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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6225628 No.6225628 [Reply] [Original]

>people that don't like dairy
>people that don't like seafood
>people that don't like eggs
And worst of all
>people that don't like vegetables or fruits

What's wrong with these people?

>> No.6225633

Their upbringing?

>> No.6225642

>people that don't like dairy

People above the age of 3 have no need whatsoever of dairy. Stop believing Dairy Council propaganda.

>> No.6225648

>people who don't eat everything

ffffuuuuck yyyyooouuuuu...

>> No.6225655

I like dairy, seafood, and eggs, but there are days where eating them will just make me puke. It all depends on my stomach.

People who hate fruits and veggies, though, that's beyond me. You need that shit to not feel like a slug.

>> No.6225657

I said like, not consume. There are many delicious dairy based foods, not many things can compare to a good cheese or ice cream.
Some foods are downright disgusting doe. Like most raw vegetables, how hippie raw food fags manage to do it is beyond me.

>> No.6225676


I'll stop believing that when my tongue stops believing chocolate milk isn't delicious

>> No.6225712

I don't eat any seafood whatsoever except my girlfriend :^)

U mad?

>> No.6225741

I can eat anything that is not fruit and veggies. I mean I can eat apples and drink oj, some vegetables but for me it's a texture thing; bananas being the biggest offenders.

>> No.6226662

How can you be so autistic that you get upset when people don't like what you like? Get a life.

>> No.6226664

seafood is trash

>> No.6226666

Why does it bother you so much?

>> No.6226673

What's the problem with any of those ? Are you afraid people won't like your meme foods and go to the restaurant instead ?

>> No.6226676

i'm really not a fan of fruit. i'd much rather eat vegetables.

>> No.6226682

Most fruits make my gums swell up for hours while my whole mouth (feeding and breathing) area is in sheer pain

Seafood though just looks or tastes plain bad tho

>> No.6227279

Nobody likes vegetables, people just eat them because it makes them feel healthy

>> No.6227288

Shit anon, how's the mermaid?

>> No.6227290

But I like them anon

>> No.6227292

Yep. Vegetables eaters are easily brainwashed.

>> No.6227294

Typical mouth-breather.

>> No.6227303
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yeah, we should believe your propaganda instead, Mr. Anti-Dairy Lobby.

>> No.6227316
File: 101 KB, 499x569, americans and veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people that don't like vegetables or fruits

>> No.6227322

>Most fruits make my gums swell up for hours

Please tell what medical condition you suffer from, and if you don't know why haven't you gone to see a doctor about it?

>> No.6227330


>> No.6227341


it's an allergy to certain proteins, I have the same thing

to the anon who mentioned it, cooked fruits and most tinned fruits won't trigger your allergy as these processes denature the enzymes that cause the allergy

it ain't as good as a fresh apple for instance, but it works

>> No.6227401

>people who don't have discriminating taste
I bet you barely enjoy food as much as someone who dislikes the occasional ingredient.

>> No.6227435


not that guy but you don't need to be a manchild about food to greatly enjoy it

I fucking love food and I'll eat anything aside from black licorice and ketchup

>> No.6227439

>I'll eat anything aside from black licorice and ketchup
There we go, you have some discriminating taste.

>> No.6227445

i dont like fish because its not filling and the texture is always weird, like a slimy wet texture then when you eat it, its like pop corn, doesnt fill your stomach at all

dont like dairy that much, i think youre a pleb who takes pictures of shit drenched with cheese and think its looks appetizing to show something ugly as fuck with a pound of melted cheese ontop of it

>> No.6227522

I don't eat peanuts because they make me not able to breathe.

>> No.6227528

A lot of people around the world don't like dairy stuff, and I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.6227538
File: 115 KB, 1892x971, 1401132111487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seafood a shit

>> No.6227546

>people that don't like vegetables or fruits
>What's wrong with these people?

I can't handle the texture of almost all fruit, some veggies I like.

>> No.6227581

It's actually EXTREMELY SIMPLE. Barring genetic and health issues, they simply weren't appropriately domesticated and socialized. The same as any other animal with maladaptive tendencies.

These issues are very uncommon when you raise a child with a varied and balanced diet and stay away from common pitfalls. (And varied doesn't mean, you are a lazy fucktard and feed them coke and candy and mcdonalds when they are growing up),

Frankly, the main problem with raising kids today is that a lot of the parents were never domesticated in the first place. It's just a bunch of wild-ass primates with entitlement complexes, and people are just used to living that way.

My mom was great and always cooked balanced meals and fed me fruit growing up, and I love fruit, I can't get enough of it. I grew up not drinking soda, so now when I drink it I recognize that it is too sugary. Soda doesn't quench my thirst. It makes me more thirsty. The people I know that drink soda to quench their thirst are literally all severely overweight.

Lots of people today are simply lost to the nuances of being alive and incarnate because they are so bogged down in a little fantasy reality tunnel/bubble.

>> No.6227586
File: 256 KB, 500x500, kraft-singles-american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll eat just bout anything, except this disgusting shit.

>> No.6227592

>eating everything

how did childhood poverty treat you, friend?

>> No.6227620

i don't like garden salads. when a dish is over 50% leafy greens, no thanks.

i need my lettuce sandwiched between bread or a tortilla or something.

>> No.6227633

My room mate doesn't eat any form of vegetable, it's kinda silly. He goes full autist about it and has to throw away burgers that came with vegetables.

>> No.6227637

they dip it in a healthy sauce like an 'aioli'

>> No.6227639

im allergic to fruits and vegetables. they taste like fire and swelling throat

>> No.6227664

>make a new friend at uni
>he's really skinny
>wants to gain weight and work out
>give him some pointers about what to eat that's cheap and good
>hurr I don't like eggs, chicken, beans, this, this, this and this and those and that
>I can just bulk on milk and pizza

HOW can you not like eggs?

>> No.6227667

But anon, roasted and sauteed vegetables are awesome.

>> No.6227682

Me too.

>> No.6228443

>Implying eat nothing fags aren't the poverty

Gotta get some more microwave chicken right?

>> No.6228518
File: 80 KB, 950x534, bill.cosby_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who use pepe outside of /r9k/
tfw robot friend has mother pick out the veggies of his food