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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 624x832, vday1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6234367 No.6234367 [Reply] [Original]

Valentines Day edition

I hooked it up fat for my new gf

>> No.6234372
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she's a WAY better photographer than me

>> No.6234374
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started off by blanching some green beans

>> No.6234376 [DELETED] 

>those prayer candles
is she more mexican than you too?

>> No.6234382

Clean your floors.

>> No.6234383
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and rendering some bacon

>> No.6234389
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Then I started cooking down some roma tomatoes in olive oil

>> No.6234401

cooked potatoes and mashed them with a little milk before adding salt, pepper, butter, sour cream and green onions.

>> No.6234403
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forgot pic

>> No.6234407
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here it is all mixed together

>> No.6234417
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got the green beans going

>> No.6234427
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I browned some mushrooms and onions, removed them from the pan and them made a brown roux for the red wine sauce

>> No.6234429
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I used a little bit of the good wine and then some of the cheap stuff to stretch it

>> No.6234433
File: 61 KB, 624x832, vdaysteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooked the steak and let it rest while I deglazed the pan with brandy and added that to the sauce

>> No.6234437
File: 58 KB, 624x832, wa motherfucking la.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the finished product

>> No.6234448

>I hooked it up for my fat new gf
fixd it for ya

>> No.6234456

It's raw.

>> No.6234472
File: 20 KB, 280x280, tuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he never said what kind of steak.

>> No.6234476

it's rare

>> No.6234477

I approve only because of the Jesus candles.

>> No.6234966

raw as fug

>> No.6234978


>> No.6234979

Nice composition.

But that steak could have sat on the stove for a few more minutes each side.

>> No.6234987

how fat is ur fat gf? be honest...

>> No.6235011

Are a spic or something?

>> No.6235015
File: 1.96 MB, 580x433, 1423802947351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seasonings right on top of oven
>mmm dat roasted plastic taste
>million jesus candles
>1 candle?
>fuck that, jesus was all about having shitloads of candles

>> No.6235020

thanks for resizing the pics this time


>> No.6235047

That's because she has brain anddoesn't take a picture with all of your catholic candles with the food 20 feet away.

>> No.6235049

>I like the 'artwork'
He's stated this many times. I still don't see the art in it.

>> No.6235086

Jesus was a Jew so he was all about having eight candles.

>> No.6235099


>> No.6235202

Too rare for my taste

>> No.6235225

Post gf

>> No.6235346
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She doesn't like your candles op

>> No.6235352
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>> No.6235366



Started off fine, but then went to shit

>> No.6235374

That's blue or raw either way, needed more time cooking but everything else is good.

Ya blew it.

>> No.6235380

Your girlfriend is fat slut

>> No.6235402

blue steak is... yea. no thanks.

>> No.6235670
File: 69 KB, 500x250, happy-gilmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak isn't rare, it's sold everywhere.

>> No.6236985



>> No.6237001


>> No.6237022

>mashed waxy potatoes
>brown roux for sauce
>roma tomatoes in red wine sauce
>boiled vegetables
>raw steak
Other than that, it looks good. Except for the plating. I mean, the mushrooms look good.

>> No.6237058

It's obviously beef man.

>> No.6237133

>brown roux for sauce

is a long established cornerstone of western cuisine

>roma tomatoes in red wine sauce

but the tomatoes never touched the sauce

>boiled vegetables

you don't know what blanching is

>raw steak

gf likes blue rare so I delivered

>> No.6237345

>is a long established cornerstone of western cuisine

not for red wine sauce, why would you use a roux at all?

>but the tomatoes never touched the sauce

Oh, where did they go? And where did the mushrooms go?

>you don't know what blanching is

you don't know what steaming is

>gf likes blue rare so I delivered

fair enough!

>> No.6237347


>> No.6237367

I'm pretty sure that roux thickened wine sauces are very common. I suppose I could have made a reduction or used a vegetable starch to thicken the sauce but I wanted the velvety texture and rich flavor that only comes from roux.

>Oh, where did they go?
I sauteed them with a little olive oil and rosemary in a separate pan>>6234389

After I blanched the green beans to set their flavor and crunch I sauteed them with the tomatoes, black pepper and a splash of vermouth >>6234417

The mushrooms went into the sauce


>> No.6237395

Ahhh so you finished cooking them with the toms and mush. That makes more sense.

>> No.6237439
File: 248 KB, 592x749, 4994935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck does Tom have to do witht this, he needs to grow the fuck up and stop taking minimum wage jobs the are easy for him. He has so much more potential but he just doesn't care. I get so frustrated with him but he's also a good friend.

>> No.6238625

You know a steak is truly undercooked when the majority of /ck/ suggests it is. This board claims anything over medium-rare belongs in the trash (and rightfully so).

Your steak must have been frozen as shit in the center before you tossed it on the pan, this is why we let steaks fully defrost before cooking.

>> No.6238634

Sweep your floor you disgusting fatty