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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6235445 No.6235445 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, which country/region/culture has the best cuisine, or at least the one you enjoy the most? In order to nominate, you must also include at least ONE dish that demonstrates that cuisine.

Personally, I couldn't choose: my three top contenders were Mexican, Chinese, and Italian

Also: we're going with a more authentic style of that cuisine, not fusion or blatantly Americanized (i.e. watered down, bland) versions of food like Tex-Mex that disregards the original cuisine, though it is acceptable to like a cuisine if it has been adapted due to more practical reasons and the changes are not very drastic.

We can also list the worst world cuisines: I'd have to say the contenders for top worst would be British cuisine, German cuisine, and Spanish cuisine. Literally, most of it stems from peasant and famine foods, so they're full of all kinds of nasty: sausages and offal and not very tasty.

>> No.6235459
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>he doesn't like charcuterie
How plebeian can this anon get?

To answer your question: France/Lyon/French.

>> No.6235466

All that is for plebs who can't afford fresh meats and have to resort to ways to preserve the meat.

And I nominate Indian cuisine, and would like to use curry powder-based dishes as their representative. I like really condimented spiced foods, and Indian cuisine is all that.

>> No.6235469

>charcuterie is for plebs

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8

>> No.6235497
File: 63 KB, 645x480, shrimp creole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best: Cajun-Creole. Pic related.

Second & Third: Mexican & Indian.

>> No.6235498

>best cuisine
>overseasoned and burnt cuisine
pick one

>> No.6235503


>Not knowing how to sear fish or poultry without burning it.
>Being this retarded.

>> No.6235512

>I'd have to say the contenders for top worst would be British cuisine, German cuisine, and Spanish cuisine.
Then I'd have to say you're an idiot for putting Spanish cuisine on any worst list. It might not have the most variation, but their best dishes can go toe to toe with anything in the world. Some of the best meals I've had in my life were in Southern Spain. And while Germany and England aren't going to win any popularity contests for their cuisine they suck nowhere nearly as hard as Central America. Or Finland. Or the Midwestern United States. Or the French Canadian cuisine of Quebec - that shit is pretty terrible.

As for best cuisine in the world, you'd probably have to add South and Southeast Asia to the list. Some remarkably good food comes from places like Thailand, Vietnam and India. Probably Turkey ought to be in the running as well, because their mix of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean, court cuisine and nomadic makes their food pretty fucking deep.

>> No.6235529

>hating on Midwestern cuisine

You don't like casseroles?

>> No.6235551

You mean hot dishes?

>> No.6235552
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>Spanish cuisine

It's fucking disgusting. Might actually be worse than British or German, simply because Spanish cuisine is a result of Spain's impoverished condition for most of its history, disregarding maybe some 80 years they were dominant. All its food is based on dishes that are foods for the lower-classes and peasants and the poor. In other words, inedible.

And yes, paella is gross.

>> No.6235553

If I want to eat goat stew and drink yoghurt for the rest of my life, sure.

>> No.6235558

gr8 b8

>> No.6235563
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It's fact.

Mexican cuisine is far far better than Spanish cuisine.

>> No.6235566

I agree, but that doesn't mean I don't also love Spanish food.

>> No.6235574

Mexican cuisine is Spanish and French cuisine with Mexican ingredients.

>> No.6235577

I'd agree with this guy. There are worse cuisines than those you posted and better than those you posted as well. Worst would probably be scandinavian stuff and the likes, basically places with a dearth of ingredients. Best would be French, Indian and Chinese and their offshoots, since these three have the greatest variation in technique and biggest range of flavours.

>> No.6235586
File: 169 KB, 1600x1200, chickpeas & spinach oregano lemon shrimp 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paella is gross.
Black rice is god-tier, though. As is fabada, chickpeas and spinach (pic related) and anything involving jamon serrano.
There was a time when Turkish cooks were so prized that they imported them to Scandinavia. If all you know of Turkish cuisine is kebab joints you're missing out.

>> No.6235587

Mexican cuisine doesn't even seem to have that big of a Spanish influence. Their cuisines are so different. They have dishes that have the same names, and yet the dishes themselves will be totally different.

>> No.6235588

>Literally, most of it stems from peasant and famine foods
All of the top cuisines started this way you sperg.

>> No.6235593


Just add tons of butter and creme. It's not even that good. Just pretentious.

