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File: 54 KB, 500x333, 20090917-double-double-animal-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6241624 No.6241624 [Reply] [Original]

I made a post last night about a How-to video I was making. There were a few replies and some interest, so I apologize for the delay, but here is my video on how to make an In N Out Double Double Animal Style burger pizza. I hope yall try it out yourselves and enjoy!


>> No.6241712

Nice editing, short n sweet, and looks good OP. Well done, would pay for (pizza that is)

>> No.6241719
File: 252 KB, 468x350, fish[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put it in the pizza

>> No.6241728

Fuck you and you're piece of shit "pizza." I hope you fucking die pleb. Your jokes were corny. In N Out is dogshit and no one wants a pizza that tastes like that. You're obviously from California so most likely you're a faggot. I won't say suck my cock because you would like that. Eat my shit and get a disease you filth. Your internet presence is nothing and that's all it ever will be. Give up. YouTube isn't for you, you lack the charisma.

>> No.6241736

Looks pretty good. For real. I might try this eventually.

>> No.6241738

Good job anon, Cheers!

>> No.6241755

Just realized I can do this at work so I dont have to make my own dough. I might do this sooner than I thought.

>> No.6241787

WAY TO GO OP. I often make burgers fish sandwiches at home mikey dee is ok but also bk whopper. seldomI I am no cheif. nor great mba. but i know where i like to eat .and farily old. 55 seen them come and go.be careful ck .at best hard work,at worst,you learned.. either is not easy

>> No.6241791

Holy shit, that looks delicious.

I'm absolutely going to be making that soon, thanks OP.

>> No.6241794

Audio is bad.

>> No.6242719

tomato is half the thickness of a single patty, would not eat.

>> No.6242723 [DELETED] 


I ate this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6242727

OP can I suck your dick? Your kinda hot.

>> No.6242746


>> No.6242748

Fuck this looks tasty as fuck

>> No.6243095

Fucking impressing, good job Op

>> No.6243389

I initially balked at the amount of mayo used, but man that pie came out looking really fucking good.

Will have to try this, thanks OP.

>> No.6243394

critical levels of buttblasted detected.

looks like someone's a little mad.

>> No.6243450

Do tuna melt next.

>> No.6243538


Pretty gud vid, OP

I want to make that now

>> No.6243579


Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad yall enjoyed it! Next episode is gonna be in a couple of weeks and I'm trying to decide what to make. Tuna melt does sounds really good...Although my recaptcha is "SKETI". Guess I'm making spaghetti pizza. I don't even know what that means.

>> No.6243621

Looks godawful. Both the dish and quality of video.

>> No.6243814
File: 57 KB, 640x480, PexBkotl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear diary,

Today OP was not a faggot.

When I got back to Australia I'm making this, I always have wanted to try in n out

>> No.6243884
File: 46 KB, 335x352, 1349731936049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat it, but I'm not sure I agree with your dough process.

I've been making pizzas for about 6 years, in which time I've made at least 400 of them. I never put my dough in the fridge.

There were multiple instances of things I would not do as far as what you do for the dough. You mentioned kneading the dough when you said "take it, knead it, roll it in to a ball" but you didn't knead it at all. Then you put it into that sealed container and snapped the lid shut - no no. In order to expand/rise, the dough needs space for air to escape the from the container or bowl it's in. You sealed it shut AND put it in the fridge before even 1 initial rise. Thus, your dough never actually had the chance to rise at all. Am I splitting hairs... I don't know, I just know I would never do it this way, but I'm not at all trying to be condescending because since I've never done it that way, I don't know how different the result is first-hand. So for that I thought "fuck it" and kept watching. Then you did this weird thing where you trim the dough, WUT? That's pretty weird, man. You know how big your pan is so how about rolling it out to a size that is just below the diameter of your pan, placing it in there and then pushing it to fit up to the wall. Like, what did you even do with that excess you cut off, throw it away? Pointless. Also I find it better to do 550f for 12-15 min. rather than 400f for 20, ESPECIALLY since 1/2 of your toppings are already cooked and the cheese is finely shredded. Higher heat gives more of a toasting to the bread and cheese, which is good in this case and most others. It CAN work both ways though.

Other than all that, your pizza is absurd but I'm ok with that. I'd eat it and probably like it because I'm not really picky about the end product, UNLESS the prep changes it drastically. That's something I can't know without taking a bite of what you made though.

>> No.6243908

>because I'm not really picky about the end product

I should specify there I meant if it simply tastes good, then whatever, I'm fine with it.

>> No.6243927

Looks good, will try with my bros soon.
Also, 10/10 ending. Had a hearty chuckle

>> No.6243969

I've been making homemade pizzas for about 2 years, a friend of mine taught me his techniques. I'm all about if the end product is fine, then I must be doing something right. Every person who has tried my pizza (roughly 20-30 people) has said that its some of the best they've ever had.

That said, I would like to try your method and see the difference. If it's a marginal improvement, then awesome. I learned something new. I'm just teaching what I know and what works well for me. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.6243986

Also usually when I'm making dough, I'm usually making a triple batch, and any excess dough I cut off and use for a separate mini pizza. ;)

>> No.6244111

Why did that need a wink?

>> No.6244178

Alright, well you replied to like one thing I mentioned, but ok.

>> No.6244277

It's because he's an asshole. As evident in the video.

And sometimes that works, but it will not work well for him.

>> No.6244283

I wanna eat this but... idk about making it.

>> No.6244311

>Double double animal style
>a real thing
yeah right motherfucking faggots, I just drove thru an In And Out and asked for a monkey style double double burger and they told me to get lost because its not a real thing

>> No.6244355

Nigger, you don't even live near an In N' Out if you don't think animal style is a thing.

>> No.6244412

This was good. Keep making videos. Don't get lazy

>> No.6244858

Fun vid OP, you seem like a chiller

Are you a dad? I feel like you're a dad

>> No.6245228

Haha, no. I'm not a dad. With a stint in the navy and going to UT, don't have time for one.

>> No.6245257

>animal style
>thousand island dressing and sautéed onions
What an accomplishment. I'll be at Five Guys eating real food.

>> No.6245262
File: 100 KB, 680x1024, InnOut10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cook everything in peanut oil and it tastes like shit. I'll take my thousand island and sauteed onions that is a fucking delicious combo and didn't originate at in n out.

>> No.6245281

>peanut oil
Pick one nigger. Peanut oil is the GOAT cooking oil. In N Out can GTFO

>> No.6245283

Great job man. Will do at some point for a Super Bowl or some shit! Based!

>> No.6245315

>will do for Super Bowl or some shit
>Super Bowl only a year away
>"or some shit" meaning never
Get off his thirty five year old virgin dick. Video was shit and who the fuck would eat this? A fucking little league baseball team would turn this shit down and they'll eat anything. Confirmed for samefagging, obviously. Nobody likes you OP