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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 620 KB, 2592x1936, 5435353453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6235949 No.6235949 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Scandinavian McDonald's in 2015

Notice anything /ck/?

>> No.6235956

Are those TVs under the counter?

And that CBO looks delicious.

>> No.6235959

lack of sandniggers and niggers?

>> No.6235965

a lot of pot lighting.

>> No.6235968

Well I've seen this picture before so I'm going to guess you're lying and that it wasn't actually taken in 2015

Fucking lying ass bitch kill yourself cunt

>> No.6235969

3-4 purest white girls that I would love to rape and father beautiful children with. Anything else?

>> No.6235973

no hamplanets

But that chick on the far left looks like she's on the runaway to fatter space if nobody intervenes

>> No.6235976

All the prices are in kroner?

>> No.6235985

No coloreds.

>> No.6235986
File: 39 KB, 191x205, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be forced to eat mcnuggets and big mac sauce out of all their assholes when their shifts are over

>> No.6235987

That this image was cherrypicked by McDonalds to appeal to fat manchildren who think they have a shot with 15 year old girls?

>> No.6235991

No men working at the counter in this McDonald's.
They're all in the back cooking and managing the operation, no doubt, and you know the franchise is owned by a man. I'd only hire girls for the counter if I owned a McDonald's, too.

>> No.6235992

I live in a very multicultural community and really am ok with being the only white person in a room or on a subway car. That said, I can see how a psychologically normal norwegian would get agitated by having somalis contaminate their blonde paradise
I mean, you find the worst human beings in McDonald's and everyone in that picture looks desirable and competent

>> No.6235993
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1936, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone else is shit tier

>> No.6235998

Man, how come you guys get so many hot chicks?

>> No.6236000

Does it really take 12+ people to run a fucking mcdonalds?

>> No.6236004

I notice feeling like a pedo.

>> No.6236006

no hot men

>> No.6236013
File: 677 KB, 2592x1936, scandinavacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he leave US?

>> No.6236016

>you'll never eat their fish fillet

>> No.6236021

Swedish is the worst-sounding language in the world

>> No.6236024

The ridiculous amount of staffing? What are they all even doing?

>> No.6236046


danish is worse

>> No.6236048

All Germanic languages sound horrible.

That said, Swedish isn't as bad as English or Dutch.

>> No.6236051
File: 42 KB, 479x720, 1380697092809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swedish isn't as bad as English

>> No.6236053

>no hamplanets

Yeah, that's a first.

>> No.6236055

English sounds like you put a potato under your tongue and are too retarded to pronounce the vowels properly. Swedish on the other hand is plain Germanic ugly.

>> No.6236060

Their English sucks.

>> No.6236067

>swedish mcdonalds
>those girls aren't being raped by the BBC

>> No.6236076
File: 51 KB, 550x360, BORKedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is missing

>> No.6236097

that's a weird counter, and a lot of cash registers

>> No.6236418

we stole them a thousand years ago

>> No.6236425

Is it true that Yuropean McDonalds serve beer?

>> No.6236429

Not Scandinavian ones.

>> No.6236431

Not all of them. McDonald's in some European countries do serve beer.

>> No.6236433
File: 202 KB, 505x422, 1421439152575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prime to be bred

>> No.6236434

I want to wank in front of the counter

>> No.6236438
File: 12 KB, 298x308, Mahou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds spain sells shitty Mahou

>> No.6236444

Do they not let men work there?

>> No.6236777

All white qt3.14s?

>> No.6236793
File: 77 KB, 760x535, averageBKemployee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I want to see is what a Scandinavian Burger King or Taco Bell looks like.
Do they still hire the worst gutter trash they can find in the back alley over there as well. McDonalds usually has halfway normal people working the registers from what I have seen.
That's the real test.

>> No.6236831

We don't have Taco Bell or anything like it.
Burger King is just like McD, the immigrants/tourists don't really have a preference.
This image is cherry picked though, usually there's at least one / one party of non-ethical swedes in a McDonalds, depending on region.

