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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 244 KB, 620x412, guy_fieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6237775 No.6237775 [Reply] [Original]

Did this Guy cause the decline of the Food Network?

>> No.6237785

>Food Network

Food Network is owned and operated by Martha Stewart Inc.

>> No.6237786

No, it started with all the easy meal shows and cunts like Rachel Ray.

>> No.6237788

I would say it had more to do with Alton Brown leaving.

>> No.6237798
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>tfw I read cunts as cucks
I fucking hate this site.

>> No.6237804

Leaving? He's still there in several different capacities, he just doesn't do Good Eats any more.

>> No.6237863
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He is a symptom, not a cause.

>> No.6238263
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>> No.6238270


A reliance on food contest/reality show has brought about their decline. So much that they needed to create the Cooking Channel to go back to their core fundamentals and teach cooking again. Guy is just a result of all of this. He even broke through the FN ceiling via a reality show, not by being a respected chef with restaurants.

This is not unlike MTV moving away from music videos in the 90's (e.g. The Real World, Bevis & Butthead) and creating MTV 2 to show music videos. Then MTV 2 became the same as MTV 1.

>> No.6238276


Food Network UK is slowly turning into non-cooking based shows. Probably partly due to Guy.

Used to be actual cooking shows by people who would show you recipes, or go on an <insert country here> adventure where they show different cultures cuisine. These shows are core demographic material and the only reason I watch Food Network

Sadly they're being slowly being replaced by shit like DDD, Restaurant Stakeout, Chings Restaurant Redemption, Farm Kings, Mystery Diners etc and it sucks.

Also if I hear Ina Garten say decadent one more time i'm going to snap.

>> No.6238326

No, he's just exacerbated it,

>> No.6238450
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Food Network suffered the same fate as Discovery, History, Animal Planet, MTV and TLC, reality bullshit drama sells more than good content.

>> No.6238456


Guy is tubular, man.

>> No.6238458

George Noory is a shit

>> No.6238479

He's always been there and is brilliant at any role he does.

Speaking of which, why did they nix Iron Chef?

>> No.6238496

Even ICA declined a lot before it ended.

Chopped's the only good show of all these stupid game shows that have been cropping up, it's the closest you're getting to it.

>> No.6238519


Even ICA has been declining for the last few years. So much that they had to introduce goofy concepts to keep it "interesting". Michael Simon and Jose Garces were good pick-ups, but every other IC picked via "Next Iron Chef" has lacked.

>> No.6238528

He is going to do a Good Eats web series. I am pretty excited about it.

>> No.6238538

Those are two words I can't stand. When I make something and someone says that it makes me want to throw the whole meal in the trash. It makes me that mad.

>> No.6238550



really irks me

>> No.6238556

There's literally nothing wrong with Guy. If you hate him, you're an America hating cuck from Reddit.

>> No.6238569

>Guy visits restaurants
>they show him how they make their popular items
>he visits another
What's the issue here? That triple Ds isn't a reality game show? He might be loud, but his show is not the worst thing on food network.

>> No.6238577

I dont mind Cutthroat Kitchen either. Its a nice mix of gameshow and cooking.

>> No.6238578


Your synopsis was off the hook.

Dude, let's ditch these idiots and head to Flavortown.

>> No.6238699

I laughed.

>> No.6238735

I've never seen his show, and I know that the Food Network was already in decline when I stopped watching it about 6 years ago.

>> No.6238748

For all the hate he gets on the internet, he's obviously doing something right. He has multiple shows, restaurants and cookbooks. People like him, autistics from reddit do not.

He's not a five star chef but he does not pretend to be one. Pour a glass of donkey sauce and chill out for a second, brochacho.

>> No.6239381


>> No.6239388

That show is so bad

>> No.6239421

This so much. America treats it's television the same way it treats it's food.
Fast, Cheap and Easy.

I don't think George Noory is on the history channel. He does the coast to coast radio show.

>> No.6239529

RIP Hitler channel

>> No.6239534

The middle of the road is the worst part of the road to be in.

