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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6243796 No.6243796 [Reply] [Original]

Who /alcoholic/ here?
>6:37 pm and already downed a 12pack.

>> No.6243804
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I bought a 12 pack last night so that I wouldn't drunk drive to the liquor store.

>mfw I went to the liquor store after I drank the 12 pack anyways.

>> No.6243807
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it will catch up with you eventually, enjoy it while you can

>my leg

>> No.6243810

just cracked a fresh handle of Burnetts

>lolol there's no handle on it

that's been sitting out in the snow for 6 hours and I have a Powerade chaser.

Life is good.

>> No.6243812


Don't do that shit fucker. buy in bulk. You're gonna kill someone.

>> No.6243816

sober for 3 years now but holy shit if she told me if i drank a shot she would fuck me, i would go for it. hell i would destroy the whole bottle of w/e it is, and i could do it, sadly. who is the woman with gravitational problems of the chest?

>> No.6243831

Shes kinda chubby

>> No.6243845

tits being worthy of being called chubby is fine.

i know you are 15 and can't deal with a real woman though, it's ok, I was the same once.

>> No.6243849


maybe very slightly, but you can see from the size of her arms that she's not too thick

>> No.6244015

she's just an anomaly because Japanese women don't often have titts (or entire body figure) like that

>> No.6244022

You can tell she's a filthy half-breed

>> No.6244027

Eh those are pretty thick arms for a Japanese girl

>> No.6244083
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Chick in the OP picture.
You're welcome by the way.

>> No.6244086

Half a box of wine (merlot), about 3 bottles I think? Drank last night till 4am as well.

>> No.6244110

What a fucking tub of lard.

>> No.6244114

Called it, but shes way past chubby

>> No.6244123
File: 66 KB, 300x451, a6182153f23eb3e95fc88e7487dbc801b229dca3-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chouzuki is pretty chubby but if you think she's "a tub of lard" then you need to see Luu

>> No.6244133


Dat bar looks cozy as fuck.

>> No.6244768

This is my kind of woman. Link to more?

>> No.6244783

me but you need to put those away, is not attractiveness in my family. have had cancer treatment or breast reduction. not fun. honestly i never understood the fascination with big tits.enough is plenty

>> No.6244787

m8 she's fucking ugly

>> No.6244815

Each to their own. I find big girls attractive, wanna fight about it?

>> No.6244842

I thought you meant the alcohol would catch up, apparently you meant the law?

>> No.6244844

i do too, but look at that busted face

>> No.6245421

m8, you sound very young.

>> No.6245428

She's a MAN BABY!

>> No.6245439
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>drink 2 40s on the reg for about a year and a half
>start dating girls again
>realize my dick is not as strong as it used to be due to smoking and drinking
>drink less to regain dick strength - ED is worse than death
>still drink doe

I'm going to the movies with a lady in like a half hour but my throat hurts so I'm having a beer

I don't know if that helps


Might be cool

>> No.6245472

I've been downing my homebrew wine all this week and last, drinking like a litre per day.
Kinda sad because I spent a month and half making that and I will have drunk it all in less than half that time.

>> No.6245505 [DELETED] 


She's not really big, just her tits are. They look saggy as fuck though. Kind of misshapen too.

>> No.6245536
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>got a tit professor here guys, watch out.

>> No.6245544

Honestly is this a thing? I dated a 30 year old who could not get past half way erect. EVERYTIME. He was a big smoker and drinker but also very active. Honestly, I think that's why he's still single now. He dates other girls but it never lasts for the same reason I think

>> No.6245575

long-term alcohol abuse can do that to a person, sure. Not sure about the effects of smoking long-term, but drinking too much over time, sure.

>> No.6245579

Put a few slices of room temperature bologna in between there if you want to keep drinking.

>> No.6245603

ED Is fucking awful. I'm 6'4", fit, and pretty damn handsome. But I suffered from ED really bad here and ther throughout my young adult life due to a no lotion masturbation addiction. Had to slow It down to regain sensitivity. That look of disappointment in a girl's eyes Is soul crushingly haunting...

>> No.6245657

holy shit i'm never drinking again

>> No.6245729

no need to never drink again if you don't have a problem with it that's out of your control. That happens to people who have been drinking amounts of alcohol for years that would put most people on the floor passed out. If you get to that point then you probably have much more serious problems like blood pressure and loss of feeling in your extremeties to nerve damage.

not trying to scare, just being real. alcohol is legal but incredibly devastating if you are hooked. kind of stupid how bad it is compared to illegal stuff that is way less harmful.

>> No.6245745

found her! chouzuki maryou. kind of a big girl but dem tits..she looks soft as marshmellows, would bang/10+1.

>> No.6245752

I am you
Please explain "no lotion"? Like just a firm grip on the foreskin? And how did you "slow down"? I need your help

>> No.6245753
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>> No.6245772

Me again...
I'm 6'1" 200 lbs. Married for five years with a daughter. Love my wife but have trouble being aroused with her and she's beautiful. My problem lies in my masturbation to pictures and videos of high school cheerleaders. I'm an ephebephile and can't get hard for my wife. What the fuck do I do? I don't use lotion either

>> No.6245777
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not OP but I dry rub when I fap.

Have firm grip on my foreskin and just go up and down, though if I do fap multiple times for a few days it does start to chaff/gets dry and bleeds a bit. am not really a fan of getting my hands all lotiony and dont really need to

im circumcized btw

>> No.6245785

what about someone who goes through 1.75 litres of vodka a week? are they at risk for limpdick?

>> No.6245798
File: 45 KB, 400x350, RAGESOHARDFUCKYOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to drink to pass the time from sheer boredom

>> No.6245800

But how did you fix your Ed? That's what I need help with. You and I fap dry. Did you change anything to regain your hard dick? I get hard for high school cheerleaders but older women past like 20 don't do it for me. What do I do? I fap once a day sometimes twice if my wife goes to sleep before me. But every day at lunch I come home and have glorious orgasms to sexy cheerleaders doing leg kicks and shit on YouTube and other picture forums for my relevant interests

>> No.6245808

Should I just stop masturbating at all or start using lotion to better simulate vaginal intercourse? I don't think there's anything I can do for my attraction to younger girls. I'm 30 fucking years old and not ashamed to be attracted to post pubescent young women

>> No.6245823

im 21, havent had much experience with grills though the few times I have, ive not had a problem. If anything im too sensitive and rub one out before I go anywhere where there is potential of contact from the opposite sex.