>> No.6235599

He's just shitposting.

>> No.6235605


From the places I've been to these are the best. Having said that, Chinese is the most varied, they'll eat anything and everything.

Worst cuisine:

>> No.6235608
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>> No.6235609

No they don't, you idiot. Most national cuisines stems from the food of the upper and aristocratic classes. Otherwise, all of the national dishes of all the European countries would be gruel.

>> No.6235610

Yeah but their baked goods are god tier. And they prepare meats in the best way. The mother sauces are over-rated though I agree.

>> No.6235612

most national cuisine stems from what the people make and eat

>> No.6235616

The French invented cooking as we know it. They've contributed more in the last 300 years than the rest of humanity combined.

Go stuff your face with beefaroni you ignorant fucking pleb.

>> No.6235617

>implying some of Italy and France's best dishes aren't peasant food
The upper classes just ate whatever was expensive and trendy, they didn't care about taste as long as they looked good eating it.

>> No.6235619
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>Indian cuisine
>curry powder

>> No.6235620
File: 17 KB, 198x300, French_samurai_holding_French_baguette_folded_over_1000_times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll agree, their baked goods are bretty good, 10/10. Croissants and baguettes are best.

>> No.6235621

No the cuisines get popular in the restaurant format by the upper-class reworking the peasant dishes to make them rich and with good ingredients.

>> No.6235626

Which classifies as upper-class cuisine. An example would be rice, in Eastern countries. Peasants eat plain rice gruel (congee), and the nobles eat fried rices with vegetables and meats and sauces.

>> No.6235638

Is it really Spain's fault that the Mexican tortilla isn't an omlette?

>> No.6235642

>The French invented cooking as we know it
They codified cooking techniques. They didn't invent anything apart from emulsions. French cuisine is awesome but their contribution is towards restaurant culture not cooking as a whole.

>> No.6235645

>Just pretentious.
I'm guessing you've never been to France. I'll agree that their concept of fine dining is really fucking bourgeois and staid, but it is no less delicious for it. Their cooking tends to be rigid, but that's because they're careful about safeguarding the good shit they've already worked out. And they have worked out lots of good shit. Their classic dishes are classic for good reason, and they do genius level things with cheese, wine, desserts, and charcuterie. Their formalism may rub you the wrong way, but the results speak for themselves.

>> No.6235649

They invented smearing sauce on a plate that looks like a shitstain.

>> No.6235651

>Which classifies as upper-class cuisine.
Not really. There are dishes that are specific to the upper classes like pheasant etc. And then there are dishes that the upper class appropriated from the peasants like French onion soup. The peasant food has much more staying power than stuff like fondant potatoes.

>> No.6235652

>I'm guessing you've never been to France

You guessed wrong. I have. Like I said, the only thing I like about the French cuisine is their pastries and their wines. I'm not even a cheese or dairy person, to begin with. Hence, why I prefer Italian food, and why the cuisines I like are more often those that do not rely (so heavily) on dairy.

>> No.6235659

its very Spanish, just Spanish from a few hundred years ago

>> No.6235663

Mexican cuisine is the best. Frequent usage of a variety of chili peppers, tends to be filling and versatile while not usually requiring expensive ingredients (and yet the taste of the food does not suffer for it).

Got to love mole, and their different varieties of salsas.

>> No.6235665

French cuisine is more about presentation that actual taste.

>> No.6235667

Fuck yes, seconding cajun/creole.

and as for OP, Spanish food is amazing and covers a shitload of regions and variety. You're right about Britain though. Germany has a few good dishes at least.

Honorable mention/most underrated cuisine: Moldavian - yeah it's veggie peasant food but damn they do it well.

>> No.6235668
File: 840 KB, 1920x1080, sorry you just do fit well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the national dishes of all the European countries would be gruel

>> No.6235674

I think you're getting French food backwards. In most other cuisines the upper class food is just fancy variations on peasant dishes. No so in France. There the court cuisine was codified, then spread downward to the peasants as the bourgeois grew in numbers enough to support a culture of restaurants. French cooking reflects the fact that most French are bureaucrats at heart. It's much more top down than bottom up.

>> No.6235677
File: 842 KB, 957x723, Tips fedora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're right about Britain though

>> No.6235678

Not particularly. Unlike many other Native American cultures, Mesoamericans already had quite a well-developed cuisine before the Spanish arrived, and the Native influence on Mexican cuisine is still very clear, though there are obviously some Spanish influences too.

