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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6238413 No.6238413 [Reply] [Original]

1. Lobster
2. Crab
3. Oyster
4. Shrimp
5. Fish
6. Mussels
7. Scallops
8. Calamari
9. Clams
1238972349802. Feces
1238972349803. Canned Tuna

*not listed Shark/turtle, but I'm sure they are delicious.

>> No.6238417

OP gets his seafood from the jerk store.

>> No.6238419 [DELETED] 

>OP gets his seafood from the jerk store.

the bad poster store just called they are all out of you

>> No.6238426

1. Oysters
2. Sea Urchin
3. Crab
4. Lobster
5. Shrimp (it only gets this high because of shrimp's versatility)
6. Oily Fish
7. Clams
8. Scallops
9. Light/white fish
10. Mussels
11. Calamari

>> No.6238453

Crab is better than lobster in every measurable category. I love lobster but I can never justify getting it because Snow crab is cheaper AND taste better.

>> No.6238462

As someone who loves seafood I'd rank all of it pretty high. It also seems to me like lobster gets pretty over rated, and clams always get under rated.

>> No.6238468


>all fish in a single category
>apparently tuna isn't fish

>> No.6238481

Tried Oysters for the first time 2 weeks ago with my gf, as a side to our shrimp feast.

I reeeaaally wanna like it, but my god I almost vomited. Barely could keep it down, it was like a big booger which you crushed with your teeth. Only ate it with lemon.

Suggestions? Or am I just a pussy

>> No.6238486

Eat more, any food people eat that isn't because they are poor is an acquired taste. If you eat it enough in enough different dishes you'll eventually like it. My aunt teaches in an area with a lot of immigrant children, they all hate pizza at the beginning of the school year and by the end of it (and a bunch of pizza parties later) they love it.

>> No.6238504


1. Lobster
2. Crab
3. Prawns
4. Scallops
5. Squid
6. Clams
7. Mussels
8. Oyster

Not going to put fish on the list since theres far too many to list.

>> No.6238505

>Or am I just a pussy
>it was like a big booger
There's your problem. It's shellfish. It's good. Yeah, the texture when raw is different from many other foods. If you eat it thinking "booger" you have very little chance of growing to love it.

Assuming you're not underage and b& you've gotten pretty far in life without trying oysters. I'm guessing you live in a landlocked place? I grew up eating raw clams with my father since I was 3 or 4 years old, so I never had the chance to find the texture weird. That's just what raw shellfish is. My wife grew up in the Midwest, and oysters took her a while. Her sister, who still lives there tried them once and was totally disgusted, but she'd made it into her 20's without ever trying them.

But when encountering any food with a texture that's new to you immediately associating it with something negative (such as boogers) is a surefire way to dislike it.

>> No.6238508


Oysters are Molluscs not shellfish.

>> No.6238513

"Shellfish is a culinary and fisheries term for exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates used as food, including various species of molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms."

>> No.6238516


The terms mollusc and shellfish are taxonomic terms, using shellfish to describe molluscs is idiotic.

>> No.6238518

>other English names for seafood
>calls squid, calamari

>> No.6238523

Your mom, my mollusc
Let's make this happen.

>> No.6238535

Shrimp is pleb tier, babbys first seafood, seafood. It's not bad but definitely not top 3 worthy.

>> No.6238541
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Context is important, you know. Taxonomy is science, and science must be precise. Shellfish and molluscs are distinct categories. Here's we're talking about cuisine, which does not require such exacting language. In cuisine the term shellfish is an umbrella meaning any seafood that comes in a shell.

>> No.6238546


Yet even within the context of cuisine you are identifying species with a name. That is taxonomy by definition.

The umbrella term is idiotic, we have langauge for a reason, to convey ideas and information. Why willingly misinform people?

>> No.6238567

>The umbrella term is idiotic
I didn't come up with it. Common usage often veers toward a lack of precision, because only a small percentage of the population are scientists. Google "shellfish" and see what you get.

>> No.6238592

Because properly, in english, food has different terms to distance itself from the live animal.