So I probably shouldnt have replied since Im not your demographic.

Only thing I can say in response is to not have the force of a 1000 gods when you jack off. Have a somewhat loose grip on your penis and stroke it slowly. At least this is what ive heard from people when they talk about this sort of thing.

sounds like you generally just dont find your wife attractive

>tfw Im the exact opposite and generally get harder for older woman since most women under 25 dont do it for me

>> No.6245858

Maybe you're right. She's not at hot as she used to be but neither am I. I think she is beautiful honestly. I just feel a sort of guilty pleasure when I'm beating it to something I shouldn't be. I should stop masturbating and save my spermies for the woman I love. I've been selfish for too long. It's not her, it's me and Im going to fix me.

>> No.6245903

Hnnnnnng. Sauce? Daddy likes em big!

>> No.6245946
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Not an alcoholic but...

What's /ck/ drinking?

>> No.6245967

shitty rum and coke. getsmedrunkman

>> No.6245992

I drink like 5-6 nights a week, usually a six pack every night, fridays more. I've been drinking like this for about 10 years now. I have a good job and my drinking doesn't get me in trouble. How bad is that? Am I doing good compared to other /alcoholic/s?

>> No.6246030

Put things into perspective:

You're a human among billions living on this planet and you simply do what makes you happy. You don't make any trouble for anyone, so who cares about the whole good and bad thing? Sure it'll do your liver no favours but in this blink we call a lifetime, does it really matter as long as you're not going to suffer?

>> No.6246045

I downed 2 liters of wine yesterday. I bought two 1L bottles so I can drink half of them for 4 days.

>> No.6246062

do penalties correlate to the amount someone drank? e.g. why would someone 1 unit over the limit receive the same penalty as 5 units over.

>> No.6246076

I just got some 60 proof UV lemonaid shit. never again. skol is better. not tasting, but this shit doesn't have me buzzing for crap.

>> No.6246097

I've been drunk since noon. I just steal alcohol. I'll knock on wood but I thought people would be more suspicious and stop me. I guess because im white they don't care.

>> No.6246112

Same here. Life is only ok if I drink. And it's not like those people that say I drink to feel normal. I drink because it makes things fun. Everything.

>> No.6246166

well lads its only 330pm, i'm half toasted and planning to use a dremel in a little bit. good times.

>> No.6246184

everyone is different...maybe you could be. speaking as a recovered alcoholic, i drank 1500ml almost every day, no joke. so...much worse than you, and when i woke up one day feeling partially numb in my lower leg i was freaked out. i got there faster than you are going but the finish line is still there; cross it and you will hate yourself..not to say you can't recover if you stop immediately. but you are playing with fire...go too far and your life will change for sure, might even lose a foot.

you can read all over the internet on what is a safe amount to drink; to me, the amounts seem like not worth the effort of raising my hand to my mouth, but then again, i am an alcoholic. just lucky, b/c i finally stopped.

>> No.6246197

oh man that reminds me of freshman year so hard...

glad that shit is behind me lmao

>> No.6246201

nothing right now, but i got a sixer of Leffe in the fridge with my name on it.

>> No.6246229

>tfw if you had stopped drinking when you first did six months ago you wouldn't have been as involved
>now can't take a single sip without wanting to get absolutely wrecked
And to think I was suicidal then...

>> No.6246272

I'm not a heavy drinker, but for the first time in a long time I didn't get any beer today. Still have some hash, but I hope I'm gonna make it an early night. Got two early appointments next week after ages of getting up way past noon. I might even get a normal day-night rhythm!

>> No.6246389

guys lets take a =drink for being drujk. because im drukn. and i dont want to be alone. because im alone. fuck.

>> No.6246508
File: 240 KB, 768x1024, Old-Crow-Reserve1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up a handle of this for $19

It tastes pretty bad so I'm making whiskey sours out of it, which are still pretty bad. I wish they had my old grandad in stock but oh well, drunk is drunk

>> No.6246618

No foreskin bro, which is why It's especially bad to do it dry for me. And I just will powered it. Have to taper off porn bit by bit. Start using your imagination a bit more. Once you've tapered off a bit from porn, start inagining your wife when jerking it. It's not an over night thing, but it can be done. Just like any addiction.

>> No.6246671

>all drunk drivers are bad drunk drivers
pleb youngin' detected

>> No.6246707
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>>6245992 here. working my way through one of my favorite of six packs.

>> No.6246709

I love Old Crow. You can literally taste the sweet corn in the mash bill. The reserve is aged and not as good as tbe regular imo

>> No.6246739

Oh really? I might try the regular at some point in the future but I went for this one because it was the same price but 86 proof instead of 80

Any other decent budget bourbons you'd recommend? So far I've been sticking with Old Grandad and Evan Williams 1783 considering they're like $22 a handle

>> No.6246754
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>> No.6246778

If ive been drinking 10+ beers every night for past few years, what do? Thinking of drinking one 24oz of steel reserve and trying to call it a night. Ive tried to taper before by drinking 10first night, 8 second night, 6 third night, etc. but that never worked. Help me out

>> No.6247240

thanks man

>> No.6247771
File: 119 KB, 483x721, supah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a sec i thought that was rin nakai

>> No.6247778

because the government says so. now pick up that can, fucker

>> No.6247823

I'm in a rehab clinic now, it's been a week. They gave me back my computer last night.

Who's the fucking idiot who said the first week was the hardest? I'm thirsty as fuck.

>> No.6247825

You suckin dicks in there?

>> No.6247829
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probably gonna start drinking around noon or a bit before today

>> No.6247830

>mfw I need the drinks to forget
>mfw waking up drunk every morning

fuck love

>> No.6247834


Damn son. You are worse than me..

>> No.6247849

How's the experience been? I'm worried lockdown rehab is straight where I'm headed, I've really picked up a bad habit. I drink so much and for so long I can't imagine a sober life right now. I'm starting to want to quit though. Its expensive. Killing me. And going to bars, scouring for sloots, fapping, vidya, playing guitar in the middle of the night, wasting drunk time on 4chan, and giggling at fart porn and other weird internet shit, its all getting old. I just don't know what I'd do with all my time if I get sober.