>> No.6236834 [DELETED] 


>> No.6236930

take this garbage to /tv/

>> No.6237077


Am i the only one that sees Fivehead, Lurch, Pigface, The Potbelly Queen and a lardass(far right, back turned)

these are just normal looking girls 5/10 at best?

there's like 3 i wouldn't kick out of bed but all the rest better be damn good conversationalists...
>crazy pills

>> No.6238110

>implying this is even possible

>> No.6238113

>We don't have Taco Bell or anything like it.
Where do you go when you are tripping balls and utterly need some disgusting bean slime with ground mystery meat and hot sauce?

>> No.6238125

I go find your mom's pussy.

>> No.6238139
File: 142 KB, 799x599, 1373685408183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6238144

Not in Scandinavia. They don't really drink, it'd cost them their life's saving.

>> No.6238147

If you count Finland, no.

Sweden? Yes.

>> No.6238150

Raided them from the Brits and French. Left the ugly fucks behind.

>> No.6238153

More like that we drink ourselves half to death every time the alcohol monopoly is loosened. Something about the climate makes you crave booze.

>> No.6238158
File: 214 KB, 2362x1462, 3443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Best Korea McDonalds in 2015.

Notice anything /ck/?

>> No.6238159

Since when does McDonalds sell waffles?

Haven't even been there in years

>> No.6238162

I notice that that picture is not taken in 2015.

>> No.6238169

I heard of it too, but it's not visible on the menu. You have to ask for it.

>> No.6238177

It's not McDo, either. It's something like Beroved Readel's Grolious Beef Mince Food Fol Make Happy in Wolkel's Paladise of Best Kolea.

There are no McDo's in NK.

>> No.6238194

Tripping balls? Sounds like something a degenerate would do.

>> No.6238196

in that case, how come I don't sound exactly the same when I speak english with an actual potato under my tongue?

>> No.6238197
File: 221 KB, 700x762, nanoha-fly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6238217

The entire menu is Halal

>> No.6238253

Did anybody figure out what we are suppose to notice besides chicks?

>> No.6238255

But there's bacon

>> No.6238275

No hairnets or caps.
So thank you for the hairs in my burger.

>> No.6238290

I'd eat any of their hair burgers in a second

>> No.6238501

>that one bitch that's 6 foot 3 inches tall

>> No.6238524

They have a huge staff (12, seriously?) of only females. They need a huge staff of only females because they do about 70% of the work one man does. Only one of them has her hair covered.

>> No.6238530

- No niggers
- My boner

>> No.6238536

post it on int and watch their whole worldview get torn apart

>> No.6238545

I don't post on /int/, what do they think the world is like?

>> No.6238549
File: 121 KB, 399x388, sintens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does my heart, feel so bad?


>> No.6238557

Way too white, straight and intolerant.

t. Norwegian

>> No.6238575

but there's a downy

>> No.6238585
File: 760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ive seen this picture in 2014

>> No.6238602

No males. Women doing the serving, as it should be.

>> No.6238605

You fuckin kidding me? Women should not be doing manual labor. They should be at home taking care of my spawn.

>> No.6238610


In Spain, McDonalds serves beer. I dont know if they still do it..

>> No.6238635

I notice a great degree of gender inequality in the work force.

>> No.6238637

disparate impact does not apply to white CIS men

>> No.6238640

Not here in Germany. They only sell Becks

>> No.6238644

Thats what the sexism of Feminism keeps saying.

Doesn't make it true.
Just batshit hypocritical and completely false.

>> No.6238648

My thoughts exactly

>> No.6238650

Because then it's like there are two potatoes

>> No.6238717

>mystery meat
Didn't they get into trouble because the mystery meat didn't meet to meat content criteria to be called 'taco filling' or something?

>> No.6238720
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150216_165127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swede who just came back from one

This is what I saw.

>> No.6238721
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, 1424109113393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6238733

thank you. <3

>> No.6238734

Only pure white maidens working.

Probably because blacks don't work.

>> No.6238738

mein gott

that banana-lookin' motherfucker is eyeing you up, bro

>> No.6238743

would kidnap and keep in sex dungeon until she falls in love with me

>> No.6238744

It's a white girl in a pokemon outfit. That is a wet dream of 90% of this website's users.