Cow becomes beef
Sheep becomes mutton, hogget, or "lamb"
Squid becomes calamari
Pig becomes pork
Chicken becomes poultry
>et al

>> No.6238597

>1. Lobster
Large sea roach
>2. Crab
Sea louse
>3. Oyster
>4. Shrimp
Small sea roach
>5. Fish
>6. Mussels
Mussels are clams
>7. Scallops
>8. Calamari
>9. Clams
Snot filled rock

>> No.6238600
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And then there's this asshole......

>> No.6238604

>Squid becomes calamari
It doesn't though. Is squid ink pasta supposed to be called calamari ink pasta? No. You only call it calamari in an Italian restaurant or when referring to fried squid.

>> No.6238613

I call it tentaclie tendies

>> No.6238617
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>tentaclie tendies

>> No.6238619

taste being subjective, there is no measurable category; thinking that way is a measure of your arrogance, however.

>> No.6238623

And you don't call ox tail "beef tail," either. Are you seriously trying to discredit the tendencies because they're not blanket rules?

Properly verbs conjugate in a repeatable pattern. Except when they don't.

Properly food has a different name than the animal. Except when it doesn't.

Get off your high horse. Also, it's not just Italian cuisine, it's all Mediterranean. And guess where squids live in Europe! The Mediterranean sea.

>> No.6238626

calamari...? why did you name off everything else in English and jump to Italian just for squid?

>> No.6238631

i fucking hate you tendies faggots........but damnit....that made me laugh.

good job.

>> No.6238652

>2. Crab
>Scallops that low

Take your pleb taste back to /sp/

>> No.6238665

You listed a bunch of different shellfish, but then just said "fish"? Do you really think the difference between swordfish and haddock is less than the difference between mussels and clams?

>> No.6238674

>And guess where squids live in Europe! The Mediterranean sea.
So? That's not the only place squid is found and Europeans aren't the only people who eat squid.

>> No.6238676
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CRAWFISH #1#1#1#1

>> No.6238680

>speaking in english
>the dominant language in europe for centuries
>adopted local terms for things not found in england
>but muh wurld
You're willfully ignorant, aren't you?

>> No.6238687


not SEAfood fggt, they are polluted, still water dwelling aquatic roaches.

>> No.6238689

>You're willfully ignorant, aren't you?
Funny coming from the retard who thinks Europe is the center of the universe

>> No.6238690

People only call squid calamari when referring to fried squid.

>inb4 yurop
This is an American website.

>> No.6238703


>> No.6238706

Good projecting! I literally never said that. I only spoke of patterns in english. You got told, and now you're trying to use sjw deflecting bullshit on me.

No they don't.

>> No.6238711

>scallops not top 5
okay, moron.

>> No.6238718

>my father shoved raw seaboogers down my throat therefore you're not old enough to view this website if you've only tried it once before

>> No.6238728

>no they don't
Excellent source! You showed me!

>In many of the languages around the Mediterranean sea, squid are referred to by a term related to the Italian "calamari" (singular "calamaro"), which in English has become a culinary name for Mediterranean dishes involving squid, especially fried squid (fried calamari).[1]

Mediterranean dishes aren't the only ones to include squid.

>> No.6238736


>> No.6238740

I gave you a single recipe that's not "fried calamari" that includes the word "calamari" in it. Sorry you don't approve of one of the most used recipe aggregators on the internet.

>Mediterranean dishes aren't the only ones to include squid.
No, but even the wikipedia article you quoted specifically said "involving squid, especially fried squid," implying "not exclusively fried squid." Also, as I stated before, as far as the evolution of the english language is concerned, mediterranean dishes ARE the only ones that include squid.

>> No.6238754

>MUH yurop
No one cares, retard. Europe is no longer relevant in the world. Asians stuff squids in their vaginas.

I could post a recipient for fried squid called calamari and that'd be more proof than you've provided.

>> No.6238757

>Also, as I stated before, as far as the evolution of the english language i
You're the only one mentioning this to try and support your flimsy argument. This isn't relevant and the Mediterranean isn't the only place to have squid.

