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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 632x426, bologna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6237709 No.6237709 [Reply] [Original]

do you like bologna sandwiches?

>> No.6237713
File: 34 KB, 540x540, Blightdontdrinkthewater03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more of pic related

>> No.6237714

Only when made with the absolute cheapest shit-tier ingredients possible.

When you start using good bread or real cheese it just doesn't work anymore.

>> No.6237723

Fried bolonga sandwhich is really good trashy food.

>> No.6237742

extra thick baloney and wonder bread is required

>> No.6237749

No. And I don't just dislike them - I fucking hate them.

And fuck you, BTW.

>> No.6237752


It's bologna.

>> No.6237790

The trash who eat bologna only use Miracle whip.

>> No.6237791

This. It works with things like spam or cheap deli cuts. You fry it up and it makes for really good sandwiches. Wouldn't even call them ghetto at that point.

>> No.6237799

its aight

>> No.6237810

These are correct.

>> No.6238206

Don't expect people to take you seriously when you use THAT CHEESE.

>> No.6238209

but is pronounced belloni

>> No.6238349

Gotta pan fry it. The hog squeels from the grave.

>> No.6240516
File: 685 KB, 4405x2693, margherita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can this cold cut be fixed so it isn't such a blah blah had it a thousand times sort of thing ???

>> No.6240814 [DELETED] 


I had this for lunch and I'm a skinny rich guy.

>> No.6240825

That isn't cheese dumbass. It's cheese product.

>> No.6241166

>add the cheetos to the sammich
>grill in butter

>> No.6241630

>thick piece (half inch or so) bologna
>fry it
>stick your bread slices in a toaster
>ketchup & fresh chopped onion

>> No.6241691

a person after my own heart. add a slice of tomato and some mayo, black pepper.Heat in toaster oven or microwave.One. I went from 360 to 270. you eat one.get out and do something else.I'm sure prisoners get tired of cheap Bologna, but I Like it slice of tomato, a bit of letuce, good stuff. I have that for tomorrow. BLT and a beer or two.Or just bolona.and cheese.Pray for people in prisons,ck. Some need to be there,short or long,many don't. ??????But I like and op's pic isa favorite. hey360 to 270 goal 220probably more than you wanted to know.I like balony.The Bible comands visit prisoners. I am no bleeding heart,ex military and other. nc ny and ca are dumping grounds. nevertheless (tighnen up)some of the best cooks came from prison.

>> No.6241726

Back in college I met an Australian girl, dated for a few months, one of the times she made lunch she served me exactly that. She actually went out and bought all those ingredients too.
I had deli roast beef, sourdough, and 3 kinds of cheeses that were not Velveeta... and she went out of her way to make this.
The Cheetos were left by a previous roommate, and they were stale.

>> No.6241823
File: 84 KB, 610x406, herman-cain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw i can't into shitty whitebread

>> No.6241827


wtf is wrong with you

>> No.6241849

Are you the ghost of James Joyce?

>> No.6241857
File: 28 KB, 640x360, Politician-Phoney_Baloney-493021630_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look it's a politician

>> No.6241927

This. I like mine on white bread with Wunderbar, yellow American, chunky peanut butter, and yellow mustard.

>> No.6241930


>> No.6242560

>white bread
>fucking niknaks?

1/10 for gherkins, would not eat.

>> No.6242576

I want it to be served after toasted

>> No.6242769
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sandwiches with glazed turkey breast

>> No.6243891

>chunky peanut butter

...You do you.

>> No.6243915

I've replaced bacon with bologna for my bologna and eggs.

>> No.6243917

As mentioned before, cheap, white-trash food goes very well with other cheap, white-trash food. Fried spam on white bread with mayo is god tier.

>> No.6244155

miracle whip is the most disgusting spread i ever had the displeasure of tasting

>> No.6244169

Yeah, but whoever's sandwich that is, is fucking doing it wrong.

>Fry baloney until brown
>Toast some bread
>Spread mustard on toast
>Add baloney

That's how I do it.