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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6243226 No.6243226 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do to not be hungry? Literally drolling over all these food images on /ck/ and I'm snowed in and have no means to go get food. Called a friend and they are having food delivered but are too far away to walk in this snow.
Will drinking water make this hungry pain worse?

>> No.6243232

>Will drinking water make this hungry pain worse?

no it will only make it worse, water will further empty your stomach and increase your hunger pains

>> No.6243233

Can you boil water on your stove?
If so, sip hit water after it has boiled.
Is there seriously nothing else in your pantry?

>> No.6243236

I've seen someone eat glue once, happy gilmore or something. Is that really that bad for you? Considering it anon.

>> No.6243241

Elmer's is edible

>> No.6243247
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I'm in the middle of moving from VA to FL, wasn't expecting a storm this bad and figured I would meet friends for dinner and one of them (Who has a very well set family) usually pays for the table. Unfortunately I can't even get ahold of him. Really fucked myself over here, is oil like olive oil okay to ingest?

>> No.6243272
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I've taken inventory and here is the ingredients list; I have printer paper, olive oil, sesame oil, around 3 table spoons of bread crumbs, off brand school glue, tea, coffee grounds, and water. Anything I can do with those?

I've also heard exercising helps comfort your empty stomach, am I wrong about this? Kinda under weight by 20 or so lbs though.

>> No.6243324

Relax, sleep and curse yourself for not keeping a well stocked fridge/pantry/freezer. I hope you make it through it.

>> No.6243328

Eat carrots and olives, it's pretty damn hard to get fat when you snack on those as opposed to chips and candy.

>> No.6243336

get a cup of hot water from the tap and salt to taste.if you have any lime/lemon juice, citrus tea is another option

it will make you feel full

>> No.6243341

Bro you can make granola with that just omit the printer paper. Post pics of the granola

>> No.6243343

Why would you be so unprepared?

>> No.6243354

>off brand school glue, tea, coffee grounds, and water

As we all know this is clearly the basis of a good granola

But seriously this OP, how could you neglect to have at least SOMETHING stocked when there's a storm coming?

>> No.6243364

Why is her eye next to the string? Why is her elbow like that? What kind of technique is that

>> No.6243365


roll the bread crumbs in some printer paper and seal it with the glue then fry it until golden brown in the olive oil, garnish with coffee grounds.

>> No.6243395
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I've literally been so caught up in preparing to move that I forgot about most of the essentials, I stayed up late packing/making a donate pile of old things that take up space and was expecting to just wake up and meet with friends in town. Completely forgot the weather in the area was doing this to us.

Thank you, currently drinking the tea and it's helping mabye? Idk it could just be my brain forcing it to think its getting better.
I'm usually healthy, I have no real kitchen in my house since the last owner ruined the electric stove, was never replaced and part of the reason I'm moving out. Needless to say I should have begged my boss for 5 premade pizzas (To cook on the outside globe grill) before I got done with my 2 weeks.

Not trying that since I just read about the dangers of eating wood/paper being 80 or so percent water ourselves.

Honestly I would just order pizza under the discount of my friends at work but I fear I may have already spent too much just to get the 94 Lincoln running top notch for the 18 hours drive to FL.

Slowly snacking on bread crumbs that I squirted with olive oil and light Italian seasonings :/

>> No.6243403

>94 Lincoln

Don't ever go to /o/ they will rape you.

>> No.6243419

Look 4 food outside hunt something

>> No.6243441
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It was a gift, I spent money fixing it's minor issues and maintaining is upkeep. Beggers cant be choosers I guess.

I thought about it, not sure how much snow is on the ground but I figured I would find something edible ground level if I dug for it.
Weighing my options on wasting the energy right now, also researching edible winter lawn organisms, not going well lol.

Down to one table spoon of seasoned olive oil bread crumbs, tons of teas left though.
I'm going to keep searching the house for missed gems that could help me out.

>> No.6243444

don't eat fat or simple sugar.

>> No.6243448

Drink a bunch of coffee. Suppress the hunger

>> No.6243457
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Buy potatoes. You can grill those, and they will fill you up and keep you warm for cheap.

I mean eating them will keep you warm. Don't rub them against your skin, or sleep with them. That's not what you want to do.