>> No.6247850

Piker. I woke up at 4am. Had a vodka and OJ in my hand by 4:10am.

>> No.6247855

12:05 two gin tonic

>> No.6247873
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Rin Nakai AND chouzuki maryou in one thread. ON /ck/?

How did you know, you bastards. How did you know my favorites?!

On topic, I barely drink.
Meh. Cigs are my weakness, and Everytime I smoke I see my life wafting away.

Starting to enjoy dessert wines.

>> No.6247880


I'd let her mount me and give my the old ground and pound. If you comprehend my vernacular.

>> No.6247915

luu is my goddess

>> No.6248053

i just hope when you do smash your car you only kill yourself.

>> No.6248439

>drinking the last of my sauce
>going to go dry tonight

HAHAHAHAHA like that'll happen

>> No.6248490

Depends where you are.

In Canada, the penalty will scale in general depending on the cirumstances, but the law requires an elevated penalty if you are at 0.16 or higher.

>> No.6248510

search for Luu on sadpanda
make sure you turn on "search expunged" to make more sets show up

>> No.6248531

Going to open a Marsanne / Roussanne blend later while watching Liverpool

>> No.6248587

>real woman
>not too thick
>big girls
>not really big

Etc etc

She's a pig, lardy jiggling fat hog.

>> No.6248602

ashamed to say i drank an entire litre last night (i don't even really feel that hungover or anything, blah). i have people who care about me, who i care about. i'm going to try to stop. wish me luck.

>> No.6248618

>Yfw liquid is the only thing that takes the pain away

>> No.6248667

I'd slow roast her

>> No.6248744

>First new job in ages
>Manager is already onto me
>Can't drink before work
It's the most intense shift I ever worked in my life

>> No.6248852

well, the first step is knowing you have a problem and admitting it. good luck taking more steps away from the bottle. there is no shame in knowing you can't handle alcohol in a safe way and need to toss in the towel on it.

>> No.6248891
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I've never cared much for beer but just discovered that Guiness is pretty tasty. Are there any similar beers that I could try?

>> No.6248911

Depends. I went to one for 10 days, only to safely stop. It was boring, sooo boring. I started drinking again rather soon after.
In this one, I'm in for a month, and maybe more in day-hospital (meaning I sleep home, but spend 3 days a week with "friends" from here, and continue seeing psychiatrists). I have activities, some sport but mainly help to handle staying sober, hopefully for the rest of my life.

What to do when sober? A job maybe, or find a healthy hobby. I have no fucking idea, it's scary.

I had a presentation of AA this afternoon. I'll have to find a place I like, because some meetings will make me want to get drunk.

>> No.6248933

anything that is a stout or a porter. which is hundreds of beers. I'm drinking a chocolate stout right now.

>> No.6248949

Not to mention, her boobs look like they'd sag into nasty flapjack tits as soon as the bra came off.

>> No.6248967

>i know you are 15 and can't deal with a real woman though
>let play a rousing game of spot the fatty
Found it!

>> No.6249001 [DELETED] 

what species is she ?
gook, chink, nip ? i like her tits but she has a moon face. M-O-O-N, that spells moon.

>> No.6249008


Ever try substituting ice water for beer or milk for wine? Just so your stomach is full? You have to drink a fuckload of beer to get off. A half gallon of milk is a bit more than two bottles of wine. Reasonable substitute?

>> No.6249024

there is no one that drinks more than me.

>> No.6249029

is it bad to drink 2-4 beers alone (spoiler:or with loner gf?) daily as a 182cm 75kg man?

how unhealthy is it? how socially acceptable is it?

>> No.6249031


I'd be drunk every day if alcohol had no calories

>> No.6249050

I bet I do.

>> No.6249052

It'll probably cause weight gain.
If you aren't going to work or inappropirate social occasions drunk, it's socially acceptable enough.
I have no idea if that is enough to cause liver damage over time.

>> No.6249057

you do not! i mean a 12 pack you are up for the challenge?

>> No.6249102

>12 pack
That's cute boy. I usually have a 6 pack of strong beer during the day and a 750ml bottle of vodka every night.

>> No.6249109

I fucking hate faggots like you. I hope you die a horribly painful death

>> No.6249116

local liquor store sold to me for a whole year without IDing me [im 20] so its been around a fifth of any 40% or up a night. now the liquor store is under new management and they've ID'd me everytime. Im ordering booze off this website called winechateau or whatever, has anyone had expierence buying booze online? anyone prefer it? it seems cheaper for more alcohol, the only thing is shipping can get expensive if you're buying 5 or more bottles lol.

>> No.6249127

Never tried, but I'm considering doing it since most local stores have shit selection. Fuckers ID me all the time though, and I'm 27. Thankfully I seem to have inherited my dad's early balding, if I combine that with a healthy bear they should hopefully stop inconveniencing me.

>> No.6249133

Damn... and I thought I was spending too much.

I buy the cheapest shit I can, too. I drink a 6 pack before work is over, keep a pint of gin with me for sipping, and then down a fifth of rum when I get home.

I like it, but it adds up to about $20/day worth of alcohol.

>> No.6249146

do you know that is a drug made in a "lab" and it kills. it was meant to kill.

>> No.6249172
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>healthy bear
Yeah walk in there with pic related and I guaran damn tee those motherfuckers will sell you booze. That's a good idea bro.

>> No.6249177

Not really, it was made to get drunk.

>> No.6249190

U M.A.D.D.?

>> No.6249195

alcoholism is kinda hot. i'd love to have a girl waste away drinking, while i enabled and encouraged her.

>> No.6249204

>i'm mentally disabled
kill yourself

>> No.6249225

i even remember the specifications, it contains something different than a bacteria meant to kill, so i doubt that your usual crazy stuff you are really taking it!

>> No.6249235

Are you drunk? That is incoherent as fuck.

>> No.6249243

Not him, but I am.

>> No.6249254

if any one was taking that deadly drug would be death, ok so cut your crazy crap!

>> No.6249263

what deadly drug?

