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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6239052 No.6239052 [Reply] [Original]

Going to london in a few days and wanted to know if there's anywhere you guys would recommend.

>> No.6239076

The food in all of Europe is terrible. Take canned food to survive the trip.

>> No.6239081

180 in the airport and go somewhere good.

>> No.6239102


>> No.6239210

Was is european cuisine so shit tier?

I'm glad we conquested the world and stole their foods.

>> No.6239234


Based on this post your forefathers who did all of the "conqusted" suffered a rapid genetic decline, resulting in massive retardation and obesity.

>> No.6239283
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Head to camden market and try the street food.

Pic related

>> No.6239285

price range? where are you staying?

>> No.6239289

180? Are you fuckin serious?

>> No.6239302


he must mean 180 american, tree fiddy + 10 everywhere else as far as I know

>> No.6239360

Don't forget a can opener and keep the sharp tops from the cans, you never know when a muslim or a hooligan will attack and you'll need a weapon.

>> No.6239362

Give a try to Borough Market, delicious street food and cakes.

>> No.6239363

>implying can openers and sharp edges aren't banned in bongistan

>> No.6239365

Why are europeans retarded and obese? Is it from eating shitty food?

>> No.6239376

Borough Market
The Duck and Waffle
The Granary
Sushi Samba
M&M world... just kidding

>> No.6239425

Someone recommended to me to check out George's when I get to England.

George's Fish n Chips UK, locations
Allestree (Derby)
Long Eaton
West Bridgford

>> No.6239448

Turn around 180 degrees.

>> No.6239469


They must be from my neck of the woods, nottingham.

if you want a decent fish and chips then they're alright, won fish and chip retailer of the year in 06 i think.

If you're in nottingham and want some really good fish and chips though head to cods scallops in wollaton.

own fish counter, chips in beef drippings.

if you're there get the monkfish baked with lemon and herbs and some chips. real good meal.

>> No.6239483

fuck off, all the food in camden market is terrible

if you want good street food in london go to brick lane on the weekend

>> No.6239486

where is this gif from and why is he smelling a frozen pizza

>> No.6239490

That sounds awesome, post a pic and location of the place?

>> No.6239502
File: 3.32 MB, 1920x1080, cods scallops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


http://www codsscallops com/

pic related

>> No.6239505

Sorry man, you gave the location.
It's a holiday here in the states and I've had a few beers.

>> No.6239506

It's ok, if you go to a schwarma place they have knives to open cans. Muslims are allowed sharp pointy things, it's the normal people who aren't allowed the in case they're racist against islam.

>> No.6239515

Thanks, if I get to Nottingham I'll come harrass you as only a yank can!

>> No.6239524


No problem buddy, have a beer for me while you're at it.

>> No.6239525

Don't you bongs all have to take sensitivity training courses to avoid hurting the islamic snowflake's feelings?

>> No.6239530

Will do!

>> No.6239544

go to borough market, other than than just use the michelin restaurant guide like a normal person

>> No.6239548

tayyabs, briliant restaurant, red fort, dont go to brick lane britain has great indian food

>> No.6239554

Yes, you're right. I meant horrible white slavedrivers not normal people. I shall report to my local town council tomorrow for reprogramming.

>> No.6239567

Beer downed! Cheers!

>> No.6239580

Cool web site, your stuff looks really good!

>> No.6239597
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Having a wine myself, cheers from across the pond.

It's my local fish and chip shop, they really do have an excellent menu. No wonder they won best newcomer at the national fish and chip awards 2014.

Good prices too, there are some real dives round here that are nearly comparable for price.

>> No.6239666

I've taken bongistanis to local places in NYC too for pizza, it's best to avoid the michelin crap which someone else in the thread suggested, that's for tourist fags.

One can pretty much throw a coin and find a pizza place in NYC, there are some really good local ones and one don't have to stand in some silly line.

A lot of idiots, especially New Yorkers seem to like standing in line, to be seen, like the fags standing in line for cupcakes. I just like getting a good slice or two, in and out. Gud tiems.

Another recommendation is that if I get to Skelton, Julie's Green, it's just cool local stuff.

>> No.6239674


w.why is dat fish covered in white chocolate?

>> No.6239683


Thanks Satan, if I ever hit up NYC i'll bear that in mind.


It's potato salad.

>> No.6239706


mother of Christ, you fggts put white chocolate on potato salad.

>> No.6239724


kek, how else are we going to maintain our terrible teeth and poor cuisine?

>> No.6239733

hahahah! That's Lucifer to you, and I am wearing a red shirt with a scorpion on the front.

>> No.6239747


seconding tayyabs, that's good shit

duck and waffle if you want oysters and city-watching at 4 am, food's not spectacular but the experience is great