I mean, you can do that if you want, but

>> No.6243459

Inventory update: 3 Soysauce packets, 1 Duck sauce packet, Sea salt, 3 Dry active yeast packets, and a bag of molded fruit i just tossed. Liquid broke out was so rank I almost throw up on the spot.

>> No.6243464

Have you ever played hot potato?

>> No.6243468

>what can i do to not be hungry?

hmm, i dunno...maybe eat food?

>> No.6243472


I've owned several potato guns in my childhood, though. None of them worked. Not even the ultra heavy stainless steel "this will trip airport security scanners" deluxe pistol.

I would never defile the potato in such a way now. It made a massive part of my diet for three months when I was really short on cash (I had to stretch £100 or something), and I ate nothing but cheap meat, veg, and lots of potato based dishes.

>> No.6243474

in all seriousness though, if you are out of food and can't get out due to weather, and i am assuming you are in the northeast of usa right now, bad times, you can absolutely drink water to somewhat satiate yourself. i have done it due to being beyond poor as a kid, and once due to a hurricane, 4 days actually, just water. you will get hunger pains but they come and go, it will not last the whole time; when they come, drink more water. your stomach can be tricked, including your body..to a point. a few days is not so hard though.

>> No.6243481

Dude i had the red and black plastic one and it worked fine

>> No.6243520

Hey OP!
Do you wanna build a snowman?

>> No.6243539
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Just dug into the ground for idk maybe 30 minutes. It's not easy to think about anything but food right now. Found nothing, was looking for certain weeds to make some sort of salad out of.
Finished the bread crumbs, thinking of packing waters and just walking in the dark towards town, sleep seems like the last thing on my mind right now.

This is fucking terrible, tea is making me just want a biscuit or cracker to eat.

Calling my old job to see if a friend can cover a pizza or anything for me. Keep you updated. (Pic not me but it looks similar).

>> No.6243553

drink & smoke heavily

>> No.6243573

have fun living in inferior states faggot

I've only seen snow once this year

>> No.6243588

i am this guy >>6243474

is this a joke..? why were you digging in the ground? and tea? dude, if you have no food, don't drink a diuretic substance. matcha is not a diuretic but i am assuming that is not the tea you have, but w/e you do stay hydrated at least. water. hunger pains, again, are fleeting. they will come, but they will go. if you go walking off in to the night, gl man...be careful.

>> No.6243590
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I quit smoking in Dec on my birthday, and bring me something to drink heavily? While you're at it bring me food.

Contacted old job and cool server is working but she said I would have to wait until Friday when we get paid.. I don't think she got the part about me not eating for more than a day the way I was explaining it.
2 more possible inventory items speaking of alcohol, Hand Sanitizer, and Crest Mouth Rinse.

(Captcha, the god damn irony :/ )

>> No.6243667

Fuck it, going to lay down until I fall asleep. Thanks for help or what even you call the posts above anon.

>> No.6243760

drink booze

>> No.6243769


i slept a lot when i was that brokeass poor. about 16 hours a day cuz otherwise i'd just be awake thinking about robbing or scamming shit to eat

>> No.6243832

OP I just went into my kitchen and made a tuna melt out of bread that I had frozen, sliced cheese and tinned tuna.

It is unacceptable to not have these items in your house at all times (except the cheese) in case of emergency so I'm going to assume you have them. Make a tuna sandwich, eat a can of soup as well while you're at it because you should always have that as well.

TL:DR - always have frozen bread, tinned tuna and canned soup in your house

>> No.6245887

Lol I love this thread

>> No.6245931

OP died?

>> No.6245963

snowed in? What is there six feet of snow outside?
If there's less than 4 then stop being a pussy.

>> No.6246371

I've been stockpiling canned food, rice, bottled water etc. since my town flooded a few years ago and the roads were blocked for 4+ days. Seeing shop shelves emptied overnight is a dose of reality, even though it worked out in the end.

Best system is to rotate your supplies - eat the oldest stuff while sticking the new stuff at the back.

You also don't wanna run out of toilet paper, soap, detergent, batteries, tobacco (if a smoker), tea and other stuff. My family and friends think I'm crazy but we'll see who's laughing when shit hits the fan.

>> No.6246377

>eating fish out of a can