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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6232638 No.6232638 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/
Making a batch of chilli, using a recipe I've developed over years, which has got me to wondering, how do you guys do yours? I don't mean the 'authentic' way, but just what works best for you.
I've recently thought 'why not both' and gone with mince and brisket chunks. Beans are a must, but they gotta be done from dried. I like to combine as many forms of chilli- powder, dried, fresh, sauce- as I think this creates a more complex heat sensation. And yeah, dark chocolate's gotta go in.
Pic related- just saute the onions and spices in the rendered fat from the brisket before slow cooking for hours.

>> No.6232715
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>large chunks of meat in the chili

I like your style

>> No.6232718


I like beans in my chili, but very sparingly. I like the focus of the meal to be more about the meat.

Chili that uses like 3000 beans in it, to the point where I'm getting a spoonful of beans every time I dip in, is no good, in my opinion.

>> No.6232719

>Beans are a must

>> No.6232721


> Beans are a must

If you're making a bean soup maybe

beans do not belong in a chili

>> No.6232724


Complete recipe please

>> No.6232738
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>beans do not belong in a chili

>> No.6232740


Enjoy your meat sauce.

>> No.6232753
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>Beans are a must

>> No.6232798

300g kidney beans, soaked overnight
750g mince, same brisket.
2 tins good quality chopped tomatoes
4 medium white onions
3 large red chillis
About 3/4 head of garlic
about half a bar of 80% dark chocolate

Boil the soaked beans for at least ten minutes. Drain, rinse, add to slow cooker.
With about a tablespoon of groundnut oil, brown the mince, 3-4 batches to prevent overcrowding. Use a slotted spoon to move the mince into the pot so you can continue to cook in the fat- shouldn't need to add more oil at all this way.
Cut the brisket into decent sized chunks, trimming out any massive bits of fat but trying to keep as much on as possible. Brown this in the same way, making sure that fat gets rendered out.
Lastly, saute the onion, adding the garlic and chilli and dry spices at the appropriate time. I use dried chillis, chilli powder, cumin, coriander, and celery salt, in decreasing proportions to taste.
This goes in the pot with the tinned tomatoes and a couple splashes of mushroom ketchup, chocolate. Herbs too- oregano, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves.
Lid on, slow, low cook for hours. Like overnight.

>> No.6232801
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huge faggots..... anything past beans and meat is too much but if you don't like beans in chili you have fucking down syndrome.

>> No.6232803

ground beef
olive oil
ground chili powder
dry mustard
maybe some sage or thyme or something if I am feeling it
black pepper
dark chocolate

I've never made it with chunked meat before, I should do that sometime.

>> No.6232812

So what's the problem with beans? I know they're not 100% historically accurate, but at least in the UK they've become synonymous with chilli.
I'm with >>6232718, I find beans add a soft, pleasantly mealy texture to the chilli, which makes the heat less jarringly harsh. They also improve the nutritional value and eke out the other ingredients somewhat. I gotta say though, dried are a world of difference to tinned.
But if I want a big pot of beans, it's red beans and rice or Tuscan bean soup for me.

>> No.6232826
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>but at least in the UK they've become synonymous with chilli
>UK chili

>> No.6233158


> use dried chillis, chilli powder, cumin, coriander, and celery salt, in decreasing proportions to taste.

awesome until here

could use some approximations of measurements.

>> No.6233162

What are you, a fucking yankee?

Put that shit in until it tastes good. There, that's all you need.

>> No.6233171


check your good cook privilege, anon

>> No.6233194

To be honest I season by eye, mostly. I also like my food way too spicy. I'd say maybe eight or so teaspoons of each chilli and of oregano, three of the rest. Probably couple-three tablespoons of mushroom ketchup. Cook for at least six hours on a low heat, at which point taste to add more chilli or thicken with cornflour depending on how things have gone. Allow at least another hour to cook these through. I always then cool, chill overnight and serve the next day, and at the quantities give portion and freeze half.

>> No.6233232
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Honestly I usually don't follow a recipe unless it's for my nephews because they're picky. I like it hearty with big chunks of things. They don't like hunks of tomato etc. Heres how I do it for them. Pretty ghetto but it's quick and kid friendly.

