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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6247285 No.6247285 [Reply] [Original]

Dumb questions thread

ill start with mine,
can i make a good creamy pasta sauce with whole milk instead of heavy cream?

>> No.6247290

Yep. In fact, white sauce should be made with milk and roux rather than cream.

>> No.6247289

Nope. Use half and half.

>> No.6247297

dumb question #2
is roux a cheese sauce? wtf is it

>> No.6247301

i read that its a fat and flour mixture
does butter count as fat?
i dont have a tub of fat

>> No.6247323

I make roux with flour and butter. Most sane people use flour and butter. You can use something else in special circumstances.

>> No.6247344

Like bacon for potato soup.

>> No.6247345

how much butter should i use for one person serving?

>> No.6247352

what is that a picture of, looks delicious

>> No.6247353

Equal parts butter and flour usually, draw a little extra butter or have some extra oil available if you doubt your judgement. Cook the two together, the longer the richer the flavor but with less thickening power.

Roux to thicken for one serving? Fuck that! Use cornstarch slurry. Or like, 1 tsp butter and flour. You're fucking around with very small amounts.

Oh and hot roux gets hot liquid poured in or cold roux gets dropped into boiling liquid. It does not work otherwise.

>> No.6247356

those are two different kinds of sauces.

>> No.6247361

You don't use roux in any sort of creamy pasta sauce though...

>> No.6247368

don't be a faggot and use heavy cream.

>> No.6247370

Mac and Cheese is best when made with beschamel.

>> No.6247371

i have
>whole milk
>white wine

and no white cheese, help me make a good enough sauce guys

>> No.6247373

looks like pitaya to me

>> No.6247374

oh and i have butter

>> No.6247378

But you're wrong.

White sauce can be made by sauteing onions and then adding your cream, or it can be made by sweating onions in butter then adding flour and adding whole milk.

>> No.6247389

sautee onions and tomatoes deglaze with white wine add a pat of butter and equal amount flour heat stirring until cooked but still pale add milk stir reduce

>> No.6247395

so like, tbps of butter and flour?

>> No.6247396


>> No.6247398


If you want to make a small portion, sure.

>> No.6247402

Your pasta already has starch. A Tablespoon of flour seems like a like more to add for the sauce to one portion.

>> No.6247410

if it was pasta for just you how much would you use

really? because i want a creamy sauce not watery milky

>> No.6247417

half a stick of butter
4 tablespoons of flour
300 ml of milk
100 ml of wine
1 average size onion finely diced
2 tomatoes seeded and cubed
salt, pepper to taste

over medium low heat you melt the butter and then add flour

let that cook till it starts to change color. add milk 100 ml at a time and stir thoroughly between each addition.

reduce it down then add wine

cook onions in some butter or olive oil in another pan until translucent.

add onions and tomatoes into the sauce when you add the wine. give it 5 minutes on heat and keep stirring.

>> No.6247426

to save dishes can i pwease cook the onions first and then start at the butter and flour after in the same dish?

>> No.6247448

should be fine

>> No.6247455
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>> No.6247458

Yes I do this all the time, cook the onions in the butter and add flour when they're done how you want them.

>> No.6247465

Actually you can create the roux with the same butter you are sweating the onions with, then you make the sauce, then strain out the onions.

Do be nice to the dishpit though, they work harder than the waits.

>> No.6247470

I have some plain Greek yogurt, use?

>> No.6247476

Crimson Dragon Fruit.

>> No.6247569

OP here,
made the sauce
even with a tbps of salt and a lil pepper its blannndd

>> No.6247586

I always do, just cook it down more. Adding cheese (like goats cheese or something) helps thicken it too.

>> No.6247607
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How can i make pleb tier sushi to impress a grill?

>> No.6249327

I want to try cooking up some flounder. Was gonna make some simple pasta and some oven baked broccoli as sides, but I don't know how I should cook or season the flounder. Marinade and pan-fry? Oven is unreliable

>> No.6249336

Get a sushi mat. Buy the cooked rice from a sushi place if you're only making a small amount, it's not really worth it to try to make it yourself.
ONLY USE SUSHI GRADE, HIGH QUALITY FISH. Or get horrible food poisoning, your choice.
Also don't overfill the roll.

>> No.6249367


enjoy those muted flavours bro

>> No.6249377

>don't overfill the roll
listen to this poster, you're going to want barely a grain of thickness on top of the nori sheet, a little bit goes a long way even if it doesn't look like it.

>> No.6249582

Does it matter if I add spice during or after the cooking? I'm making chili for the first time and I could only find chili powder (and composite no less, with cumin garlic etc in it), do I have to season while cooking or can I just add later while eating?

>> No.6249587

Does skimming pasta sauce while it cooks really help with anything?

>> No.6249598

Use instead of sour cream, it's a surprisingly good substitute.

>> No.6249607
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we have fichi d'india here, neever seen a dragonfruit irl

>> No.6249669

you could just make california rolls if you don't wanna risk fucking up and giving your girl food poisoning

>> No.6249672

You can make a quick, easy primavera sauce using milk, butter and Parmesan cheese.

>> No.6249700

Most disappointing tasting food ever.

Looks like it should taste of paradise, but it's just like a shit melon.

>> No.6249864

truly a soft and water like fruit, like watermelon
however its so rich i find i can't eat more than a few bites of it
>talking about the white version though

>> No.6249869

hey guys, i followed instructions to a T on how to make pizza sauce, but it came out a bit thick, almost like spaghetti sauce. i know they are almost the same, so how can i fix my sauce to be the right consistency?
sorry, no pic. :(

>> No.6249934

I'm no expert, but every homemade pizza sauce I've seen has been thicker than store or restaurant. Like you spread it with a spatula rather than, say, a spoon

>> No.6249953

Why are teabags bad?
Why does water have to be exactly 212º for black teas and less for green teas?
Why can't you add sugar?

>> No.6249964

Did you cook all the water out of it? Or use tomato paste?

>> No.6249968

always used a spoon for pizza sauce