>> No.6238745

i think that's a pikachu suit pajama or something

>> No.6238765

I heard McD is very expensive in Sweden. Is that true.

>> No.6238770

she looks a little brown

could this just be like my chinese cartoons?

>> No.6238785

Naw, she's definitely white. Maybe some spanish blood in her, but that's as dark as this bitch is getting without tanning.

>> No.6238790

Clearly you've never heard Finnish before. Never before has a language so thoroughly raped my ears.

>> No.6238804

Everything is very expensive in Sweden...

>> No.6238811

You're thinking of Norway.
A cheeseburger is 10 SEK, which is less than what a liter (1/4th of a gallon) of gas costs. A Big Mac (just the burger) is 50 SEK, roughly the price of a gallon of soda.

>> No.6238829

We get baked potato, burgers or kebabs.

>> No.6238846

Finnish sounds pleasant & mellifluous BTFO

>> No.6238871

top frigginkek hella f*ckin epic post

i came
i laughed
i got cancer

>> No.6238882

Please see >>6215845

>> No.6238886

Yeah, everyone there has converted to Islam

>> No.6238887


>> No.6238895
File: 85 KB, 800x400, Genghis_Khan_ThronePortrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see descendants of the Great Khan

>> No.6238912


Ok, so. There is a Burger King in danish Aalborg, near the drunk party street. Ordinary people shop there, and lots of cute girls behind the counter.

But the store and the whole shitty decor is the same as in the US.

I go there for cheap shitty hamburgers and curly fries and shakes.

>> No.6238918


In Denmark, sure. Swedes are pussies though.

>> No.6238923


Yeah, same in Denmark. I usually want 5 small burgers instead of one big one with shitty mayo and letuce.

>> No.6238962

>No hairnets
Imagine all the long hairs. McDonalds has really shit service.

>> No.6239033

fuck you ,asshole

the dutch

>> No.6239051

looks like paradise, no niggers, beautiful blonde women serving men, clean.

>> No.6239057


>> No.6239065

i bbc'd your cheeky mum mate. she is a pawg i might add.

>> No.6239178
File: 178 KB, 1024x709, 1419305130730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no perky 90ies tittays

>> No.6239193

>living in taiwan
>mcD's have variety of people but the cashiers are cute grills
>talk to cute grills
>get to touch their hands when returning change

>> No.6239206


This is Best Korea we're talking about, all of their pictures from current times are taken with cameras from the 1980s.

>> No.6239288

they don't make em like that anymore, that's for damn sure

>> No.6239356
File: 1.13 MB, 260x146, 1350702462321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all women
well at least they all seem to be whi-
>tfw I see it

>> No.6239379

I read the thread and apparently no one else saw it, isn't the girl working the drive-thru wearing a burqa

>> No.6239413

Absolutely not. But it IS a girl with black hair. By the shape of the cheek, I'd guess asian.

Things I see wrong with the image:
>There's a downy working the counter
>that ginger chick has been culturally enriched and is sporting corn rows
>there's a dirty mixed brunette in the foreground

>> No.6239454
File: 103 KB, 1080x1053, qM7PAOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you will never be served fast food by a sheepish Best Korean qt
>you will never wait until close, follow her home to her decrepit apartment complex and make hot passionate love in the weekly blackout which she tells me is because of an American embargo.

>> No.6239522

>American embargo on South Korea
Yeah, okay kid.

>> No.6239716


>South Korea
>Best Korea

choose one, kid

>> No.6239736

Well it sure as hell isn't N.K. Fuck....

>> No.6239763

Isn't best Korea run by that actor from Fresh Off the Boat?

>> No.6239787


yea he's the guy who played him in The Interview

>> No.6239791

He played himself in that movie? Cool guy.

>> No.6239794

That Maccas bitch makes me question my homosexuality. I'm rocking a raging semi at the moment because of her.

What? The restaurant really is called something like that and there really are no McDonald's locations in NK.

>> No.6239833

Either all of the guys are working in the back, or they are unemployed. How do they not see the problem with this?