>1 pound beef, 1 pound pork
>1 small onion
>2 large cans of tomato sauce, I get the kind with basil
>2 large cans of kidney beans
>2 cans of Canadian brown beans
>2 tbsp Chilli powder, 1 tbsp garlic powder & ground cayenne, 1/2 tbsp oregano & cumin

If i'm doing it for myself I'd do diced or crushed tomatoes instead of sauce and add tomato paste to thicken it

>> No.6233833

shut the fuck up aspie
beans do not belong in texas red
texas red but one stye of chili from one region.
the VAST majority of chili con carne...be it home-made, institutional, restaurant, or canned...contains beans
get over it
people like you regurgitate this sort of nonsense thinking it makes you sound smarter, or more savvy than the next guy but in truth it makes you sound like a tool

>> No.6233839

>Canadian brown beans


>> No.6233855

>but at least in the UK
thread saged and hidden

>> No.6233861

This guy speaks the truth. If you add beans to chili, then what you've made yourself is a stew.

>> No.6233899


i only put beans in chili if i am making chili for like 20 people and don't want to spend 100 dollars.

>> No.6233907

where's the like button

>> No.6233909

I think you're looking for redchanit

>> No.6233910

>>1 small onion

Not >2 huge onions

Get out.

>> No.6233939

I'm fine with beans in chili con carne, but THIS recipe is ridiculus...and NOT chili.

You have 4 large cans of beans to only 2lbs of meat, and what...2 Tbsp of chili powder? One little onion? Son...you need to take a seat and let someone show you how it's done.

>> No.6233954
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I made some chili today

>> No.6233960
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Threads like this are why I love you so much, /ck/

>> No.6233961
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something around 6 peppers and 6 onions

>> No.6233962
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adding the tomatoes and beef with some water to cook for abit

>> No.6233965


>> No.6233969
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forgot to add that it was around 3.5 pounds of beef and 4 34oz cans of tomatoes

>> No.6233976
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this is the product after a couple hours

>> No.6233978

Can I utilize leftover kimchi in a chili?

>> No.6233980
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and now for the star of the show

>> No.6233986

Do you put any actual chilies in it or just powder?

>> No.6234007
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that was 2 cans kidney and 2 black but it needed one more so added small reds

I would mix them

just powder but I used all 3 containers

>> No.6234010
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after adding beans

>> No.6234013
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not sure how much it looks different but it got thicker after adding the beans and cooking for about 10 mins


>> No.6234020
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>There are people in this world who don't like having beans in their chili

>> No.6234041

>eating a bowl of meat and tomato sauce

Plebs, when will they learn?

>> No.6234054

>ctrl+f broccoli
So am I the only one who puts it in my chili?

>> No.6234059

Lots of people put broccoli in soup.

>> No.6234218


4 lbs water(2 qts)
3.625 lbs diced fire-roasted tomato/w juice(4 14.5oz cans)
2 lbs ground beef
2 lbs stew meat or chunk of cow
1 lb diced onion(3 sm)
8 oz diced jalapeno(5 lrg)
6 oz mulato chili
2 oz kosher salt
2 oz cornmeal
2 oz guajillo chile
1 oz chipotle chile
1 oz roasted garlic(1 bulb)
1 oz achiote paste
1 oz cumin
.5 oz coriander
.5 oz black pepper
.1 oz fresh oregano

steep chilies in hot water until soft - discard steeping water...it's bitter
roast garlic
dice onion and jalapeno
grind cumin coriander and pepper
chop oregano
cut stew meat into 1/2" cubes

Season the stew meat liberally with half the salt and sear in a hot pot.
Add the onion and jalapeno, saute briefly, remove all from the pan and set aside.
To the pan add ground beef, achiote, dry spices and remaining salt.
While browning...puree chilies and roasted garlic with 1/2 the fresh water.
Add chili puree, tomatoes w/ juice, cornmeal and remaining water to the browned meat.
Simmer uncovered 30-45 minutes.
Add back to the pot, the reserved meat from earlier along with the fresh oregano.
Cover and kill the heat.

A half pound of black or pinto beans would be nice if so inclined...please say no to kidney beans.