>> No.6239571

I really like DDD
I really hate guy

>> No.6239595

i learned how to cook as a kid by watching food network. it was the only channel on tv that actually offered some knowledge and ability to gain a skill.

they should've done shows that were like good eats but more in-depth with new food and food technology.

last time i was watching chopped, they had a bunch of fat teenage girls and a nervous, twitchy little effeminate boy. i know the saying of not trusting a thin chef or whatever but stop normalizing obesity and that boy spent more time on his hair than what he was cooking.

just put gif of guy fieri eating a meatloaf covered in bbq sauce and ranch dressing on the food network channel and let it die

>> No.6239765
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They shouldn't have killed off Paula Deen. The only reason Giada was hired is for her looks

>> No.6239773

What happened to the BAM guy? I liked him. But he was no Alton Brown.

Alton Brown on cooking game shows is a serious and sad waste.

>> No.6239774

Emeril is busy running his restaurants

>> No.6239779


you can't have both. More likely, Guy is the cool dude, you always wanted to hang out with but he wouldn't give you the time of day. Yet you still secretly seek acceptance from the alpha male with all the funny jokes and desire to be in his presence to fulfill your boyhood fantasies.

>> No.6239781


you should watch america's test kitchen if you don't already


the only reason most people in the television/entertainment industry are hired is for her looks

I used to watch her when I was in high school and the shit she made pretty much always looked really good, so who cares?

>> No.6239782

No, Emeril started that with his BANG bullshit and having a studio audience and a band for a damn cooking show drawn out to one hour that without the BS could have been done in a 1/2 hour.

Emeril's first two shows, both series were just 1/2 hour each for each show and he showed really good techniques and he wasn't bogged down by being a showman.

>> No.6239786

not him, but if his view on it is the same as mine, he likes the food, but he thinks Guy is an obnoxious tool. I like to watch it just to laugh at him.

>> No.6239795

pretty much what this guy said

i enjoy watching food and seeing how people add their own twists and become popular restuarnts
but i hate hearing about how flavortown is exploding and how guy wants to take a bath in soup

>> No.6239802

stop hating and start laughing. most food network shows are goldmines of unintentional comedy

>> No.6239808

oh i laugh at it but sometimes i do just want to watch people cook
the pics people post in these threads like that gif of guy just licking some kind of liquid as the camera constantly zooms in and out always gets me to laugh

>> No.6239811

No, food network has become just shit designed to fill time between the commercials now... I don't have the patience to watch anything on that channel anymore.

>> No.6239812

your loss.

>> No.6239814

someone post that pic of him without the highlights, it is a sublime contrast

>> No.6239821

I agree, DDD is a good show and honestly you could do a lot worse than Guy in the driver's seat.

>> No.6239824

Not being annoying by celebrities that I don't care about, weird constant camera movements as if they can't afford a tripod to keep a stable image, and weird background music in every show they have is not my loss at all.

Especially annoying the stupid drumbeats leading up to commercials to make it extra dramatic. It's boring and childish likely designed by a cunt with a marketing degree and focus groups, and I have other things to do.

>> No.6239836

Your loss.

>> No.6239842

>It's boring and childish likely designed by a cunt with a marketing degree and focus groups, and I have other things to do
Epic broski! I'm tipping my flavor town fedora.

>> No.6239847

Well as far as tv goes at least we still have TCM. Robert Osborne is the man.

>> No.6239854

This is factual. I remember being livid after seeing his show.
It was the beginning of the end.
Then came the other gimmicky shows for amateurs, like Rachael Ray with her pet names & acronyms, and Alton Brown with his faggotry.

>> No.6239858

TCM used to be better, they've fallen off over the past couple years and there's a lot of repetition. From time to time though they do show some good movies.

Whenever I watch TCM I can't help thinking of Ted Turner's wife Jane Fonda sitting on a North Korean howitzer aimed at USA troops. She's a real cunt.

I think he and Bill Cosby have a lot of old cartoons shelved because some special snowflakes might get offended.

>> No.6239862

A girlfriend wanted to bring me to that show for my birthday once, I just gave her this look of WTF and no thanks.