>> No.6239835

What pisses me off about this photo is that it looks like it was taken wider than 28mm, but it's way before cell phone days. The only cameras that had those kind of lenses available were system cameras (slrs and rangefinders, though rangefinders were pretty much gone by this point). Most disposable cameras are (and were) 30mm. So how did they get a shot this wide?

The world may never know.

>> No.6239845

Go ask >>>/p/

>> No.6239866

No. I'm asking you.

It's probably a disposable, either with extra wide for some reason, or a lens that distorts to such a degree that I can't fucking tell... probably the 2nd one, since they're all cheap as fuck (for a reason)

>> No.6239876

McD manager here, ask me reasonable questions

>> No.6239877

It's a secret to everybody.

>> No.6239880

Are you Scandinavian?

>> No.6239889

No, burger

>> No.6239893

do you serve ass burgers?

>> No.6239896

Do you notice that your average customer is heftier than the average person in your country tends to be, thinner or about the same?

>> No.6239897

It would be against the law to serve you as a meal.

>> No.6239912

90% of customers are normal weight.

>> No.6239913

No no no no, do you serve people who have ass burgers? Like do you serve bergers to ass burgers?

define normal (height and weight appx)

>> No.6239914

Probably 5% thinner and other 5 obese.

>> No.6239917
File: 146 KB, 862x582, 1420965914245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all the sand niggers? This isn't taken in any bigger town, or everyone there would be a negro.

>> No.6239934


>> No.6239942
File: 297 KB, 460x415, 1393536751270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was a random image from anti muslim folder, nothing else.

>> No.6239954

Uhh maybe 5'9-6'10

>> No.6239961

u wot? That's a normal height for your customers?

>> No.6239970

Are you anti-Mohammedan or anti-Islam? I'm very, very anti-Islam, but some /technically/ mudslime people are okay. Most /technically/ mudslime people are just as awful as their religious counterparts due to a simple fact of the culture being wholly destructive.
If you're a religious Muslim, you're likely a total piece of shit, though.

>> No.6239975

Whoops spposed to be 6'01

>> No.6239985
File: 99 KB, 686x600, 686px-Giordano&#039;s_Deep_Dish_Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not anti any people, I'm anti destructive culture/ideologies and islam is way more destructive, then lets say, always ''popular'' nazism.

>> No.6240011


I'd eat here

>> No.6240012


nigga you missed tall with braids on the far left, but I'm sure you were overcome by the smell of being so shit tier

>> No.6240024


don't give that bitch attention, she's fucking degenerate assbastardshitfuckingcum

>> No.6240069

Oh. Cool. The way I see it, the culture is no more destructive than, say, Christianity was 600 years ago (when it was 1400 years old, the same age Islam is now). Maybe the Mudslime religion will evolve in 600 years to the same point of disinterest Christianity currently holds (despite their claims, USicans don't attend religious services a whole lot more than their other Christian-cultured counterparts; the US population that regularly attends services makes up about 20% of residents, comparable to France, Italy and Switzerland, each at around 15%).

That said, Islam is still destructive as all fuck right now.

>> No.6240074
File: 90 KB, 178x267, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no drive-thru

>> No.6240095

When has Christianity ever been destructive, unless of course you're thinking of Catholicism, which is entirely different.

>> No.6240124

her face is 4/10 probably smells like fermented fish

>> No.6241414

No fat people.

No minorities.

No men.

No hair nets.

>> No.6241421

Have you ever worked fast food before? It's a ridiculously intense, demanding environment. The orders just keep coming and coming and coming and you need to put everything together in a matter of minutes. You can't just have one "cook," you need like 3 or 4 dudes putting that shit together assembly line style, then another guy on fries, then someone else at the cash. If it's really busy there are even dedicated "runners' whose job it is to simply take food from the kitchen and put it on the tray, so the cashier can just man the cash without distractions.

It's amazing how all that urgency is invisible to people in front of the counter but when you're behind it it's palpable.

>> No.6241462

I feel bad but yeah fucking A's and Strikers was my first thought too.

Sounds good to me.