Calling all squid outside of Italy is as retarded as calling all chicken dishes pollo

>> No.6238766

>No one cares, retard
Pretty sure you're the retarded one, as I specifically was talking about the evolution of the ENGLISH language, and our use for certain words in ENGLISH. If you want to continue to entertain your delusion, go back to SRS.

>Calling all squid outside of Italy is as retarded as calling all chicken dishes pollo
And I guess calling all cow meat beef is also retarded? Huh... is the use of the word "castle" retarded, too? What about "bravo!"? Should I stop saying "sushi" and just say "raw fish"? I probably shouldn't use any non germanic english word, should I? Or should I qualify every word I say by including the different cultural variations?

Again I say: You're willfully ignorant, aren't you?

>> No.6238769
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>>No one cares, retard
>Pretty sure you're the retarded one,

>> No.6238775

>can't come up with a valid response other than sjw bullshit
>posts a reaction picture and claims victory

>> No.6238779

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with

>> No.6238789

nothing beats a good fried fish sandwich.

>> No.6239093

Everything else is crap

>> No.6239108

>cod is crap
>sole is crap
>chilean sea bass is crap
>swordfish is crap
Yeah, okay buddy.

How about all these landlocked faggots stop posting?

>> No.6239110

Has anyone had shark before? Its really good.

>> No.6239116

Yes ive had it. It was delicious. Unfortunately it should generally be avoided due to high mercury content

>> No.6239141

>not one mention of sardines

Do you guys even lift?

>> No.6239143

Manta ray and shark are both good if you know how to cook them.

>> No.6239146
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I want to kill everyone, satan is good, satan's my pal

>> No.6239659
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How in the fuck has no one mentioned Octopus yet? It's objectively the GOAT seafood.

>> No.6239712

Definitely! Especially the way Koreans do it.


>> No.6239994

You're sort of a pussy, but it's fine, you can get over it. drowning it in lemon is fine. dipping it in something spicy is also pretty good. Lemon+Soy Sauce is also a good combo. Worst comes to worst, you can always cook it and drown it in some buttery sauce.

>> No.6240211
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>tfw haven't had mahi mahi in years

Gotta get some soon

>> No.6240223

1. Crab
2. Shrimp
3. Salmon
4. Halibut
5. Tuna
6. Clams

>> No.6240826
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Why don't they kill the octapus? Is it marinated in anything?

>> No.6240954
File: 61 KB, 600x450, blue-crab_472_600x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Oysters
2. Crab
3. Lobster
4. Shrimp
5. Swordfish/Tuna/Seabream/Mahi Mahi
6. Scallops
7. Octopus
8. Squid
9. Mussels
10. Flounder/Cod/Herring/Mackerel
9998. All seafood dishes prepared in non-coastal areas
9999. Red Lobster prepared 'seafood'

>> No.6240968

1. Alaskan Snow Crab
2. Alaskan King Crab
3. Queensland mud Crab
4. Freshwater King Prawns
5. White Cod
6. Patagonian tooth-fish
7. craw-fish
8. Mussels
9. Black Tiger prawns
10. Crayfish
11. Lobster

>> No.6241084

OP is so pleb he lists scallops as number seven.

Oh and turtle tastes like the pond it came out of.

And shark is bland.

>> No.6241244
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pretty right
i can't get good crab or lobster from supermarkets here but they sell some good oysters, prawns and Bryon bay bugs.

>> No.6241400

I recognize a troll thread when I see one but just for to make a point..
>one fucking category
1. dolphin (mahi mahi for you faggots)
2. salmon
3. grouper
4. yellowfin tuna
1348135972046537562309453. whatever
and then. tilapia
your welcome,
fuck you very much,
all of south florida

>> No.6241441

>mfw nobody mentions eel

1. freshwater eel
2. shrimp
3. crab
4. scallops
5. cod
6. lobster
7. clams

Don't care to rank much else.

>> No.6241447

Dolphin isn't fish. It's mammal.