We made up in the end.

>> No.6239865

Sane people laugh at those things, instead of getting annoyed.

The dramatic music they do every time someone slightly changes their facial expression? Hilarious.

>> No.6239874

Sane people change the channel or turn the TV off if annoyed.

>> No.6240126

Getting annoyed in general is stupid. If you can't see humor in everything that you find displeasing, you aren't trying hard enough.

>> No.6240160

So what you're saying is to be stupid and watch stuff that you don't like for the sake of watching commercials. You must be fun at a party.

If I don't like something I turn it off, stupid shit annoys me. You should try the same or you might end up shooting up a school or going postal on a cartoonist. We do have freedom of choice here in the USA...

>> No.6240172
File: 77 KB, 496x368, Bad_Man_Cornfield_Twilight_Zone-anthony-fremont-twilight-zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're starting to annoy me, and if you're not careful you'll get sent to the cornfield!

>> No.6240189

how old are you?

>> No.6240216

This. I gave up cable tv about 10 years ago cold turkey and now exclusively waste my time and kill brain cells with the internet instead.

I just try to be more appreciative that I got to see the good shit back in the days and not nostalgia too hard. Of course not all the content now is bad, but the decline in just about everything is pretty hard to ignore.

Too Long Did Not Read; grandpa likes the old shit better.

>> No.6240505
File: 53 KB, 600x518, gCHP9kR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone post the gif

>> No.6240729

He is, he fucked the shit out of C2C after Art Bell left, Art Bell hates his ass too for fucking it up. He's on those could be, might have been, is it possible space alien lizard people shows History Channel puts on.

I can't stand the fucker and stopped listening to c2c when Noory took it over from Art Bell.

>> No.6240802

Rachel Ray, she's nothing but a garden gnome with a raspy voice... she's pathetic.

>> No.6240818

I have old socks crusty enough to stand up on their own. They're borderline sentient beings.

>> No.6240979

Lol, I remember being stoned and paranoid as hell that the fucking aliens were gonna kidnap and anally probe me in my sleep.

You're making me nostalgia my friend, art bell era coast to coast was the shiznit.

>> No.6241030

>watch rachel ray for 2 weeks straight
>still can't boil water

>> No.6241044

it started with all the fucking competition shows

>still remember when there were actually good shows that teach you how to motherfucking cook

>> No.6241442

>watch how to boil water
>never explain how to boil water

>> No.6241495

No, godawful reality shows were.

>> No.6241524
File: 55 KB, 466x376, guy fieri&#039;s shrunken head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TV's just a creatively dead medium in the US. They learned at some point during the mid 2000's that they could just crap out reality garbage at the fraction of the cost of a good show and American swine will consume it even more voraciously. I don't think it helps that cable viewership is down year-over-year, either. Don't think you're gonna find much innovation in the TV space, now. Most of the hit shows on television are either on premium networks like HBO, or aren't even TV shows at all (House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Scandal).

>> No.6241543

Your last show is from the alphabet channel.

>> No.6241607
File: 36 KB, 300x400, 20150216225106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that would be all of the competitive cooking shows that try so hard to grip you with textbook suspense it's laughable. Oh no, everyone has a major catastrophe under the pressure but always manage to pull adequate dishes out of their ass anyway, let's hope the guy I relate to the most doesn't go home empty-handed after hearing his sob story, because that's what I came to a fucking food channel for.

I'd rather watch a fat joker create several hazards by clowning around in other people's kitchens. At least then I can get a few good tips from seeing what other people throw in a large pot.

>> No.6241617

you have to admit though that sometimes its funny when they cant even edit to make the competitions look close

>kids baking competition
>2 kids with worst dishes step up
>"kid 1 your sweet dish wasnt sweet enough but overall it was okay"
>"kid 2 your sweet and savory dish was literally fucked up on all fronts

>> No.6241815

I love watching DDD with my mom and taking his stupid catchphrases to use later with her when we're cooking.

>> No.6242100

Scandal is on network TV, retard.