>> No.6241735

Yes. fast food is SOOOO difficult. that's why burgerflipping is a universal joke lol

captcha: forkek

>> No.6242594

based blondes

>> No.6242615

Listen to Welsh. Its disgusting, like the language of cavemen and incest.

>> No.6242638

Welsh is beautiful.

>> No.6242665

The guy ordering looks like Patrick F. McManus

>> No.6242713

blind. lady? in the washroom in full bomb gear.

>> No.6242916

I'll take a qt 3.14 to go

>> No.6242963

The post tells you when right in it. Reread.
>but dems wuz caffflix!!! not X-tians!!!
So no Christians existed prior to Martin Luther or something? Because the same "Christians" who have a distaste for Catholicism feel the same way about the Orthodox and Coptic churches, too, the only ones older than the papacy.

>> No.6243015

Not him, but I would like to point out that Christianity was never destructive.

That's right, it was literally never destructive.

Society was destructive, and it used a skewed version of Christianity as a vehicle, but Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus, and to a lesser degree Paul, John, and Peter. None of them ever endorsed destruction toward your fellow man in any way, shape, or form.

In fact, Jesus specifically stated
>If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.
>for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.

>> No.6243042

>Society was destructive, and it used a skewed version of Christianity as a vehicle

that's no different than Christianity being destructive.

>> No.6243057

Of course it is!

Just because someone claims to be doing something in the name of something else does not make that something else inherently destructive. That is not reason enough.

>> No.6243074

>does not make that something else inherently destructive

No, but it does make the "something else" an excuse for the activity in question, which is just as bad as it being destructive in the first place.

>> No.6243082
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 young girls
>not one qt

>> No.6243093

Where are all of the fat black chicks?

>> No.6243099

>i masturbate so hard my penis died from suffocation years ago

>> No.6243101

Yeah, let's just ignore Matthew 12:30, 13:40-42 (where Jesus says that if you're not with him, your against him, and it is the sacred duty of believes to destroy those who are not with him), Luke 19:27 (where Jesus specifically commands that unbelievers be smote before him) and John 8:44 (where he says anyone who disagrees with him on anything is the literal spawn of Satan and undeserving of life).

Also, Paul's letter to Titus 1:10-16, where Paul says that anyone who disagrees with the fledgling church's views should be put to death.

Also that part that I can't remember where Jesus throws a hissy fit temper tantrum. lol

>> No.6243122

Is it?

>hmmm... I have this cell phone...
>and also I want to kill this person

Ban all cell phones.

>> No.6243133

>and that it's the sacred duty of believers to destroy those who are not with him
Never says this. You're adding to the scriptures.

>Luke 19:27
That's a parable. Jesus is telling you what the character in the parable (fictional story) is saying. You're literally retarded.

>John 8:44 (where he says anyone who disagrees with him on anything is the literal spawn of Satan)
He's calling the religious hypocrites that they follow Satan, and that he is a murderer and a liar. You are, again, incorrect.

>Titus 1:10-16
Paul is telling Titus to rebuke those who cause dissension in the Church, and NOWHERE does he say anything about death.

>hissy fit temper tantrum. lol
This doesn't happen. You're thinking of the time he drove out the money changers, but you'd be mistaken to call it a hissy fit, because you're an immature teenager.

>> No.6243142


Pretty bad example. You're not using the cell phone as an excuse to kill anyone.

The problem in this specific case is not when someone is a killer and just so happens to be Christian, but rather when they use Christianity as an excuse to murder--whether the interpretation was correct or not.

>> No.6243155

And yet, each of those very passages have been cited as the mandate for good, God-fearing Christians to commit various atrocities in their religion's name. Shall I give you a list of which atrocities in particular?

>> No.6243162

>You're not using the cell phone as an excuse to kill anyone.
That's the fucking point.

Just because I say it is an excuse doesn't mean it's legitimate.

John Warnock Hinckley, Jr. was obsessed with Jodie Foster, and attempted to assassinate Reagan as an attempt to impress her (just like the crusaders were obsessed with the notion of God and Heaven without truly understanding Christianity, and killed thousands of sand people in an attempt to impress him). Does that mean Jodie Foster is a war mongerer?