>> No.6235680

>bureaucrats at heart

Don't you mean, anarchists and edgy fucks?

>> No.6235685

it has to be remebered that many countries underwent revolutions and great social upheavel a few hundred years ago...alot of the upper classes where replaced by the middle classes....old peasent dishes then got a new makeover

french cuisine is a big proof of this...look at all the tripe dishes, the sweat breads and liver, the long stewed roosters/old hens, relience on seasonal produce(i.e whats available and you have to work with)

charcutarie wasnt allways expnsive and fancy...it used to be what farmers had to do when they slaughtored a pig or cow...you had to preserve the meat

>> No.6235691

Taking to the streets is one of the few things the French will do without filing paperwork for it in triplicate beforehand.

>> No.6235696
File: 80 KB, 500x397, Yoshi don't like this unga bunga shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweat breads

Yup, that's French cuisine for you, alright.

>> No.6235703


i love when people talk out of their asses. stay pleb, retards

>> No.6235710
File: 161 KB, 513x413, Ceasar Clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking stupid?

Mexican cuisine is very different from Spanish cuisine because the cultures inhabiting modern-day Mexico already had established civilizations with their own cuisines and ingredients. Spanish contact introduced new methods and styles of cooking, as well as new ingredients, but, in the end, Mexican cuisine retains so many Mesoamerican influences that it is completely different from Spanish food.

Get fucked, idiot.

>> No.6235727
File: 2.05 MB, 749x564, really what why.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you took the bait
eat it

>> No.6235734

>worst cuisine
>no mention of Australian
C'mon guys. They've got good Asian food, but nothing native.

>> No.6235739

Worst Cuisines:

>anything from sub-Saharan Africa

>> No.6235749

think about it....spain colonized mexico between the 15 and 17 hundreds...spanish food back then was very different from today

cheese, beef and pork, wheat flour, pastry,citrus fruit, certain spices, raisens, rice, chick peas, almonds,...alot of stuff was introduced by the spanish and alot of mexican dishes have their origin in the kitchens of spanish colonialists where native cooks with a mix of native and new ingredients recreated old spanish dishes or made new versios of precolombian dishes by adding new ingredients

without spain mexican food wouldnt look like it does today

>> No.6235762

No one even knows what aussie cuisine is. Putting meat on fire doesn't equal a cuisine despite what some Americans may think.

>> No.6235763

>sub-Saharan Africa
>not liking Ethiopian food
Top pleb

>> No.6235765

Well, come on now, they have grubs and fairy bread.

>> No.6235779
File: 206 KB, 962x641, 24x24-Aussie-Fairy-Bread-1-of-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fairy bread.
Oh god I can't stop laughing.

>> No.6235786

>he doesn't know lyonnaise cuisine was developed 100% by farmboys, which is in turn the leading light of the french regional cuisines.

>> No.6235787

I choose not to judge. I try to enjoy everything, simple as that. And I am a very happy person in that regard.

from japan, maybe tonkotsu; china..wow where to begin, maybe mala tang or boiled dumplings; fried if a day or so old. italy, eggplant of any sort...they do wonders with it. usa, maybe a spinach casserole? they are still very young and the food culture is not as refined and respected..so, hard to say. india, lentil curry for sure. western europe i am sorry to say i do not know much..i can not offer an opinion. that does not mean i think they have no good food, i am just ignorant to it. mexico, ceviche, peru, empanadas, el salvador, banana leaf-wrapped tamales....i have eaten food from other countries but these are the only ones i feel confient in bringing up.

>> No.6235792

korean food is awsome, the court subset of the cuisine is visualy lovely and pleasently rish...and korean bbq is just plain a fun eating experience

peruvian food rocks, the chiles are awsome and theere are alot of good potato and corn dishes

whats your issue with jappanese food? also rocks
african cuisine is a fucking gem, uniqe spiceing and flavour combos apleanty

scandinavian food is pleasent and charming in a simply kind of way...much like british and german food

>> No.6235808

They have food in Ethiopia? Besides mud pies, I mean.

>> No.6235811

You're thinking of Haiti m80

>> No.6235827

Yes, their carnitas kept falling out of the clumsy, sloppy spanish omelettes so when the spanish were asked to leave the premises they were told to take their stupid potato and egg pancake with them.