>> No.6242207
File: 333 KB, 500x477, rfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really. it's like the history channel. they realized people didn't want to watch boring people cook so they started to make reality shows.

>> No.6242243


>> No.6242327

Want to know the answer?

It's the Internets fault

No one wants to watch cooking shows anymore when they can spend 5 seconds looking for a highly rated recipe with an instructional video online for free
This is why competition shows are taking over

This is also why the history channel went to shit
They lose their core viewers to the Internet and then have to appease the few viewers that tv has left

>> No.6242587

Same thing's been happening slowly to Cooking Channel too, but not with all Food Network shows.

>> No.6242602

TV's singing it's death song as a whole. I dumped my television for Netflix a long time ago.

>> No.6243797


TV *IS* dead. Long live TV!

>> No.6243830

>Ina Garten
Fuck that bitch, seriously. I can't stand her. She seems so fake and clearly doesn't know jack shit about cooking. If I was given a "knock one woman out free" card, it'd be used on that plump bitch.

>> No.6243843



>> No.6243854


she seems really fake but I wouldn't say she doesn't know about cooking, and most of the stuff I've seen her make over the years has looked really good

>don't tell jeffrey


mystery diners is the most blatantly fake show I've ever seen on television

>> No.6244135
File: 179 KB, 1000x699, donkeysauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll never be famous for being a self-righteous douche

>I'll never own a shitty restaurant in Times Square which sells overpriced garbage

>I'll never be able to sell Volcano Chicken, Motley Que Ribs, and BBQ Buffalo Meatloaf to droves and droves of tourists

>> No.6245457

>Bacon Mac n Cheese Burger

>> No.6245464


>> No.6245483


Literally memes: the menu

>> No.6245631

Did panic grip your soul as you stared into the whirling hypno wheel of the menu, where adjectives and nouns spin in a crazy vortex? When you saw the burger described as “Guy’s Pat LaFrieda custom blend, all-natural Creekstone Farm Black Angus beef patty, LTOP (lettuce, tomato, onion + pickle), SMC (super-melty-cheese) and a slathering of Donkey Sauce on garlic-buttered brioche,” did your mind touch the void for a minute?

>> No.6245633

>I'll never be famous for being a self-righteous douche

>I'll never own a shitty restaurant in Times Square which sells overpriced garbage

>self-righteous douche
>shitty restaurant
>overpriced garbage

What does that have to do with Guy?

>> No.6245673


Everything, it's his restaurant faglord

>> No.6245697


>implying self-righteous
>implying douche
>implying his restaurants are shitty
>implying it's overpriced on Times Square
>implying it's garbage

There we go

>> No.6245698

Guy's mom, pls go

>> No.6245714


This is my defense of Guy Fieri

Basically, guy fieris douchebag appearance was designed so he could win next food network star, which he did. If playing a character like that would get you a lucrative career, wouldn't you do that? Prior to that he was a relatively successful restauranteur, which is not an easy task--he started Johnny Garlic's with very little startup capital (I think 100k?) and ended up turning it into a chain. The dude's got hustle, and if the world respects terminally uncool hustlers why can't they respect guy fieri?

Now take his show: a lot of food network shows focus around places that aren't necessarily accessible to your common man. Instead of focusing on exotic locales or high end gourmet places, guy focuses on American food that's within the reach of Americans.

I ran the numbers too. DDD is food network's top rated show among most of (what I can guess are) their key demos. People say they want smart cooking shows but surprise surprise people are full of shit.

His follow up show guys grocery games is about getting families to cook together using ingredients that are accessible to your average American consumer. How can you hate on that?

His restaurants aren't necessarily terrible in concept. He takes clasic American food and gives it a spin and a schticky name. Conceptually (the suff he does) it's actually a cool concept--exposing middle America to maybe new flavors they wouldn't otherwise experience The mediocre review was more about the shitty logistical failures of the staff, but how much of that is guy's fault really?

Lastly, he's an Oakland Raiders fan which is awe some

>> No.6245847


I wish the sjw's would leave

>> No.6246888

>So much that they needed to create the Cooking Channel to go back to their core fundamentals and teach cooking again.