Look for a vertical tail.

>> No.6241480

interesting.. i guess spanish/potugese/french/norwegian etc etc were all fads.

pro-tip: hit your head with a baseball bat, or a cricket mallet, w/e. you will reach true englightenment..you are almost there.

>> No.6241485
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Why is king crab so fucking expensive?

>> No.6241513

People are lazy. Despite it tasting worse than snow crab its larger and people are too lazy to crack more legs.

>> No.6241525

I would assume since they're so large there are fewer of them caught. Supply is limited.

>> No.6241541
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>> No.6241561


NaN. Surimi

>> No.6241564

I had this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6241596

>crab that low
Terrible. See me after class

>> No.6241601

asians literally have no souls even the american born ones

>> No.6241606
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>> No.6241611

dolphinfish fucktard, and im from cali

>> No.6241640

what is a soul?
BTW you sounded butt mad and my favorite food is shark fin.

>> No.6241681

not butt mad. just glad im not a filthy fish head

>> No.6241709

so you must be of octopus people. The girl ate it wrong actually. She was supposed to cut each of its tentacle into pieces and eat them slowly without killing the thing to preserve freshness. Dapple the thing with a bit of soy sauce too.
Oh and of course, she must use bamboo toothpick to nail it down first, without killing it of course. Otherwise, it will move quite a bit. Not sure if from pain or from the salt in the sauce
See I am such a connoisseur. What is a soul again?

>> No.6241714
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>slowly torturing animals by keeping them alive to preserve "freshness"
>being a human

pick one

>> No.6241716

Turtle is pretty ok. Not god tier or anything. Imagine a chicken breast that taste like seafood.

>> No.6241722

If that black thing you just posted were human, I would be glad not to be one :^)
Here is how sur-human cook
Notice how he skewered the fish to keep them alive till the last second, which also prevented the fish from secreting a chemical released when they were tortured, and no rigor mortis either!
A true master. So fresh manneeee

>> No.6241873


>Freaking out because of the terminology in seafood.

You must be fun at parties

>> No.6241878


Congratz, only 20hours late

>> No.6241901

>Caring about anything other than taste and health when it comes to your food

If an animal running around free and enjoying life with a quick death makes the food taste good, I'm all for it. If a slow tortured death while spending its life in a small cage does not affect the taste while keeping prices down, even better.

>> No.6241960


Shrimp and mussels should be switched but otherwise good list

>> No.6241974


Is shark not common in other countries? Here in Ausfailia it's pretty much the most basic thing you get in fish and chip shops.

>> No.6242187

Crab is better than lobster.

I also don't see how you can rank shrimp so high, but they're not bad.


I had some friends from the midwest visiting (live on the east coast) and they had never tried seafood so we took them out to a really nice local place and ordered crabs, mussels, shrimp, etc. They hated it, I couldn't believe it.

>> No.6242191

You've got it all wrong

1. Oyster
2. Scallops
3. Crab
4. Lobster
5. Mussels
6. Shrimp
7. Calamari
8. Clams
9. Fish
10. Canned fish

>> No.6242203


Good list, aside from oysters. Why are oysters ranked number one? They're good, but nothing spectacular. Raw or cooked?

>> No.6242213

>I had some friends from the midwest visiting (live on the east coast) and they had never tried seafood so we took them out to a really nice local place and ordered crabs, mussels, shrimp, etc. They hated it, I couldn't believe it.
This is terrifying, but true. I've encountered such people as well. When offered some of the tastiest foods known to man they recoil in disgust. It's like meeting someone who hates music or sex.

>> No.6242223


The problem is that a lot of people form strong opinions after just one try of something. Picture someone from the middle of nowhere where there is no access to good fish. The only thing they've tried was old, refrozen multiple times, and was poorly prepared by an inept cook. Now they go around assuming that all fish must be like that.

