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6222896 No.6222896 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out I have type 2 diabetes. I don't want to take pills for the rest of my life, so I am cutting out all bread, pasta & sugar.
Do I stand a chance of reversing the diabetes with diet alone or should I just say "Fuck it and eat whatever I want?"

>> No.6222900

>Do I stand a chance of reversing the diabetes
Do you know what type 2 diabetes are? It means you are severely lacking in your ability to produce insulin. I don't know if it means you are gradually losing the ability to produce insulin altogether as things break down, or that you have a predetermined limit that is actually quite low that you broke pasts.

You will NEVER reverse diabetes. You have to be on a diet for the rest of your life - a diet is a lifestyle change, not something you do to attain x goal and then eat whatever.

Eat your damn bread and pasta. Stop eating the sugar, the fruit juices, jams and syrups.

>> No.6222913

That looks like really good bacon

>> No.6222915

if you say "fuck it", you're gonna go blind, have limbs amputated, suffer a stroke, and suffer kidney failure.

diet or die.

>> No.6222917

>Do I stand a chance of reversing the diabetes with diet alone
If you drop a significant amount of pounds? You can improve your need for insulin in a body that isn't making enough anymore. Then, diet to keep blood sugar under control might be all you need, no more medication than that.
If you're skinny already? Hrm.

>> No.6222922

>Do I stand a chance of reversing the diabetes with diet alone
This really probably is not the place for that question

>> No.6222926

there's evidence that exercise with weight loss can reduce the effects of diabetes, or will reverse it altogether. Of course, keep your glycemic load as low as possible, no more white bread, pasta, cereals, flour, refined sugars, or fruits that are low in fiber. Try not to load your body with large meals, but have more smaller meals that are high in fiber to stabilize your blood sugar.

Also congrats, you're so unhealthy, your body decided to make you diet for you

>> No.6222927


basically this. c'mon OP i mean it sucks i'm sure but is it worth being fat with no feet in a wheelchair?

>> No.6222933
File: 46 KB, 800x533, 231630-biscuits-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By "Fuck it" I meant take the pills and eat whatever I want, or make the lifestyle change. I do eat a butt load of sugar, but I think I can easily give that up. My fasting blood sugar, first thing in the morning is around 250. Spikes to 400-500 after a McLunch. Feel like a zombie the rest of the afternoon. Going to try Keto and see if this helps.
Bacon & eggs for breakfast, no lunch & a small dinner. No more biscuits & gravy!

>> No.6222935

There have been some studies that show exercising as well as eating healthy can cure diabetes. It has to be real exercise 3-4 times a week.

>> No.6222936


You deserve every bit of misery coming to you.

>> No.6222939

You fuckwit, you have to take the pills AND Make the lifestyle change. You can't just make the lifestyle change without the pills or vice versa.

EAT REGULAR MEALS. Guess how insulin spikes happen?

>> No.6222946
File: 785 KB, 2080x2000, beef-fat-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I need some foods that wont spike my blood sugar. I am 6'-1 220lbs used to be active but now sit at a desk all day. Work 55-60 hrs a week.

I know this a food board so here is some keto stuff.

>> No.6222949

I seriously don't want to be dependent on pills. If diet and exercise can make it manageable I will do whatever it takes.

>> No.6222953

I'm pretty sure I'm pre-diabetic, or maybe even full-blown diabetic. All the symptoms are present: extreme thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, blurry vision, etc.

The symptoms significantly worsen if i eat too much, like my body is being ravaged by toxic gluocse.

These past few weeks , I've been doing keto and exercising. I feel so much better and my symptoms disappear.

But one slip. One single slice of pie. The symptoms come roaring back.

I suspect I'm gonna have to do keto for a long ass time. Years and years.

>> No.6222957

My cat got diabetes and even though we fed him some shit with 0 carbs he had to get insulin injections anyway. I think you gotta avoid sugars and take the pills if you ever want to give your kidneys a chance.

>> No.6222959


> Going to try Keto and see if this helps.

Keto is the worst thing you could do for diabetes. Dropping refined carbs is good, but replacing it with fatty meats, dairy, and eggs isn't how you improve insulin sensitivity. You may lose some weight and see some short-term benefits towards your diabetes, but for an actual cure you need to eat a more reasonable diet. Diabetes is also a risk factor for heart disease, so combining that with a diet that raises your risk of heart disease makes the situation twice as bad. Thankfully, a diet that lowers your risk of heart disease also improves and can even reverse diabetes.

