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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6245689 No.6245689 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ write off all of your food purchases on your taxes?

>> No.6245818

no because I don't have a business that would allow me to do so

>> No.6245855

>not wanting to give as little money as possible to the government jew
I don't get why people hate on Ken for that. I mean I fucking hate him for a lot of other reasons but good for him not throwing more money at useless taxes.

>> No.6246243

Why do you hate him?

>> No.6246285

Are you telling me that if I record videos of everything I eat, post them up on youtube, hopefully make $0.01 in ad revenue...I can write off all the food purchases I made as a business expense?

>> No.6246292

If you register a business then sure

Actually not a bad idea, I might start doing that

>> No.6246334

This is the business vs. hobby distinction that the irs has issued guidance on in the past. Look at FS-2007-18, issued April 2007. Unless you are carrying on the activity with a reasonable expectation of turning a profit, then it is a hobby. If you generate $0.01 in add revenue bust spend money on a camera and the meals, then you have not profited. I would imagine that most youtube good reviews fall into the hobby category.

>> No.6246357

You are missing a big part of that though. "reasonable expectation of making a profit" doesn't mean "must make a profit".

There's plenty of corporations and businesses that don't profit, but they are still writing off everything they can on taxes.

Legally speaking, making $0.01 through ad revenue, and writing off expenses directly related to your page/channel is legitimate.

Of course the IRS can audit you, but that's why you just keep records of expenses and such.

>> No.6246370

you'll have to get retards to send you donations, spend that money on food, then write the donations as charity, then write off the food purchase as a buisness expense. So really you're writing off the same money twice. It's quite the racket ol' Kens got going on.

>> No.6246381
File: 56 KB, 642x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ken goes to prison for tax fraud

>> No.6246391

I would read the guidance before relying on this advice: >>6246357

I do corporate transactions law, and I am pretty sure our tax guys would laugh the suggestion that the IRS would agree that most youtube food reviews have a reasonable expectation of turning a profit.

>> No.6246415

Scratch it! Sniff it! The rest is mine!

>> No.6246725

who is this jerkoff and why should i care?

>> No.6246738

It can't be 100‰ legal what he is doing

>> No.6246761

It really depends on his subs and overall views. If he's generating enough income to live solely off his youtube jewgolds its a pretty safe bet though there a quite a few youtubers with a large audience that keep their day jobs.

>> No.6246768

I'm no lawyer, but I see what he's doing and he will probably get away with it as long as he doesn't get audited. What is the Canadian equivalent to the IRS? Do they have a twitter? #auditKenDomik

>> No.6246774

Huurrr duuur scratch it
Huuurrr duuurr sniff it
Enough reason to hate this guy. Though I'm not that anon you asked.

>> No.6246776

Did he ever actually admit to doing it in his videos?
How do you guys know he does this?

>> No.6246787


>> No.6246848

That and the stupid ass "just for you and just for you". What the fuck does that even mean? People for some reason send this fucker money because they like seeing him eat fast food in his car. If I were one of those people I would seriously wonder how him eating a hamburger was "just for me".

>> No.6246867

I have no problem watching joey eat in his car. But this guy's catch phrases are so fucking annoying! And yes! That just for you shit with the two angles is fucking stupid and he uses it in every damn episode

>> No.6246899

Old Joey is based as fuck. This new shit is a tragedy.

>> No.6248991

it's not.

>> No.6248998

No but I can write off my cable/internet/phone bill and anything I purchase for my office.