And even they're starting to show garbage like Mystery Diners.

>> No.6246898

No, he's just an asshole.

Watch any episode of his show. He might actually be autistic.

>> No.6246911

I liked it at first between Brown being Brown and legit screwing over someone, but then the sabotages just got so complicated that you wonder if they're actually hindering them sometimes.

It's really sad that only one person ever stopped and thought "hey, I can win this without losing all my money" and it was a special episode.

>> No.6247794

i wish you would

>> No.6248000

I actually like DDD. It's interesting to see how these restaurants across the country make some of their meals. Granted, Guy's jokes are forced and shitty, but the actual food part is good.

>> No.6248974

holy shit Guy lemme get an autograph! I dvr Triple D every day!

>> No.6248982

I get ideas from DDD because of the diversity. Everybody does burgers and shit but no 2 are alike for example...not to mention all the funky ethnic joints thrown in.

>> No.6248994

Fuck you m80, Ina Garten is fantastic. She's a sweet woman with nice recipes, bitch used to work in the white house as a clear policy analyst and now makes delicious homestyle meals and her husband jeffrey is cool.

>> No.6249026

>No, he's just an asshole.


>Watch any episode of his show. He might actually be autistic.


Seriously, man, when is he an asshole on his show? To me it looks like he makes all the people at the restaurants he visits feel at ease so they can let go, if they have some hardcore foreign accents he subtly repeats what they say so the viewers understand it without the need for subtitles, he has some cheeky things to say but they're never mean-spirited and he loves the food. Am I watching another version of DDD than you guys?

>> No.6249101

>Am I watching another version of DDD than you guys?
Dissing, disputes and disagreements.

"I went into this little known restaurant tucked away in California, and got hella served."

>> No.6250072

mmm, old-school pilaf

>> No.6250168

I actually met Guy when my parents dragged me to some live show he was doing. I talked to him and he seemed like a generally nice dude. I think he's just a bit dorky from a young persons perspective and some autists just get mad about that. He's definitely the food networks 40-50 year old market. I blame reddit.

>> No.6250173

This guy has a face I want to beat with a gold club. But aside from that, why don't people like him? Does he make meme food or something?

>> No.6250177


Guy is the reason for everything wrong with cooking in America. And the sad part is, people(restauranteurs, cooks) are emulating him.

>> No.6250916

Did he stress words in the same way he stresses DINERS, DRIVE-INS and DIVES?

>> No.6250939


AB said he currently gets paid more for one show (like Iron Chef or Cutthroat Kitchen) than he did for an entire season of the old good eats show.

>> No.6250960

>he'll never throw his head back and cackle while he drives away after saying this

>> No.6251360


I see Guy as this actually popular dude who invites everybody to his parties, not just the cool kids but everybody because he just wants everyone to have fun and a good time.
And then he'll play Smash Mouth and everybody sings along and stuff

>> No.6251573

You're missing the subtleties of his interactions. If you can't see how uncouth he is, you're probably also autistic.

>> No.6251581


Or maybe you're just reading far too much into everything because you just don't like him because /ck/ told you to.

>> No.6251585

nah, pretty sure you're an autist

>> No.6251590

>because /ck/ told you to
lol. just because you only experience things through 4chan, doesn't mean everyone does. i've been watching his show since it premiered, and my opinion of him hasn't changed. he's a douchebag who is fun to mock and laugh at, but he goes to good restaurants.

>> No.6251591


Pretty sure I'm not. But I never got tested.
You know what, maybe getting diagnosed with Autismal wouldn't be that bad, at least then I'd have something else than my own fucking personal failures to point to when I ask myself why I'm alone

>> No.6251615

Diners Drive Ins and Dives actually gives you recipes, though. It's a good show for Food Network while keeping it interesting.

Reality shows about Cakes are what started the downward spiral

>> No.6251624

I just wish it was hosted by a non-mutant.
I change the channel every time guy starts talking and switch back for the real action.