>> No.6243166

If Jesus' temptation in the desert proves anything, it's that Satan can twist God's word by taking it out of context and try to make it mean something else.

Just because someone fucks up their theology and twists scripture doesn't mean scripture demands it.

This is seriously like REALLY basic christian theology. I'm talking like 5 year olds in Sunday School learn this shit, and could tell you why you're wrong.

>> No.6243169


Moral of the story: Christianity is weak and pathetic as it can't even keep its adherents in line,

>> No.6243186

Oh, is that the moral? That an ideology can't keep people in line?

Literally no ideology can do that. Ever.

People can. Ideologies can not. You're bad, and you should feel bad.

>> No.6243709


So yes that is the ultimate lesson here. It's PEOPLE that matter, not whatever pathetic, mewling beliefs you cling to. Because your beliefs are subject to whatever twisting you want to subject them to.

>> No.6244893
File: 200 KB, 652x367, norge burgar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6244899

No acne


>> No.6244983

So now you agree with me that just because someone does something bad, it doesn't mean the belief system they claim is inherently bad?

>> No.6244992


Depends on whether or not the belief system was justification or motivation for the bad act or not.

>> No.6245009

Does it?

Take the Crusades, for example.

The Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire feared the advancement of the Muslims from Arabia into his kingdom. He asked the Pope for help. The Pope was able to use the faith as a justification for calling a Crusade (while his actual motives were obviously political). The illiterate footman who went to the Holy Land and even the noblemen decked out in their latest in war time tech were not as learned in the actual teachings of Christianity, and relied on the words of the Pope and the educated clergy. Those men were motivated by their faith, which was a false one; namely that they would gain salvation by fighting in the Crusades. There is absolutely no justification for this belief in scripture, but these men did not know the scriptures.

>> No.6245020


Sure. And in my opinion that means the belief system was inherently bad for two reasons:
1) you have "believers" who don't actually know the dogma they supposedly have faith in? That's a broken system from step number one.
2) the belief system was able to be twisted to evil ends in the first place...which frankly is the problem with a lot of religious dogma. There's so much of it and a lot of it is contradictory, so the system allows one to cherry-pick bits of scripture to support nearly any potential cause. For example, during the American civil war you had preachers in the south quoting bible passages about "servants be obedient to your masters" (e.g. supporting slavery) while others in the north preached that "every man is equal before god", etc. The fact that the belief system can be so easily twisted to nefarious ends makes it inherently bad.

Think of it like a poorly maintained car: it might not be designed or intended to wreck and kill you, but that doesn't change the fact that it happens to be dangerous and therefore ought to be avoided.

>> No.6245051

1) There are idiots in literally every belief system. You are a shining example.

2) Again, literally every belief system can be twisted to produce evil.

>> No.6245072

>1) There are idiots in literally every belief system.

Indeed. But the Crusades example wasn't the case of a few outliers here and there. It was systematic. The orders came from the top, and thousands of people were complicit. You can't write that off as "oh there's always a few idiots involved".

>>You are a shining example.
Oooh, nice. We've reached the ad hominem stage so quickly!

>> literally every belief system can be twisted to produce evil.

Perhaps, but some moreso than others. Wars (etc.) in the name of religion have killed millions of people throughout history. I can't think of any other belief system which has caused so much bloodshed and suffering--not even racism comes close.

>> No.6245087
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, you-re-gonna-need-a-bigger-bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the Crusades example wasn't the case of a few outliers here and there. It was systematic.
So is the example of USSR, Communist China, North Vietnam, and Cambodia. Is Communism an inherently destructive system because of that?

>ad hominem
In what way did I tell you you were wrong because you were stupid? I was just pointing out the fact that you're both wrong AND stupid. I don't expect you to understand logical fallacies, though, dummy.

>Wars (etc.) in the name of religion have killed millions of people throughout history.
So have wars in the name of gold, land, and hot bitches. You're gonna have to try harder if you're going to convince anyone who isn't a high schooler in a rich white suburb.

