck

And that's why people don't actually like you, but instead put up with you because it's less inconvenient than the alternative.

I get sex too, with people who aren't fat. I'd rather die alone than have sex with a fat chick. Frankly I'd rather die right now. I'm not saying this to be a jerk, it's just the way I feel. I don't like having to think about lumbering fat bodies slapping together experiencing something that resembles sex. It's about as bad as watching them struggle to breathe between bites of something that isn't good, but is familiar, "comforting", and most importantly, presented in quantities that defy common sense.

I don't like what I just typed. Thanks for making me feel like a bad person, I'm hiding this thread.

>> No.6250226

translation: trolling isn't working, so I'm taking my ball and going home.

>> No.6250244
File: 2.89 MB, 720x404, big butts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating is only part of the plan. You gotta exercise too.

>> No.6250260

they look like their pants are filled with rocks

>> No.6250308

Do you realize how much plastic surgery she's had...?
>implying russian barbie doesn't do cocaine and amphetamines to keep her from not eating for days

>> No.6250333


didn't she also try becoming a "breatharian" or some shit and stop eating?

>> No.6250348
File: 40 KB, 255x200, 1418191029954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been looking at that for a while. Holy fuck, how does someone get so fat that they can't even get on a treadmill? I feel less bad about being overweight by 30 lbs.

>> No.6250351

ya know what. Good for them. They're making the effort. I don't know if they'll last but at least they're trying.

>> No.6250355

At least they're on it I guess..

>> No.6250367

A calorie restricted diet is showing signs of increasing our lifespan and being Good For Us (tm)

Just gotta get dat nutrition

>> No.6250380



>> No.6250427

How do you even wipe an ass that big

>> No.6250433

they probably don't

>> No.6250456

benefit of not-eating: death

>> No.6250458

That is a gigantic ass.

>> No.6250462

New age garbage, yep.

They get a fatishist to lick it clean, of course.

>> No.6250466

I'm not a very clean or hygenic man by any means, but i've always tried to keep my ass immaculate. I can't stand that 'slip n' slide' feeling.
I can only imagine thats what these morbidly obese people feel like all the time
...or maby if you get fat enough.. you stop feeling anything around your ass

>> No.6250482
File: 447 KB, 500x333, SHIT WHAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suddenly feel the need to watch morbidly obese porn just to see how these people function and reproduce.
I literally cannot fathom how it would work. Theres just too much fucking fat surrounding everything.
...and yet somehow, two of these fat fucks end up having a child.

>> No.6250514

>I can't stand that 'slip n' slide' feeling.
I keep a clean ass too but I think you get that feeling because of ass sweat not literal shit swishing about your buttcheeks. Since I've moved to a colder region I've never had that.

>> No.6250533

a strong, strong need for well-fitting workout shoes for these women. second-from-left, for example, is really trying but she is also hammering her knees and ankles.

Already being a mountain and trying to work out means being vigilant and protective about hips, knees, ankles and feet because (more) damage there can take you down for good.

Just sayin.
And anyone could become a beautiful uncanny valley sculpture with as much medical intervention as twiggy up there has had.

>> No.6250580

>not gain any weight.
Only because that's your normal dietary intake level anyway, hamplanet.

>> No.6250588

Yes, and she is also a Putin cock-gobbler. She is completely batshit insane.

>> No.6250593

Rag on a stick, probably. Or not.