>> No.6234290

I prefer my chili without any tomato sauce.

Beans are fine, but I can understand why some wouldn't like them.

>> No.6234408

>not knowing that that's literally what chili is supposed to be
>only chili is made using dried chile peppers for the sauce base instead of tomatoes.

Speaking of which:
>chili doesn't have beans in it.
If it has beans, it isn't chili, it's goulash.
>chili doesn't have tomatoes in it.
If it has tomatoes, it isn't chili, it's some sort of meat stew.
As with anything so simple, preparation and method is everything. Roasting the whole chiles helps the flavor immensely, as does using not only enough meat, but the right kind of meat. You need AT LEAST 3lbs of meat, and preferably closer to 5. Make it a tougher cut, but one that's not too fatty-the name of the game is flavor and not too much fat to float to the surface and carry away with it the subtle flavors of the chiles and other spices.

>> No.6235080

>having a definition of chili that is literally only accepted by you

>> No.6235128

Probably means brown heinz beans with mape syrup
Well he did say it was for his fag nephews

>> No.6235246

>There are people in this world who don't like having beans in their chocolate pudding

>> No.6236505

>If it has beans, it isn't chili, it's goulash.
i like how you chose a dish that is actually meat without beans to troll with. 5/10

>> No.6236519


are you a fuckin dummy?

chili has beans

every chili ive had where I live, aka the northeast, has beans

in what back-country poor ass place do you people refuse quality beans in chili?

>> No.6236531
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>> No.6236548


>Big Y

my nig

>> No.6236670

>dark chocolate
>bout half a bar of 80% dark chocolate

I've never considered this before. How much of a difference does adding dark chocolate make?

>> No.6236709

Alright I got a question for you fuckers.

I made chilli, ate it, it was fairly tasty. Nice juicy chunks of tomato

Then I defrosted the other portion a week later, left it in the fridge all day, ate it this evening. It was even better because all the flavours blend but... No juicy chunks of tomato. They all dissolved.

Is there a way to get the best of both worlds? That simmered for hours flavour but without everything breaking down into liquid.

>> No.6236735


A Brit making "chilli" that's rich.

>> No.6236784

Man, I've been away from /ck/ for years and you guys are still susceptible to beans in chili trolling? Are regional variations in recipes really that hard to accept?

No, not really.

>> No.6236841

your tomatoes broke down because of the freezer...cells rupture when frozen...reheat...structure breaks down...mush.
unless you're cooking really tough meat there is no reason to simmer chili for hours. all you're doing after a certain point is destroying texture and releasing aroma(flavor) into the air. This yields the kind of chili one would expect to see from a can or on hotdogs. down south it's actually called hotdog sauce not chili. now someones going to argue that theyve been making chili for 30 years and it has to simmer for hours...nonsense. if THEY need to simmer THEIR chili for hours it's usually because they stated with horrible meat, too much water, not enough salt or any combination of the three.

anyway, for the best of both worlds... cook in stages.

start with the stuff you want to maintain some texture...perhaps chunks of meat, onions, and some fresh chilies. one they're seared or sweated...remove from the pot. cook the crap out of everything else until it breaks down into chili mush then add back the not so overcooked stuff.

and salt for fuck's sake...a lot of it. look at how many of these recipes dont have salt? that's an amateur move. food needs salt...more than most people realize.

>> No.6236855

This sounds really good.

>> No.6237904

Well, I think it makes it, er, richer.
Though maybe not in that sense. But honestly I've been adding chocolate for years, it's become one of the basic background notes. Try it and see- trick is to add a couple of squares at a time until you can barely discern the flavour.
There's a difference between slow cooking and overboiling. Brisket and dried beans need a longer cooking time with a gentle heat. A mate makes a much quicker chilli, and while it's a different beast, it does have it's own virtues. Kinda like a meaty salsa.
And salt toughens the beans, so I add it on the plate. Makes sense as sometimes it's served with salted tortilla chips, other times with rice so the amount of salt needed varies.
I honestly wanted reasons and opinions for people's different recipes, not outright bean-trolling. Sadly no-one has said why exact beans are verboten.

>> No.6238014


>> No.6238015

no beans