>> No.6249272

i don't know what the fuck is going on

>> No.6249283

I know those are cultural differences you are not totally insane it is a conspiracy, no no there are no alien armed to the teeth shooting at you alcohol is just a fun thing, they are shooting at us we need help.

>> No.6249294
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Update from me

>throat is ruined
>probably because I sucked a dick and took it too hard
>get medicine and rum and OJ
>worry about NSAIDs and booze as I try to numb my throat

Anyway yes you can totally get temporary ED from jacking it and smoking and drinking

I fixed it once - by stopping all three

>> No.6249297

>horrible alcoholic
>at least a fifth a night
>be sober for almost a year
>try to drink again
>get the worst possible hangovers for no reason

is it because im 24? do hangover gets bad for everyone past a certain age? how do 50+ year old lifelong alcoholics handle the morning?

i guess they just drink to make it go away, lol

>> No.6249362

when i was 19-22 i could drink a fifth of vodka and wake up feeling fine. now, if i have more than like 6-8 beers or so i feel like shit the whole next day

>> No.6249372


>> No.6249379

i'm 23 now btw. when i just turned 22, my buddies and i went to new york. on our way we stopped by the jersey shore and me and my one buddy each drank a fifth of shitty polish vodka a person, and one other guy had like 4 shots. we all woke up feeling great and toured NYC the entire next day. like 2 weekends ago, i had a 6 pack and woke up and felt too shitty to go to the library to study. fuck aging

>> No.6249393

Aging? Are you fucking serious? You felt shitty off a six pack because you're a pussy not because youre at the ripe old age of 23

>> No.6249401

can you literally not read? are you retarded?

>> No.6249406

Yes, I'm retarded. Sorry.

>> No.6249410

>23 and can't handle a six pack
>thinks it's because he's "aging"

The fuck is the matter with you?

>> No.6249415

Did you go to the statue of liberty you little faggot?

>> No.6249422

>have firm grip on my foreskin
>im circumcised btw
Something isn't adding up

>> No.6249427


>> No.6249428

when i got to Manhattan shores there were some guys dressed as soldiers showing me flags and planting on the shore, do not have the slightest idea was it about.

>> No.6249493

only reason I can see how its possible is that I wasnt circumcized "fully"

I can move the skin on the shaft on my penis up and down but it only gets to half the head before it cant go any>>6249422

>> No.6249504

I understand that they meant i have killed those soldiers, but had no memory about anything nor today of anything that relates

>> No.6249600

>used to drink an 18 pack of Budweiser or a fifth of Wild Turkey 6 days a week for 7 years
>weened myself down to 1-2 beers a night, 2-3 nights a week over the course of 6 months

Wait until you start having those liver pains fellow anons. It wakes you up and makes you change your ways. Hard.

>> No.6249610

they are removing that shit and the insects, you are not retarded is a conspiracy

>> No.6249671
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I know what you're saying but liver has no pain receptors. It's actually fatty liver, and the swelling causes discomfort. It's also one of the first stages of liver disease. It's a good thing you stopped you could of nearly gotten liver disease.

I'm currently on year 5 of this drinking adventure.

>> No.6249676
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This is exactly why I buy in bulk.

last time I went to my usual liquor store:
>walk in all cool, look to the cashier (he's basically the only employee see him every time)
>he rolls a shopping cart my way and gives me a nod of approval
>other customers all looking around, mirin as fuck
>I proceed to throw several cases of beer, and an assortment of liquors into the cart nonchalant as all hell
>roll up to the checkout
>"the usual, eh?" cashier says
>everyone in the store now mirin all over again pic related

Seriously though this is getting problematic, I basically cash my paycheck in for booze

>> No.6249691

I've been getting blackout every night for the last 2 months

Decided Tuesday it needed to stop so I made the decision to give up drinking "for lent"

72 hours in. It sucks and I'm bored

>> No.6249692

i'm the opposite. i underbuy so i don't overdrink if i need to do a lot of work the next day. i'll only buy a 6 pack or something otherwise i'll drink more if i've got it. and it's winter so i'm sure as fuck not gonna walk to the liquor store just to get more beer. and i dont drink and drive

>> No.6249866

find a hobby, anon-kun

>> No.6249882

Yes, it's obviously a year of "aging" as opposed to the great number of other things that could cause a hangover then versus now. Maybe you were dehydrated or something.

>> No.6249901
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I remember back when I started drinking, I used to get really worried for my health if I drank more than once every 2-3 months and I'd make up all sorts of excuses as to why I *would* drink.

I'd feel really badly if it wasn't for some special occasion.

>mfw I now drink pretty much every weekend until I pass out and drink 3-4 shots most weekdays
>No one really knows or cares
>My boss doesn't know, most of my friends don't know, my family doesn't know
>They all just think I drink on Fridays and sometimes Saturday

Fortunately, I'm a really functional drunk. I can still be coherent all week and drink so late on Saturday that usually everyone is asleep. When I fuck up and get tipsy during the week, I just say I'm really tired and everyone believes me.

Mixed sort of feel.

My girlfriend kind of knows. She's too beta to break up with me, but she gets pissed if she catches me drinking.

>> No.6249905

it wasn't just that time. any time recently when i drink more than 6 or so drinks, i feel like shit the next day. used to just be able to drink water before bed and be fine. maybe i've got cirrhosis or stomach ulcers or some shit

>> No.6249911


>> No.6249918

not alcoholic but anyone have recs for beer. want to try something new. some stuff I like include:
dose equis amber
blue moon

>> No.6249922

Depends on a few things. Where you live, what you're in the mood for and how much you're willing to spend

>> No.6249927

I brew my own and go through two cases/5 gallons within a work week. Not to bad at $15-20 per brew though.

>> No.6249928

live in Indiana, will probably be shopping at walmart. theres a liquer store a lot closer to my apt but it's like 30% more expensive because it's right near campus. not looking to spend more than maybe 8-10 bucks for a 6 pack

>> No.6249931

Hoegaarden is decent and cheap.

>> No.6249952

Paulaner, Ranger (or any New Belgium stuff), some Abita stuff is pretty good, Sam Adams

also this >>6249931

I'd stay away from Leinenkugel's and Shock Top

Apart from that I don't really know what local stuff you get in Indiana so just experiment! If you can find a liquor store that does a build your own six pack deal then you should be visiting there more often

>> No.6249977

thanks niggas

>> No.6249990

>not becoming a teetotaler and improving improving yourself


>> No.6249994



>> No.6249999
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It's not so bad.