>> No.6242230

I could eat raw oysters until I popped. It doesn't matter if it's just lemon juice, or cocktail sauce, or dressed up like any kind of ceviche you can imagine, raw oysters are fucking heavenly, especially when you're drinking. Add in oysters rockefeller, fried oysters, angels on horseback, and oyster dressing, and you've got some of the tastiest dishes made from such a simple ingredient. Oysters are king.

>> No.6242250


Yeah they may have had shitty frozen Calamari before but I presented them with some high quality, fresh, well prepared seafood and they tried it and almost threw up. It actually angered me. I know not everyone likes certain foods but how can you cast off the whole branch of seafood? We are not friends with those people any more.

Yeah, I've had plenty of raw oysters but I definitely don't see them as anything beyond an appetizer. I'd rather just get a shit load of crabs for everyone and maybe a few oysters.

>> No.6242251

>The only thing they've tried was old, refrozen multiple times, and was poorly prepared by an inept cook.
I understand. The first time I tried uni was at a totally shit tier sushi place (before I knew any better). It was off, and it was horrible. For a year or so I thought I didn't like uni. But I tried it again, because I figured there's no way people would go so apeshit about the stuff if it were always as terrible as my first taste of it was. And I realized the stuff is fucking delicious, but you have to be ruthless about sourcing it. Lots of seafood falls into this category: fresh mackerel, herring and pretty much anything from a raw bar.

But I think with many people the aversion to seafood goes beyond just an initial bad experience. They just never eat the stuff, so anything more challenging than frozen shrimp or mild white fish is gross to them. The smell, texture and even the idea of most seafood is horrifying to them. It's like seafood molested them when they were children, and now they can't enjoy it at all.

>> No.6242253

I'm a drunk, so appetizers appeal to me more than entrees.

>> No.6242254


Fair enough. Shit, I could go for some oysters right now.

>> No.6242255

You and me both.

>> No.6242258


Come get drunk with me and have oysters.

>> No.6242260

Okay, but I'm not blowing you.

>> No.6242263

Fuck, now I want a half dozen Blue Points and a glass of Muscadet.

>> No.6242264


Why does it always have to be about sex :(

>> No.6242267


See: >>6242120

>> No.6242271


Sounds like the fucking Burt's Bees guy. I just wanna hang around with some bros and drink and eat oysters.

>> No.6242277

I'm sorry for being a little bit paranoid about the intentions of a stranger asking me to come eat oysters and get drunk with him, on 4chan no less.

>> No.6242278


It's okay, I'm really normal.

>> No.6242283

I don't buy it.

*teleports behind you*

heh, nice try

*unsheathes oyster knife*

nothing personnel, kid

>> No.6242287

Do any of you like fried soft shell crab? I tried one two days ago and it was shit.

>> No.6242289


You're not allowed over anymore.

>> No.6242290


They're overrated.

>> No.6242294
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>> No.6242305

Funny how most your top ranked EAT feces themselves.

>> No.6242320 [DELETED] 

1: Tuna
2: Salmon
3: Trout
4: Shrimp
5: White fish suitable only for a shameful breading
Everything else.

>> No.6242324

1: Tuna
2: Salmon
3: Pickled Herring
4: Shrimp
5: Trout
6: White fish suitable only for a shameful breading
Everything else.

>> No.6242384

beats me

I think they just take a live octopus, dip it in soy sauce, and then eat it.

>> No.6242387

Are you arguing with me that calamari shouldn't be used for culinary squid?

>> No.6242399

The soy sauce makes them dance.


>> No.6242403

ive lived on the coast my entire life and ive never had a raw oyster. they look fucking gross but ive always wanted to try them

>> No.6242407

Red Snapper

Never had sea urchin so I can't say

>> No.6242413

The saltiness, I'm sure.

Looks like the top part was sliced off. That's gotta sting like a mofo

>> No.6242429

1 scallops
2 conch/abalone
3 octopus
4 lobster
5 shrimp (less than 6 hours from catch)
6 Dungeness crab
7 walleye
8 snapper/grouper
9 mussels
10 swordfish

This can be rearranged based on what is freshest.

>> No.6242482

>ranked higher than any ocean fish
minnesota-fag detected

>> No.6242518

Missouri fag but I do like Minnesota too.

