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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6237829 No.6237829 [Reply] [Original]

How do you keep your appetite under control?

Food lover who wants to stay in shape

>> No.6237834


>> No.6237835


>> No.6237853


>> No.6237860


>> No.6237865

self control :^)

>> No.6237870

This so much

>> No.6237884

you beat me to it

>> No.6237889

OP here, I actually am on an Adderall prescription.

I make sure that my head is clear off the stuff by the time evening rolls around, else it can interfere with bedtime. Sadly that's also when the hunger strikes.

>> No.6237893

I just snack a little bit through out the day, I haven't had a 'meal' in years.

over time your stomach shrinks, and you can drink water after you eat to get the full feeling.

>> No.6237894

You don't. you just exercise more.

>> No.6237897

When I was on adderall it completely ruined my diet, I barely ate anything. I'd have to force myself to eat a piece of bread and it was hard to swallow.

fuck that shit.

>> No.6237901

listen up women

>> No.6237909 [DELETED] 

drink lots of water and or tea.

>> No.6237911

Almonds, activated or not.

>> No.6237917

Stay busy; don't stay on 4chan all day.

>> No.6237918

I take two 20mg SRs a day and I don't have trouble eating. It's easy to control how much you eat though, since you A: Are definitely less hungry on Adderall; and B: You generally have more self-control and discipline on Adderall. It helps with eating too much, or just as important, not eating enough.

>> No.6237920


>> No.6237921

Try doing some rough calorie counting. You don't have to be super exact, but if you have some decent estimates of how many calories you're taking in on an average day, it's a lot easier to maintain control and not overeat. I'm trying to lose weight (I'm 5'11'', 230 lbs, so not a total hamplanet but pretty overweight) and I also love food, of all kinds, in large portions. I started using a free online food journal to track my calorie intake, and I pretty quickly realized that what I considered an 'average' day was as much as 3,000 calories. Seeing that number and tracking my caloric intake as I tried to eat less helped me wrap my head around what a proper amount of food to have in a day looked like, and my appetite adjusted pretty quickly. I only really started doing this about a month ago, and I'm down about five pounds. I'm trying to get more nutrient, rather than calorie, dense snacks for when I just can't fight my hunger, but even though I've cut my portion sizes down quite a bit, I don't ever feel starving between meals. I'm also realizing that going to a meal actually hungry can make it a lot more enjoyable, rather than maintaining constant fullness all day.

Sorry if that's a lot of rambling.
tl;dr: Keep a food journal and rough estimates of your daily caloric intake to lean to better manage your hunger.

>> No.6237951

This is my answer. Self control is hard, riding a bike is fun.

>> No.6237955

>You don't have to be super exact
this is why my obese sister is still obese
>i only had like one big mac and thats about 400 calories!

>> No.6237957

riding a bike is boring..

>> No.6237959 [DELETED] 
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>tfw on medication and loosing weight without even trying.

>> No.6237973

I'm saying you don't have to weigh your food and calculate down to the single calorie. I'm guessing your sister had a large fry and large diet Coke with that Big Mac and didn't pay any attention to those.

>> No.6237989

what medication?

>> No.6237991

Lamotrigine last december. Lost 30lbs over 6months, not very chill

All of the gains i made were lost and i am still trying to get them back

>> No.6237994

Oh and i lost a lot of my hair(head eyebrows pubic etc)

I still have to eat by a timer and be conscious that i get enough calories. this bullshit is so much worse than not eating as much

>> No.6237996 [DELETED] 

wellbutrin. it's an antidepressant but it doesn't work. it does allow me to go the whole day without eating. i normally get hungry around 10pm. it's funny cause it's also advertised as a way to quit smoking and for weight lose.

>> No.6237998

this is me
i also take wellbutrin. Shit will get better bro just give it time

>> No.6238003


Feeling hungry? Eat a slice thin cut deli meat. That shit keeps you full for awhile and is low calorie.

>> No.6238006

Often high in sodium though. I love wrapping sliced deli meat around string cheese.

>> No.6238007

I buy fresh from the deli. Maybe I should have mentioned that.

>> No.6238010 [DELETED] 

lol doesn't matter.

>> No.6238012

Why? It's not cured or soaked in salt. It's roasted there. Pretty low in salt.

>> No.6238020

taking more potassium helps to excrete excess sodium

>> No.6238046

I don't normally eat like a human trash compactor, but tonight I put back a heavy slice of millionaire's shortbread, two bowls of corn and avocado 'salad,' a bowl of soup, a can of creme soda, and a pb&j

no idea why

>> No.6238052

millionaire's shortbread is the food of the gods
revel in the knowledge that you eat food that the peasants from 1400's couldn't even dream of consuming

>> No.6238054


that is why twix is the best shitty american chocolate bar

>> No.6238056

but it's got nothing on the true stuff, the kind you make at home because you miss your grandmum...
though reese's peanut butter cups are alright too i guess

>> No.6238057


>> No.6238067

I don't get excited about food.