>> No.6250002

I'd be bored out of my mind

I'm trying to cut back on that amount of weed that I smoke now because I hate having a foggy mind and that's boring enough, take away booze and I don't know what I would do with myself

>> No.6250011


You could read the news, understand and study world events, read books, exercise, etc. Etc.

>> No.6250012

I've thought about it.

I go borderline ascetic 4-5 times a year for a couple weeks at a time (no alcohol, meats, smokes, sugary foods, pornography) as a sort of grounding process/for my health's sake.

I'm pretty sure I could do it full time, it'd certainly be cheap.

>> No.6250024

I hate reading the news because the world is fucked up and there's nothing I can do about it, but yeah I know there's things I could do. I just prefer to sit here drinking and watching streams while shitposting on 4chan

I should start working out again though, all these booze have given me quite the belly

>> No.6250063

It's almost certainly you and not your age. Go to the doctor.

Are you in North or South Indiana? If you can find a Meijer, the bigger ones have a way better alcohol selection than Walmart and the price is about the same. Some Martins have a good alcohol selection too, although they're a bit more than Walmart. CVS pharmacies usually have sales, if they have a big alcohol section.

The Meijer nearest me has about 50 beers you can buy individually or mix to make your own 12 pack. Can't tell you if any of them are good, but the prices aren't bad if you just want to try something. I don't really drink beer, but some of it is interesting enough that I've considered trying it.

>> No.6250075

I only fairly recently have started drinking anything but cheap vodka/beer for the sake of getting drunk. After trying a bit of everything, I've found I really like rum of all varieties.

Any recommendations of what I should try that's in the $15-25 dollar range? I've tried Sailor Jerry's, Bacardi Gold, Shellback Silver and Captain Morgan. Shellback has been my favorite, and I didn't like Captain Morgan.

>> No.6250084

Gosling's Black Seal Rum
Plantation Grande Reserve Barbados Rum
Ron Abuelo 7 Yr. Rum

oh and the Angostura 5 Year is pretty good too

>> No.6250097

Thanks! I'll add those to my list and pick them up.

>> No.6250105
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kraken. kraken is gewd.

>> No.6250120

Driveby poster here to say this man is right, kraken is nice.

>> No.6250152

Delicious and cheap as fuck for what you're getting.

>> No.6250169

Admiral Nelson.

>> No.6250179


>> No.6250192

I find it too thick and sweet to mix with anything but coke. But yes, with coke kraken is alright.

>> No.6250229

>What the fuck do I do?
Tell her, since I'msure you haven't, and ask her for her help and support. If yu do love her and want the family to stay together, there's really no other way. I will never understand how a man can ruin himself and the ones he loves for some fucking moving images on a screen,m or still images. It really boggles my mind to no end.

>> No.6250239

>tips fedora

>> No.6250245

thought i was gonna be sober tonight lads

>> No.6250285

I'd hit it, but then, I like 'em even chubbier than that.

>> No.6250613

Tfw teacher and infinite days off for the artic cold.

Cash flow and endless hours of drinking.

Has given me time to appreciate Bourbon.

>> No.6250638

Just got gifted a bunch of rum, tequila, and whiskey. Even a bit of scotch
I'd like to drink it but I'm dieting. Guess I'll save it for a cheat day

>> No.6250783
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fuck yea
six of these fuckers here

>> No.6250990

Iv'e never understood how someone can drink a six or 12 pack of beer, dont you get bloated as fuck? Wine is just sweet, condensed beer and you dont have to dirnk so much to feel numb

>> No.6251049


I have cut back a lot of alcohol recently, I went from drinking 2-3 40's every other night, to drink a 6 pack of good beer every 2 weeks.

the first few weeks were a struggle, but I managed to get through most of the anxiety and depression from withdrawal.

>> No.6251659
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Alcoholic Meal of the day

Guess my personality based on my lunch.

>> No.6251660

disgusting mexican

>> No.6251666
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*blush* anon kun you make me so happy. :)
Will you be my boyfriend?

>> No.6251735
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Poor fag here, i can afford only this garbage and i drink one bottle of it every night, alone.

>> No.6251767

Who is the most patrician user on rate-beer.com ?

I want the harold bloom or piero scaruffi of beers.

>> No.6251945

The term is "high test".

>tfw always misjudge how sober I am when driving
>no accidents or arrests yet
I need to learn to leave the car at home, but the bus takes me an hour and stops running at midnight.

I'm addicted to sleeping pills. I got a prescription for 40 Ambien, I used them all in a week. It was supposed to last me the next 3 months.

>> No.6252102
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>tfw drunk driving

>> No.6252507

I'm 28 years old and I haven't drank more than 4 beers and 10 shots in my entire life

>> No.6252561

>every fucking thread
Getting bored of the skinny rich guy shit, eh?

>> No.6252664
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Friday night, what's everyone drinking?

>> No.6252678

>hasn't moved on from beer
white trash detected

>> No.6252682
File: 2.74 MB, 5312x2988, 20150220_162146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man.

I just took like 2 shots of pep schnapps and some shit called orange liquour. And ate this.

And i hurt the feelings of a cashier by jokingly telling her " i forgot to ask you how your day was" And then laughed. :) Feels good to have practice girls you dont care too much about.

What kind of person am i? What is my ethnicity. What kind of music do i like? What are my political views?

Based on my lunch

>> No.6252711
File: 36 KB, 800x600, leinenkugels-big-eddy-russian-imperial-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Karkov (bottom shelf) vodka as always but I got some decent beer for once to go along with it :)

>> No.6252716

dat pour

>> No.6252748

Yeah, nice pour indeed.
Drinking Dogfish 90 minute until my shitty Brooklyn Mexican food arrives because I'm too lazy to cook the food I have.
Once it shows up, it's macrobrews and tequila until it's Sunday.

