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6242022 No.6242022 [Reply] [Original]

Is DD coffee as good as they say?

>> No.6242024

Better than the burnt shit at starbucks

>> No.6242036

It's industrial strength and has a thicker mouthfeel than coffee than I make at home. It's bitter sludge, but goddamn it works well

>> No.6242043


>> No.6242047 [DELETED] 

I had this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6242048

Dunkin Donuts is watery shit coffee

>> No.6242053
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>> No.6242059

Price check on fedoras, aisle 9

>> No.6242084

No. It's just not as as bad as you'd expect.

It's like when you meet a black man who marries his baby momma, has a job and raises his children. You don't expect that, so even if he's shitty in most other regards, Shaquann will be viewed as "one of the good ones" despite not being all that great to begin with.

>> No.6242170

in the stores it's liquid piss but it is formulated to taste like crack with 2 sugars and 2 creams in it.

if you buy the coffee and make it at home it's a determinedly average medium roast that will not excite you but probably won't make you want to reach into your own mouth and pull out your nasopharynx either

>> No.6242302

no its just better than starbucks. you have to go to mom and pops shops for good anything

>> No.6242310

It's spelled "sarcophagus"

>> No.6242322

The coffee is OK if drip coffee is your thing. Where DD falls apart is everything else they sell. Their menu ranges from mediocre to terribad.

>> No.6242323

Their iced coffee is okay but I never get sugar in it - only a splash of cream, and even then I'll put like a half a packet in. Hot coffee there is grody.

I miss Starbucks.

>> No.6242351

>implying moms and pops don't use doser grinders

>> No.6242371

i don't have to imply

>> No.6242377

/pol/ pls go

>> No.6242428

no u

>> No.6242432

>Patriots won the super bowl
>Fuck yeah, free DD coffee the next day (this happens every time the Pats win, not just the superbowl)
>Order a coffee, one cream, one sugar (sorry I don't drink it black, hipsters, but fuck you)
>Guy behind me
>"Can I get a medium coffee, 5 creams, 6 sugars?"
>Holy. Shit.

Also, I like it. Not much wrong with it.

>> No.6242437
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But he's right.

>> No.6242455

Is their coffee better than Folgers?

>> No.6242463

Good question.
I think of the national brands, Folger's is by a vast, vast, VAST margin the very worst of them all so for me, yes; DD is better.
I've honestly no clue how Folger's stays in business. It's not cheap. It's not trendy. It doesn't sell an image. It's got nothing going for it.

>> No.6242465

The jingle was memorable.

>> No.6242480

Oh well I actually enjoy folgers med-dark colombian. I've tried only a couple fresh ground types and they weren't bad but I just went back to folgers. What is exactly is wrong with the taste? I think it has a somewhat full, nice bitter taste. Plus when it gets cold it tastes like chocolate.

If I prefer stuff in the med-dark range what are some good whole beans?

>> No.6242492

Well, they're owned by Smucker's and Smucker's has one of the best known slogans of all time, so I would guess whatever genius ad agency came up with that one worked the same magic for Folger's.
Also, I think Smucker's owns DDs grocery division and distributes DD-branded coffee to supermarkets nationwide. Never had supermarket DD, though. If it's got anything to do with Folger's, though, I probably won't like it. For example, Pilon and Bustelo are both shit, IMO. They're both just re-branded Folger's.

>> No.6242506

Of nationally available brands, Eight o'Clock's not bad but it's about double the price of Folger's.
I wasn't putting Folger's down for being ground coffee. I just don't like the taste. There's something odd to it that I can't quite put my finger on. Maxwell House French Roast is my go-to, but Chock full o'Nuts isn't bad, either.
If you like chocolaty notes, try Community Coffee's chicory blend. Or Café du Monde. Community can be had whole bean, but I think CdM is only sold ground. Community is my favourite but is difficult to find outside of Louisiana and its surrounding areas. It's also a bit costlier than MH and CfoN.

>> No.6242617


it's APPROXIMATELY double the price


>> No.6242618


you take that back or I fight you

>> No.6242641


it's esophagus you daftwad

>> No.6242652

this. bustelo is probably the best tasting cheap coffee you can get.

>> No.6242656

no, it's hippopotamus

>> No.6242840

Why should I tarnish myself going fisticuffs with common, Bustelo-drinking riffraff? The very thought is simply staggering.