>> No.6242540

Either way, you're asserting a freshwater fish over actual SEA food, because you're landlocked.

>> No.6242574


Minnesotans think the only place in the world that exists is Minnesota.

When they're actually visiting other parts of the planet they proudly exclaim, "I'm from Minnesota!!" not "I'm from the US!"

>> No.6242575

Just a personal preference. Good walleye has a great nostalgia element to it. It reminds me of the fishing trips I went on with my gramps. I do travel to the coasts relatively often that's where I usually get seafood. Octopus mofongo is the latest dish I've fallen in love with.

>> No.6242583

Exactly my point.

Glad you enjoy it.

But objectively, virtually any ocean fish will be better.

>> No.6242584

>Land of 10,000 lakes including Lake Superior


>> No.6242589

>almost or entirely surrounded by land; having no coastline or seaport.

So yeah. Landlocked.

>> No.6242593

>minnesota has no ports

>> No.6242599

Depends on the variety of shark. Fresh dogfish takes like garbage and is a pain in the ass to clean.

>> No.6242609

Nice changing of terms, buddy! It's almost like my house sitting on a small fish pond (with a dock!) isn't landlocked either.

The term is "seaport" for a reason.

>> No.6242616

>what is the St Lawrence seaway?
The iron ore in your steel possessions came from here.
>on a boat

>> No.6242628

>Live on the coast
>Buddy from land locked state visits
>Take him to a raw bar
>Eat probably 3 dozen oysters with him
>He fucking loves them
>Then he starts to examine it thoroughly before eating it
>Takes the little fork and is poking and prodding it and turning it over
>"Man this thing is disgusting I can't eat this anymore"
And now he will not eat oysters not even fried or steamed.

>> No.6242630

So the "seaway", which was a *way to the sea* via lakes and man made locks means Minnesota ISN'T landlocked, that it has a true SEAport, and that it is located on the coast of an ocean/sea? Okay. Then why can't you just catch Tuna there?

>> No.6242635



MN is number 7.

You're just retarded.

>> No.6242637

Good luck catching tuna near any seaport.

>> No.6242639

Tuna is for fags and nips

>> No.6242647



It's also the most consumed fish in the United States.

>> No.6242666

who gives a fuck about minnesota anyway?

>> No.6242687

Sure are a lot of fags and nips in the United States.

>> No.6242691

Faggot tried to argue that MN wasn't landlocked. Since I'm on 4chan, I felt an inexpressible urge to shut him down.

I don't get that urge in real life too much anymore. You end up seeming like a jackass who can't control his ass burgers.

>> No.6242696

It's the number 2 most consumed fish in the entire world. Right after Salmon.

>inb4 I must be the only one with good taste in the entire world

>> No.6242703

stop arguing semantics your autistic faggot. You know very damn well what the term means an d the context associated with it from this thread. You even know why there is a difference although you keep asserting that they are the same in the context of seafood. I hope you fucking die in your mother fucking lake. People like you are extremely annoying and the world would be a better place without you.

>> No.6242740
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They're not fishing in a port faggot.

>> No.6242744

Yes they are, numbskull.

Boston and Gloucester are seaport cities.

>> No.6242825

>talking about subjective matters in a subjective thread
>calls others arrogant
You really are a tool aren't you?

>> No.6242827

Where a boat sails from isn't necessarily where it it is fishing.

>> No.6242844

>Good luck catching tuna near any seaport.
>catching tuna near any seaport
>near any seaport
They're wicked fuckin close, jackass.

>> No.6242914

>Suggestions? Or am I just a pussy

Your brain programs itself to eat the foods it has access to. And it also programs itself to make you spit out things you arent use to since it might be poisonous. This is a survival mechanic hardwired into your brain. You can reprogram your brain and taste buds by forcing yourself to eat small amounts over a period of time. Usually takes 2 weeks max.

Of course, things like oysters can be really hit or miss. If you get unlucky and get a really shitty one, it's going to taste like garbage.