>> No.6252842

So.. do you guys eat anything to avoid a hangover(or drink water)? if i drink too heavy one night i'm just completely off drinking for a whike because the hangover sucks so much

>> No.6252846

Drink plenty of water and you'll be fine

I usually drink 1-2L before I go to bed and then keep another litre by the bed for when I wake up. Haven't had a hangover in months and I drink a fifth every night

>> No.6252862

I don't get hung over

>> No.6252919
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The more you drink the more your body builds a tolerance so you a lot of people in the alco threads can drink a lot of booze in a sitting and get little to no hangover.

A few tips:
1 - Drink a lot of water, especially before bed
2 - Anything that can soak up alcohol in the stomach like bread helps slow down the digestion of alcohol
3 - Alcohol on an empty stomach will go into the intestine much faster where it's absorbed at a much faster rate (you'll get drunk quick)
4 - Everyones body is different, some people can process alcohol much better than others (ie: more efficient liver)
5 - Oily/greasy stuff helps coat the stomach and slow down the rate of absorption a little bit
6 - Orange and banana have stuff that helps a hangover
7 - When hungover usually your electrolytes will be highly depleted so gatorade or something of that sort helps
8 - Drink a lot of water

Hangover is mostly just being highly dehydrated. When you have a bad headache after a hangover it's largely because your body actually pulls water from the brain to try to rehydrate other parts of the body. Pacing and staying hydrated are everything. For a lot of people in these threads it isn't an issue as much because they've built up a huge tolerance but staying hydrated is always important.

More of dat pour :)

>> No.6252943

dunno what brewery that is but I love tripels.

>> No.6252946

>I drink a fifth every night

god damn son go to a meeting or something.

>> No.6252950

fuck you this is a thread for alcoholics

>> No.6252955
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I've drank no less than 10 beers a night for the last 8 years.

I've always wanted to die, but drinking myself to a slow death is strange thing.

>> No.6253064


You must be new here

>> No.6253096

Starting to enjoy dessert wines
This is not a faggot thread

>> No.6253213

i would be your boyfriend np..........but you seem to be marked by satan.

>asian pic
>'The Audition' nightmares.
>'Sui sui sui sui'......
yeah no thanks.

>> No.6253389
File: 208 KB, 752x1062, hikikomori_by_atatakakunakatta-d42ok9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order online
>Delivered to door
never have to drink and drive
suck as life as a hikikimari

>> No.6253398

>real woman
haes please go

>> No.6253437
File: 266 KB, 500x376, minus nipples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its true anon. Asian women are crazy. I'm only half Filipino and I'm batshit insane.

>> No.6253470
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>> No.6253598

drank about a half of a 750ml bottle of Basil Hayden.

Feels Goodman

>> No.6253604

>has a really strong opinion.
>never had sex, is in the 7th grade.

ok lil babby. keep on keepin' on.

>> No.6253630

Yea theres absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting a fat girl. There are 6.6 billion people in the world. Pretty sure I can find a girl who isn't fat that I also get along with. No need to settle.

>> No.6253661

bitch nigga please

>> No.6253709
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Surprisingly these are some of the least retarded threads on 4chan. Let's keep it that way. Stay on topic please :)

>> No.6253724

If people posted here when they were drunk that would change very quickly lol

>not Nitro

>> No.6253843

alcohol isn't even chemically addictive, you guys are just silly.

>> No.6253860

>tfw actually a better driver when drunk and/or high on weed

>> No.6253872


How many times does she get asked to get rubs...I'd like to roll up my tempura prawn in between her manjūs...

>> No.6253898

Your body can become dependent on the chemical after a period of overuse, however, which amounts to much the same thing.

>> No.6254252

Same. Well, at least I think I am.

It's the only time that I stick within 1km/h of the speed limit and cycle through checking all my mirrors.

Sober driving it's like "eh, worst case I kill a kid but what're the odds of that" whereas drunk it's "if I don't stay precisely in my lane and signal lane changes even though there's no one else on the road, I'm going to get sent to jail, raped, and killed".

>> No.6254987

Are you retarded or a troll? Alcohol is very addictive.

>> No.6254994


Sex and alcohol are best duo...

>> No.6255287

You never had coke nor MDMA. (They can give whiskey dick too, don't overdo them.)

>> No.6255318

Well it's 4 almost 5 here and I'm already buzzed off of cheap wine.

>> No.6255327

Im same time but just woke up. Hungover little bit

>> No.6255336

You can get mentally addicted to literally anything, what you posted means nothing.

>> No.6255389

plan on drinking anymore?

>> No.6255392

I always plan not to but things never go according to plan

>> No.6255447

What he posted shows a higher score for physical dependence of alcohol than for cocaine, as rated by the Lancet. Cocaine just messes you up more quickly.

>> No.6255462

Cocaine isn't very addictive at all really

>> No.6255820

I am!
But the binge drinking type.

Last time I got wasted was new years eve,

>all primed for that there easy new years pussy.
>need to predrink before exiting out to fight anxiety
>drink over half a litre of gin
>supposed to go downtown, too drunk go to sports pub
>sit down
>3:15am bouncer wakes me up tells me I need to leave
>already feeling hungover
>jacket covered in drool
>missed new years, missed pussy

So yeah I haven't drank since, work out basically everyday so even when I'm really itching for a drink I stop myself because I know I wont be able to work out the next day.

>> No.6255843

if the last time wasted was new years eve then you're definitely not an alcoholic, nor are you even a binge drinker

i get wasted ever night and have been for the past 4 years. try doing that for even a week then get back to me

>> No.6255853

I just remember seeing that there are different categories of alcoholics.

One of those being the type that drinks infrequently but whenever he drinks he gets ridiculously drunk.

I certainly take that over being the guy getting shakes in the morning before his first sip but it's still a drag not having the self-control to limit myself to 8 or less beers.

Plus I end up doing stupider things then a guy that is just cruising drunk all the time since I go blackout mode and start pissing directly at the bar or on the back of people's legs for the lolz and finger bang ham planets on public transit or wake up in parcs covered in bruises and blood.

>> No.6255884

>One of those being the type that drinks infrequently but whenever he drinks he gets ridiculously drunk.
that doesn't make you an alcoholic, it just makes you an idiot

>> No.6255896

Well I won't argue this.
Glad I'm not an aggressive drunk though.