>> No.6238140
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This guy's got it. I was really surprised how quickly I got used to just eating better food and appropriate portion sizes; shitty fast food and soda simply doesn't taste that great anymore, gorging myself feels fucking terrible instead of fun. Don't get me wrong: I still love pizza and those sad McDonald's dollar menu cheeseburgers for some godawful reason, I just don't inhale half a pizza at a time/don't eat shitty nearly as often. Don't even really want to anymore. This probably sounds a little obnoxious, but food tastes a lot more interesting when it isn't just smothered in fat and salt/sugar.

You also don't have to be obsessive about counting calories, but getting a scale and just glancing at nutrition labels will really help you get a rough grasp of how much of something you should be eating. You should actually have a kitchen scale already anyway if you can afford a few bucks.

Eat smaller portions more often if you can. Idk most people don't get enough fiber, and roughage helps fill your stomach. Plus your poops are better. There's stuff like complex vs simple carbs, but I never bothered to really fuck with that.

Also don't be like my one friend that eats salad to lose weight but also drowns it in dressing

>> No.6238156


>> No.6238173 [DELETED] 


>> No.6238182

read 'brain over binge'. I wasn't even aware i was a binge-eater.

>> No.6238219


As someone who went from 150kg to 85kg, I can vouch for this method because (besides cutting out soda altogether) this was the most helpful practice I adopted.

Seriously, just have a rough idea of how many kilojoules/calories your body needs per day (they say the average human needs 8,600kj), set a limit below that so you're at a deficit and then try to estimate your way to that limit. The key is to overestimate the energy of everything you eat.

Also don't deny yourself things because thats just asking for a relapse. Have it in moderation and compensate with the rest of your diet instead. Want some icecream on a hot day? Go for it, but maybe halve your dinner portions or something.

Also also, never forget that every day is a clean slate. So if you feel like you go over just remember that weight gain is the result of long-term surplus of energy, so one bad day isn't a huge setback unless you let it derail you entirely.

>> No.6238222

Drink fiber fifteen minutes before eating, eat more wholesome alternatives of what you would ordinarily be eating, make sure you chew each bite at least thirty times

>> No.6238226

I frequently starve for one or two days because I am too shy to go out to buy food. Otherwise, if I had an unlimited supply of food or didn't mind buying tons of stuff when I go do the groceries, I would be very fat.

>> No.6238234

My appetite pretty much keeps itself under control. Especially when I eat three meals a day, as it stops a desire to snack. I eat reasonably sized meals and stop when I feel comfortably full. Calorie counting is the enemy, it leads to ocd like behaviours which either lead you to being super skinny or super fat, just eat sensibly, if your stomach hurts after eating, you've eaten way too much.

The hard thing is trying to keep my appetite up when I'm in a negative mood, sometimes I'll have like one meal in a day or less when feeling bad, good thing that doesn't happen often.

You have to try to lose control of your appetite in the first place by eating until you're used to having insanely sized portions.

>> No.6238237

>literally takes amphetamines
>is still a pathetic hambeast who can't go without consuming his fridge by the end of the day

You are fucked, OP, doomed to be a fat fuck forever.

>> No.6238245

I lift, so all those extra calories I take in are just fine.

>> No.6238249

Get sick with norovirus

You'll vomit and diarrhea away 5 pounds in the first day and won't feel like eating at all for the next 2-3 due to,the stomach cramping and weird noises emanating from your GI tract at all hours of the day. You'd be surprised at how significant of n eating turn-off that is once you finally recover.

2 years ago I was 294 pounds, 5'10", and well on my way to busting through 300, and it felt helpless. Then by some miracle I actually got sick (never hadn't gotten a cold or the flu in probably 6 years), and that ws literally the exact progression of my illness. I never counted calories, I never significantly increased my physical activity level, I just got this psychological jolt that turned down my appetite a few notches because of how much pain my stomach and anus were in at the time. I'm now right around 200, the least I've weighed in likely 10 years and I thank Odin every day for making me as sick as I got 2 years ago.

>> No.6239024

Fat and cinnamon satiate.
Drinking water, almond milk, coffee, and tea will fill you up without all the calories.
I've lost 47lbs since summer of 2014.

>> No.6239026

eat a low carb diet.

>> No.6239032 [DELETED] 
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> implying niggers on food stamps don't eat better than most working class people

>> No.6239056

I eat whole foods with a lot of fiber and water and keep fat consumption low, mostly from just a few nuts/seeds

>> No.6239079

I eat 3 full meals daily with no snacking.
Breakfast is the largest meal, with lunch being medium portion, and dinner being the smallest meal that is high protein and low carb. (Eating protein 3hours before bed helps burn fat while sleeping)
If I have hunger that can't be ignored, I will eat a couple if celery stalks. It is virtually all water, with only 6 calories per stalk.