>> No.6242863


It's won't win any awards (at least not any awards worth mentioning), but it is pretty damned decent considering that pretty much anywhere in the Northeast (a.k.a. civilization), you can drive up to a window and drop a couple of bucks for a good-sized cup of it. There was nowhere in Kansas City that I could do this. So glad I moved to Rhode Island.

>> No.6242889

I love the stuff have DD almost every day. As said in another post though stick to the coffee everything else is pretty bad. Some of their muffins and cinnamon rolls are ight but mostly shit.

>> No.6242919
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I prefer Timmies, myself.

>> No.6242982

This is surprisingly accurate.

>> No.6244028

Shortly put: no.

Longly put: I have no idea how their coffee got so much praise. If I want lousy cheap coffee, the gas station or McDonalds has better coffee.

>> No.6244044

It's fucking undefinable black. And I can drink fucking maxwell house black.

Also 7-11 has the best shit tier coffee.

>> No.6244047
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>not just carrying a aeropress, bag of coffee beans and hand powered coffee burr grinder everywhere you go

>> No.6244166
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Why is lavazza so tasty?

>> No.6244268

Dark roast is pretty good.

>> No.6244297

It's pretty good but I'd rather get 8 O'Clock for two dollars less.

>> No.6244300

>implying it's not superfluous anyway

>> No.6244302

I'm about to go gigapleb.

Mcdonalds is my go to shit tier coffee.

>Tastes pretty decent
>Drive through

>> No.6244303
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I drive between Michigan and New England, through Canada fairly regularly.

Biggby > DD > Timmy's

>> No.6244493

I prefer McD mccafe coffee to theirs

>> No.6244958

Dunkin Donuts coffee isn't terrible, actually. It's distinctively arabica - a very, very round flavor with natural sweetness. If you drink black and like arabica, it's quite serviceable. Almost floral. If you're looking for that charred pungent taste one might find at Starbuck's or Peets, you'll find DD coffee to be watery.

I put some DD coffee to the test by brewing it at home with a few different methods - I have a Bonavita drip (that or Mochamaster are the only two acceptable drip makers), an aeropress, a moka pot, a traditional pour over and a reverse siphon.

The DD performs really well - I tried making it as an espresso and it didn't do much there, but as a pour over, drip or aeropress it was really solid 7.5/10 ish.

Then I made a cup of Matt's Coffee and a cup of Stumptown and i remembered whyn i prefer boutique coffee.

bottom line: if you only have tier 2 coffee to chose from, Dunkin Donuts can hang with the best of em. But don't expect to get tier 1 boutique craft-roasted complexity.

>> No.6244963

MdD and DD are both 100% arabica. In a blind taste test you'd probably not be able to tell the difference

>> No.6245033


McDicks coffee is outstanding for what it is. completely took me by surprise but it's really good


>> No.6245089


Worse than Tim's, worse than Starbucks, worse than fucking McDonald's coffee.

>> No.6245099

Pilot truck stops best on interstate

>> No.6245111

What about Newman's?

>> No.6245115


>> No.6245119

this proves you are taken by brand names and have no clue about taste

>> No.6245140

Better than any other coffee I can get in a drive through

>> No.6245622

Wait, when do I have Carl's jr?

>> No.6245644

it's meme coffee

>> No.6245662

Better than most donut store coffee, but not great. There's usually a better option around.

>> No.6245702


Why was this allowed to happen? It's a biggest thing i HATE about visiting the PNW, all the coffee is burnt to shit and sour and bitter. Starbucks and Peet's taste like fucking gasoline and upset my stomach. I can go to any diner, chophouse, cafe or even a damn bar in the Northeast and get a decent cup of coffee that isn's sour like moldy burnt lemons.

tl:dr why are Starbucks such burnt sour shit?

>> No.6245706


mcdos uses Newman's Own coffee

>> No.6245883

starbucks goes out of their way to buy shit tier beans and over-roast them to give them that distinctive char taste. it also increases their margin because they spend pennies on coffee. DD spends more per pound than starbucks does

>coffee in PNW is kind of like hopps in beer right now. its like this obsession with robusto over-roastyness.

>try ordering a lb from matt's coffee. best I've found anywhere. comes from maine.

>> No.6245889
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>> No.6245932

Dammit, I had a response but it got eaten. I'd also hypothesize that it has to do with their backgrounds as an espresso shop, and with espresso you generally use a darker roast. Which is ironic, given how terrible their espresso drinks are nowadays.

>> No.6245971

Stop speaking truth. You'll upset people. The Party needs to reeducate you in doublethink.