>> No.6255899


Yeah this is me as well, I can go weeks without drinking, but as soon as I have one beer, I need to have 12 more.

So many nights of trying to get together all the change in my house just to buy another 40 or two so I could stay drunk.

>> No.6255906

There are, but you're not showing the signs of any of them. Dipsomania is when you can go stretches without bothering about alcohol, but regularly feel compelled to binge into absolute oblivion.

New Year's Eve doesn't count because the impulse was aroused from the celebration, however. You have to independently feel driven to drink for the sake of drinking.

>> No.6255983

gotta drink heavy after that initial breakup. never date people who turn out to have been mentally ill with borderline the entire 4 years

>> No.6256006

>never date people who turn out to have been mentally ill
I know that feel.

Even if they're a great person %70 of the time that %30 they can't control is heartbraking.

>> No.6256014
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First sip in 6 days. Nectar of the gods.

>> No.6256033

think ima go get a mickey just to make it through the night, i feel like abs shit from withdrawals.

>> No.6256057

Ooohhh that Old BRO

>> No.6256060

There are so many better bourbons for that price

>> No.6256080

Youre right, there is. Though, I live in Charleston and the closest store to me is the marina that caters to the likes of Tiger Woods and such. I get what I can get. I do what I do. I usually just go buy mad dogs from the projects right oursie of campus, but I was feeeling special tonight.

>> No.6256107

I just don't see the point of drinking one.
I can sort of enjoy artisan beer or girlie mixes but if I'm drinking it is for the drunk or to get my confidence up for lady slaying which ironically is 90% of the time counter productive. Never got to the point of spending my last dime on booze though.

Guess I'm good.
I do put a lot of emphasis on working out so that discourages me from drinking.
Next binge is going to be St-Patties.

>> No.6256127

>Last time I got wasted was new years eve
>Next binge is going to be St-Patties.

God I hate faggots like you so much

>> No.6256140

I used to get drunk by monthly but noticed the quality of my life going down so despite my love for being a drunk fool I made a choice.

Plus my best friends birthday, Irish, is on the 15th.

>> No.6256147

>used to get drunk by monthly
>despite my love for being a drunk fool

Fuck right off, you don't love being a drunk fool you love being a little attentionwhore making people think you're hardcore.

I bet you called yourself a stoner after you had your first puff of a joint too.

Fucking faggot attention whore, go back to trying to impress your frat buddies

>> No.6256175

But I'm not proud of my drunk antics, I just enjoy the buzz.
What is this anyways, trying to shame me into being a more dedicated truer drunk?

Sorry you can keep the lifestyle.

>> No.6256178

Then fuck off, you don't belong in this thread

>> No.6256195

Why get offended?
Do you need help?
Do you enjoy wallowing in your drunkeness?
You like the slow suicide and the shakes and the hangovers?

>> No.6256197

I'm sitting here now not sure if they've killed themselves or are doing some seriously fucked up shit to get back at me or at themselves. I guess onto the next 9% bottle. I had an apartment I'm looking to move into, originally with them, tomorrow. But now seems I'm going alone. Not sure how to proceed

>> No.6256200

Yeah totally, I need your help in getting your faggot ass out of this thread

>> No.6256274

>tfw drinking but still have a weird headache that I can't explain
Guess I should have tapered off my meds a bit slower.

>> No.6256286

That's pretty much how it goes, even when it was something they imagined and ran with because mental problems.
Drink hard and fast if there's a lot of moving tomorrow. Sleep will do a lot to help get that done.

After that, you have to go alone. They're not a bad person, but they'll never be what you need. No matter how nice a three legged chair looks, no matter how comfy it is, it's gonna fall over no matter what you do.

>> No.6256296

since the thread was first posted I've done in a handle of Burnett's and started a fresh fith just now.

While holding down a good job, raising a family and cooking up a storm.

>the dream is possible
>It's possible

>> No.6256311


No there are fucking not. Old Bro is the best cheap bourbon there is bar none

>> No.6256315

Lol are you fucking kidding me? Even 1783 Evan Williams is better than it

>> No.6256343

you say that as if 1783 is bad

>> No.6256347

Yeah that came out wrong, I meant it's the same price but wayyy better than old crow

>> No.6256368


you are objectively wrong.

Evan Williams tastes like tin shavings and grease.

Old Crow tastes like corn and love

>> No.6256387

I have a handle of old crow reserve and a handle of evan williams green label

The evan williams was $6 cheaper and I still prefer it over the motor oil that is old crow

>> No.6258294

i dunno wtf is going on in that pic but yeah you are right. dated jp/viet, married a chinese. all had/have insane tempers. anyone thinking they are submissive in this day and age is insane; just make them mad and see what happens.

>dat softness though.

damn you penis, why????!

>> No.6258385
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>> No.6258417

Not sure if still medication withdrawals or what the fuck I'm experiencing, but it's hell. Never go on effexor mates.

>> No.6258424

anyone else gain tons of weight from drinking nightly and eating junk drunk at like 3am? I consume about 1200 calories in alcohol alone nightly

>> No.6258479

>You can get mentally addicted to literally anything
Yes, but that isn't the point of those percentages. They only show how many out of the populace why use those drugs/things become addicted.

>what you posted means nothing.
Keep living in denial, faggot. Alcohol is addictive, both physically and psychologically, and moreso than weed/coke.

>> No.6258573


that's one of the hardest ones to get off of. nearly impossible. how did you not know that? your doc should have explained before putting you on it.

my aunt takes it and she's come to terms with the fact that she will never be able to stop taking it.

>> No.6258584

>your doc should have explained before putting you on it.
i fucking hate my doctor.

>> No.6258648

>i dunno wtf is going on in that pic
it's from a movie set.

btw, isn't this supposed to be a sfw board? What's with all the tit pics?

On topic, I had two pints on friday, none on saturday, none today. Wtf is wrong with me?

>> No.6258670


At-least-2500kcal-alc-only master race reporting in, step your game up. Around 4.5k kcal total daily, gained 30kg last year, feels bad man.

>> No.6258685

Yup. That's pretty much my exact nightly routine as well. It would take 2 months of pretty serious work to get rid of this gut I've cultivated.