That would be a relatively lean diet centered around whole grains (think oatmeal, brown rice, 100% whole wheat pasta or bread, corn, etc), legumes (beans, peas, lentils), fruits, and vegetables.

This website has some good information


>> No.6222964

>blood sugar of 500
You are in DEEP shit. Seek medical help immediately. You WILL have a stroke.

I am not fucking around, this is serious fucking business. Get help NOW or you fucking die.

>> No.6222972

Keto will 100% reverse your diabetes.

>> No.6222974


Keto just attempts to avoid the problem without fixing it, and eventually results in cardiac death

>> No.6222975

My Dr. told me that rice was that absolute worse thing for diabetics to eat...It figure, I have 2 5 gallon buckets of white rice with an O2 absorbers. He also told me no pasta, no bread, no corn, no starchy veggies.

>> No.6222977

Keto reverses the insulin intolerance and eventually should help that person 100% reverse it.

>> No.6222978

I should have posted this somewhere else..Thanks for the replies. I have some serious thinking to do.

>> No.6222990


White rice would be terrible to eat. Brown rice would be beneficial. Avoid refined pasta and refined bread in favor of whole grain foods. For starchy veggies, avoid white potatoes and instead eat sweet potatoes or plantains. I don't know why your doctor would say to avoid corn though. These are pretty mainstream foods recommended for diabetics, especially legumes.



Diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. To fix insulin resistance, you restore insulin sensitivity. To restore insulin sensitivity, lose weight and avoid saturated fat in the diet (both decrease insulin sensitivity) and eat slow-digesting unrefined foods that improve insulin sensitivity. The diet a diabetic needs to eat isn't really different from the diet anyone else needs to eat for good health, which is also the diet associated with not developing diabetes in the first place. Relatively lean, unrefined, plant-based eating.

>> No.6222997


>> No.6223081

you should hit the gym and eat a healthy diet

type 2 is so strongly correlated with obesity and weight its insane. stop eating like a fat fuck and you will have it under control to the point where it wont even be an issue

>> No.6223113

Look up Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. Follow his advice, read his book. His diet to reverse heart disease also helped his patients with type 2 diabetes. Following his diet is way better than dealing with the complications from diabetes.

>> No.6223141

O did keto before and my blood sugar was rock fucking solid. Worth a try, see what happens.

>> No.6223173

I'm a nurse and I work in wound care. 90% of my patients have DM II. OP didn't give alot of info. Age, weight, A1C, ethnicity, level of exercise, etc. Type II Diabetes can be reversed if a number of factors are present. 5'9" and 300 lbs? Dropping 150 would probably negate it. Sedentary lifestyle? Walk around the block two or three times every day. Diet high in processed food and sugar? Cut that shit out today. I have seen many DM II patients make significant changes in their lifestyles/eating habits, and weaned themselves from being insulin dependent. Some may still need oral meds like Metformin, but the key is to get one's AIC below six. The only way to do that is through exercise, thus speeding up the death of red blood cells, and prompting the body to create new ones.

>> No.6223201

Type 2 diabetes is a result of insulin resistance. It is absolutely caused by being fat and eating too much raw sugars.

>> No.6223202

>The only way to do that is through exercise, thus speeding up the death of red blood cells, and prompting the body to create new ones.

not sure where you got this

>> No.6223286

Do you have any clue as to what A1C levels are, and why they are important to understanding diabetes?

>> No.6223306

I got hit with Type 2 about three months ago. Now I have it managed to the point where I can start decreasing my insulin injections.

You don't need a "special" diet, per se, unless your system is so sensitive that it's required. The biggest thing to watch for is portion control. Find a balance in both your life & your meals. Exercise at least 30 mins a day.

>> No.6223313

Glucose cannot bind to new RBC's as well as it does to older ones. If, through exercise one is replacing RBC's quickly, there isn't enough time for glucose to bind to the older ones, and it's flushed out through the kidneys. While exercise alone won't cure diabetes, it is the single most important thing one can do to reverse the symptoms.