>> No.6251629


Well, sometimes you just don't like people, that's fine. There are people out there who don't like Anthony Bourbon or Jamie Oliver so, you know, it's fine.

>> No.6251664

Oh, I love him. I think he's an endless source of entertainment.

>> No.6251742
File: 23 KB, 400x534, flavortown usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy Fieri is now the main character of the last film you watched. What happens?

>Edge of Tomorrow

>> No.6251770

you could say that, but its not a bad show by any means
it was one of the last good shows they made
now its all cake shows and top chef ripoffs

>> No.6251776

>the skeleton twins

>> No.6251782

> The November Man
dunno what happens in the end, didn't have the patience
Guy Fieri would be the bulgarian mobster who owns a stripclub

>> No.6252155
File: 506 KB, 786x524, 1421791671937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me Mario Batali still has his morning show on the cooking channel.

>> No.6252167

>tfw when want to call you a faggot
>tfw when I realize you're right

At least he did something other than make fondant sculptures of abraham lincoln's cock for the arbor day speed baking competition.

>> No.6252185

yo dawgs, get off mah brah guy fieti's dick. he's super chill, and he's always got those dank munchies! surf's up!

>> No.6252426

I catch myself watching lesser cooking networks just for the sake of variety. I'd much rather see Martin Yan cook peasant food than Guy eating it.
Bobby Flay shows are only good when he loses and even Chopped is getting stale with that pretentious Indian woman with hubris as bad as Sanchez.

I.. I think it's just time to move on.

>> No.6252471

I think it was The Hobbit, but I can't remember.

Something about flaming hot hidden treasure in the middle of nowhere that's to die for, scorches your mouth, etc

The usual Guy mannerisms.

>> No.6252476

The last movie I watched was Fury
>Guy plays the tank
>The tank's name is Fieri

>> No.6252489

My parents went to one of his live shows too. Thankfully, it was without me. My mother won one of his knives by sacrificing a shred of humanity and doing pig noises in front of the audience.

>> No.6252555
File: 66 KB, 616x462, Sandra-Lee_Fairy-Halloween-Costume_s4x3.jpg.rend.sni18col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Queen Sandra Lee still on TV. Only reason to ever watch food network

>> No.6252646

she died

>> No.6252648


of bad taste and a shitty wardrobe?

>> No.6253786

>$20+ a plate
>For TGI Fridays-tier garbage

You're kidding, right?

>> No.6253800
File: 76 KB, 662x413, I DON&#039;T WANT TO FEEL THAT FEEL ANYMORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading about Sandra Lee
>"Kwanzaa Cake" repeatedly appears

What the fuck?

>mfw this video


>> No.6253837

after seeing parodies with bags of meat and sparklers this is a let-down

>> No.6253884

i was nearly drove over atleast twice every other month by the same guy(not fieri) next to a restraunt he reviewed.
not sure if the guy who kept trying to ran me over worked there (i've always thought he has cause i constantly saw his car in the parking lot) but knowing that a possible asshole got good reviews sucks ass.

>> No.6253915
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>> No.6253927
File: 21 KB, 300x300, sweet genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this show was so good.

This guy did not give a good god damn about anything, he would just cackle gleefully and hit his big red button in the middle of the round and everyone to bake their cupcakes with gym socks or some shit.

Truly the Chaotic Evil of the Food Network alignment chart.

>> No.6253975

I laughed so hard at this image that my neighbors had to check on me

>> No.6253998

This isn't even cringey after seeing the "cocktail" she "made" the was LITERALLY A PRE-MADE BOTTLED HYPNOTIQ COCKTAIL.

She fucking poured it in a glass and gave it a shitty name and said it was hers.

>> No.6254028

What I hate most about Guy Fieri is that his presence is completely non-essential. Whether you love or hate Bourdain and Zimmern they at least provide a coherent narrative, while Fieri doesn't really do anything but shout catch-phrases, interrupt to shout out ingredients he recognizes, shove food into his mouth and make female cooks visibly uncomfortable. He doesn't really contribute anything to DD&D that any other paid actor off the street couldn't do.

>> No.6254037


>North Korean