>> No.6245088

>I can't think of any other belief system which has caused so much bloodshed and suffering
lol communism

>> No.6245160


>2) Again, literally every belief system can be twisted to produce evil.
sure, except every religion other than Islam or Christianity , or Democracy.

>> No.6245167

Sure it can! Satan proved that during the temptation in the wilderness! He used scripture to tempt Jesus into worshiping Satan. It's an account IN the Bible. In a large way, that's there to warn us against false teachers and those who would try to twist scripture for their own purposes. EVERY belief system can be twisted.

>> No.6245173

Ewww food and sex do not go together unless it involves fruit, chocolate, or cream. Chicken mcnuggets? Fucking gross.

>> No.6245176

>Is Communism an inherently destructive system because of that?

Honestly I don't know enough about those wars to say one way or the other. If the bloodshed was in the name of communism then yes. If the wars were for other reasons and some of the actors happened to be commies that's a different story.

>>In what way did I tell you you were wrong because you were stupid?
It was implied, otherwise why even mention it? You're doing it again right now.

>>So have wars in the name of gold, land, and hot bitches
Indeed. But gold, land, and hot bitches are not belief systems. They also weren't offered as justification for the conflict so they have little to do with the topic at hand.

Yeah, the commies were/are pretty bad, but throughout history religion still has a higher body count.

>> No.6245188

Are you a nigger?

>> No.6245198

> I don't know enough about those wars to say one way or the other. If the bloodshed was in the name of communism then yes. If the wars were for other reasons and some of the actors happened to be commies that's a different story.
Of course those wars were in the name of fucking Communism! Holy shit, you're dumb as fuck. You don't know enough about the Vietnam war to comment, but you know enough about the Crusades to condemn all of Christianity? Fuck you. You're so full of shit.

>Indeed. But gold, land, and hot bitches are not belief systems. They also weren't offered as justification for the conflict so they have little to do with the topic at hand.
Actually, they WERE offered up as justification for the conflict

The Anglo-Boer War

The French and Indian War

>hot bitches
The Trojan War

>Yeah, the commies were/are pretty bad, but throughout history religion still has a higher body count.

USSR: Consesus is ~20M people

Communist China: Between 10 and 50M people (few records are allowed to escape)

Cambodia: ~2.2M people (out of a population of 7M)

Bulgaria: ~100K people

East Germany: ~100K people

Romania: ~600K people

North Korea: ~5M people

Vietnam: ~1M people

I could keep going, but we've already hit about 78 million people. And that's all within the last century.

>> No.6245224

Also, considering one of the estimates for how many people have been killed by all wars in history (including ones that were 100% purely secular) is around 150M, looks like the commies are more than half way there!

>> No.6245269

>but you know enough about the Crusades to condemn all of Christianity

Actually, I don't know enough about the crusades to condemn all of Christianity. I condemn Chrisitianity for the same reason I condemn all other religions: it's fiction. Not much more to say about it than that.

>>Actually, they WERE offered up as justification for the conflict

And they're still not "belief systems".

>>I could keep going, but we've already hit about 78 million people. And that's all within the last century.

Yep, that's a lot of people. Communism bad. But that's still not getting religion off the hook.

>> No.6245272

>I condemn Chrisitianity for the same reason I condemn all other religions: it's fiction.
Then argue it's fiction. Don't argue that it's bad because people kill people.

>And they're still not "belief systems".
Never said they were. You're just retarded.

>But that's still not getting religion off the hook
>I can't think of any other belief system which has caused so much bloodshed and suffering--not even racism comes close.

>> No.6245305

now show me a nigger or mudslime fast food joint in 2015.

yeah. i prefer the scandinavian one too.

>> No.6245321

>Then argue it's fiction
But that wasn't part of this thread. It's not relevant here. I didn't mention it until you asked because it's not part of this discussion.

>Never said they were
then why'd you bring them up? In fact, the very next sentence you quoted (from me!):

>I can't think of any other belief system which has caused so much bloodshed and suffering--not even racism comes close.

...is specifically discussing belief systems. If those things aren't belief systems then why did you mention them at all?