>> No.6258715
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America fuck yea

>> No.6258719

Right there with you guys, I think I've gained like 20lbs in the past year just from drinking

Even if I started working out I'd have to seriously cut back on the drinking to be able to lose this weight

Pretty shitty but it's my own doing I guess. I wish there was a zero calorie liquor

>> No.6258734


Pretty much all my extra calories are booze and it's becoming an issue. I rarely eat junk food(1-2/month I pig out) but i'm fat from all the booze

>> No.6258750

Yeah I literally never eat junk food, all the snacks in my house are like fruit and cottage cheese and shit and I'm still gaining weight from all these fucking booze

I even cut out coke and just started trying to drink everything neat, but it's still not enough

>> No.6259050

ya dude I got a "Rick Ross" gut now its kind of annoying but Im not going to stop drinking, I dont wake up till like 1pm anyway, and it takes me a hour to feel normal because of that hazy hang over like feel, so that makes me lose motivation to go to the gym

>> No.6259063

I've decided what I'm drinking tonight but not what to make for supper yet. I'll be drinking scotch, and when I go to the liquor store I'll stop and get groceries for whatever I decide to make.

I wish it was bbq season.

>> No.6259090

Anyone else have strict "alcoholic" rituals? Like I have to have dinner by 4:30 or 5, I have to start drinking at at, finish around 3. If any of this is thrown off I get very mad and agitated and flustered. been on this schedule for like 4 years now

>> No.6259133


>> No.6259321

This moron

>> No.6259451


>ding ding liver bell going off

had a coworker shout this everyday at 1PM

>i'm better off than him
>my liver bell goes off at 8PM

>> No.6259472
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6259475

Is that a tracker for house arrest or something to monitor alcohol intake?

>> No.6259478

I also hope you die in a painful and violent manner, you retarded fuck.

>> No.6259479

i spent all day and night drinking yesterday.

i spent all day and night puking and sleeping today. my friend who was with us was just getting over a flu she had but I'm pretty sure I'm just hungover as fuck.

i think i might die tonight

>> No.6259482
File: 1.14 MB, 300x200, 1413827224710.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting Monday (tomorrow) i plan on quitting completely. i've been using vodka to sleep every night for a few years now and about 4 months ago i've been drinking during the day. i don't even enjoy things that i use to. i have to be drunk while doing it. even eating, i've been getting drunk before i eat every day for about a year. i'm sure that's fucking up my digestion or absorbing of nutrients because 9 times out of 10 my stool is abnormal. recently, i've never felt worse in my life while sober. sometimes just a few hours after waking up i would just stare at the wall because i desperately want to drink. then i breakdown soon after either crying or get vehemently furious for no apparent reason for the rest of the day. i'm not 100% there's any correlation to this but i know for damn sure it's not healthy. drinking just isn't worth it if i only have an hour or so of pure bliss and then uncontrollable thoughts and emotions the rest of the day. sadly, i also have never thought so much about killing myself ever.

i suspect i might be undiagnosed with BPD II for years without knowing it. i'm 99% sure i had a hypomanic episode for a few months last year because i would only sleep for 4 hours each day at the time and still feel like i was on speed. i even had more hallucinations than i could count during that time. my family and even myself kind of detest psychiatry help since one of my cousins became a vegetable after taking medication for his "mental illness" at a young age; plus the stories i've read about the people on meds and then going off them scare me to death. so i might just soldier it through without getting help. i just hope to god i don't have BPD II and this shit is just temporary.

anyways, sorry you had to read this and to those who've been going for years or maybe decades. i thought i would rant a bit. this is the first time posting in one of these threads. usually, i would sympathize with most of the posters by just lurking.

>> No.6259488

Mid-50's, drunken, divorced father of three estranged children detected.
Hopefully the only person you'll kill will be yourself. I wouldn't give a shit if you could keep your habits to yourself.

>> No.6259490

man the fuck up and quit drinking then. why fuck around

>> No.6259491

>i think i might die tonight
just try to sleep, anon

>> No.6259501

I love you anon. Please be strong and stay safe. I know you don't know who I am but I hope I send a small glimmer of hope your way. You're not alone, you really aren't. I think it's great that you're taking initiative. Find comfort in the fact that you're acknowledging your problems. I truly hope you pull through. <3 please be well, and I wish for nothing but the best outcomes for you

>> No.6259517

that's the plan

i genuinely appreciate your reply. thank you.

>> No.6259531

good. be a man. go break something. smash a watermelon with a baseball bat or blow it up with firecrackers.

and feel better bro

>> No.6259544

Truth be told, I'm probably an alcoholic too.

And I drink less when I exercise. Cause chaos. Or watch chaos.

Don't drink yourself to death; go for a jog, watch some dirty nasty porn, listen to some orchestra music, or let me be your own personal reaper.

>> No.6259570

the puking and sleeping all day make it tough to sleep now

>> No.6259615

i hope you drank plenty of water

>> No.6259631

you like anime

>> No.6259712

Just drank a handle of gin now I'm driving to the liquor store for a couple more bottles

>> No.6259713

Anyone who has recovered here?
I drink 1/3rd of a handle every night for 4+ years. Every day and afternoon after I say i'm not going to drink. Then I start getting anxious and drink.
I need help so bad. I work a shitty job and have not even gone to see my friends in over two years when they beg me to come hang out with them

>> No.6259716

>have not even gone to see my friends in over two years when they beg me to come hang out with them

it might be a positive thing to go see them, Anon.

>> No.6259725

its really hard to keep it down

>> No.6259732

too ashamed with my shitty part time job and obvious alcholism.
The worst part is I know they don't care. I'm just so ashamed and depressed

>> No.6259786

>The worst part is I know they don't care. I'm just so ashamed and depressed
>The worst part is I know they don't care.

that's cool in a way. you should really go see them though.

were you like that the last time they saw you?

>> No.6260169
File: 35 KB, 322x401, that feel when its happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw alcoholic since 16
>tfw moved out 17
>tfw I'm hooked on booze, weed, pills, and nicotine
>tfw going to have one final blow out bash where I drink shit tonnes of cheap booze
>next couple days smoke shit tons of weed and eat food and finish drawing my furry doujin then kill myself

>> No.6260697
File: 8 KB, 189x200, 1422355920625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay, anon?

>> No.6260881

did you survive?