>> No.6239105

Eat carbs


>> No.6239113

Lots of water

>> No.6239144

Eat extremely nutritious fibrous food. Cut out fast converting carbs like rice and wheat and eat whole vegetables. You get satisfied before you feel full and it lasts longer. Try lentils with mirepoix and chicken.

>> No.6239145


Brown rice and whole wheat are fine though

>> No.6239147

Also you can curb your appetite with really strong good coffee. Get a french press and some good beans. Then throw a pat of grass fed butter in it. It will curb your appetite.

>> No.6239163

Avoid fat and sugar as much as possible.

>> No.6239168

I do a fast once a week.

>> No.6239170
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>put butter in your coffee

>> No.6239179


if u get used to speed enough you can sleep on it

>> No.6239275

I don't.

I suggest you look at fat fucks like me and imagine what it's like to live that way as a method of suppressing your appetite.

>> No.6239282

Eat good foods and exercise

>> No.6239338

Willpower. Also >>6237853 is a good alternative.

>> No.6239358

and I don't eat lunch or snack.

>> No.6241393


>> No.6241401

Drink lots of water and count calories whenever possible. If you want to lose weight, eat less calories. If you want to gain and bulk up, eat more, but don't forget to exercise.

>> No.6241876


>> No.6242020

Keep a food schedule, when you cook, cook big.
savour candy and sweet things. Try to leave out sugary things. When you say you're a food lover... Its not fast food and sugarstuff that you're talkin about... atleast I hope so OP

>> No.6242109

>I eat 3 full meals daily with no snacking.
>Breakfast is the largest meal, with lunch being medium portion, and dinner being the smallest meal that is high protein and low carb. (Eating protein 3hours before bed helps burn fat while sleeping)
yea sure Dr.Broscience.
Do your research, you're full of shit.

>> No.6242137

Only eat when you're *actually* hungry (if you still eat too often, set specific meal times), and stop eating once you start to feel satisfied. Even if that means making leftovers.

Honestly, I think one of the biggest reasons people overeat is portion size. They take huge portions, and then feel like they have to eat it all because muh starvin chillins in afreeka.

>> No.6242162

Small meals, lots of water. After a while your stomach will shrink. If you try to eat a large meal it will hurt and you'll feel sick.

>> No.6242190

This is kinda true. When you're a fatfuck you feel hungry all the time, because your fat is fighting to preserve itself. If you fail to eat too much too often you get cranky, and eventually hit a hypoglycemic crash.

Once you get trim you don't crave food in the same way, because you're not hungry all the time. So it kind of takes care of itself.

Going from hungry fatfuck to trim guy with no issues about appetite control took me two years. It involved working out, and changing my diet. The diet change was shying away from delicious calorie dense foods (meat, cheese) on a day to day basis, while filling up on veggies, beans and grains. That allowed me to feel full while consuming fewer calories. Think about it: you can eat a cheeseburger and be hungry a few hours later, but the same amount of calories in the form of beans and kale will leave you feeling stuffed. So I eat the beans and kale on an everyday basis, then have the cheeseburger as a once in a while treat.

>> No.6242514

What works for me is:
- Eat nutritious meals
- Only drink coffee, tea and water. Sodas only once in a while if i really crave some (on average 1-3 glasses a week)
- Keep busy..when my mind is occupied I don't notice the feeling of wanting to eat something, also being bored makes me crave for sweet stuff.

If you do end up snacking try going for things that arent as unhealthy as chips and chocolates etc, like an apple, some nuts or a cracker with cheese.

In the end it's all about willpower.

>> No.6244750

The poor are disproportionately more obese than other economic groups though.

>> No.6244753

>I'm also realizing that going to a meal actually hungry can make it a lot more enjoyable, rather than maintaining constant fullness all day.
This is actually a pretty great observation I wish more people would come to realize.

>> No.6244754

>How do you keep your appetite under control?

>> No.6244851

lift and run a lot. working out extensively will raise your tdee to 3.500 or more if you're not a manlet, pretty hard to get fat then if you're not eating hambeast tier quantities

>> No.6244869

I'll never understand what it's like to be sodomized and live through the symptoms of that trauma, but I give you my condolences man.

>> No.6244878

portion control deny yourself nothing but eat measured portions.One burger or dog . eat vegetables and fruit,be not discouraged.Rome was not built in a day and you are not gonna lose 100 lbs in a month. slow and steady.eat less.move more.my problem is beer. not a low cal drink

>> No.6244888


Ephedrine and Caffeine,

really strong appetite suppresants. It's really nice because you enter a meal feeling full, and stay feeling full after every bite. Without that satisfaction of filling your stomach you feel comfortable saying "oh, thats enough of that", instead of "FINISH THE WHOLE THING!"

Research how an EC stack works, relatively safe, and you get buy the stuff at a pharmacy legally.

>> No.6245271

By browsing FPS on /fit/ and going to gym whenever I can.