>> No.6245326

>But that wasn't part of this thread. It's not relevant here.
But what's relevant is the fact that you have enough knowledge about the crusades to condemn Christianity? Which is it? Do you know enough or don't you?

>then why'd you bring them up?
Because you said "wars in the name of religion," and I responded with "wars in the name of hot bitches." It's not that hard to understand. You're just retarded.

>> No.6245453

How exactly do you twist God's word to say "Slavery is a-okay!! God said so!" when God, according to your own scriptures, said so himself. And that it's not rape if you pay her father X amount of shekels and marry the bitch. And genital mutilation is a good idea. All things God supposedly said, too. He also said to stone gays to death as well as children who are disobedient.
There's no twisting it around when that's exactly what was said.

>> No.6245487

You don't know shit.

God set parameters for how to behave IF you are in a certain situation (slaves, obey your masters), because only by that can you reveal the grace of God. He never said "slavery is a-okay," you retarded piece of shit.

Also, he never said it's not rape if you pay her father x. He said that IF you defile a woman, she becomes your fucking responsibility, because you're a detestable piece of shit.

>genital mutilation
If you're talking about circumcision, then you're misguided. Either way, it has literally nothing to do with the rest of the conversation we're having.

>> No.6245494

Potato mouthed retards

>> No.6245521


I'd rather eat some doner though.

>> No.6245784

>nuh-uh, the bible totally doesn't tell me who to make slaves, how to make them my slaves, to kill gays, that daughters and wives are the property of men to be traded for shekels and that i should mutilate my genitalia
But it does, Anon. It says all those things. No amount of sidestepping will ever change that. :3
It also says deaf and retarded people are rejected from salvation and the blind can never enter a house of worship.

>> No.6245859

It literally doesn't. It tells believers how to live. That's it.

I know this is 4chan and all, but you really are just so willfully ignorant, it's mind boggling.

>> No.6245870

Hey! Where are all the white women at?
>Scandinavian McDonald's
I don't get it.

>> No.6245877

Holy shit, this is how you fucking #REKT a bitch.
Haha, you got fucking #REKT, and your best response is "nuh uh." Fucking kektastic

>> No.6245899


>> No.6246125

You're telling me that the Bible doesn't say to kill gays? Or that the blind are barred entry to houses of worship? And how to acquire slaves? As well as saying that it's justified to keep them? And treat women as property? Or that genocide is God's will? You're really saying that? Really? Because if you are, tell that to the Canaanites.

>> No.6246142

I'm telling you that everything you're saying is false.

And you don't understand context, because you're an ignoramus.

>> No.6246146

>Fucking lying ass bitch kill yourself cunt

easy kiddo

>> No.6246152
File: 896 KB, 272x209, 1403786860129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't serve beer
>They only sell Becks


>> No.6246252

Kill gays: Leviticus 20:13
How to obtain slaves with God's blessing: Deuteronomy 20:10-16, Leviticus 25:44-47
A man can rent out his wife and daughters as concubines with God's blessings, if he needs money: Exodus 21
Rape a girl, give her father fitty shekels: Deuteronomy 22:28-30
>the rapist has to marry her... but you can buy female slaves and rape them all you want with God's blessing: Exodus 21:7
Blind people can't enter a house of worship: Leviticus 21:20 (nor midgets, cripples or retards)
Commit genocide with God's blessing: 1 Samuel 15

>> No.6246268

>Old testament
Yeah, that's the jews. Christians advanced beyond that, Islam capitalized on it.

>> No.6246270

Pretty sure that's one of them 'joke' things.

>> No.6246309

Fantastic thread guys, good job.

>> No.6246335


Heaven is real.

>> No.6246376

If only it were true. That would be awfully convenient. But alas! No.

You see, in Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says that everything in the old testament is law to his followers, too, and that all the prophets' words are still valid to Christians, as well. Therefore, it is your Christian duty to do as Christ has said, to uphold the values of the OT and follow the laws it has laid out for you.
So grab a rock, beat a fag to death with it and do so with God's blessings but heaven help you if you work on the sabbath or eat things that God thinks are icky.

>> No.6246387

Austin 3:16 says I just whopped your ass